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    【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Lifestyles精品课件 北师大版.ppt

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    【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Lifestyles精品课件 北师大版.ppt

    Module 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles 基础落实高频单词思忆1.adj.轻松的,放松的2.vt.认为,猜想3.vt.转换,转变4.adj.急迫的,紧急的5.adj.私人的,个人的6.adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的,relaxing,suppose,switch,urgent,personal,bored,7.n.压力8.n.专家,能手9.adv.否则,另外10.n.人群;vt.拥挤,群聚11.n.&vt.预告12.vi.抱怨;投诉 n.怨 言13.vt.组织 n.团体,机 构,stress,expert,otherwise,crowd,forecast,complain,complaint,organise,organisation,14.vi.毕业 n.毕业;毕 业典礼15.n.距离 adj.远处的,遥 远的,graduate,graduation,distance,distant,重点短语再现1.switch 关闭,关上2.go 离去,出发;(爆竹、铃等)响3.up 占据4.be filled 充满着5.be bored 对厌烦6.sure 确保7.be of 喜欢8.suffer 忍受,遭受9.up with 提出,想出10.a difference 产生差别,使不同,off,off,take,with,with,make,fond,from,come,make,典型句式运用1.It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.考点提炼 It takes/took sb.+时间段+to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间,其中it为形式 主语。他用了半个小时才解出那道数学题。,It took him half an hour to work out the maths problem.,句子仿照,2.Im always the first person to get to the office.be the first/second./next/last+to do sth.第一个/第二个/下一个/最后一个做某事。李平总是第一个到最后一个离开。,Li Ping is always the first to come and the last to leave.,考点提炼,句子仿照,3.I find painting or drawing very relaxing.find sth./sb.+adj./adv./v.-ing/v.-ed/介词短语 发现某物/某人如何或处于 什么状态。当他醒来,发现自己躺在地板上。,When he woke up,he found himself lying on the floor.,考点提炼,句子仿照,4.Thats what people call the underground in London.考点提炼 what引导表语从句,This/That is what+从句“这/那也就是”相当于the thing that.句子仿照 那就是我想得到的东西。,Thats what I want to get.,5.Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.考点提炼 so+adj./adv.+that结果状语从句 意为“如此以致于”。句子仿照 H1N1流感(H1N1 influenza)传播 得如此迅速以致于许多人都不敢出去旅游了。,H1N1 influenza spreads,so rapidly that many people are afraid to go out traveling.,导练互动重点单词1.relaxing adj.轻松的,放松的;令人放松 的(所修饰的词常为物)I think a shepherds life is peaceful and but maybe its boring sometimes.(回归课本P7)经典例句 Its not a relaxing task to take the space travel.太空旅行不是件轻松的任务。I felt relaxed lying in the sunshine.沐浴着阳光,我感到轻松自在。,relaxing,归纳拓展relaxed adj.放松的(常修饰人,有时也修饰look,expression,eye,face等名词)relax vt.娱乐完成句子(她脸上放松的表情)showed that she had a relaxing weekend.,The relaxed look on her face,2.suppose v.认为;假设;应当,应该经典例句 What do you suppose has happened to him?你认为他发生了什么事?You are supposed to get there by five oclock.你应该在五点前赶到那里。Suppose that there wasnt the economic crisis,our company would have made a lot of profit.倘若没有这次经济危机,我们公司会盈利不少。,归纳拓展suppose sb.to be.认为某人是be supposed to 理应,应该suppose(that).假如,倘若(相当于if)完成句子Anyone who is diagnosed with H1N1 Flu(理应避免与他人接触).,supposed to avoid contact with others,is,plain vi.抱怨;投诉 I seldom have time for fun and other activities with my family.My family about it.(回归课本P9)经典例句 Some Americans are complaining about/of Obamas foreign policy.有些人在抱怨奥巴马的对外政策。I have no complaint about my pay.关于我的薪水我没有什么不满。A woman is complaining to the manager about the service of the restaurant.一位妇女在向经理投诉饭店的服务质量问题。,complains,归纳拓展complain about/of.抱怨complain to sb.about sth.向某人抱怨/投诉某事complain that.抱怨/投诉complaint n.抱怨,投诉完成句子(人们仍然在抱怨)the July 5th riot in Urumqi.,People are still complaining about,4.Switch 转换,切换 Then I get up,go downstairs and on the TV in the living room.(回归课本P8)经典例句 Switch on the light.把灯打开。He switched off the TV when he came in.他一进门就把电视机关掉了。Switch over to the other channel.转到另一个频道看看。,switch,归纳拓展switch on打开(电源等)switch off关掉(电源等)switch over(使)改变,转变,突变介词填空(1)You drive first and then we can switch.(2)I want to listen to the news.Could you switch the radio for me?(3)Tell the boy to switch all lights as he leaves the room to save electri-city.,over,on,off,5.urgent adj.急迫的,紧要的,紧急的 Every minute of the day is filled with matters.(回归课本P9)经典例句 Theyve made an urgent request for international aid.他们紧急请求国际援助。It is urgent that food and clothing(should)be sent to the sufferers.急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。,urgent,归纳拓展an urgent telegram 紧急电报be in urgent need of.急需It is urgent that+.(should)do急需翻译句子他急需钱。,He was in urgent need of money.,6.stress n.紧张,压力;v.强调,着重经典例句 I cant bear the stresses of modern life.我不能忍受现代生活的压力。His vacation freed him from the stress of his job.他的假期使他消除了工作所带来的紧张。He stressed he had the power of life and death over the hostages in the building.他强调他对大楼内的人质有生杀大权。,归纳拓展free sb.from the stress of消除的紧张/压力put stress on 给施加压力under stress 有压力,在压力下完成句子Many parents(给孩子施加太多的压力).,put too much stress on their,children,7.suffer vt.&vi.遭受,忍受;受苦;患病 When do students from stress?(回归 课本P11)经典例句 They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机中遭受了巨大的损失。She couldnt suffer criticism.她受不了批评。He is suffering from an unknown illness.他在受无名病痛之苦。,suffer,归纳拓展suffer a great loss/defeat遭受重大损失suffer great pain遭受痛苦suffer from cancer/headache/cough.患癌症/头痛/咳嗽sufferings n.痛苦,苦难(指种种苦难时用复数)用suffer的适当形式填空(1)Innocent people a lot during the First World War.(2)She bore her bravely.,suffered,sufferings,8.stand vt.忍耐,忍受;经受得起 I really love playing the piano,but I cant singing in front of the class.(回归课本P11)经典例句 I cannot stand that man,he talks too much.我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多。Can you stand being laughed at by others?你能忍受被别人嘲笑吗?,stand,归纳拓展stand作“忍耐,忍受”讲时常用于否定句、疑问句stand doing/to do sth.容忍做某事stand for代表stand by支持(某人);袖手旁观stand out突出,显眼,引人注目,易混辨析stand/bear/put up with(1)stand口语用词,常可与bear换用,但侧重“经受得起”,后面可跟名词、动名词、不定式作宾语。(2)bear忍受;承担;支撑(重量)。(3)put up with忍受,后面一般跟名词作宾语。完成句子他的心脏对这种压力承受不了多久。His heart wont much longer.,stand the strain,9.prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿经典例句 Students prefer traveling to studying when staying abroad.在国外时,学生们更喜欢旅行而不是学习。He prefers to stay at home rather than go to the movies.他宁愿待在家里也不愿去看电影。I prefer fish to meat.与肉比我更喜欢吃鱼。,归纳拓展prefer sth.比较喜欢某物prefer doing/to do sth.宁愿做某事prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做prefer sth.to sth.宁愿而不愿prefer doing sth.to doing sth.宁愿做而不愿做prefer to do.rather than do宁愿做而不愿做,单项填空Rather than a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.A.ride;ride B.riding;rideC.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding,C,10.volunteer n.志愿者;adj.志愿的;v.志愿 A Teacher(回归课本P12)经典例句 The soldiers volunteered to come to the rescue.战士们自告奋勇地前来救援。That man is a volunteer fireman in this town.那个人是这个镇里的志愿消防队员。,Volunteer,归纳拓展volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事volunteer for sth.自愿做某事join the volunteer加入志愿军Olympic volunteer奥运志愿者完成句子(他是奥运会志愿者)and made some contributions to the Bei-jing Olympic Games.,He was an Olympic volunteer,11.otherwise adv.&conj.否则;另外,在其 他方面 I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise.(回归课本P14)经典例句 Seize the chance,otherwise youll regret it.抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。He seems to think otherwise.他似乎有另外的想法。She is not very clever,but otherwise shes a nice girl.她并不聪明,但在其他 方面,她倒是个好姑娘。,otherwise,完成句子We must cry for help,(否则没人会来救我们).,otherwise nobody will,come to save us,12.design n.设计;图案;vt.设计 经典例句 We dont know if it was done by accident or by design.我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的。This dress is of the latest design.这件衣服是最新设计的。The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的。,归纳拓展by design 故意地be designed to do sth.目的是做某事be designed for sb.供某人;为某人设计完成句子The gloves(为设计)extremely cold climates.,were designed for,13.distance n.距离 Right now I am studying Chinese by learning.(回归课本P15)经典例句 We could see high waves in the distance when typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan.当台风莫 拉克袭击台湾时,我们在远处就能看见高高的 海浪。Distance between hearts can be very close or far away.心与心的距离,可以很贴近,也可以很遥远。,distance,归纳拓展from a distance从远处in the distance在远处keep(sb.)at a distance(对某人)保持距离distant adj.远的,远隔的;冷淡的翻译句子Wish my love happiness from a distance.,遥祝远方的爱人幸福快乐。,重点短语与句型14.go off爆炸;发出响声 I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock.(回归课 本P9)经典例句 The terrorists might have planted a bomb on the plane,set to go off when it arri-ved in New York.恐怖分子很可能已经在飞机上安置了炸弹,并 将它设定为到达纽约后爆炸。,goes off,The alarm went off when the thieves got in.小偷一进来,警铃就响了。单项填空Our neighbours car alarm is always in the middle of the night.A.going away B.going onC.going off D.going over,C,15.get changed换衣服 It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.(回归课本P9)经典例句 You cant go out in this dress.Youd better get changed.你不能穿这衣服出去,最好换一下。,get changed,归纳拓展get可以起be的作用,构成被动结构。get/be killed被杀get/be dressed穿上衣服单项填空As we joined the big crowd,I got from my friends.A.separated B.sparedC.lost D.missed,A,16.at the moment此刻,目前,现在 Im studying medicine at a university.(回归课本P16)经典例句 The market is rather depressed at the moment.目前的市场相当萧条。Stay outside for a moment.在外面呆一会儿。I planned to invest some money in his company,but I dropped out at the last moment.我计划把钱投资到他的公司,但在最后 关头退出了。,At the moment,归纳拓展for a moment一会儿for the moment目前;暂时at any moment随时;立刻at the last moment在最后关头翻译句子我愿意随时为你提供帮助。,Im willing to help you at any moment.,e up with追上,赶上;想出;找到(后 面需跟宾语)To solve this problem,the Duchess the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five oclock.(回归课本P18)经典例句 The economists are trying to come up with a solution to the global financial crisis.经济学家正试图找一个解决全球经济危机的办 法。,came,up with,But things come up and people have to adjust.但是事情发生了人们需要适应。You should study hard to come up with the other classmates.你应该努力学习赶上其他同学。归纳拓展come up出现;被提出(不及物动词短语)come about发生come across偶然遇见;被理解,单项填空Lets just play a game or something else.Sounds good,but give me a call before you come.My mom might try to something else for me to do.A.come up with B.come upC.catch up D.catch up with,A,18.apart from除之外 drinking coffee,what did people do in the 17th century coffeehouses?(回归课本P18)经典例句 Its a good piece of work,apart from a few slight faults.除了一些小缺点之外,这 不失为一件漂亮的工作。Apart from the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs in the earthquake.在地震中他除了脸部和双手受伤以外,两条腿 也断了。,Apart from,归纳拓展apart from表示“撇开来说,除之外”时,与except for同义;表示“除此之外还有”时,与besides,in addition to,as well as同义。tell apart区别开take.apart把分开翻译句子Apart from tears,only time could wear everything away!,除了眼泪之外,只有时间可以冲淡一切!,19.It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.我用不到 15分钟的时间洗刷、换衣服、吃早饭、离 开家然后登上公共汽车。句式分析 It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事 花费某人多长时间,it为形式主语,真正的主 语为不定式to do sth.。It took China several years to realize her dream of spacewalk.中国用了几年的时间实现了太空漫步的梦想。,It took me ten minutes to go to the cinema.到电影院花费了我十分钟的时间。易混辨析spend/cost/take(1)spend的主语是人,宾语可以是“钱,时间,精力”等,其后用“in(可省略)+动名词”形式或“on/for+名词”结构,不接不定式。(2)cost表示“花费,耗费”,主语必须是某物或某事,后接“钱;健康;时间”等,侧重于花费的代价。(3)take表示“花费”,其主语一般是一件事,或用it作形式主语。,单项填空What surprised the world most is that it only a few months for Wenchuan to finish its reconstruction.A.cost B.tookC.spent D.spared,B,20.Im always the first person to get to the office.我总是第一个到办公室。句式分析 be the first person to do sth.第一个做某 事的人。其中to do sth.为不定式作定语。类似的用法 还有be the second./next/last(+n.)to do sth.第二个/下一个/最后一个做某事(的人)。,The next to award the prize was the Olympic Organising Committee Chairman Liu Qi.下一个要颁奖的是奥组委主席刘淇。He is the third athlete to come to the fini-shingline.他是第三个到达终点线的运动员。翻译句子谁是第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的人?,Who was the first(person)to be awarded,the Nobel Prize?,21.Thats what people call the unde-rground in London.在伦敦,这被人们称 之为地铁。句式分析 what引导名词性从句,意为“所的事”,相当于the thing that.;all that.;everything that.等。what在从句中充当引 导词,作主语、宾语、表语和定语。,He is not what he was a few years ago.他不再是几年前的他了。What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.过去认为不可能的事现已成为现实。完成句子(过了似乎半个小时)he came back.,After what seemed half an hour,22.Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常那儿太拥挤,以致于我常常找不到座位。句式分析 so.that是表示结果的状语从句。引导结果 状语从句还常用such.that。He was so fat that he couldnt get through the door.他胖得无法通过这门。Lucy is such a lovely girl that we all like her.露茜是如此可爱的女孩以致于我们都喜欢他。,归纳拓展(1)so.that引导结果状语从句,so that常引导目的状语从句,后常有情态动词can,could,may等。Bring it closer so that I may see it better.把它拿近点儿,让我仔细看看。(2)so that引导目的状语从句时,从句中常带有can,could,may,might,would等情态动词,通常可以与in order that,in order to,so as to do转换。so as to不放于句首。so.that常引导结果状语从句。,I study hard,so that I may not fail in the examinations.(目的状语从句)我很用功,免得考试不及格。He worked so hard that he got promoted after only one year.(结果状语从句)他工作如此努力以致于仅一年后获得了提升。(3)such.that与so.that都可以引导结果状 语从句,但such是形容词,用于“形容词+名 词”的结构前;so是副词,用于副词和不带名词 的形容词前。当名词前有many,much,few,little(少)修饰时,要用so,不能用such。,用such,so填空(1)I cant believe that little chil dren can finish so much work in a short time.完成句子(2)Please leave your phone number(以便我们能保持联系).,so+,adj./adv.adj.+a/an+n.(可数名词单数)many/few/much/little+n.,+that,such,a/an(+adj.)+n.(单)(adj.+)n.(复)(adj.+)n.(不可数),+that,such,such,so that,we can keep in touch,品味构词1.利用合成法,品句填词(1)He was hungry and wanted to,so he went to the dining.(dine)(2)After morning exercises,I went to the to have a.(bath)(3)This factory has many for workers to in.(work),dine,room,bathroom,bath,workrooms,work,串联扩展,浴室,厕所,拍卖场,卧室,reception room,洗手间,公共厕所,更衣室,起居室,客厅,候车室,阅览室,起居室,餐厅,2.利用派生法,品句填词(1)The he used to the problem of waste disposal seemed unreasonable.(solve)(2)WHO is an international which was by the UN.(organize)(3)His of making friends with people around he is very kind and easy to get along with.(suggest),solution,solve,organization,organized,suggestion,suggests,串联扩展,communication,determination,preparation,pollution,situation,location,【例1】Do you want a lift home?Its very kind of you,but I have to work late in the office.I overslept this morning because my alarm clock.(江西高考)A.doesnt go off B.wont go off C.wasnt going off D.didnt go off 解析 由上文的I overslept this morning可 知此处谈论的是发生在过去的一件事,所以用 一般过去时。,D,考题回扣,课文原文I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock.,goes off,【例2】We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all.(安徽高考)A.given away B.kept away C.taken up D.used up 解析 句意为:我们想要找到一个七人餐桌,但它们都被占用了。give away泄露;分发;keep away使离开;use up用尽,均不合题 意。take up占据,符合题意。课文原文 Meetings and phone calls a large part of the day.,C,take up,【例3】How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!Its a challenge,I guess,man against nature.(福建高考)A.of B.for C.by D.about 解析 解答本题的关键是去掉插入语I guess,故原句就为Its a challenge of man against nature.。课文原文 The company is ready to meet the challenge the next few years.,A,of,【例4】He invited me to a dance after the show Christmas Eve.(陕西高考)A.at B.on C.in D.by 解析 在圣诞前夜要用介词on。课文原文 Monday nights,I have dance classes,and Wednesday nights,I go to the gym.,B,on,写作技能 如何写好简单句 当一个句子只包含一个主谓结构时称为简单句。句子的两个主要组成部分是主语和谓语,而谓语都是由动词构成的。因此,动词在句子中起着极其重要的作用,可以说是句子的核心。在英语中,各类动词后有不同的结构,从而构成不同的句型,抓住动词及它们引起的各种句型,就会对英语句子有一个总的概念。简单句大体上可以分为下面五种类型:1.主语+不及物动词(S+Vi.)The little baby smiled.婴儿笑了。,2.主语+及物动词+宾语(S+Vt.+O)Lily knows French.莉莉懂法语。Everybody laughed at that ugly boy.每个人都嘲笑那个丑陋的男孩。3.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+Vt.+IO+DO)My grandmother told me a story.我的婆婆给我讲了一个故事。My uncle bought a new computer for me.我的叔叔给我买了一台新电脑。,4.主语+系动词+表语(S+V.+P)The food is(tastes)very delicious.食物尝起来非常美味。5.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(S+Vt.+O+C)The news made us surprised.这消息使我们很吃惊。Miss Wang told me not to be discouraged.王女士告诉我别气馁。,即时练习连词成句1.at,red,face,news,her,turned,the2.we,bus,catch,so asto,got,first,up,the,early 3.a,made,she,dress,beautiful,me,Her face turned red at the news.,We got up early so as to catch the first,bus.,She made me a beautiful dress.,4.first,my,made,homework,me,do,my mother 5.found,with,family,to,it,your,very,I,pleas ant,be,My mother made me do my homework first.,I found it very pleasant to be with your,family.,自主检测.品句填词1.Its not easy for many students to find a job after from colleges in present situation.2.My mother is a tailor and I like wearing clothes by her.3


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