三年级下册英语课件-Unit3 At the zoo PartB| 人教PEP(共11张PPT).ppt
At the zoo,unit 3,B lets talk,嘻旗侧婆缆莉居咒给邱湍帚醚厅柜马更皂莉湃幅耐绝嗅谩谭眠酌榜加重墩三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),sharp eyes,short,big,tall,small,long,long arms,short arms,big eyes,small eyes,short,big,tall,small,long,long arms,short arms,big eyes,small eyes,迂逝莎悸勘穗椅秸踏枚刀加紫险毗仑销情荷怖堂芽妆乓蔫痒厨凛含开炬衅三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),Riddle,(谜语),泰磅幼缓庄盆傀祈坠碴对灭霹漠柄做剖若盾渗抡争肋汉曝川耍汞潜窥钞梗三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),What is it?,It has a short tail.,It has small eyes.,It has big nose.,It has a big body.,pig,分跟窟拭森假日榴硕鞘仰灰诽箭亨牙槛物陆郁甄猎梯牛脱吼齐泛秽西具袋三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),What is it?,It has long arms and long legs.,It has a small nose.,It has a long tail.,It has small eyes and small ears.,monkey,积烩馅磕解末洛姓院哄俐涎拖烹披藕商烘攫公掉鸟哗姓页癌滥萍歌纸操衙三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),It has,a long nosea short taila big bodysmall eyesbig earsbig legs,elephant,斗痢篓抚碑刃明馆她章稚夜狱咆峪惨伯衰呻措佐补桅谢啪权释梨静次炮帆三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),elephant,a long nose,a short tail,small eyes,big ears,厂铝共磅赢劲口妙陡仓见易往仕售鼓矽垛忍绷间赣磁捐思技期犀蛤冉脑父三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),育荷岭搞搞贺慰吕泅闻贱携丹面益验名森跌锦迟拆敬觉篮藤巷争丢黄纪椅三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),He has a small head.He has small eyes and big mouth.He has big hands.,A,B,椅踌丝皋球间狱嚣守截胺综扳祝渗琴呜煮粗辅拨镑诺膊剂弯倒萝蒙锡颈稗三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),Lets sing,Come here,children!Come here,children!Look at the elephant.Look at the elephant.It has a long nose.It has a short tail.It has small eyes and big ears.,汇旨镑歇抗柠辅奠呻探蛤挛道酷隙条裁深虹放跑襟拖廊键秸零燎雇哆怒集三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),Thank you,袍责两启瓤巫呢蛙渣款影亮远顷茄移匠浆侵住朗宅镇虞陀驼屯好氛沾涕吉三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit3 At the zoo PartB 人教PEP(2018秋)(共11张PPT),