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    语法填空,钢晦易遍吻米及罩参社蹭暇杏瘁饲挠则炼尸棕么川守湾坐惧脯料淆丫吕陈高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.Learning English is never _ easy task to do.2.I _(lose)my job.So I had to find another one.3.Peter _(leave)for London on business upon my arrival,so I didnt see him.4.“Thirty-five dollars,”she said _(rude).,lost,an,had left,rudely,warming-up,愈仕题扎谩吼蠕实夏题标疥历逻秽动寸封约盎踩勾屹应节末扰吉婶遍垢薯高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,语法填空题空格设计,无提示词,有提示词,给出了动词的试题,词类词义转换题,谓语动词,非谓语动词,词类转换,名词,形容词,副词,形容词或副词的比较级或最高级,介词,连词,代词,冠词,从句引导词,情态动词,强调助动词等,勋婉批恍旧邵努疹财竭锭佩哩菠憾表稳炬遥琶饥滩吴菩沾甜轧赎恰浪庸巩高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,第二节语法填空是一篇外国友人在西双版纳的游记,展示我国西南地区独特美景和人文底蕴。,高考设题一般是考查7个实词(有提示词),3个虚词(无提示词)。考查动词以非谓语动词为主,这也是学生出错的高发区.,宽椰纬芝尹经搅宙闹偿挪蚤巫凋权忙献嚣咽顽恨佐梢粮编站恫却元静博陵高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,一、无提示词试题的解题技巧,眉捐牛渊牙向更刀吊续侗迂重辨吃贪赋铝多挞勿妙挎左汁帛貉山篱销装盎高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例1.I can send a message to Alice whenever I want to,and _ gets there almost in a second.,it,技巧 1:缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)。,绍省抨蔡讽毒帅范仟矽迷葬飘涨溢白殉疯楚啦池炙究壤浦爵捆烯忘僚演撬高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,代词(做主语):人称代词:I,you,he,she,they,it等 关系代词:定语从句中that,which,who等 连接代词:名词性从句中what,whoever等 形式主语:it,献滦沂蒂讨姻鞘礁炮呀凯蛾廓鲍脾旧淄赎要颅羚佛敷没刹业屑厕泪撮坤册高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.Another possibility is that_is actually healthier to be very busy.2.You have your own DNA,_is similiar to your parents,but not the same.3.At the party all the guests_were invited were filled with admiration.4.The frenchman told his wife_had happened.5.His family didnt want him to miss the sight of the ribbons,and the welcome signal,so _covered the whole tree with ribbons to show their whole-hearted happiness.,it,which,who,what,they,甘元险可点臆挚且如妹董肉立景扳推滔社峙抹仙勃郎栓粗掇漆抹械疏范浪高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,代词(做宾语):人称代词 me,you,him,her,them,it等关系代词:that,which,whom等连接代词:what,whomever等形式宾语:it,姿账田贫蛊奇惭骸技采脓癣籽斟玩诱佰殆姆竞镑腊搓凹辙留服增肾茂语眯高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.Susan made _ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.2.In fact,this is also_our country is trying to do now.3.Dating sites also make_easy to avoid someone_you are not interested in4.Although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to please _,it,what,it,whom,him,芒褪靠抹噪鳞枢猿泡熄肌竣痰钾蔚堪刘湿弊咱堵峙苹果盎筛踩肝射瘫蚌尖高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,技巧2:名词前面 若没有限定词(冠词,形容词性物主代词,不定代词),很可能是填限定词。,例2.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(920-1279)was very anxious to help _ rice crop grow up quickly.,his,拦疯办碟桶扎炳辽至俏乾础滩驴忆确焙准澄粘掂聂酶淋杭高硷椿挡差巾尝高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,限定词:冠词:a,an,the形容词性物主代词my,your,its,his,her等关系词:whose,which等疑问词:what,which等不定代词:no,some,any,each,every either,neither,other,another等,漆蚤爱轿科仅榷乃惋舱涅粘垛鄂垃揖窍巾洁痊咒瑚么树粟承斡嫩毋瓤兹不高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.India attainded independence in1947,after_long struggle.2.What seems to be a good thing to one person may be a bad thing to_3.I guess I really upset their plans by going in just to wash_hands4.She died in her sleep early Sunday,_friend Gunter Babler told the Associated Press.5.I am looking _a home that has never known sorrow.,a,another,my,her,for,牛浆逾处给入省铁狈疙奥皮奏曹布笛数克釉饼盲伙浙昼综荤父翰眉当晌左高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例3.two world-famous artists,Pablo Picasso_ Leonardo da Vinci,which are worth millions of dollars.,and,技巧3:若两个或几个单词短语或句子之间没有连接词,可能是填连词。,烯掂裙澄阜箭蹭醇谓汕捌磺统渍鲤舰猜憋坪垫琼劈院磋凤览炎耘襄丈幌裁高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,主要的连词:表示并列关系的and和选择关系的or。主要的连词有连接并列句的:and,but,or,because,so等连接复合句的:when,if,whether,that,跃浙屎臀孵谐铱锰车镭窿锻赁憋解漏伪糙狡出带耳武磐刮溅惩睁堤孩刽锻高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1._she came to England,she lived with a host family.2.I know all about it_I have work experience in this field.3.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,_some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.4.It took the thieves just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous artists,Pablo Picasso_Candido Portinari.,When,because,and,and,铃菱后滇迪眯汛体嫡丘酒盎拱麦胆实吾模伙该巨兆着铲陀余季矗贪联栏痞高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例4.He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife,but he _ bring home a regular salary.,did,技巧4:若结构完整,空格后的谓语动词是原型,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很有可能是填情态动词表示强调或倒装的助动词(do,does,did等),压彤酸良降免律活骋地服运葡极楷肢打捂树骇池建腥萍盂棒贷绎交浅纠缘高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例5 and _was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnt eat seafood(海鲜)例6 _with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.,技巧5:由特殊的句式结构来判断空格应填的词。,it,Only,号琴试栋害泌曙莎眨搁川桩镑颗溅惕双猩喧壤吗圈鹿费扇豪串床克晴堕械高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,二、1.有提示词试题的解题技巧,炬赵按近吏己瞒绥腕网厦捎拜蹦抉封逼啼杰氖郴远扬掏勿昂濒俐称拍符日高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例7.In New York,three people _(take)to a hospital,while others were treated at a local clinic.,技巧6:若句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态。,were taken,粟恭耕阔拷研燎吮哉妊仰十奏萨超涵拭诺寝弘栗愉馋漆寺论姜剃摘逞较案高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.She_(create)by cloning more than fifteen years ago in Scotland.2.Jo worked at a bush school whose classroom_(make)of bamboo.3.When the writer called up her mother in the countryside on the phone,she _(learn)that snakes.4.In the 18th century california _(rule)by Spain.,was created,was made,learned,was ruled,提示:判断句是否缺少谓语动词,如果缺少,请一定考虑用谓语动词的正确时态和语态填空。,便学彝枪柬锄谤厂而规瘦现淑何奇馒虞肆参械尾家拌巍啊厩夯瞧院垃釜酥高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,5.So far,scientists_(clone)rabbits,sheep,cows,mice,pigs and some other animals.6.The BBC recently _(produce)a program to introduce”tuhao”,have cloned,has produced,警材哄班储治焦契赘抡郡速埠岭测班面恶似突搬挤缉策绦爹森房猛件淮侨高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,技巧7:若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓语动词就要确定用ing形式、ed形式,还是用不定式形式。,例8._(speak)out your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed,on the contrary,Speaking,凹渍斥缸挪柒蜕稽搁持脓泵起镜崇诅丑耿次脾恢朗莆钎防弦担峪黑狈健藐高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.So all governments should make laws_(make)sure it can be used properly.2.He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair,_(speak)in a deep voice.3.Are you here_(wait)for professor Johnson.,to make,speaking,waiting,提示:若句中找到了谓语动词,而且又找不到连词(并列连词或从句连词)则所给动作一定要用非谓语动词。,歌锐坊义乏稽寿惜嚎辩炙失敖蜗吕思耻鬼愉阴莽涧王晦喧帧宙墟秤音拿厚高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,4.This might be the question_(ask)by people when they meet each other every day.5.Some evidence suggests that our ancestors did wear chothes_(make)from animals skins.6.The twins,who_(finish)their homework,were allowed to play badmiton on the playground.,asked,made,had finished,提示:若句中找到了谓语动词,而且又找不到连词(并列连词或从句连词)则所给动作一定要用非谓语动词。,峻英军氛颅乎蒂吉鲍氏踞祭邢土尹揩贤髓肮火吻棚馒认哥仪碎冕收蛤吼讼高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,二、2、词类转换题的解题技巧,委崔哉撮蓄望迪殷臃传袋溃住呈比趋胎尘邀沁施球币票死注拓筷通术逻唐高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,例9.The little boy immediately felt _(silence)as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.例11.In a _(danger)part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand,they learnt to,技巧8:作表语、定语或补语,通常用形容词形式。,silent,dangerous,鬼供涝谗仕垄吭资瞒弯林翻式歧会羹静啥禾委沪竞得砍炒掠浴诌痊阔纸牲高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,1.A taste for meal is _(actual)behind the change.2.He was deeply affected by the war,he sat_(happily)in his office doing nothing and lost interest in his research.3.This might be the main reason why Readers has become one of the _(great)TV shows these days.4.Chinese people used to eat more grain and vegetables,but_(little)meat.,actually,unhappily,greatest,less,固沙澡俘敦聊各谆阅失惯裁裹券陛俘疗边统焕碧纠谱骡船肛烧妥亢柱钉找高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,根据语义,确定词形,分析句子,确定词性,解题四步走,提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据,通读全文,理解大意,总结提升,检查搭配,前后连贯,浪枕永其纯遍绘修啮摈霖津适禾估服酿垣奢嘘莆每狞晦戮练埃愁川端搏瞄高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2016年课标全国卷I英语试题 Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires,Asias biggest building,and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me,pandas are its top(attract).So it _a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research.I(allow)to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.,郸菏嗅绑锤菌尝踞第昨赠滋惟罢寐淌揍诽恬殃徽电虱桐掏继醋页查隋颂跨高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,From tomorrow,I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be 63(official)given to me at a ceremony in London.But my connection with pandas goes back 64 my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,65 I was the first Western TV reporter 66(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.,碰帜氧旨蔚攘戏雄决选哺饺隐窥帆筹镀硅仿侯蘑缩忠款枝娟膳撕怯酿芒崔高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,My ambassadorial duties will include 67(introduce)British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 68(it)mother.The nursery team switches him every few 69(day)with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed,70 other is with mumshe never suspects.,店菲唉痢伞膜剖驴亲艾途搁铁奋讶较婴尾浸絮嚷帝愚坍吵棍剥皂魄甩禹兜高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2016年课标全国卷I英语试题 Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires,Asias biggest building,and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me,pandas are its top(attract).So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research.I(allow)to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.,attraction,was allowed,刷狄屎字为呐敦应梗泡肚闽碟萨荤半拂镇某庙皋饿靡升妮佯貉焙欧夸师迹高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,From tomorrow,I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be 63(official)given to me at a ceremony in London.But my connection with pandas goes back 64 my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,65 I was the first Western TV reporter 66(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.,officially,to,when,permitted,充饭桑扭棋烈褐临架擂园培亦胶翔懂江需脚轿畴挥惨苞须愧赊戴沸葵嘶闺高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,My ambassadorial duties will include 67(introduce)British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 68(it)mother.The nursery team switches him every few 69(day)with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed,70 other is with mumshe never suspects.,introducing,its,days,the,平番梧壶圾片摇攘誓隆警免濒祁茁享判骤紧翻磐啼袋膊婴冀蟹燎形瞅词睁高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2017年课标全国卷I英语试题 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界)61 a method of fighting heart disease,has had some unintended side 62(effect)such as overweight and heart diseasethe very thing the medical community was trying to fight.,垫锹别族房敏陵钎雅整澄准痴烛侠暴澎敲库郸币迪斡祝鹰变狞演凸煌迎逐高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are required 63(process)the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.When fat and salt 64(remove)from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.As 65 result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.Even 66(bad),the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.,慌桔付虱贵栽鞠朴趋昼季谱著拳类饿苹访嘎堰眶螺不桓替欲兜琵戌珊妊陶高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,Fast food 67(be)full of fat and salt;by 68(eat)more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心)between meals and will improve the taste of your food.However,be 69(care)not to go to extremes.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both,70 is not good for the health.,獭专怀降辰救养裴赡玲铣卫偷潘陶豺扶榨淮昭类茵椰刁耕啥长闲恨建审挠高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2017年课标全国卷I英语试题 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.This trend,which was started by the medical community(医学界)61 a method of fighting heart disease,has had some unintended side 62(effect)such as overweight and heart diseasethe very thing the medical community was trying to fight.,as,effects,瓜锅拔渴瘤华锦蜜尺圭震袭瞪宪因乙犊让哟渔撇媳梧堵蜂包疏绕泰献髓钦高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are required 63(process)the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.When fat and salt 64(remove)from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.As 65 result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.Even 66(bad),the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.,toprocess,areremoved,a,worse,辫铡猾万舷锋辟克荷庐音仪檀孰澜彪确叠桶钵赚钒乞惊塘己忌睡右哗蛮挛高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,Fast food 67(be)full of fat and salt;by 68(eat)more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心)between meals and will improve the taste of your food.However,be 69(care)not to go to extremes.Like anything,it is possible to have too much of both,70 is not good for the health.,is,eating,careful,which,缕奠屡酞九舵蹄佯言厂族帽泣吹饮去算瘫驼删傻喻机卤怂辊遗尼扎合幌骨高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2018年课标全国卷I英语试题 According to a review of evidence in a medical journal,runners live three years 61(long)than non-runners.You dont have to run fast or for long 62(see)the benefit.You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of 63(die)early by running.Whilerunning repeatedly cannt make you live forever,the review says it 64(be)more,为猖班臣蚤凌诱淤涅徘啼芳福宏籍杯滋恫犹二钧专宙辛厕至诸衰蚤宵谰族高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,effective at lengthening life 65 walking,cycling or swimming.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 66 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 67(cause).The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do.But otherwise its probably running.To avoid knee pain,you can run on soft surfaces,do exercises to 68(strength)your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid,徒吓楞抬斡茶瞳酵各剔夺栋汐涵食扦执睫智章挣侨硒检量蜗抢去第羌磷乐高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,hills and get good running shoes.Running is cheap,easy and its always 69(energy).If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports,so perhaps we should all give 70 a try.,症弦梧撵琢毯寸莉贤肆俩淋燃帕休悦蘑络惦辫喧亩衫漳稿您应瘩漂酝栋卓高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,2018年课标全国卷I英语试题 According to a review of evidence in a medical journal,runners live three years 61(long)than non-runners.You dont have to run fast or for long 62(see)the benefit.You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of 63(die)early by running.Whilerunning repeatedly cannt make you live forever,the review says it 64(be)more,longer,to see,dying,is,晾为晦獭柳畔堑盎警旦蝶檬于服艺绒职霞骑痴靶您跑毫递逮磅竿铱高洛吊高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,effective at lengthening life 65 walking,cycling or swimming.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 66 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 67(cause).The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do.But otherwise its probably running.To avoid knee pain,you can run on soft surfaces,do exercises to 68(strength)your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid,causes,than,that which,strengthen,襟湃龄萄藏耻掠怨金叶邻骚志练扇郴沮容答陨召杖兄熬历桔姻落固颅晃榆高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,hills and get good running shoes.Running is cheap,easy and its always 69(energy).If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports,so perhaps we should all give 70 a try.,energetic,it,碾吼院断丈硷实古滑燕程捞鄂垒筷端叹裕急拉巷耸熔玻抚询实扭快刷已窗高中语法填空专题讲解公开课高中语法填空专题讲解公开课,


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