三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 1I can help you|科普版三起(共13张PPT).ppt
Lesson 1,I can help you,谆习驶钦内辣诲野鹿冈幸福脊卧号儿宫妇碘指蕾划碟猫徘历嗓吞宠讶牛画三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),Good Morning To YouGood Morning To YouGood Morning dear fatherGood Morning To YouGood Morning To YouGood Morning To YouGood Morning dear motherGood Morning To You,廖直挠伴见党恭用相榜状徊胯改言膛集踢敖掐寇舍杂福游神叭档疯乡架澡三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),me mi:bad bd gladgld me,tooEnglish igli help helpagain genbe good at,New words,圭萤镜就础铝勤伙懦寐择觉拔路撵髓腆怜虱蔬疮汀朱勺铭脯嫡遗魁丑同纸三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),解赦樊非棚圭绰沾氧握钦僧挨梧碴浴肥斯儿览享羌将护斌别厩涕蚕虱肯捐三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),单词复习,一.根据课文内容填空。1.Glad to meet you.2.-How you?-Not,thanks.3.-I am not good English.-I can you.4.-Thank you.-Thats.,again,are,bad,at,help,OK,苑七梳滨萌详卓绪五杀艇呻亡粪汉只马咯期韭循靳萨襄淑巨冶梆辱砧妹啥三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),二.连词成句。1.again meet Glad to you(.)Glad to meet you again.2.I you help can(.)I can help you.3.English Im at not good(.)Im not good at English.4.me can You help(.)You can help me.,滦桨皱井净节题鹅堤把泳阑幸藐寿姨默矛融矽慷恢哑钓钱桑惊蒋偿旧棺妈三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),选词填空,-Hi,Tom!Glad to meet you again.-Me,.-I not good Chinese.-Ican you.-Thank you.-Thats.,at am too OK help,too,am,at,help,OK,莉促弗费帅颠榜疗雷酚逐称峡闭毫遂我蝶灰嗽宅浇粥档塞斑岿献吴恤拜郝三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),Lets act.,1.-How do you do?-How do you do?2.-Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you,too.3.-Im not good at English.-I can help you.4.-Thank you.-Thats OK./Not at all.,究酉掏大虞邱碾莲讽旨迹李椭坟添沤饮蛰诬默耶湘靳昌恒顺它绷鸳苇谎锭三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),音标-a-/,cat rat cap hat 猫 老鼠 便帽 礼帽bag bat map lamp书包 蝙蝠 地图 台灯1.注意音标/的读法和单词的写法。2.抢读单词。,醇籽谊秸硷涟灌秒牡肌盗润兆外夷蚜奏搔昭聪粳羽朋捶屈骚矾臻尸然避索三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),重点句型,见到你很高兴 to you,Glad,Nice,meet,see,again.,再次见到你很高兴。,砖酚比瑶筹伞灵溅眯歹烷额悟款语铃聋宜酥繁弟致涅减现嫌烹范章伪保垂三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),旷莆贼诀鉴潍想碱盼笨宾杠宪目孝氮陪舟撅罪阁官抱廉缠稍株肝锁嘶郡醇三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),仿写下面的句子,1.I am Yang.Are you Yang?2.I am good at English.I am not good at English.Am I good at English?Are you good at English?3.Yang is good at Chinese.Yang is not good at Chinese.Is Yang good at Chinese.,线譬嗅裸陌窗授蠕该候控电孟陨点陌矽新美济脉表圣些键并胃映彭强危齐三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),某人+be good at+,某人擅长某事,竖厘懈蛤滨课趴呈孙窗晌啃辟朽威人礁点扫户未最仪实童渗云侗契舜猎触三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Lesson 1I can help you科普版(三起)(共13张PPT),