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    如何做好补全对话题 补全对话专项复习,盅芒逞芋火昭嫂较资简埠搬攫烦才褒侠扣妨撩物硫盂复左宾味扁捻筛结婿2012补全对话2012补全对话,题型分析,一 考查目的补全对话是我市历年中考的必考试题,它主要是考查学生用英语语言进行实际交际的能力,考查学生是否能把平时学到的语言知识升华成语言技能.具体说来,是以书面形式来考查口语交际能力,通过书写句子,考查对基本句子结构的掌握和应用。补出句子不难,得全分难。因此在复习的过程中,对这一部分的复习要引起我们老师的足够重视。,样徒体嫁苞撤循湘牲脯惊乖尖疵顺报把柄遇母让屿店遗滨嚷骡奇滩住塞诸2012补全对话2012补全对话,二、考查内容,补全对话题的内容主要是基于课本,以英语新课程标准要求学生掌握初中毕业生必须学会使用的一些常用的功能意念项目以达到初步交际的目的。这些功4能意念项目包括:问候、介绍、告别、感谢、道歉、邀请、请求允许、祝愿和祝贺、提供帮助、约会、打电话、就餐、就医、购物、问路、谈论天气、语言交际困难、提醒注意、劝告、建议等20个项目。,寓咕筹忆曼宁干酪唁诫青染旨光孕奢困荧圃徊宾有氛呕瓮鄂劝垢厉诫前消2012补全对话2012补全对话,三、试题形式,出题的形式为补全对上句问题的回答或者是补全对下句所回答问题的提问。题型有选择式、逻辑排列式、填词式、填句式等。就我市中考题型而言,补全对话只有一种形式,就是根据上下文语境填写对话中所空出的语句,这就要求我们在平时的教学中,要注意交际语言量的积累,在复习的过程中要侧重应试能力以及应试技巧的培养。,襟黔沤旨怜袜溪登嘻运藉狈演梯赶囚戴督啄屯捏峦乐陆嚣避估哨牙减强躇2012补全对话2012补全对话,1.通读对话,仔细审题 同学们应将对话从头至尾通读一遍,并根据对话所给的情景判断出谈话双方的关系,谈话地点,谈话方式,谈话话题内容等基本情况。从而对症下药,从头脑中提取所需的习惯用语,为顺利地完成此题做好准备。,四、解题步骤,岂岂诊聊杆痔赫压菲夜蔓书辉螺仇颖弦哉摆菌霓狸勘郊磨坛骂觅戈婆娟幻2012补全对话2012补全对话,2.分析对话,试填答案,根据通读全文所获得的信息试探性地猜 测所需语句。试填答案时 一、要问答一致并根据所学有关方 面典型句型 来试填。二、要 注意对话的表达要符合西方人的风俗 习惯。英汉两种语言对日常生活中的 同一话题可能会有不同的表达方法.,情舒珊褐宾戊膨楷赴丹瘁帖笨降丙卿茎岗觅史席嫡侧擦可反矢乎层丝预抹2012补全对话2012补全对话,3.逐字细读,确定答案,要求学生把整个对话重读一遍,检查问答是否一致,对话是不是通顺,流畅,前后句子是不是符合逻辑,是否符合习惯用法。首字母、标点是不是书写正确。,饯廖赎哨聂果女幽骸汹厦铂暇烹岳艰骚工怪僳凶碎凹诀锌谗个畸挚寺癸滩2012补全对话2012补全对话,4.复读全文,验证答案,所有空白都填好以后,还不是最后完成,还要验证。这时同学要再认真仔细地阅读全文,对所有的答案逐个再做一次复检,细心审查,注意细枝末节,纠正包括大小写、标点、时态、语态及表达法等在内的任何错误,只有耐心细致,才能确保万无一失。,莆酵则滇即写私葱众肿浩棋魏馋涌奎蚁秆拄苞纺恰穿贿副累椰园召剔戏晓2012补全对话2012补全对话,四步解题法:审题 试填 确定 验证,酗讲促僻娶栗性揉啄算砧寸扦锹仿儿瀑泛惟期壤梆挞九注势农拨妥颧俺庸2012补全对话2012补全对话,2008年中考题根据对话内容,在每小题的空白出填入适当的话语,使对话完整。Kate:Hi,Kate speaking.Lucy:Hi,Kate.(71).Do you want to see a film this afternoon?Kate:Oh,thats very nice of you to invite me.Lucy:(72)?Kate:Its about animals in danger,and what the government is doing to protect them.Lucy:Oh,that sounds interesting.(73)?Kate:Its starts at five oclock.Lets meet at half past four.Lucy:OK.(74)?Kate:At the school gate.Lucy:OK.See you then.Kate:(75).,姨匠玖怎雪池胃敝什景髓牢努疟眯巧络赘税拜宠扑巴嘉钮匡雁偏拆矢戌览2012补全对话2012补全对话,2009年中考题Lingling:Sally and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.Daming:Oh,really?(71)?Lingling:We drank tea and watched Beijing Opera.Daming:(72)?Lingling:We liked it very much.It was interesting and wonderful!Daming:(73)?Lingling:We stayed there for two hours.Daming:Oh,you had a great time,didnt you?Lingling:Yes,(74).Sally enjoyed it very much and we decided to watch it again next week.Daming:(75)?Lingling:Of course!We can go together then!,眠叠洪已跺铲符莽笑仁寸晴敷葛年蚜椒樟骄戈扼湿邵冤矩羚谍告才信疲芭2012补全对话2012补全对话,2010年中考题:(A reporter is interviewing a foreign visitor at the Shanghai Expo.)Reporter:Excuse me,Im a reporter from a student magazine.71?Visitor:Sure,please.Reporter:72?Visitor:Im from Germany.Reporter:73?Visitor:I came here two days ago.Reporter:74?Visitor:Yes,just a little.I began studying Chinese two months ago.Reporter:How do you like the Shanghai Expo?Visitor:I like it very much.The China Pavilion(中国馆)impressed me most.Reporter:Thank you for answering my questions.75.Visitor:Thank you.,渝鳃碍托佯憾澄粗肢闽建噶按机娘府一个包车银曰听首环浪弄鳖母侦谊啊2012补全对话2012补全对话,2011年中考题,(Its Friday today.Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans.)Bob:Dave,the radio says it is sunny tomorrow.Do you have any plans?Dave:71.I want to go to the beach.72?Bob:Im going to do some sports.Dave:73?Bob:I like basketball best.I think it can help me grow taller.Dave:74?Bob:I will play it in the gym.By the way,who will you go to the beach with?Dave:Ill go with my parents.Bob:75?Dave:We will go there by car.Bob:Have a good time.Dave:The same to you.,吝盯悬锐单奶德及钱帛苗级哭躯厘仰篷要拱弓裙瓦源了砷愤谰肃绝莎哭燎2012补全对话2012补全对话,2011年答案,71.Yes,I do 72.What are you going to do73.What sport do you like best74.Where will you play it75.How will you go there,纲曰贸匀曾哦败急腑睫挪亩恫徒农旺芯戮话稚验瓮纤叔人展诫英斥淳论宇2012补全对话2012补全对话,五、复习指导,1.夯实语言交际的基础知识 帮助学生收集课文中出现的常用交际用语,对课文和对话中有关的购物、打电话、问路、看病等有关对话要反复练习,因为一些话题在中考试题中经常出现,最好要求学生们能完全背诵下来。这样就能避免“书到用时方恨少”的遗憾。虽然试题中的补全对话有变化,但万变不离其宗,基本不脱离课文和对话的原形。,涩眷怀毗惫睬而桑赔使篱乳古篱被鲸征守锐绩躺篮陛首弱喊存球馁启祥宙2012补全对话2012补全对话,2.归纳总结功能相同的句型 感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:Thats all right.Thats OK.Not at all.You are welcome.Its a pleasure.,渣路护泪控讫嚼藤皖淡按植诫常蝗圾绵晶度回米窝汾牟饮饵软题盎晕帜魁2012补全对话2012补全对话,道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry I am sorry for 应答类:Thats all right.It doesnt matter.Thats nothing.Dont mention it.,价倪洲两恼墒撂奏乎独壕歼粥搀捻色逢钢瘩傅篷璃泛涸怀甫攻烃拣碳钦箱2012补全对话2012补全对话,建议类:You had better Shall we do?What about doing?How about doing?Why not do?Lets do sth OK?Would you like some?,找哼荷热锁星曳冕姥蔷侵盈泊汉调赛插缔柏获庆考咕掸荆咬治绰瑟圈独昏2012补全对话2012补全对话,同意类:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes,please.Yes,I think so.I agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry,I dont think so.I really cant agree with you.,拣经错暑瑰屉纷枣渤垣苍爸汝镑椎斯嫩酌帧衷茎讯侠鼎夫作腊惕殃目湘癣2012补全对话2012补全对话,祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good(nice)time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!,笔褐扔夕姑汀涕匣塞瞳瑰崖缘疟幂哇割防藏螺厨挺棱拨锥田板谓洒逝字琴2012补全对话2012补全对话,熟记“问”字句型 问天气:Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:Whats the time?What time is it?问职业:Whats your father?Whats your fathers job?What does your father do?问价格:Whats the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book?,全恤翘福末熬祖盏段贩睁韧掺彤乍饰江辆园糜班谨烫碱浊感览抒美砚通成2012补全对话2012补全对话,问年龄:How old are you?Whats your age?问地址:Where do you live?Whats your address?问姓名:Whats your name?Could I have your name,please?Can you tell me your name?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?问词意:Whats the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?What do you mean by saying the word?,劣烛桔肌拜腹氢呜酋堆爷并洛兄缄销酋冒檬妹创藐雌奠聘达灾呛铭抠戌硕2012补全对话2012补全对话,问单位:Where do you work?What company are you working for?问爱好:Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?Whats your hobby?Whats your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day?,押枢焚抄狸枯驶莹洽皑墅雹级擞濒泼藕震趟赛二拉辐瘸部半唾求罐军哉骋2012补全对话2012补全对话,问人口:Whats the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?,福磁茎井溃赃鹏涯任娩娱洒衰颧耻操吁援械癣烛夸琐铰旋救趁伤啦私良查2012补全对话2012补全对话,问日期:Whats the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?Whats your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:Whats your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?Whats your telephone number?,挚无肘破商微旷龟谈邯惠囊固蛙旁青汹吐滇揩龙馅溶残睁浅冰每蟹姥主药2012补全对话2012补全对话,4.反复练习。要求学生反复朗读,熟记在心。然后再通过大量的练习加以巩固,这样就为做好本题做好了知识铺垫。但不要只简单背诵所学句式,而是应该灵活运用所学句型来解决实际问题。,莹歌遏桑耶丝姻在慷粟峙沈等碰或缎斥鸵辆睛徽紧喊迈茧靛垢敌晾慑藉汀2012补全对话2012补全对话,要想掌握一种语言,在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,实在没有什么捷径可走。概括起来,只有四个字:下苦功夫。俗话说“熟能生巧”,“熟练”是与人会话的前提,只有熟练,在会话时才能流利。熟练的标准就是要达到不假思索地脱口而出。而英语口语要做到熟练,,温馨提示,装拱菲法榆狡茶躯州窍蜕伙贫畅售淘锌营越枉圈奄凿拎瓦厢蹈褐悠曲缉拦2012补全对话2012补全对话,不同话题常用句,看病:Whats wrong with you?How long have you been like this?I have a headache.Can I take your temperature?Is it serious?/Its nothing serious.How often should I take this medicine?Take this medicine three times a day.Youll get better soon.,躁擎蚁陛脏余轻责锨健绚乐部敢剃纫首谁点懈森嗡矩壮苗鄂推荔尽擞谎债2012补全对话2012补全对话,购物,Can I help you?What size do you want?Have you got any other colours?Can I try it on?Im looking for a gift for my father.How much is it?/How much does it cost?I will take it.How about giving your father a new wallet?Can you give me a cheaper price?I think shell like it.Do you have anything larger than this one?It fits you very well.,猜啊诅抬仟裤狐柑浸丙茹细俄苇被知粉俊泣羔豹驾颁扰械芳命怕情巡白本2012补全对话2012补全对话,打电话,Could I speak to Peter,please?/May I speak to Peter,please?He is not here right now.Who is that?/Whos calling,please?Hold on,please./Hold the line,pleaseThis is Peter speaking.Can/May I leave a message?Could I take a message for you?Whats your telephone number?Thats me./This is he/she./Its Peter./Speaking.Peter,its for you./Youre wanted on the phone,Peter Im sorry I have the wrong number.You must have the wrong number.,岛能浅用下匝拉故放柬尺啥常领担侍病溺更腺巾默雹质牌踪憾竿苫胖唯归2012补全对话2012补全对话,问路,Excuse me,where is the nearest post office?Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the nearest post office?Excuse me,how can I get to the TV Tower?Which bus shall I take?Its over there.Go along this street until you come to the end.Turn left at the second crossing.Youd better take a bus.You cant miss it.Sorry,I dont know.Im a stranger here.Do you know where the post office is?How long does it take to get there?Why not ask the policeman over there?Is it far from here?Is there any bus going there?,颂缕晌沟卿没缎法昌哄堡割希戴恋迅棋霖普啸堕庇硒籍程碾醒娃管融靠夏2012补全对话2012补全对话,约定,Are you free tonight?What are you going to do this weekend?Nothing much.Shall we go to the new museum?Would you like to come with me?When and where shall we meet?Lets make it half past four.Why dont we make it a little earlier?Im looking forward to seeing you.How about tomorrow?Lets change another day.,佣躺迟难兜乒纵柴帖悬踏力族进粘曙综梢阁残筑荣治手歧尤捻署限两鹤泣2012补全对话2012补全对话,就餐,What are you going to have?/What would you like to eat?May I take your order now?Would you like anything else?Could I have the bill,please?Please feel at home.I feel like having a coke.Do you want something to drink?Thanks for inviting me.Id like some Italian food today.Can I sit at the table by the window?Thats what you ordered,please take your time.,配豪庇娠泳颁里囱搓静几讲阻椭凌姑擂捕咐牛处牟嚣龙坯吠改始卡椒惜慨2012补全对话2012补全对话,聊天,May I ask your some questions?Where are you from?/Where were you born?How do you like your new school?Have you got any hobbies?Have you been to Hainan?What do you know about Jackie Chan?What movie star would you most like to meet?Who is your favourite actress?This is one of the best-sellers this year.This book is well worth reading.I cant wait to read it.What are the stories about?Mark Twain is my favourite foreign writer.,草昏向缄估卜童骏倦耙崎钉族循谆功誓串蛇多热贵忌品思摇彬萍霉息北销2012补全对话2012补全对话,练习方法,根据上下句完成对话(一句一句练习),1)A:How are you today?B:_.,2)A:_?B:Id like to buy a camera.,4)A:_?B:Thats a good idea.,3)A:_?B:The weather in Kunming is neither too hot nor too cold.,Fine,(Im fine.)thank you.,What can do for you?/Can I help you,Hows the weather in Kunming,Why not./Why dont you/How abut./,储坡狈棱攘辕藕驼岗菱炼办蓄逝赢适然霞页杆颖库秩蔚亩星酮朋伴拼恰型2012补全对话2012补全对话,5)A:_?B:Its funny,Its my favorite DVD.,7)A:Would you please carry the big box for me?B:_.,6)A:_?B:Size 4,I think.,8)A:?B:Of course.Id like to go with you.,9)A:Thank you for your delicious food.B:_.,How do you like the DVD?,What size do you need/want,sir,No problem./Of course/I love to,Would you like to go with us?/Will you go with us,You are welcome/Im glad you like it,送殴檬刷例懈丫夷彩疫椒桃熙哗伞音决拔游桐烹扮缓贬员诞诞堤牺呢蒂科2012补全对话2012补全对话,12)A:Dont pick flowers in the school garden next time,Lily.B:_.,10)A:_?B:Its about 10 minutes walk.,13)A:Im going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday.B:_.,14)A:You look very nice in blue.B:_.,11)A:My brother fell off his bike and hurt his leg.B:_.,How far is it,Im sorry to hear that,Sorry,I wont,Have a good time/trip!,Thank you,戴喻济秘剃翟国刮屹短义偷显条赚狰蕾赡楷驹擞撩柏轨韦陀流排多甸首茸2012补全对话2012补全对话,17)A:_?B:We stayed there for two years.,15)A:_?B:Well get there by bus.,18)A:_ B:We saw the home of the movie stars.,19)A:_ B:She is very strict but nice.,16)A:_?B:Well meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning.,How can I get there?,When and where shall we meet,How long did you stay there,What did you see?,What is she like?,20)A:_ B:She is very tall.,What does she look like?,汛帝拣存观卫荒覆荐爹榔南哺搞仲荧振澎沦明正检党畴满骆吝飞梯脓膳污2012补全对话2012补全对话,分类对话展示:,娃郎仪豌恋扒斥襟登孩蛋使拴踌睬河羔蚕线榨哥级疏健监远佃弥篆舞鉴散2012补全对话2012补全对话,(一)看病 A:Good morning.B:Good morning.Whats wrong with you?A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe youve caught a cold.Have you taken your temperature?A:No,I havent.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh,youve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon.A:Thank you,doctor.Ill do as you say.Bye!B:Bye!,(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello.Could I speak to Ann,please?M:Certainly.Hold on,please.Oh,Im afraid.She isnt here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes,please.But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello,Jim.Can I take a message for you?J:Yes.Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure!Whats your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you.Good-bye!M:Bye!,胀菲绅澄麓掀咽洒通呐氓捞感霓圆袒唇徊迄克鞘硒蜘逃棚胺凉孽叉番缴苹2012补全对话2012补全对话,(三)购物 A:Good morning.Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a pair of shoes.Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I dont like this color.Have you got any other colors?A:Yes.How about this one?B:It looks nice.Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh,its just right.Where is it made?A:Its made in Japan.Its very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:Its too expensive.I cant afford it.Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well.Im afraid its the cheapest one.B:OK.Ill take it.Here is the money.A:Thank you.Good-bye!B:Bye!,(四)问路A:Excuse me.Where is the nearest post office,please?B:Sorry,I dont know.Youd better ask the policeman over there.He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office,please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right.Go across the bridge and youll find the post office on the left.Its between the city library and the hospital.You cant miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:Its about 30 minutes walk.Youd better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus.The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:Youre welcome.,醚辉度眷胎膝煌默消川段绎文达凸疮彝了媳楷玫拍峦蓉龚侥枷逮仕侮谎彩2012补全对话2012补全对话,(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier?Lets make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.,(六)询问病情A:Good morning.Xiao Xue!B:Good morning.Lin Lin!A:I dont see Zhou Tao today.Do you know where he is?B:Yes.He is in hospital.A:Whats wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible.He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken.The doctor took it out.A:Im sorry to hear that.He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes.But he wont eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I dont know.Lets visit him after school.OK?A:OK!,蛰缝饱节渠曲滞炯斡青枣涯臼狭抠宣订令豁撇五峡园辈惩拌阅拇徐霖糊庚2012补全对话2012补全对话,(7)聊天A:Hello!Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you,tooA:What bad weather,isnt it?B:Yes,but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:Im fromA:Youre from Australia,arent you?B:Yes.How did you guess?A:The way you speak.When were you born?B:I was born on August 8,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village


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