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    2021外贸进出口合同范文最新 外贸进出口合同【篇一】甲方:乙方:双方一致同意按下列条款签订本合同。第1条定义1.1产品:本合同中所称“产品”,系指由甲方制造并以其商标销售的(产品名称)和随时经双方以书面同意的其他商品。1.2地区:本合同中所称“地区”,系指_国_.1.3商标:本合同中所称“商标”系指(商标全称)_.第2条委任及法律关系2.1委任:在本合同有效期内,甲方委任乙方作为其代理,以便在“地区”获致“产品”的订单。乙方愿意接受并承担此项委托。2.2法律关系:本合同给予乙方的权利和权力只限于给于一般代理的权利和权力,本合同不产生其它任何关系,或给予乙方以代表甲方或使甲方受其它任何合同约束的任何权利,特别是,本合同并不构成或委派乙方为甲方的代表,雇员或合伙人。双方明确和理解并同意,在任何情况下,乙方可能遭受的任何损失,不论部分或全部,甲方均不承担责任。2.3指示:乙方应严格遵守甲方随时发来的指示。由于乙方超越或违背甲方指示而造成的任何索赔、债务和责任,乙方应设法保护甲方利益并赔偿甲方因此而遭受的损失。第3条甲方的责任3.1广告资料:中方应按实际成本向乙方提供合理数量的“产品”样品、样本、价目表、广告宣传用的小册子及其他有关“产品”推销的辅助资料。3.2支付推销:甲方应尽力支持乙方开展“产品”的推销;甲方不主动向乙方代理“地区”的其他客户发盘。3.3转介客户:除本合同另有规定外,如“地区”其他客户直接向甲方询价或订购,甲方应将该客户转介乙方联系。3.4价格:甲方提供乙方的“产品”价格资料,应尽可能保持稳定,如有变动应及时通知乙方,以利推销。3.5优惠条款:甲方提供乙方获致订单的条款是惠的。今后如甲方向“地区”其他客户销售“产品”而提供比本合同更有利条件时,甲方应立即以书面通知乙方,并向乙方提供比此项更有利的条件。3.6保证:甲方担保凡根据本合同出售的“产品”如经证实在出售时质量低劣,并经甲方认可,则甲方应予免费修复或调换。但此项免费修复或调换的保证,以“产品”在出售后未经变更或未经不正确地使用为限。除上述保证外,甲乙双方均同意不提供任何其它保证。第4条乙方的责任4.1推销:乙方应积极促进“产品”的推销,获取订单,并保持一个有相当规模和足够能力的推销机构,以利“产品”在“地区”的业务顺利开展和扩大。4.2禁止竞争:乙方除得到甲方书面同意外,不应制造、购买、获取订单、或协助推销与本合同“产品”相同或类似的其他国家商品,或将本合同内“产品”转销其他国家和地区。4.3最低销售额:在本合同有效期间的第一个十二个月内,乙方从“地区”客户获得的“产品”订单,总金额应不少于_元。以后每十二个月递增百分之十五。4.4费用:在本合同有效期内,乙方应承担在“地区”推销和获取“产品”订单的全部费用,如电报费、旅费和其他费用,本合同另有规定者除外。4.5“产品”价格与条件:乙方保证按照甲方在本合同有效期内随时规定的价格和条件进行推销。在获取订单时,乙方应充分告知客户,甲方的销售确认书或合同内的一些条款以及任何订单均须经乙方确认接受后方为有效。乙方收到的“产品”订单,应立即转给甲方以便予以确认或拒绝。4.6督促履约:乙方应督促买户严格按照销售确认书或合同的各项条款履约,例如及时开立信用证等等。4.7市场情况报导:乙方应负责每月(或每季)向甲方提供书面的有关“产品”的市场报导,包括市场上同类产品的销售情况、价格、包装、推销方式、广告资料、客户的反应和意见等。如市场情况发生重大变化时,乙方应及时以电报通知甲方。第5条佣金5.1佣金率及支付方式:凡经乙方获得并经甲方确认的订单,甲方在收妥每笔交易全部货款后,将按发票净售价付给乙方百分之_佣金。为了结算方便,佣金每月(季)汇付一次。如有退货,乙方应将有关佣金退还甲方。5.2计算基础:上述“发票净售价”系指甲方开出的“产品”发票上的总金额(或毛售价)减去下列费用后的金额,但以这些费用业经包括在毛售价之内者为限:(1)关税及货物税,(2)包装、运费和保险费,(3)商业折扣和数量折扣,(4)退货的货款,(5)延期付款利息,(6)乙方佣金。5.3甲方直接成交的业务:凡乙方“地区”的客户,虽已了解甲乙双方的贸易关系,或经甲方转介与乙方,但仍坚持与甲方直接交易,则甲方有权与之成交,保留百分之_佣金与乙方,并将此项交易作为本合同第4.3款最低销售额的一部分。如乙方“地区”的客户在中国访问期间(包括参加在中国举办的各种交易会)与甲方达成“产品”的交易,目的港为乙方代理“地区”者,甲方有权接受其订单,但不为乙方保留佣金,亦不计入上述最低销售额。5.4超额佣金:如乙方在本合同有效期内积极推销“产品”并超额完成年度最低销售额(按实际出运金额计算),甲方对超额部分除支付规定的佣金外,应另付乙方奖励佣金:(1)超额百分之五十时,奖励佣金为百分之_;(2)超额百分之一百及以上时,奖励佣金为百分之_.奖励佣金在年度终了由甲方结算后一次汇付乙方。第6条合同有效期本合同有效期为_年,期满自动失效。如双方同意延续本合同,任何一方应在期满_天前用书面通知对方以便相互确认。第7条合同的终止7.1终止:合同双方应认真负责地执行各项条款。在下列条件下,每一方得以书面通知另一方立即终止本合同或取消其中某一部分:(1)如一方未能履行本合同的任何一项义务,而此项违约在接到另一方书面要求纠正的通知后_天内又未能加以纠正;(2)如一方自动或被迫申请宣告破产,自动或被迫申请改组、清理、解散、或对该方指定了产业管理人;(3)如发生违反本合同第8条有关商标使用或注册的情况;(4)如发生本合同第9条不可抗力事由,一方在超过_天期限后仍无法履行其义务时。7.2终止的影响:本合同的终止并不解除双方按照本合同规定业已产生但未了结的任何债务。凡在合同终止前由于一方违约致使另一方遭受的损失,另一方仍有权提出索赔,不应受终止本合同的影响。乙方特此声明:由于终止本合同而引起的损害,乙方放弃要求补偿或索赔,但终止本合同前甲方应付乙方的应得佣金仍应照付。第8条商标甲方目前拥有和使用的商标、图案、及其他标记,均属甲方产权,未经甲方特别以书面同意,乙方均不得直接或间接地、全部或部分地使用或注册。即使甲方特别以书面同意乙方按某种方式使用,但在本合同期满或终止时,此种使用应随即停止并取消。关于上述权利,如发生任何争议或索赔,甲方有权立即单方面取消本合同并且不承担由此而产生的任何责任。第9条不可抗力任何一方由于人力不可抗拒事由,以致直接或间接地造成任何迟延或无法履行本合同全部或部分条款时,另一方不得提出索赔要求。此类事由包括:水灾、火灾、风灾、地震、海啸、雷击、疫病、战争、封锁、禁运、扣押、战争威胁、制裁、电力控制、禁止进口或出口、或其它非当事人所能控制的类似原因、或双方同意的其它特殊原因。有关一方应在事故发生后_天内以书面通知另一方,并提供当地有关机构的证明文件,证明不可抗力事故的存在。第10条仲裁凡有关合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争执,双方应通过友好协商解决。如协商不能解决,双方同意提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。任何一方不得再以诉讼或其他方式向法院或其它机构申请变更。仲裁费用由败诉一方负担,仲裁裁决另有规定者按照规定办理。第11条转让要合同任何一方在未经征得另一方书面同意之前,不得将本合同规定的任何权利和义务转让给第三者。任何转让,未经另一方书面明确同意,均属无效。第12条合同生效及其他12.1生效日期:本合同自双方签字之日起立即生效。12.2未尽事宜:本合同如有未尽事宜须加补充或修改时,应以书面提出并经双方正式授权的代表签署后方能生效。12.3标题:本合同各项条款的标题仅为方便而设,不应限制或影响合同中任何条款的实质。12.4全部合同:本合同系双方关于本合同主题的全部合同和谅解。除本合同有明文规定者外,以前其它有关本合同主题的任何条件,声明或保证,不论是以书面或口头提出的,对双方都无约束力。12.5正式文本:本合同及附件以中文和英文缮就,每种文本有二正二副,签署后双方各执正副本各一份,两种文本具有同等效力。12.6政府贸易:本合同不适用于双方政府之间的贸易或甲方与乙方政府之间达成的交易,亦不适用于易货贸易或投标交易。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_代表(签字):_代表(签字):_年_月_日_年_月_日签订地点:_签订地点:_外贸进出口合同【篇二】_公司(以下简称卖方)与_公司(以下简称买方)订立合同如下:第一条合同卖方卖出、买方购入商品。商品应符合下文第四条中所确定的清单no1。该清单为本合同的附件,是本合同不可分割的组成部分。第二条价格和合同总金额在清单no1中所载明的商品价格,以美元计价。本合同总金额为_。商品价格包括抵_的一切费用,同时包括在买方国境外预付的包装、标记、保管、装运、保险的费用。第三条供货期限和日期商品应在卖方银行通知保兑的、与第二条所列金额相符的有效信用证时起60天内从公司运往_。卖方有权提前供货,也有权视情况一次或几次供货。第四条商品品质商品品质和数量由买卖双方以书面协议确定,在本合同附件清单no1中载明。清单no1附在本合同上(见第一条)。第五条包装和标记商品包装应符合规定的标准和技术条件,保证货物在运输中完好无损。每件货物上应有以下标记:_到达站名称;_卖方名称;_买方名称;_货件号;_毛重;_净重:体积(用立方米表示)。第六条支付买方应在本合同签订后20个工作日内开立以卖方为受益人、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的跟单信用证。该信用证的总金额在合同第二条中载明,其有效期至少80天。信用证由卖方选择的、法律上承认的_银行开立并确认。以信用证付款凭卖方向银行提交以下单据进行:_发票一式三份;_全套买方名义下的运输单;_包装单一式三份;_本合同副本;_在买方国境内的一切银行费用由买方负担,在买方国境外的一切费用由卖方负担。第七条商品的交接所有商品应由检查人员进行必要的数量和品质检查。检查人员的结论是最终结论,买卖双方不得对此有争议。余下部分买方可以拒收和退还,买方应单独保管其拒收的商品,并对此承担责任,便于卖方、供货人和检查人员进行可能的检查。如果确定拒收成立,对商品的责任自动转移给卖方,由卖方自行决定商品的处理,商品的保管费由供货人支付。第八条保险根据上文第二条由_对商品在运抵_港之前进行保险。第九条品质保证商品品质应符合清单no1。买方没有义务接收不符合清单no1的商品。买方可以不加解释和不出示证据退还未被接收的商品(见下文第十条)。根据下文第十条,卖方应在收到买方理由充分的索赔时起30天内如数更换未被接收的商品,以保证完全按照本合同规定运送货物。第十条索赔商品运到时,买方有权就商品的数量向卖方提出索赔(见第七条),反之,买方接收共同指定的检查员确定的数量的商品。买方可以就商品品质不合格向卖方提出索赔。所有运抵的商品如果没有以适当的方式拒收或退回,都被认为买方已经接收。有充分理由退还的拒收商品都被认为卖方供货不足,同时免除对买方就拒收商品的支付或赔偿提出任何异议。检查员最终确定有充分理由拒收和退回商品的数量。在商品原封不动或无损坏退还卖方的情况下,未超出检查员确定的界限的商品的拒收,无需经商品不合格证明,在规定的期限内,根据必需的手续,应由卖方无条件承认。买方索赔函用挂号信寄给卖方。就某一批商品提出索赔,不能成为双方拒收和拒付根据本合同所规定的其他供应商品的理由。第十一条不可抗力出现不可抗力,即火灾、自然灾害、封锁、禁止进出口和其他合同双方人力不可抗拒的情况造成合同某一方不能完全或部分履行合同义务时,按不可抗力与其后果存在的时间推迟履行合同义务。如果上述情况与其后果持续达三个月以上,任何一方都有权拒绝履行本合同项下的义务。在此情况下,任何一方都无权要求补偿可能的损失。由不可抗力造成不能履行合同义务的一方应尽快将妨碍履行义务的不可抗力的出现和终止情况通知另一方。由卖方或买方国有关商会出具的证明是上述不可抗力情况出现的必需证明。第十二条罚则如违反本合同规定的货物抵达期限,卖方应向买方支付罚金。罚金数额规定如下:1.在最初三周内每过期一个日历周支付未交商品总金额的1%;2.以后每过期一个日历周支付未交商品总金额的2%,但罚金总额不能超过未交商品总金额的15%。第十三条其他条件任何一方在没有征得另一方书面同意的情况下不得将自己对本合同的权利和义务转让给第三者。对合同的一切修改和补充意见只有以书面形式形成并经双方签字后才有效。在买方国境内的一切费用和规费,包括海关规费和关税,与订立、履行本合同有关的费用,由买方承担,在买方国境外,则由卖方承担。本合同用_两种文字书就,两种文本具有同等法律效力。第十四条仲裁由本合同派生或与本合同有关的一切争议和分歧由国际仲裁机构审理。第十五条双方法定地址卖方:_邮码_电话_买方:_邮码_电话_外贸进出口合同【篇三】签约地点:_日期:_甲方:_电话:_传真_乙方:_电话:_传真_根据平等互利原则,_有限公司与_有限公司友好协商特约签定本合同。一、双方承诺:由乙方提供不作价设备_美元(港币)给甲方用于加工生产_之用,(详见设备清单)。产权归乙方所有。使用期限为_年,在监管期限内,不得擅自在境内销售、串换、转让、抵押或者移作他用。到期后如不续签,则由甲方协助乙方申报海关核准后处理。乙方以免费方式提供设备,不需甲方办理付汇进口,也不需用加工费或差价偿还设备款。二、甲方向乙方购买原料、辅料三、甲方供乙方制成品的数量及金额四、乙方供料于_起运抵_甲方制成品于_日前运往_五、运输方式及运费用_六、保险费负担_七、付款方式_八、包装要求_九、仲裁:因执行本合同所发生的争议或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易促进委员会根据该会仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁裁决为最终裁决,对双方都有约束力。十、本合同一式八分,由签字双方各执一分,其余六分报送有关部门备案。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_外贸进出口合同【篇四】sales contract ( original )contract no. date: signed at:sellers:address:tel: fax: e-mail:buyers:address:tel: fax: e-mail:约首: this sales contract is made by a nd between the sellers a nd the buyers whereby the sellers agree to sell a nd the buyers agree to buy the undermontioned goods according to the terms a nd conditions stipulated below:name of the commodity, specifications, packing termquantityunit pricetotal amountwhite rice, long-shapedbroken grains ( max.)25% admixture ( max.)0.25% packed in gunnybags of 50 kilos each1 000 m/tusd 200 per m/t cif new yorktwo hundred thousand us dollars onlyshipment 3% more or less at sellers option and the price shall be calculated according to the unit price麦头: shipping markto be designated by the sellers / at the sellers option.保险条款: insurance在fob, cfr 合同下,保险条款可订为:insurance to be covered by the buyer.在cif 合同下,保险条款可订为:insurance to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against w.p.a / all risks / war risk including shortage in weight as per a nd subject to the ocean marine carge clauses of the peoples insurance company of china dated jan. 1, 1981. if other coverage o r an additional insurance is required, the buyers must have the consent of the sellers before shipment, a nd the additional premium is to be borne by the buyers.装运条款: shippmenttime of shipment: during feb./mar. in two equal monthly lotsport of loading / shipment :port of destination :london. transhipment at hongkong allowed.the carrying vessel shall be provided by the sellers. partialshipment a nd transshipment are allowed. after loading is completed, the seller shall notify the buyers by cable of the contract number, name of commodity, name of the carring vessel a nd date of shipment.付款条件: terms of paymentthe buyers shall open with a acceptable to the sellers an irrevocable sight letter of credit to reach the sellers 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in china until the 15th day after the month of shipment. ( export )by irrevocable letter of credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods tb be shipped, in favour of the sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the sellers draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the credit. the balance of 10% of the proceeds is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected a nd approved at the port of destination. ( import )by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in favor o9f the sellers payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents in china , with partial shipments a nd transshipment allowed. the covering letter of credit must reach the sellers 15 days before the contracted month of shipment6 a nd remain valid in the above loading port until the 15th day after shipment , failing which the sellers reserve the right to cancel the contract without further notice a nd to claim against the buyers for any loss resulting there from.to be effeced by documentary draft under d / a terms.payment shall be made by documentary draft to be payable under d / p terms.交货条件: delivery termscertificates of quality, quantity, weight a nd qrigin are required. the buyers have the right to have the goods reinspected by the guangzhou entryexit inspection a nd quarantine bureau of the peoples republic of china at the prt fo discharge. the relevant inspection certigficates may serve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the buyers against the sellers.检验条款: commodity inspectionit is mutually agreed that he certificate of quality a nd weight issued by-( eg: china entry-exit inspection a nd quarantine bureau ) / surveyor at the port of shipment shall be ( taken as the basis of delivery. ) / part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant weight of the cargo. the reinspection fee shall be borne by the buyer. the claim with the cargo, if any, shall be lodged to the seller within -days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination.索赔条款: discrepancy and claimany claim by the buyers regarding the cargo shall be supported by survey report issued by a surveyor approved by the seller a nd lodged within 45 days after the arrival of the cargo at the port of destinaton. the seller will not consider claims in respect of matters within responsibility of insurance company o r shipping company.should the seller fail to make delivery on time, the buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the conditon that the seller agrees of pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank at the time of payment. the rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% of the total value of the cargo whose delivery has been delayed for every week, odddays less than a week should be counted as a week. but the total amount of penalty shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the cargo involved in the late delivery. in case the seller fail ot make delivery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated on the contract, the buyer shall havbe the right to cancel the contract a nd the seller shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the buer without delay.quality / quantity discrepancy a nd claim:in case the quality and/or quantity / weight are found the buyers to be not in conformity with the contract after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyers may lodge claim with the sellers supported by survey report issued by an inspection organizaiton agreed upon by both parties, with the exception, however, of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are tobe held responsible. claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the buyers within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity/weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the buyers within 15days after arrival of the goods at port of destination. the sellers shall, within 30 days after receipt of the notification of the claim, aend reply to the buyers.索赔期限: validity of claimthe buyers have the rihgt to lodge claims for all losses sustained within 60 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination.综合式不可抗力条款:force majurethe seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery o r nondelivery of the goods due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, drought, hailstorm,hurricane, o r other events that are beyond the control of the seller. but the seller shall notify the buyer by cabel as soon as possible a nd give the buyer a certificate by6 registered mail issuedd by the china council for the promotion of international trade o r other competent authorities.if shipment of the contracted goods is prevented o r delayed in whole o r in part due to force majeure, the sellers shall not be liable for nonshipment o r late shipment of the goods under this contract. however , the seller shall notify the buyers by fax o r telex a nd furnish the latter within 15 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the competent authorities at the place of occurrence attesting such event o r events.仲裁条款: arbitration规定在我国仲裁的条款:all disputes in connection with o r arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case shall be submitted to the china intermational economic a nd trade arbitration commission, beijing for arbitraiton in accordance with its rules of arbitration. the arbitral award is final a nd binding upon both parties. the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party


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