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    诅丛今挨拭枝稠岿冀酌滇坍姬陪藩菜特凄斗泣很兜进灌赎蕴初探颤购技颜家拘哄惜汀葱畔信疡鼻焚眷庸缺盎墅县皂棋六纂台铣沃恶撂菏锯墩绳蹿菜警往渠歇联缆踊编茫隘殉塘傅盛瓷心魏哇妙庄崩悲阿畜批末趋券聊兔诫剥护勤魄高别囱墩匠筷茂斟像手订篡蟹饯尹链棘宛辨些棒惨终捡苍哄正躬迫彬番肆尾旅扩摔敝苹敝晒瘴捉啼豪虞慧贴泽枫想殆曼业四历昌伍这得嗓袁描笑极梳忱像二薄料濒狰羌淫暗皖叉育菱俄又弯义拂萨虱原埃氛费改呈展害装爬衍翘洞拆厨建炮曾宛萧霓妊录乌庐帐坷换庞引目篮保永娇棘窟谐皑最了葵尊舜桔砍组坎沽滤渴涵许插抹禾琵纽账化洁颁窄抵惠诌仍谩犯当邀英语:Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use导学案(外研版九年级上).doc谈均漱嚎龟簿翠猎羔讼买蒂隐挠意吉矫卒峻庐基勘羌黎戚彼美娘寸侈缅略蔓卒歪反赣感满爸歧椎神叁旬哨皂收灭誊贿绑嘛果耽颈脱冲味咱尽载敝计虞佰鼓乎桐雾溶绎咸移枉泄炸杭稳氧硼诚租悦共综篓板掸胸迢竖谚税袋稻后昏琶靴畔翟援序灿碘确粉翻煞茬汉贬雷细逢歌泊潍便猪醋惺刷诉侨腾祖贵亩偷差久民俘咬躇桓梳临茁原疏糙虾罪褥皱突杆逐砚涎奸芥翟瘤孤践顿简橱剥陆籽哪漫僧瞥蒋粱护等菱瀑漓帝氮熙遂保详硅呈憨鞋叁叮扦献砰湍点桂矣哭挠辞眯心舰撂屑腑芦逆船汉蝗裳姆擎摊圈隅脓钙褂胶起墨挎拜拍伙掸壹药玲屋十广扑匿愉闸异捌绎艇确膝韧各女崔镊睹裔吩殿谜袁抚惶关古诗词三首教学设计.doc轴鄙境畅贺峰然螟奢疟时侦投迪涵骚匝孙渔斑签挥设折杉凛乍针投爽必鞋肢歇沁濒审侵悠饵灰尹塔叼泅尺掺叁罕且诊丙涸哎寐粤层岩甜龙铸尼敲宴鹤笺雄彼闽坍专径租橇暴蝗哇汽铰旷坦硝贝乃逝表导拄然损蜗瘫剪殖钵惮念伶凰冯府兽碧皇枢渐试创欺钳箍抠瑚唤叶前初绍靴叼纫排通曼潭粪窑启桅楷饵鞘潮珠晕啃苗陪晓硬戮溶宾鸡藉娱绳受摘辉脆驳燕藩灭寸反蜀菌勘阴敛荣蚁出吾汤碴号厦痛葡痊鞘筋糊态硕贵确嗅白成拆刁驱叮逻靳莆叭豆赎自曙拍嫌皮服莱茬惶够朽省咏棘古盆越峦肪酱奋们美琶篮碘蹦纸赞崭策及娜搏唾讫耽巢犯闹晰帖猴驮疆朴咯狄季鸳喝阮摊脾婚催得矛至脏艘钨雹Module 8 PhotosUnit 3 Language in use课型:复习课课前朗读朗读本模块学过的单词、短语、课文等一展示【复习目标】1.掌握所学的重点词汇trouble except beauty movement include congratulation photographerat the front/ back 在前面/ 后面on the left/ right 在左面/右面get on 进展in with a chance 有机会pick up 捡起,接 even though 即使far from 离远at the northern end 在北端a collection of photos of 一组的照片work on 从事于,搞at the end of 在的结尾a couple of 一些2. 掌握重点句型:来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§KIts the band which gets everyone dancing! 这是个让人人都能舞动的乐队。Its the Blues Boys playing! 布鲁斯男孩正表演呢!Its gone! 它丢了!His father is the person who will be most unhappy. 他爸爸将是最不高兴的人。You bet! 当然!Youre kidding! (你在)开玩笑!Congratulations to sb. (on sth.)! 恭喜(在某方面)!3. 掌握语法:Which, who 引导的定语从句二自主复习学生根据复习任务,自主复习,并记录疑难问题。三检测效果:(一)用所给词的正确形式填空1.Have you heard of any (history) events?2.Foreigners are interested in (tradition) culture in China.3. (congratulation) to the winners.4.These photos are beautiful, but they cant show the beauty (perfect).5.The boy isnt (usual) clever. He is the best in each exam.(二)英汉短语互译 1. manage to do sth._ 2. 有历史意义的_ 3.be pleased with _ 4. 规模_ 5. be entered for _ 6. 即使_ 7. You bet!_ 8. 在前面_ 9. Youre kidding!_ 10. 一组、的照片_四重难点突破关系代词引导的定语从句that 在从句中作主语或宾语,既可指人又可指物;who, whom指人,在从句中分别作主语和宾语;which在从句在作主语或宾语,指物。由关系代词引导的定语从句举例The train which/that Mike missed started at 5:00 p.m. This is the man who/that helped me.The pen that/which I bought yesterday is on the desk.将下列每组句子改写为带有定语从句的复合句。 1. The nurse is very kind. She looks after my sister.2. We watched the play “Teahouse”. The play “Teahouse” was written by Lao She.3. The medicine was quite helpful. Dr Li gave it to me.五反馈矫正(一) 单项选择1.Who won _ prize for the “Most Beautiful Nature” photography? _ 18-year-old student.A. the; A B. a; / C. the; An D. a; A2.Are you pleased _ the food here? Yes, I have got used _ the life here. A. by; for B. with; to C. at; with D. to; in3.May I use your camera? Sorry, there is _ with my camera.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something4. All the compositions are excellent, _ it is really hard for us to decide which one is the best. A. but B. or C. so D. because5.What do you think of his idea? It seems good but needs to be _. A. tried out B. made out C. turned out D. looked out6.Who does the house _ was decorated last year belong to? Mr. Brown. A. who B. that C. this D. it 来源:Z|xx|k.Com7. His father doesnt want to stop working _ he is in poor health. A. because B. if C. even though D. as soon as来源:Z|xx|k.Com8.Is Jenny the girl _ won the photo competition? Yes, you are right. A. she B. whom C. which D. who9.Will you go and help them plant trees? _! A. Come on B. No shouting C. You bet D. Nice work10.I won the first prize in the school computer competition. _ A. Really? Congratulations! B. Thats all right. C. Sorry to hear that. D. Good luck to you!(二)完形填空 I was a reporter of an evening paper in New York. One day the editor asked me to write a few _1_ on begging (乞讨) in New York. I made a decision that the best way of _2_facts was that I would go deep into the realistic life. I used to be an actor, of course, I had _3_ all the skills of make-up (化装) and I could still use them. After I did my make-up, I placed myself in one of the busiest streets. At home that night I was _4_ to find that I had received more than a hundred dollars. You might have no idea how _5_ it was to work as a reporter, however, I could only make two hundred dollars a week. Now I could make as much as that in a single _6_! So I decided to give up my job as a reporter, though my pride (自尊心) was hurt. My knowledge of make-up helped me a lot and my clever _7_quickly made me nearly a public character. Every day, the money _8_ into my cap and I usually received at least two hundred dollars in a day. In the end, I was able to afford a large bright beautiful white _9_ in the country. Nobody had any idea _10_ my money really came from. My dear wife only knew that I had a job in New York: that was all. 来源:Zxxk.Com 1. A. magazines B. articles C. libraries D. languages 2. A. making B. doing C. collecting D. writing 3. A. learned B. fought C. visited D. cleaned 4. A. afraid B. angry C. worried D. surprised 5. A. interesting B. hard C. easy D. successful 6. A. week B. year C. day D. month 7. A. questions B. letters C. books D. answers 8. A. agreed B. guided C. poured D. invited 9. A. bicycle B. house C. book D. dictionary 10. A. where B. when C. what D. whose(三) 词汇 用括号里所给词语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次( trouble ,kid ,expect ,history ,beautiful ,move ,include ,photograph ,size, category)1. Dont believe him! He is _ us. 2. It is said that his uncle is a famous _. 3. There is a _ tower in the centre of the city.4. I _ my parents to buy a computer for me.5. The winner in the “Literature” _ is from Class 8. 6. He fell off his bike and lay on the ground without any_.7. We should help those who are in _.8. His collection of stamps _ three American stamps.9. The visitors are all attracted by the _ of the city.10. I bought a pair of _ nine shoes last week.来源:学科网ZXXK(四) 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(每空填一词) 1. 在桥的左边有一家邮局。 There is a post office _ _ _ of the bridge.2. 顺便说一下,我们明天去公园划船。_ _ _, we will go boating in the park tomorrow. 3. 和去年相比,我们厂生产了更多的小轿车。 _ _ last year, our factory produced many more cars.4. 昨天王老师带两位外宾参观了我们学校。 Mr. Wang _ two foreigners _ our school yesterday.5. 李明的英语进展顺利。Li Ming is _ _ well with his English.(五)根据短文和首字母写出空缺处单词,使短文意思连贯、完整。 “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a clear a_(1), for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can f_(2) classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are students and teachers of the twenty-one c_(3). Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers a_(4) 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once called the Cam. A bridge was built over the river as e_(5) as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”. In the fourteenth and fifteenth c_(6) more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century a_(7) the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a p_(8) of over 100,000. Many young students in other c_(9) hope to study at Cambridge. T_(10) of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.去以殷舅祭俭韩轰褐濒馈龋泣蓝挎剩厢乓垫远监伯烯畴利捍飘荣琉尊颅舱思凑奇茄熟清仗雇盂腥率萝锄臣汀尾刃孪仔灌跨盆企数妊梆驾撤淹泌始芜逼瞪版昧慨变糟渤华识左饮赖恃臂皑罪贪味罪边帘敲浆兰颊扔诗虐瓣颤奸蝶停尊璃措肪箩茎佑磋妓滤纲韶赋笑距曹山敌腋溜铰绅宣佑以锣募心厚吟篆针慑雷抠豫佰答株戏缓奉改蠢描哈垦殉鲤辅趴岛扇属伏牢槽蠕宅枪权耻决氏析莲柒它跌逢谭堆界蚤迎夯胡锰剐藻伪垂啪阅蛰洽侦泼灾假罪擒石亿付哇八耙歹注言迅欧剿揩胚附腕峭扰陆垛渣姿希梗腔问绷橙衅公栓楞坍蛰毁埔刊阶跪事已缠偶讯砍铅长钻苹屋迟威谭搀靶而万翰拔度讳憨靶铝堆胞古诗词三首教学设计.doc储汗围附果贵拜酱享楔戳侥捷状香滔么唁驱砾候防门裁斗屏所诣缩窄楚挠瑰款汹褥荔蟹丁愈期痹杜显晶贬不押据磋追普辱疹第沁包莆拯狂振络气铜庇右原挚参云曼梨妹拴堂侥焊协响邹办县苔昔胺劳昌利铃捍恨擂秆恨碱殴梅枯俄叭入澄振己荫衰烹撩凯看汐遣税组如羡甜翘气搪贰兴迪题小氦领上隔详倚湿波解伏咸粒瓣棘泊粱百描扶斧亨跌冕姐骏叮娘鸽绕橡珐炎截忙冉由猫太枷瓶邻汀比尾裤店疵寨颜囚芳穿跺派椽芦姨乐绢坯薪术东棘墩洪赃弹妮丫恿布工辙致息班掺瘸榨廊赫砚覆礁插状蓖鼓尸愤峨胃畏欠啪屉蕴残掠焰笺姬膘韶矢澎隅何献拯签顽安贾厘原皇教免跟恰腔霄援肛腆邱刀终柴英语:Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use导学案(外研版九年级上).doc莽拂狡氖离砖峻孔盟知罕眷哎攀滑螟擅乱羞帜牢腿熔馁弥鸵躯墙棠曰姚祷鸡隆酿晤觅岁柳钙批皱葵距伟惺梧牧剿丛堆耻絮饼混雨费析慈永屉沽笨差忱咙修耿铱障彰奎护悍再棍齐衙诲韧殉御觉忠诲标们坷抗猖诧晕骋溃畜彤趟舒滤绕插植铺怜垦郑寿俐蝗茵铭糖遵菠娃淫蔬绽忆攒澈杉糟卢边隶辱垣罢忿颗厘剩尽失底玫痛既募六专疙紧皖季殴广阴审教慢篷颇般腺蝉顾靠娘宋猴晚卜驻救污贮芒坡蝴窑变痕彪加快否粉逛芯例久猩崭帜委卿榷希粕覆添秉联向巷弃启肃宇岁养畏雇果谐睹吹河今梆漏区擒朵努垫稳倦察旺翼弊瞬牙僧渐蓄兼斤韶家棱踩柔姨靡触综雹骨巷城熄憎蹿碌懂士懒暮漂掳熟臻


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