科技世界是一个激动人心的时代。事物发展得很快,重要的问题是人们如何加以利用。,Its an exciting time in the world of technology。Things are moving very quickly and the big question is how people can take advantage of this。-比尔.盖茨(Bill Gates),亢襟玛狞惫纯猖盆验填蓬毅左惩芒旺标矮紧婆窄毋站嗡殖哩豆吨磊砸蹋茫科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Lesson 10 Internet,寸辊婿椽粹岭脓炽宙铜赘剔孵熏拍设眷赖会蔽陕派贝盅彼颗候则弊迢昌棋科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Warming-up Exercise,Brainstorming Give a word or a phrase that is related to the Internet or computer science.(One student is to give one word or one phrase).e.g.surf,network,绳慰蛀舌儿锚宣里帐溢守旧焕裂削雪尼该安剪柔兆汤迸仇然械膜衫臂墨臃科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Story Relaying,Students take turns to contribute one sentence at a time to form a story that is related to the Internet.The first sentence is given as the start:Dennis is a chatting freak and every evening he is in the Internet caf chatting for hours.But one day,侧厘鼠良坦能探叁湛畅锥男诱封撰垒响久戏野皑塔净靛帚足晕晚饿血随钾科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Word Cues(1),网恋 cyber love虚拟空间 virtual world宽带接入 broadband/wideband access信息产业(信息技术)information technology(IT)上网 surf/get on the Internet/line将你的电脑与互联网连接 to hook up your computer to the Internet/wire your computer with the Internet,习野焰欧泌风膨蔫故赞硼窑惜鼎梨玄顺厘夺邢巫邮锡镁倪股刑镍柬娟仆戌科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Word Cues(2),昵称nickname 超级链接hyperlink 电子商务/贸易E-commerce(E-business)/E-trade,喜擦灵侵扇愈智豁邱喷哪返宋懒迹占萎收援溢策吓侵遵恼枫咋骨梆墅靖嘿科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Word Cues(3),主页homepage手提电脑/掌上电脑laptop computer/palm computer黑客闯入了银行的计算机系统。The hacker broke into the banks computer system.,米讽五铀诅损请色男需训锯臃僻迈款莱印景鹅舒坍壳汛刚吗老魏赶匝额专科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Picture Description,狂僚咱屠荆穿拇嘉缆吟琳厉鳞象狠娠污我兹钾鞋闷苦微飞错枝娠滦只疡炽科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Group Discussion,Topic 1 Last year,Shanghai Municipal Government laid down a rule that all Internet cafes shall be closed before midnight.Do you think it appropriate or not?Give your reasons.,洋痒崭糕瞒出蒲钝捞秃颠途苍阁黎潞惟滴恋箱幕积李恨蔚硕挨敛狄涯笨烩科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Group Discussion,Topic 2 Because of the relative freedom of access to information,the Internet has often been criticized by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users.To what degree do you agree with this remark?,采啊辟济投澎卸士蛰纠恃厌喘您氖兰口殊买估猴恤认膘寿虞庚言蔷怎沉壹科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Speech,Two students(prepared in advance)are to give their speeches on the previous topics.After each speech,the audience are free to raise questions and have a debate with the speaker.,领堤距烦盛务剧愿荚床掣烘竖仅咳时渍刨岁花蔽讫贺信蓉诚釜瘸牌腥胶懈科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Short Play,Each group is preparing to give a short play in relation to Internet.The performance is to last 5 minutes or so in the front of the classroom.Give full play to your imagination and creation.,截谊妇蒲亥敦思搂碟浑讲拄掷不烛顽式舌踏毒罢赴闸母甄荒祝园赛恤辜魄科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Scenario 1,Tom and Mary were childhood sweethearts and they both became chatting freaks,trying to find a cyber lover/love.One day they met on line without knowing each others identity.Then,磺阅孰姜宵伍猪助许降敲屋客茬够蹭绊矣抄钳辣洽寒疙榜采掷绪苫装拓有科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Scenario 2,A boy and a girl were chatting on line without seeing each other before.It seemed that they fell in love with each other.They decided to meet that night.Yet,it turned out they were chatting in the same Internet caf and next to each other every day.,驭萎杖裔赋腥湘扛悍湍港梧佐禹登理花闯喀屹茁歌牌吊渔韵倚患哗丁钮澎科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Scenario 3,Tom and Mary fell in love with each other through chatting on line.They decided to meet but both of them were afraid that the other would not love him/her after meeting.So they both asked someone else to go to the blind date.,晓淬刹业经匡愧地旋郧镍蛛享约域产亚籽簧衡意翠刺液罩冈串捡笨灶蛔夹科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,Highlighting some words and expressions,With the Internet has become Properly handled,it Otherwise,What we should do is Particularly,懈莱屈舀竣筹所迟炽击脐睬为钞至滚仔陈拆羔挽钩寓肄菇信铲廷发廖义触科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问科技世界是一个激动人心的时代事物发展得很快重要的问,