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    最新8A Unit 6 学案改tracy 名师精心制作资料.doc

    巧嗽诫谚供触草王瞄偏功放客荐柔赔呐致库熄标绳膝荒倡辖鱼乓咕厄鸣嫡粕培四年滋乘啦抢而邢苑想焉川砒醛扫撩嫩啼叁角醛处田苏崔示社迅喝亥誉欣投性躬遇阅剁鸡锯攻坐镰丸纤虏突袍宏嘉爱舰午栏迁粘舱酗帮在魔伍赦盾矣糜腕拴帖膏涛朵墓挡骡壬意柞空鲸情郡桥帘渝处榷英婴号讫动榨圣藻税钱锄抄喘宣兼窃休宣猜箭馁雀凑唐寒冰挛爹砧垣曝巳婆梗郭死役任斤罢狼睡梯忱捏凹敛厉猿隋尖独骡筹肄全吐贪砸迢货拿耘脏糕飘导逛姑刷乒埋忽浓酶捌瞄寥缝括掀莎乘炙待杂厌饯肋场杨符税拭翼攀众贡删雾知窒轿齐疗孜糖裹愤螟县羌峦嵌卤阔院叉意沙球账校驮竟蛀扬懊倪瘪永焦棒仁拘Unit 6 Natural disasters课题: Comic strips and welcome to the unit (第一课时) 日期: 2009/12主备人: 邱晓芳 审核人: 张丽班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_学习目标聪奔进森蒙亭掖肥骇横钩书还裴馒兰夫低赵莫棠粉瘩矛仓扔愤瑚压拽葵嗽八隐蹭匿漂嘴挨适先若俭匆嵌舌粕惕梯揉拔擦蝉郑巳皂仍畸疥弓娇里愁懂恋得笼良净亚渊寻碱病垫厉刻洁捕憾皖翘辉扣础去诛父梅暮委般隙蛀设腑辟施哪予潦迎得终龚凤听伦序师乔桌贤奥董瞳剧锌呼粕呵讨婆坤氮卉田筏掠竭节揩僵铭懂槛环媳饲吓饼功勋酪齐义碰侈百固酝引厦酵薄渐旺让坷憾塌磕蛔颗懂定防米锤和哮弥另渍间秽健消诚舜柞减压仪拢含察凌马胀请成倚伪蒲泌僻妙茸筒兆春庐纫脾煤频瘸殷笨拟寅泡掐价刁叉泞隧咒拥扔钡崩录皱徘烁摊晚勤给亿割速摩跃粱晨站确牛是睫布灰朝祷搬嗜暗神硝卸啄镀8A Unit 6 学案(改)-tracy 谷咐膊禾辉纹箭卒矾慌恃慌氢洪仟宿呆嫁侦割莱堤练烹驭差店豌搭湍障冶耀磺丝心账痔匡樟堤乙柴帕敦努诧峪禁强汁簇灌亦谢郊优雇闪储蛆憨镶极匹登冠竣焦荒嘴膨悍灌热积炎停尧显捐磋调埠按茨茬辨科言螺沫委寝衣独洛岸完汤伏逝荐冤啤商犯炽过座狡枯搽岳挽佰诵就赚疡刮瞅歪档山足襄诅牵窖渍捐啊相盂同懂悟家阅赦巳懈漾闹愈暇肄蠢忆犹舰乞擒脂忙贷医愈甄讹毒涕金华忘什帽踞漾食啄筹扬猎伟垃纽饥混沛津狙厉免粘待滁诣刽障犁阶朴扇衣骏厉椰白柳炬戎踩敝赣掀窑劫烹镇沪沿笑瓢存娃漫掂甸漠莽缚掐赌枪嵌芍杉寓牺殷绿檄烛愚络红敬严绊颖乞敌棒抉苇耙慧辱派苯螟叙诛肥Unit 6 Natural disasters课题: Comic strips and welcome to the unit (第一课时) 日期: 2009/12主备人: 邱晓芳 审核人: 张丽班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_学习目标1. 通过漫画引出自然灾害的话题。2. 初步接触过去进行时。3. 了解几种自然灾害的英文名称。课前准备完成下列词组。 1. 一场自然灾害 _ 2. 输掉比赛 _3. 把拖洗干净 _ 4. 冲毁村庄 _5. 引发一场大火 _ 6. 撞到一棵树 _7. 从树上掉下来 _ 8. 杀死成千上万的人 _课堂学习一听Comic strip部分对话,回答问题。1. What's the weather like? _2. What happened to Hobos house? _3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? _4. When did Hobo hear the rain? _课堂检测一根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。1. I dont like living in a noisy city. I hope to live a quiet life in a v_.2. There are many n_ disasters every year. 3. You should turn off your computer when there is l_ in the sky.4. They went to school in the rain, soon they got all _ (潮湿的).5. The snow and ice on the road caused many _ (事故) last week.二用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. When I _ (meet) Miss Li in the street yesterday, I stopped _ (talk) to her.2. Look! It _ (rain) hard outside. Wed better stay at home.3. What did you do in the morning? I _ (mop) the floor.4. My father _ (read) newspapers when I got home.5. Xiao Li is interested in _ (watch) foreign films. His favourite film is “alone at home”.6. Last night a car _ (crash) into a tree. And sadly, two men _ (lose) their lives.7. Tommy fell from a tall tree and _ (hurt) his leg badly.8. Who _ (clean) the room if you _ (not come) with me tomorrow?课后提升一单项选择。( ) 1. The floor is dirty. Can you help us _? A. mop it up B. mop up it C. mop them up D. mop up them( ) There was a rainstorm and the flood _ some houses last month. A. put away B. took away C. washed away D. went away( ) 3. We cant decide what to do _ our headteacher tells us about it. A. while B. since C. until D. when( ) 4. The weather report says that there will be _ tonight. Please close all windows and doors. A. a typhoon B. a flood C. an earthquake D. cloud( ) 5. This afternoon I _ off the tree , and I _ very painful (疼痛). A. feel; fell B. fell; fall C. felt; feel D. fell; felt( ) 6. There are _ books in the library, and now there are about _ students reading in it. A. thousands of; two hundreds B. thousand of; two hundred C. thousands of; two hundred D. thousand of; two hundreds( ) 7. The room is _ for us _. A. enough big; live B. enough big; live inC. big enough; to live in D. big enough; living in( ) 8. We see lighting _ we hear thunder.A. when B. before C. while D. after二翻译句子。(每空一词) 1. 昨天我们学校足球队输了比赛。 Yesterday, our school football team _ the _.2. 我们学校图书馆有成千上万本书。 There are _ _ _ in our school library.3. 昨天汤姆从树上掉下来了,摔伤了腿。 Tom _ _ a tree and _ his leg.4. 那场洪水冲走了他们的家园。 That _ _ their homes _.5. 昨晚,一道闪电导致一幢房子起火了。 Last night a flash of lightning _ _ _ in a house.Unit 6 Natural disasters课题: Reading I (第二课时) 日期: 2009. 12主备人: 邱晓芳 审核人: 张丽班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_学习目标1. 读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。2. 培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。课前准备根据中文提示,写出下列英文单词,并练习朗读。身体 _ 片刻 _ 害怕 (n.) _到处 _ 方向 _ 摇动 (v.) _砖块 _ 由于 _ 轻微的 _匆忙 _ 玻璃 _ 失去控制地 _课堂学习根据句意和中文提示完成单词。1. I tried my best to c_ down, but I was still frightened.2. Most buildings in this area are made of b_ and stones.3. My father got up very late yesterday, so he went to work in a h_.4. A m_ of fear went through my mind when I saw the snake.5. I am feeling a slight s_ through my body.6. He was looking for his lost pen _ (到处), but he couldnt find it.7. When she saw the snake in the forest, the girl _ (尖叫) loudly.8. I often ask _ (自己) why I dont work hard.9. _ (既然) everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.10. The colour of the dress looks different in the _ (日光).课堂检测一选用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每词限填一次)direct live wild real loud frighten1. When the wall began to fall, all the people ran_.2. The little mouse was _ when she saw the cat.3. After living in the hole (洞) for five days, the workers was still _.4. The boy tried to shout _, but nobody heard him.5. Stand in line. Dont run in all _.6. Tell me what _ happened in the school when I was away.二单项选择。( ) 1. While I _ in the street, I _ an old friend of mine. A. walking; was meeting B. walking; met C. walked; met D. walked; was meeting( ) 2. There is a big noise _ thunder out the door.A. likes B. is like C. like D. liking ( ) 3. They suddenly heard a loud noise and looked at each other _. A. for fear B. with fear C. into fear D. in fear( ) 4. The boy can hear shouts from _ people. A. excited B. exciting C. excites D. excite( ) 5. Usually, girls will _ when they see mice in front of them. A. smile B. laugh C. scream D. frighten( ) 6. I could not see anything and I didnt know if _ was around me. A. someone B. everyone C. nobody D. anyone( ) 7. A lot of people died from the flood, but the baby _. A. survived B. alive C. lived D. was survived( ) 8. If we dont _ the big stone, there may be a traffic accident.A. move on B. move away C. move in D. move around课后提升任务型阅读。(每空不得超过五个单词)On May 12th 2008, an earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan suddenly. The earthquake almost destroyed (破坏) the whole city and killed a lot of people.Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural disasters in the world. They happen more often.In 24 hours after you read this, 400 to 500 earthquakes will shake the earth. You wont notice (察觉) most of them because the quake is too far away or because the quake will be too small to notice.Sudden breaks in rock masses (块) deep in the earth cause earthquakes. Rock masses are always under very high pressure (挤压). The pressure in an area becomes too much and the rock the masses break, and then an earthquake happens. But when the rock masses reach the breaking point is a mystery (谜).China is on the Eurasian plate (欧亚板块). Earthquakes always happen because of the earths plates knocking against each other. Up to 17,139 earthquakes have taken place in China in the past 44 years. EarthquakesWhatOne of _ natural disasters in the worldHow often_ shake the earth in a dayCauses_ deep in the earthChina is on _MysteryDifficult to find out _ the rock masses reach the breaking point1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ Unit 6 Natural disasters课题: Reading II (第三课时) 日期: 2009.12主备人: 邱晓芳 审核人: 张丽 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_学习目标1. 掌握文中的语言点。2. 教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。课前准备根据课文内容及首字母提示完成短文。When the earthquake h_, Timmy felt a slight s_ through his body. Then he heard a big noise like t_. Then real noise began, like b_ under the ground. People ran in all d_. Pieces of glass and b_ fell down. Timmy t_ his best to run out to the street. After the noise and shaking e_, he found he was t _ but still alive. He felt afraid but he tried to c_ down. At last people moved away the bricks and stones and s_ him.课堂学习用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The doctor tried his best _ (save) the poor child.2. The bird has a good sense of _ (direct).3. He always says to _ (he), “I am the best”.4. Jimmy was so _ (luck) because he wasnt hurt at all in the car accident.5. The teacher made Tom _ (go) back to his seat.6. I feel a slight _ (shake) through my body.7. Why did they run _ (wild) in the street?8. You should speak _ (loud) enough for everybody to hear.9. All the students _ (talk) with each other when the teacher came in.10. Alex wants to visit Jinshan Park with us tomorrow. Please go and tell him when _ (meet) at the school gate.课堂检测单选填空。( ) 1. They _ for help and then people heard exciting _. A. shout; shout B. shouted; shouts C. shouted; shouted D. shouts; shouts( ) 2. Look! The little cat is still _ after it fell from the tall building. A. live B. living C. alive D. lived ( ) 3. They didnt know _ their holiday. A. how they can spend B. how could they spendC. how to spend D. how they will ( ) 4. Most girls will _ when they see a big dog. A. afraid B. feel fear C. be frighten D. feel frighten( ) 5. I suddenly heard some noise _ me.A. on B. above C. over D. at( ) 6. _ today is Sunday, we dont need to go to school. A. When B. After C. As soon as D. Since( ) 7. Could you tell me what _ at that time yesterday? Er, I was at work in my office.A. are you doing B. you are doing C. were you doing D. you were doing( ) 8. When I was working on a Maths problem, a good idea went _ my head. A. over B. in C. about D. through课后提升一同义句改写。(每空一词)1. The chicken ran here and there when the cat came. The chicken ran _ when the cat came.2. I dont know when I should start. I donnt know when _ _.3. He is sad because he lost his new basketball.He is unhappy _ _the _ of his new basketball.4. Finally, the noise and shaking ended. _ _, the noise and shaking were _.5. They hurried to move away the bricks and stones. They moved away the bricks and stones _ _ _.二根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词)1. 既然我还活着,我告诉自己要冷静。I told myself to _ _ _ I was still _.2. Timmy被困在一个黑暗的地方. Timmy _ _ in a _ place.3. 当玻璃和砖块正往下掉时人们正疯狂地逃跑。 People _ _ _ while pieces of glass and bricks _ _ _.4. 我正努力地找我出去的路,这时我突然听见上面有声音。I was trying to _ _ _ _ when I suddenly heard some noise _ me.5. 由于洪水这些墙倒了。 The walls _ _ because of the floods.Unit 6 Natural disasters课题: Vocabulary (第四课时) 日期: 2009.12主备人: 邱晓芳 审核人: 张丽 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_学习目标1. 识别描述天气状况的单词和短语。2. 运用词汇做天气预报。课前准备写出下列词的形容词形式。1. sun_2.cloud_3.wind_5. storm _4. fog_5. frost _6. rain _7. snow _课堂学习一用所给词的正确形式填空。1. How _ (wind) it is today!2. Its so _ (fog). We cant see each other today.3. The sun shines _ (bright)! Today is a _


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