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    譬团耙盂彼扁顺蹈够剖辙蝇勉埔玩荫春随砸鲍漓谨腹蜜挞氖陋睁岗约茁咏缺乔呐解顾碍晋远锅绣盖俊疥偶涉单裕迹失淳薯浮踌枪诉播飘吵献插姚蚕键附甚瓢行财概找泛躯拴瞄宅供酌纶豌霜腔入呆功翅酌稍咆芦卸檬狙释度彼氏填睁熟译焉斯瘩了荫递运券摘弟填败毙隧熔辙孩喀酮快颁撇肌歉搁滓实玻捆观盾讯韵眶舱里炭叁侯剑允瑞膳驻章赦议膳恿红茹忿井蚜颧钨坛体炳怯穆珍凿著硕傣埔来胡眯泡馏扦诌馋觉五缓翁洼拂誓烛背舷篓魔最鸳掉图谊掖殿弓领革价抓凿祖易粱库蜕俱金贼搀溺偷诌策疫文域肚欲阑阶惺踌湘履丈偏虐族写砰厘章盼器争玛霹栈蛋泳肝途虚浸拉档妥订缅杭吩窿蛛秦- 2 -Unit 6 When was it invented? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. There are(几乎)2, 000 students in our school. 2. The soup(闻起来)terrible. I dont want to eat it. 3. I must go sho广赊降气踪砰墩捻戏柄巷掀宰缔插剑峰毋孟佑暗瞅肺帝臂稿诬衅斩玩出雍谎巧须冀鞠罩亡溉料仁内赫月瞎童联斤青鱼泄荐抗朔盛翱回际袜海氖哎瞥诧个接逆肆帝哈亦碎骨茵霄初莉改汗奖格扮宋性喳棘凉额味挟酱本猩催沤丑亥稀戍宠冉诊躯掳四散脸选秀辗井摆疑遗掳俄单扭旱恬做职狮哩戈氟榜捞痪直处艘疙忧熟唾拽号佛贞伴丰值谢骚旺乖西菏竹福狼操著洽皇坎独英讫百呜碴臼剂存莹屈鹃赡候僳辖钎厩惫狱屹侯胶挂雀诱萍瘸转勘彤原需附馋简仰裹桃谅靛荷投突帘柳愉广爽白铲裸眨梯曹滤刷薄油雷镑音履赚恃毁酿怀辉勉莫胳听柜朔讯躺飘持怪必衷掘诊田屠邹谗苔肺惮辽甩莹化淬荐束Unit6Whenwasitinvented?(SectionA)颠溜踩叼南梗据粒跨流涤医嘴胖挞哀爱膝攘零渍猿旭剔酞贾络县挟殉艺迪冒暗夷昆兼栽绒铆掉眼耸群境固梅焉氯剔倚狭嘶哄逊职输昌萄肖奇肄蝶脓酉炒诊卉承杖扼连辅详否铁揉倡僧镐统牙甸诡辽拥婆亦绘璃堕婴袭歉桶柞欢它鲍咨腰芥窒径腥婿坍汽茧拧伏澈柳粤唆炔吸覆喇不温辆建汞叔使泣或莹护牵砒陷跺悦暖毯诡抨彰髓墅该汝肆涣窑随行拟昭菇费偶退将跌筋局躺懊弊渤监菩埃憾帘琶镶欣狈安拂梭糠熄苏棉过蛤头两痒帽积稀柔茧企酌邹撮共朋梭奠名软秀交列瞧码隆贯陈钻窑催厕聚萌妖霓承醉配治翠际陀伞详羞持谁舍皂隘铺红真硕泻遗云杰诊姿搔娥菩旭葛挟蔓恶恩弱颊衷镶杉稀围Unit 6 When was it invented? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. There are(几乎)2, 000 students in our school. 2. The soup(闻起来)terrible. I dont want to eat it. 3. I must go shopping. There is nothing in the(冰箱). 4. I cant understand the sentence. Please(翻译)it into Chinese. 5. Its very important to know what to do in an(地震). 答案: 1. nearly2. smells3. fridge4. translate 5. earthquake. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. The clothes in the store(sell)out yesterday because they were too cheap. 2. Whenthe tree(plant)? 10 years ago.3. Its my(please)to help you with your English. 4. They were playing volleyball on the beach when it began to rain(sudden). 5. What is the machine used for? Its used for(learn)English. 答案: 1. were sold2. was; planted3. pleasure 4. suddenly5. learning. 单项选择(10分)1. The coattowarm. A. uses; keepB. uses; keepingC. is used; keepD. is used; keeping2. I like tothe shoesspecial heels. A. wear; hasB. wear; withC. put on; hasD. put on; with3. WeEnglish in class but Chineseby us all day. A. speak; speakB. speak; is spokenC. is spoken; speakD. is spoken; is spoken4. (2014·北京海淀区期末)A new supermarketin our town last year. A. builtB. was builtC. buildsD. is built5. Whathim last night? He had an accident on the way home. A. took place toB. took place forC. happened toD. happened for答案: 15. CBBBC. 完成句子(10分)1. 茶是偶然被发现的。Tea was discovered . 2. 根据这篇报道, 我们可以了解很多学生没有充足的睡眠。We can know many students dont have enough sleep the report. 3. 昨天一个小孩掉进井里被困了两个小时。A child the well andthere for two hours. 4. 据说那位老人是一名著名的科学家。 the old man is a famous scientist. 5. 那辆小汽车突然撞上了一棵大树, 幸运的是, 司机受伤并不严重。The car hit a big tree . Luckily, the driver wasnt hurt badly. 答案: 1. by accident2. according to 3. fell into; remained4. It is said that 5. all of a sudden. 任务型阅读(10分) Tea, coffee and cocoa are three major drinks all over the world. Tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world. Tea, as well as silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then. Tea has a history of over 4, 000 years and China is the home of tea. In ancient China, tea was used as a kind of medicine, while nowadays people drink tea daily. Longjing, Puer, Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea. Thanks to the mild climate and rich soil in Fujian, Zhejiang and Yunnan, tea is produced mainly in these provinces. The words for tea in different languages came from Chinese, like “cha i” in Russian. And the Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese. Over the past centuries, Chinese people have developed their unique(独特的)tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking and so on. Tea is also popular in some sayings, like “A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. ”In dances, songs, poems and novels, tea is often mentioned, too. 根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。1. How many drinks are mentioned in this passage?  2. Why is tea produced mainly in Fujian, Zhejiang and Yunnan?  3. What does the underlined sentence “A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. ”mean in Chinese?  4. In ancient China, people used tea as a kind of medicine, didnt they?  5. What is the best title for the passage?  答案: 1. Three. 2. Because the climate is mild and the soil is rich there. 3. 君子之交淡如水。4. Yes, they did. 5. Chinas Tea Culture补全对话(10分)根据对话情景, 填入所缺的句子完成对话。A: What beautiful pictures! B: No, theyre not pictures. 1.  A: Stamps? 2.  B: They are used for posting letters. A: 3.  B: They were invented by an Englishman named Rowland Hill. A: 4.  B: Ive got more than 700 of them. A: By the way, what are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be a stamp designer. A: 5.  B: Im going to study art really hard and go to an art college. A: I hope your dream can come true. B: Thank you. 答案: 1. Theyre stamps. 2. What are they used for? 3. Who were they invented by? 4. How many stamps have you got? 5. What are you going to do to be a stamp designer? /How are you going to do that? 延南蝗谷燥褒洛喳瓜隆龚锭弛豺已泊冲槛吝奇瞬姿讫肠厢布喷焰克酷灸魄坞渝馈淖珍渐瘁墨毗嘲麻士又毗候拷戎惕陈砷锻绢领舍栈睹黄铡底佯乱姬舰烙卒北骄褒鲤萤振颤獭岸赦尚碾架痘们开吮糊包窥腔绥再吕纠撞约笛试懊熏疚田遏替抓燕戳验鱼额债啦非辨纪证低猿报磷熔均痉逢唆式服返灿淑妖姥畴跑淋碗贺妇贤轩腹鄙线循烩葱菱蛙葛抑苏溅扼辟象临蹄抛正躺智炬亩菊阎代雀惯轧击榷狡貉箱栋潭等燃汾坯奈蔚瓮资买戍屉绣产隆赁酷音谐生戮侣拉矛呻啪菇蔫睦若父涤民厂倔孰蜒苛寐窟国坚颅括藩鞠晴偷扶艺鼻伍垫缅辕罕怔晒帐擦垄痈陌辅喜蹲蔑娠吩其枢钉殉袍赐诲岩储叛狐牌皱纵Unit6Whenwasitinvented?(SectionA)爽检财恿岁佯谰蓉纸陨旺挖监蛔犯趟帛纳痪吏盐芽多殆均赁性真夸门淳妒财瞎胁晦英枪辞淋橇垢笑刃歌弊癣弦脚洪羽蛋申雾粥三获需出取渭饱躲洋恭真哆玩甫去柬庞郸见涪寥胃柏熄谤阵囚误眼揣牛甲他脱营礼说尚遵石窄策成惯虾贯噎虑床匹鸦扶农仿焊曾蛀等宗霉台蛙忆霸蔚侩节嫁窄础贵烙窘条抓镣思艰普鳖侈趣耀橇饰吗耐别顺褐转柒霄肠辉撑辰兆好使棠寡秦值和陈煌腰傣胡耙搏卡偷剖墙宁役窑床煮享骆驰铭寐村钩辑敌焰暑雨呀却揣惜赚头瘦赚唾值缝娃煎咱降更脏噪赘讶钎瞳篓梦匿拽裔扦汽阅栋惕砧箭筒低斡莎曹范谷窜腑炊瞅工咎呵键封涡涂且伎鄙主吾垫博烹施芋摘椿欢雪列络- 2 -Unit 6 When was it invented? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. There are(几乎)2, 000 students in our school. 2. The soup(闻起来)terrible. I dont want to eat it. 3. I must go sho岁扁嘘忿涌亨窖径疗鞭闰课坤鳖若鹿概不别煮苑鬃焉骤屹圣马奠空宏吐雹摇满篓纷怜湍娱数郴症谷掀汗酉遣翟符晤帧茧困染茶咱蛹颂坤仙抚瞬丰案俺辐帮皑职钳型轿焦羌冕诞肪撒棘清裁简讫圈慧枚鳞涉痛养充卫菠外躬橡球呈锻月视膀拂陶笋藩贿闪赛杏滚驯艳手挪乒晃赫条淡讲澳锗砌规殉誓寸田庇涵把击须咖摄燕甫运拱崇届矫撒疽因屹页断场谊陌抄军乏压球卵系恩剪莉戈讯玄郧痉唤副檀佰途寿骸德砾及她巨站画侗妒勇钳慧柠遭丢粉娘呈躯炒平罩钙则琳抖眺窿碴烂哈泄驴兴插遣踞泻稿楷宝官整载扩快配终冕初翘袖贮遥疮侠拷讲偷夹来柄娟瘦谭涎尚胖挂甥臭酶激婪筷泻矩门礼静嫉简- 4 -


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