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    Unit 1,Art,Check the answers,一.Words:faith 即时训练1.I _her,she wont let me down.我对他很有信心,她不会让我失望的。2.The public_ what the government is doing.公众对政府的所作所为失去了信心.3.He said he would help me but he_.他说他将帮我但他对我失信。4._(有信心)yourself,_(忠实于)your work and make every effort you can and then you are not far away from success.辨析:faith,belief,confidence,trust,have much faith in,have lost faith,breakfaith with me,Have faith,be faithful,【活学活用】用faith,belief,confidence,或trust的适当形式填空。1)My father hadnt much _ in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.2)A good marriage is based on _.3)He ought not to break _ with her.4)He lacks _ in himself.,belief,trust,faith,confidence,2.aim:练习:We took part in the language contest_ improving our communication skills.我们参加语言竞赛是为了提高我们的交际能力。Tom _a doctor in the future and he _ the top in his career.汤姆立志成为一名医生并立志攀登事业高峰。The workers worked day and night,_(力争完成)the task on time.The book _very young children.这本书的对象是幼儿。,with the aim of,is aiming to become/at becoming,is aiming for/at,aiming at finishing/to finish,is aimed at/is intended for,3.typical 句型:It is typical of sb to do sth 做某事是某人的特点 be typical of sb/sth 是典型的-;是-的特点 This painting is _ his early work.这幅画是他早期作品中相当典型的代表作。It was _.只有他才会这么说。_,she had had words with others.她就是这样,又和别人吵架了。,fairly typical of,typical of him to say so,Typically,4.possess 练习:He_ without a licence 他被控无照拥有枪支。I am afraid _.恐怕他没有什么幽默感。这部车是我哥哥的。A)The car is _.B)The car is _my brother.C)My brother is _the car.联想:be in charge of用法,wascharged possessing a gun.,he doesnt possess a sense of,in my brothers possession,in possession of,in possession of,5.attempt vt.尝试,企图attempt/try to do sth attempt sth用attempt、manage 填空 Tom _(试图劝说)his mother to let him go fishing.(persuade)The prisoners_(试图逃脱)but failed.(escape.n)He _ his homework.他设法按时完成了他的作业。.,persuade,attempted an escape,managed to finish,6.predict vt 预言,预示,预报 predict sth预示,预报某事 predict that-预报、预测-(常接宾语从句)It is/was predicted+that clause.据预报Eg.Nobody _ the future.没人能预测未来。It is impossible _.预言将会发生什么是不可能的。She_ the election result would be close.她预言选举结果将很接近。区别 foresee/foretell/forecast的用法。,could predict,predict,to predict what will happen in the future,7.appeal vi.有感染力,呼吁,求助 vt,将。上诉n.呼吁,恳求 appeal to sb/sth 上诉 appeal against sth 申诉 The company_ the ruling.公司正对判决提出申诉。appeal to sb 有吸引力,引起兴趣 The design _all ages and social groups.设计要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。appeal(to sb)for sth 呼吁,恳求Nationalist leaders_.民族主义领袖们呼吁保持冷静。,is appealing against,has to appeal,appeal for,8.adopt v.采纳;采用;收养 Eg.The teacher began to adopt her suggeston.(采纳)They decided to adopt an orphan after the earthquake.(收养)扩展:adopt sb/sth 收养某人、采用,采纳某事物adopted.adj.收养的 adoption n.收养;采纳区分adopt/adaptadapt意为“改编;使适应”,表“适应”时常与介词to连用完成句子:His suggestion_ by people in many parts of the world.他的建议已经被世界上许多地区的人采纳了。Jack _ new ife in the city.杰克已经适应了城市的新生活。,has been adopted,has adapted,二Phrase:1.区分 a great deal/a great number of/a lot of/an amount of/a large quantity of/a good many。(详见状元桥P6)用deal完成句子:Your friendship_(mean)你的友谊对我关系很大。The flood _ in Yunnan.(do)洪灾对云南造很大损失。on the one hand-on the other hand=for one thing-for another 一方面-另一方面,means a great deal to me,did a great deal of damage,三句型would rather模仿:1)He _tomorrow.他愿意明天帮我。模仿:2)She would rather _ the day before yesterday.她宁愿前天没看见他。模仿:3)I would rather she _ in the exam next time.我宁愿她下次考试不作弊。模仿:4)She would rather I_ the other day.她宁愿让我前几天拜访她。,would rather help me,not have seen him,didnt cheat,visited her,II.evident 常用句型:It is evident/clear/obvious that-很显然/清楚-Eg:It is evident that you are wrong again.很显然你又错了。联想:由it 引导的主语从句由多少种?,根据汉语提示完成句子。1)When her father died,she a large fortune.(possession)她父亲去世时,她继承了一大笔财产2)The project _helping the disabled achieved great success.(aim)这项工程旨在帮助残疾人取得较大的成功。3)It _ we met them in the USA(coincidence).我们在美国遇上他们真是有巧合。4)If_,well all leave here.(rather)如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿5)Mr.Smith._great selfconfidence.(possess)史密斯先生具有很强的自信心,came into possession of,aimed at,was rather a coincidence that,you would rather be/stay alone,is possessed of,6)The government is _.(appeal)政府呼吁人人节约用水7)This disease _ horses.(specific)只有马才得这种病。8.We _,but didnt think we hurt you.(faith)我们诚心帮助你,没想到伤害了你。9.He _ his approach to life.(conventional)他的生活态度是守旧的10.You should see she _ blood then.(allergic)你可以看得出她当时对看见血过敏。,appealing everyone to save water,helped you in good faith,is specific to,is conventional,was allergic to see,完成句子(1)She always aims at(力争)the better.(2)Imaiming to lose(目标是减掉)4kg before the summer holidays.(aim)(3)The company is aiming at training(目标是培训)each employee by the end of this year.(4)China has long been the leader in the research of rice,aimed at reducing the shortage of food in the world.(5)They have built up many primary schools,aiming to help the children whose families are poor.,易混辨析conventional,traditional,


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