,Unit 4,Body Language,Class 4,grade 1 By:Cicy Liao,Everyday English,When in Romerum,do as the Romansrumns do.-入乡随俗,Lead in,Video:Who is the hero(男主角)?What does he try to tell us?How can you read his feelings?,What is Body Language?,One form of communication without using any words,which contains.,eye contact眼神交流,facial expression面部表情,gesture手势,posture姿势,Eye contact(touch),I love you!,Read ones mind,Facial Expressions,angry,scared恐惧,happy,sad,contempt 轻视,surprised,disgust厌恶,OK,stop,silent,well done,gestures,Nice to meet you!,I give up.,Pray/Please!,Im listening carefully!,Postures,Your turn,OK!,a little,I dont know!,Me?,think deeply,stop crying,exercise on page25,go this way,stomachachestamkeik,exercise on page 25,Game,Choose one below.One student performs and the other guesses.,Free expression,Can you think out any other body language?Work with partners and then show us,In China,BritainIn Russia,France,In Arab,Japan,KoreaIn Some western countries,Shake hands KissBowhug,various greetings for the first time,Summary,what is the purpose of the body language?-communication and reading ones mind when necessary.when in Romerum,do as the Romansroum do.,Homework,Thinking:Whether putting up thumb(大拇指)has the same meaning in different countries or not?,group A,Hello!Im confused!Good Luck!come here!,Group B,Im surprised!Im tired!Go away!Ok!,Group C,Goodbye!You are great!Expensive!I am delighted!,