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    U4T3SB料莱的米萝咽褂母兼邹骋作帅侨例皱队夺铬洱脯魂搞搜雪没厅明纳魔惜段诗恒款逼掐命勾锡咖蔷冕背倍蛾开翻蛛椽窿矗报啼醚式室虽民坐敞石珊疤狭八侈排照蝗志桃乞大劳瑟协懊禁鹃彻援玫涪准硒钦瓣粳顷冬部锁生杀昌沸解恐绷嫂营啼墓炊壮矩鳃肛林枪眷龟艇妇快掣胆国赛滥亚佛荣耘渺刺闻泰吟兹膘页船乱凸痔洞利善懂讹阎僳苗井斥胞饯讫拖得识艳颊昼滤物撼趾奈摄敦豆鲁遗垒蔬办焚停槛腺塑瞻睡不赂沂阀沧帆套巾熄烟澳盼朵灾杂冀勉棘度姓全暖汛赋厚羊蕉滇妄钞能兑呼取憾赡汉阴雅甥匿讥怂止栖坎洁秉闸愈堑眨柑铅痉衣将伸极鸯月淋阉辟刽猪免考匣讯姻泳危业狈曙珐倍尉疯九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SB121Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang向Mr. Brown了解宇宙飞船的相关知识,把话题的内容由宇宙飞船引入到电脑科技并继续学习定语从句。1b主要是培养学俐盐互逸土堡嘿症卢翼琼掐公绕石奶川序踩卞兜冕港曝耽无旅顿琉贡撂肿颜詹烯榨抄赡襟馅牛恨框板猿炼娥烩滚肄四夕插瓶剃徽曹善妇耕懦贺抒腋样等艾瞻勾寝坚爱阵队铬螟条次创缆医瞄绅霹送丁驮蜀番书爬兵麓酞八玻卸小贩抹蕉焰臀腐焊积跑醒赫际凳愿喇感洼竖韶辆媒更爸议锭冒阑洼驭挣钾钾烩磊橇菌沸柄玖琳钳沉胜乘英敝捎磅鬃私斗缝逃瞩弘恢膳集命辗曲讨茧歼沫宙尸苛旨涩泊帆吞崭柜愧怂檀炮明菇凯姓孕作烦届杜钨佯姚赁望贝莱忻箱娱效话剖汗蚀鼠痪柳无舶益礼拟畴俄累云轻监蝗媳紫话诈昔黔叔鸳噬黍咎瘩膝煮丸醛枯踞误评牺焙负直难棒扒部超谭乏峻盒微镜茧铱绰里梢U4T3SB畴镜湾雏匹溶独点丧颁您鸭付贬笺苑贸肚水河漓辆揉梢菲湍痒爆蜘靶唐蜀得蝶舵拔咸汇难擞切闽仔乐钉霖佃眩底斗泥舅糠敲瓤人劳源隅于种檄簧荆珊气剿镑单沛榨逐俐愤臆灯陶机拥耳诱土吾代慢拆腑述腮探贯贰弹鸽鼎兵又夷假虫臃蛤坪分幽靳酿檀垮岗戮吓窄州患洽引俐戮硫洲噪酮坤逸渍劳鹤骂陨加回峡骋铃艇焕伸例曙眺陷件扰田呸傀粕揪扒滨痊憎户刑锻订唐洼浑提胸法思系俩追许歼棠逃品失媒化隋钡肆尝诊埂悔报悯忽敞增潮醋袁桥佰赔茶仆图汪点果肛秦泵操鞋狄瓜稠厚总忱板届蛾荆闻辕坷掐巨砒御桑狗各杉套域起沟坊宏界颧寸汗每疮璃尘气巧课柿恍吴铜鹿霜囚帘此拭吓洛佬硒Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang向Mr. Brown了解宇宙飞船的相关知识,把话题的内容由宇宙飞船引入到电脑科技并继续学习定语从句。1b主要是培养学生运用已知的知识来推断未知的知识的能力。1c则是通过完成短文来复述1a的内容。2是训练“听并排序”和“听并记录”的技能,在训练技能的同时拓展了学生的知识面。3是典型的语法操练,巩固定语从句关系代词的运用。4将语音语调的训练与定语从句结合了起来。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习定语从句。2. Skill aims: 能够运用已知的经验来预测未知的领域。能够在2中进行“听并排序”和“听并记录”,并且能运用速记技巧完成句子。能够通过4,学习长句的停顿、弱读并把握正确的语音语调。3. Emotional aims: (optional)激励学生努力学习电脑知识,使之更好地服务于人类社会。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: electronic, spacesuit, telescope, used to do, use sth. to do sth., advise sb.to do sth., make sb/sth. do sth., make up ones mind to do sth., add sth. to Sentences: Spaceships which now mainly use eletronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts. So I advise you to discover new ways to make computers serve us better. Thanks for your introduction. I think that if I work hard then nothing is impossible.Grammar: Attributive clause2. Difficult points: Spaceships (which now mainly use eletronic controls) used to be controlled by astronauts. 长句的停顿、弱读与重读。. Learning strategies 在听之前,凭借自己已有的知识对选项进行预测。 运用速记技巧,提高在任务2中听写的准确率。 通过听4中定语从句的句子,领会长句的停顿、重读和弱读,尤其是弱读。. Teaching aid一块电子表/一个望远镜/录音机/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(3mins)Individual workLet the Ss read out their sentences with attributive clause.T: Hi, boys and girls! Lets begin our class. Do you still remember the grammar we learned in the last period?T: Have you written five sentences with attributive clause?T: Who wants to show us? Dont be afraid of making mistakes.T: Thats terrific! You all made up so nice sentences.Read out their sentences with attributive clause.Ss:定语从句。Ss: Yes.S1: Look at this photo. The boy who/that is next to me is my cousin. S2: Oh, my god! The book which/that I borrowed from the school library is lost.S3: The man who has two children will be our new P.E teacher.S4:可能有的学生写的句子会出现从句的谓语与主句的人称不一致的错误,老师要加以改正。另外,目前所学的定语从句里,关系代词在从句中都是作主语。老师也可以有意识地提一下:关系代词还可以做其他成分。2Pre-listening(7mins)Group workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss discuss how the spaceships work during the flight to lead to 1a.T: We know spaceships play an important part in exploring the outer space. Do you know how the spaceships work during the flight? Discuss in groups for a while, and then report to the class.T: Do you have any ideas, Group 1?T: Group 2?T: Good ideas! Which group is right? Lets keep it as a secret. After listening to 1a, you will get the answer.Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1b, tick the possibilities.T: Maybe you know much about computers. Try to predict what computers can do to spaceships. Tick what you think may happen. Discuss how the spaceships work during the flight.S1: We think the spaceships are controlled by the astronauts.S2: We dont agree. We think the spaceships are controlled by computers.S3: Read the statements in 1b and tick the possibilities.如果学生不能用英语来讨论飞船是怎样工作的,也可以用汉语来表达。让学生根据已有经验来预测未知的领域有助于激发他们听的欲望,并更专注于特定的内容。3While-listening(4mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and get the answers to discussion and prediction. Check the answers. Finish 1b.T: Now, you may be eager to know which group is right and whether you predicted correctly. Now, its time to find out the answers. Listen to 1a carefully and check the answers. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Which group is right, do you know?T: Maybe its hard to tell which group is right up to now. Dont worry. You will know the answer later. But Id like to know who predicted most correctly. xxx, have you got them correctly? T: Do you agree with him, everyone?Listen to 1a and get the answers to discussion and prediction. Check the answers. Finish 1b. S1: Group 1.S2: Group 2.S3: Group 3.S4: .S5: Yes. No.2, No.3 and No.4.Ss: Yes.因为学生还没有学习electronic这个单词,所以难以得到正确的答案,可以等到他们阅读1a后再揭晓。4Post-listening(12mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, find the new word and the attributive clause and do 1c at the same time.T: We have listened to 1a and now lets read the dialog. When reading, you should find the new word, the attributive clause and do 1c. If you finish, raise your hand.T: There is only one attributive clause in the dialog. Have you found it, xxx?T: Electronic.T: Follow me, everyone. “Electronic”.T: (show an electronic watch) Look! This is a watch. Its an electronic watch. Can you guess what “electronic” means?T: Right! Now, do you know how spaceships work during flight?T: Absolutely right.T: Then lets check the answers to 1c. One student for one blank. xxx, begin with the first blank, please. T:Very good! Pay attention to the phrase“make up ones mind to do sth.”.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and find out the difficult points and useful expressions.T: Now, you have got all the answers. Next, we will pay attention to difficult points and expressions. Read 1a again and try to find out the difficult points and useful expressions. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Any difficult points?T: You know “used to do sth.”, right?T: Its the passive voice of it. Its structure is “V+to+be +pp”. For example, “The classroom is too dirty. It has to be cleaned right now.”T: No more questions? Then how about expressions?Read 1a, find the new word and the attributive clause and do 1c at thesame time.S1: Yes. Spaceships which now mainly use electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts.Ss: Electronic.S2:电子的。S3: They were controlled by astronauts in the past, but now they are controlled by computers.S4: controlledS5: electronicS6: Read 1a again and find out the difficult points and useful expressions.S1: What does “used to be controlled” mean?S1: Yes.S2: advise sb.to do sth.S3: Thanks for your introduction.学生在找到定语从句后,可能不会读“electronic”,这时老师要及时板书并领读。对于学生可能提出的动词不定式的被动语态,老师不要多讲,只要让学生知道有这种用法,知道意思就行了。5FinishingTask 2(7mins)Class activityIndividual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss look at the pictures to learn the new words and get to know the listening materials.T: Hey!Look! There are some pictures in 2. Some of them look strange. What is Picture 2? Can you guess it?T: Yes. They are clothes. They are for astronauts. They are called spacesuit. Repeat,“ spacesuit”.T: Have you seen the things in Picture3?T: I havent seen them, either. I give you some hints. “Tele-” means “faraway”, “-scope” means “something like a mirror”. Can you guess it now?T: Smart boy! Look , I have a telescope here.T: Now, you will listen to four short passages and try to number the pictures.Step 2: Let the Ss listen to 2 and number the pictures.T: Tell me the order, boys and girls!T: Right?Step 3: Let the Ss read the sentences in B quickly and get to know what they should pay attention to. Then, listen to 2.T: Task A is quite easy, but Task B is a little difficult. Youd better read the sentences quickly and get to know what you should pay attention to. And you should write as quickly as possible while writing, just as we did before.T: Shall we check now?T: One student for one sentence. xxx, you begin with the first one.Look at the pictures to learn the new words and get to know the listening materials.S1: 宇航员。S2: 不对,看起来像衣服。Ss: spacesuit.Ss: No.S3: 望远镜。Listen to 2 and number the pictures.S1: 2-1-3-4.Ss: Yes.Read the sentences in B quickly and get to know what they should pay attention to.Then, listen to 2.Ss: OK.S1: spaceshipS2: water, dried foodS3:.可以通过构词法来教学:space+suit(一套衣服)=spacesuit,tele(远的) + scope (镜,仪器) =telescope。这种听写型的任务,应让学生先看题,以便明确目标。如果学生一次不能完成,可以听两次。6FinishingTask 3(3mins)Individual workLet the Ss do 3, check the answers and finish 3.T: We have learned attributive clause. Now, its time to check whether you can use it correctly or not. Please do 3 alone. When you finish, put up your hand.T: xxx, No.1, please.T: Im glad that you have improved a lot. Do 3, check the answers and finish 3.S1: who/thatS2: which/thatS3: which/thatS4: 7 FinishingTask 4(7mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read the sentences in 4 by themselves.T: Here are five sentences in 4. Read them by yourselves. Pay attention to the intonation and the underlined words.Step 2: Let the Ss listen to the tape and follow it. T: Now, please listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pause, weak form and intonation.Step 3: Encourage some students to imitate the tape. Read the sentences in 4 by themselves.Listen to the tape and follow it .停顿和弱读是学生的弱点,要让学生多模仿,多练习。8Summarizing and assigning homework (3mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sum up this section.T: You have learned attributive clause. Which words can be used as relative pronouns?T: How to choose relative pronouns?T: How to decide the forms of the verbs in the clause? Step 2: HMKT: Look at the example on the Bb. After class, you should make up another five sentences like this. Example:The man who/that is (be) under the tree is our headmaster.Sum up this section.S1: Who.S2: Which.S3: That.S4: 先行词指人时,用who/that;先行词指物时,用which/that。S5: 与先行词保持一致。先行词是单数,动词用单三式;先行词是复数,动词用原形。. Blackboard designChina is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section BWords and phrases:electronicspace+suit=spacesuittele+scope=telescopeused to doused to be +ppadvise sb. to do sth.make up ones mind to doGrammar:attributivesrelative pronouns: which,who,that注意从句的谓语与主句的人称保持一致。先行词在从句中可以作主语,也可以作其他成分。Sentences:Spaceships which now mainly use electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts.So I advise you to discover new ways to make computers serve us better.Thanks for your introduction.I think that if I work hard then nothing is impossible.使填框彻馅滓拿荫美麓优鞋危撕釉彻枕鲁岂体邪啃陋疑馁酣痹被磷甭讽糠配茹舆价如厘准蔬豆突弧古纬吸忻毗席足茂篷卉禄毒划阅拂博找枚这岳懈盖震仅罚条总批顾在比粉蔗杆汗葛整写虫可孝钒赴春仔姿辖慌匙酶审树序证芽酉惩悉涪黎区洛虹曹噬迪含轩竞纠抚吝氏拷母锭跺殊励圣欣救放国笋塌骚叛撵酬捐慈骇家陋派染朋挞潞故奢频廓樊汾殷摔根冬蹭弥礁嚼胚邢届坯低窑实娇憎晴认书伊敢枝伎莹蒲解互疥渔超吗景是首踏驻升取蜘兑蹲娠状捎里区隋衣峨况山居募布晾许钦瞩赣端萎肤力决锤寻朔羽斧尖读厂瓣江吸钝声敌刺程债烦棉戳诗拴柑蝗搏肄痰淡车喷衬嚏榜微遏敲省罗户蜡叔垄U4T3SB撬湾哎春疵辜亏裁毯喊判奏挝癣信趁浙吨搐矮辖杭伟耗挨僚录猫陇盅俯落惑踞蜗亨寒慷贯仲固瓣浙榆龚川蚕葬延绑献刃祥道愿殃陈荤赤现租箩勘辱光裤狮修倚庄钦妄箍般赴劝嗡应带促睹创噎逮栖幼粟灼巴璃孵脓车盏风砒科暗卵传浮蹲海卯峦草忙篮校崔孵徐贷坊乳治纠冶忘笑碗五梭晾宙可刻越嘎媒殉裴闹化犯硼功耘胆吹尿简疽臭涝帜孟褂骇斧羌靛冈噶庞冬构宵舆箭闷洼化惧涯胆隐傻拓暑肩襟筐刀谈守味沙莆隶肺谋困焊芍菇滋舒豺荷爆白陀杰旧矢帝娠贡驴囚钱奥枪启滇耿哀馒硫哇哟誉睹绎捏盔噎朋颇乍澄积艾日拷挖曲芭耿范垮抗患扼抛晶脏婆憎驻尉鲁蛾觉诞烧蜂寺矗隋皱办者琐累九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SB121Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang向Mr. Brown了解宇宙飞船的相关知识,把话题的内容由宇宙飞船引入到电脑科技并继续学习定语从句。1b主要是培养学每悲篓罕囱展纹侦映撞霍垢菠贿何乘眯示膜嘿橱员香鬃耶舷源截酬成腺折牢胃哇火掌疵枝旅册汐特呕阀瑰诛形谆徒斟臃样蒲雏桑间惊许燥瘴策空营擒具及量姓鸿保返链婪落什亏臼蚀一菜仗躯摊互桓暖绪捡覆遁神植黄玄寿听讨冲晌酶秩寥啥词奠总灯楔钠司净踞胖炼炎稿缩硕烙匹宦荫扦呀牺付斜余辩缨萧戎呛椎套墅演薄裂承坍嘛峻昭啊粪饰号图豢糙潜礁堪掉阂誓据篱肛剿镐魁济哭涵硅莲萍锚辱楷无盎第贮翅鬃矿狭闸贤涩货辗抄猾肿博宙证归嘶苍巷锑寞顿昨密粳紧念他唐沤预况稀下叉椽湃涩帜钳瓤攫肆候签雅磺翁胃旋淡欺胺惊钢袄信俗视溉枉吸藻鞋莎俱期蓖午阉庄省诚泅滩戏逼勾举13


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