Unit 1My names Gina.,公主岭市大岭中学 王冬梅,Review,Whats your/his/her telephone number?,My/His/Her telephone number is,Speak out the following telephone numbers.,ID card=Identification card 身份证,Whats his first name?Whats his last name?Whats his telephone number?,His first name is Dave.,His last name is Smith.,His telephone number is 941-5642.,Whats her first name?Whats her last name?Whats her telephone number?,Her first name is Kate.,Her last name is White.,Her telephone number is 45669461.,Whats your telephone number?在交换联系方式时常用此句型来询问对方的电话号码。回答时,可以说Its.或My telephone number is.或直接说出电话号码。例如:Whats your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?(Its/My telephone number is)13589933202.,英语中电话号码的读法是将每位数单独念出来,例如,82945673读作eight,two,nine,four,five,six,seven,three。如有两个相同的数字连在一起,可以读作“double+数字”,例如,33读作double three,88读作double eight。另外,电话号码中的0既可以读作zero,也可读作o。,【运用】根据上下文补全对话。David:_!Im _._?Amy:My name is Amy._!David:Nice to meet you,too!_?Amy:Its 685-3649.,Hello/Hi,David,Whats your name,Nice to meet you,Whats your telephone number,Practice,Answer the questions according to the ID cards,FIRST NAME:Gina LAST NAME:MillerTELEPHONE NUMBER:56267452,Whats her first name?Whats her last name?Whats her telephone number?,Her first name is Gina.,Her last name is Miller.,Her telephone number is 56267452.,FIRST NAME:Tom LAST NAME:Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER:61498146,Whats his first name?Whats his last name?Whats his telephone number?,His first name is Tom.,His last name is Brown.,His telephone number is 61498146.,Make your own ID card.,Personal Information,I.请用英语写出答案。1.six+one=2.nine-five=3.nine-six=4.three+six=5.six-six=,seven,four,three,nine,zero,你问我答,II.请根据答语写出问句。1._?His name is Dale.2._?Her family name is Jones.3._?My telephone number is 281-9176.4._?My name is Eric.5._?Her first name is Jenny.,Whats her first name,Whats his name,Whats her family name,Whats your telephone number,Whats your name,谢谢观看,图片资料来源于网络,