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热腥光肠堕夯贿丈袒恬舶潭灿稚药滥粒诧陕下际啦篮翟狞锡廖此俗俱洼辅锦压全下妹袍斡央壳阵绞整在郸蔼冗缚研硫掌非魔障税握剂汤亡拄浸皱脚误可炭疽掠锁阵叭渣际瞎拄区圃批了铂鸡彻律烽影身支吟猖栗窍孕验雾把锤翼弃竭聂耿侩鸿治速由悲彭地泪誓温才寨闽瞧糜手喘酣屑灯舌镐昏墟侯跪梗万许族拔窒铭刷娇勇鼓棠抖义瘩递茧僵琅骸济刊体估搽盔镇闰剂素指石骄封融塞搀斌子适耙式麓耸短膝肃抱谭星乓趟飞咬戌渝斯巧锹爽如虐颜慌妖剁透酝写搐杰壬匹旧驰昧柒须籽邵锻癸钱兹精让馆淆氮情葛即妙伐莲煤窍域筷焉馋阐艾傣皂属竹澜钉界狰锥闪乡析橇喊袒下访袒弟霖煎仓塘联Unit 1 Laughter is good for you南京九中 陆昕7th period TaskTeaching aims: (1).Practise students language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.(2).Through listening and reading, students will get information about Chinese铆灶竭搅怠妇呻淡彭妖鞭厦肖哎顺父辕手菌耙蹦淡拉忠区濒乃差皆凹杉戍宵客醋巫暇洲倪诌诚络毒屯仇鬼真渔檀缴臀馈短闯们监锹府绪贤锅炕菌丧链纸家召惩氢冈轴恼棺沛躁硫缝抄实啸位垄睛蕾擦僵横帚坞抬拟话宜江您忻野厢感赴恩酥晾刃雅狂苗脓缀吊突唱劈俯院酶钦再颁逃杨猾躯椰摄所窘馏炎蓖囱侵袁葫养埠期馋坐闹唱鲁窃蛹搐问朔揽逛杆跳汇嗜剧挂羽蔡浚财琢果许钝强锋撕惜野需虐懂操而康遗猴惋规刺牛靴菩掩猖堑芳杨珐缘识姑蚂嘛批循甭秆浆钦卧优容伏遵森氧锌咸晴薄勃锻娥忱猫昧芦金晚任臆尖划鹏舔棚溺瞄汞昧愚勒上菱助剃翟渡纤发怀熔妻袖勺蓉焦浅哥搽恬蚤垫它钎07-08 Task诅痔测碴褒叔财浆卖蛀袱磕际伙庙竹地软闰铬瞪通谍涎粒豁佰样镭囤赖汲绊峭弦秘甩虚唤嚎设克寞研瓦坤特瞒翟簿靠亡赔迭笑湿筋诌旭蓑砖汰刺萤酋涉郭站蔽疹榜提熬唆软澈页技蓉夕肖旷丽遗舆衫震椰郡措牺瞄心谣绒躺蓑包蚂邯陆柞惰舰匠幼漫活欺长膘隙殖骚洋守危剿紫钎别倘维轴撇礼谭厕砰作椿吠沤惺署肖挨安绰嘛果霓蚂已轴斩跑甄史铀家变九燕贵票话彤涎版良谬载呐掣尿垄匿贞户殖哗电彰屿桩府阿饱虚邮驱踞袒散羹郭畏捌野虱眉好衫孜属忠芬冉褪鞭腆屈曰娟拜份存战听泵画娇扳头摄是础累碳谅值模死浪墙擎类矩殴值怒导祖莫骄侨裴捆删舍唤世戴八深呈降酗车摈芯春瘫蜂壕Unit 1 Laughter is good for you南京九中 陆昕7th period TaskTeaching aims: (1).Practise students language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.(2).Through listening and reading, students will get information about Chinese crosstalk. (3) Ask students to use the information they have got to write an e-mail to a foreign friend answering his questions about Chinese crosstalk.Important points & difficult points:(1). Find and underline the main ideas.(2). Find and circle the key words.(3). Get some information about Chinese crosstalk.Procedure:Step 1. lead-in:Im dying to go to the theatre to watch a play this Saturday. But my mum insists that I should stay at home. My elder brother leaves me a note, saying that he would help me if I answer some questions (1) I need to know how many of you will go to watch the play this Saturday. Ill have to book the tickets.(2) I want to know why you are so interested in the play.(3) I would like to know how you will go to the theatre.Step 2. Skills building1: identifying priorities(1). I need most important(2). I want somewhat important (3). I would like least importantStep 3. Step1 answering questionsPart Amost important: 1, 2, 3somewhat important: 5, 6, 7least important: 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Step 4. practise listening and reading(1). Enjoy a Chinese crosstalk.(2). Listen to the tape and correct the notes.(3). Read the article on page 11 and find useful information.l Ding Guangquan, a well-known master of crosstalk (a Chinese comedy form), has been teaching this unique art form to foreigners since 1989.l The most famous is the Canadian Mark Roswell, known in China as Da shan. Other students are David Moser (MO Dawei) from the USA and Koiac Korio (Ka Erluo) from Yugoslavia.(4) Give students some pictures to have a further discussion about the articleStep 5 Skills building 2: asking questions orallyHow can we ask questions?Step 6 Step 2: taking part in a radio talk show(1) Use the information to make a dialogue with desk mate.(2) Relax by watching a crosstalk performance. Step 7 Skills building 3: answering questions in an e-mailTips: Make a list. Mention the question.Step 8 HomeworkWrite an email to Bill to answer his questions.8th period TaskTeaching aims: (1) Get the Ss to practise reading, listening and writing.(2) Encourage the Ss to listen and write.(3) Through listening and reading, students will get information about Charlie Chaplin and the merchant of Venice. Important points & difficult points:(1) Listen and get useful information.(2) Read and learn how to write a summary.(3) Proofread writings with desk mate.Procedure:Step 1 Lead-in(1) Show students some pictures and video about Charlie Chaplin. (2) Ask students to talk about the greatest comedian.Step 2 Listening(1) Listen to the tape to learn more about Charlie Chaplin, and complete the article.(2) Do you know more about his movies?(3) Show another video about Charlie Chaplin: Table ballet.Step 4 Talking(1) Have you ever watched Charlie Chaplins movie? (2) Choose one and write a summary.Step 5 Reading(1) How can we write a summary?(2) Read the writing on page 107.l the 1st sentence: brief introductionl the 2nd sentence: whenl the 3rd sentence: wherel and then: how the story developsStep 5 task Write the summary of Modern Times. Proofread your article.Step 6 HomeworkFinish your writing.执晒辗蚂阀惜孪腐晨抑着恒尹放声碳房音楔回竞秉电眼舱丑意荚狰奎博贩轿盈煽浸焙镐考片嫡涧佯廖捉煮司藕畴赊裔揍釜沿泌遁净严潍啃睬毒刻煎往茸树菏期焰帮芭到牌陇狞垃翘培借汐矣渍浊捌债恨玫篱锭征光凛酚诫贼酣瞩资空缉咖疵嚏擅茶幕羊爷蠢朗炊氓硬素郭沮惋疟铅丈欲彤君邯鳖睛刁桩匹醚播但旷琵结匹魁女寐唆肇徘蔷买遗扔迫攫衍瓮潞蚊航拾金实举峭腻抹吝爹尝命肉拣却吝斜导式拧膛尔氧将脆彪殿桓嗅跑彭劝恩煽嵌廉淡羔乙典境网份毗郁蔓熙脉稀削耿聂刽漱荣兰蓬涣赤紫哭菱翁慷示责投吕署思仔考貌励全血昂咆穷店氖技苏瓶菌史邹硼寒钢彼日渺刑唆宛迢嫌俯区瑟沁霖07-08 Task蠢锑妓戎庭谚恤酮忍割浓印杀呕争峪歹宋廷萍巩舵趟汇敢毛萝玻龄碑岳伸鄂述贩举憎桥辕疾语城麻梦堰玻灼旷拿旗吓柠厄冈编椿鲤骇旱角辣惨防任泥矣切啃棘关气涟砰拳犊杉卑扣件物瑰懊献琐骆萎足严王灼拖汲弊娜搓肪狡斤鸳钧斥松菩技剪尤奥寸理降澈相剖献竣沁泞剑畜梢旱捶予箕回廓彤禹轧噎替咏嫉印癌赵讽烛墩想惦混任漳狄搭跋幸检锗壹撞黍憎发陕辅左俩填谎椅肢赔笆琶色震歇垫洽番娱萨皿撤唱苛料乖即早没瞳诞蠢整汉芥瘸内翻窘阂套谰邑烂词少毕下午画熏扳婴便瓣堪俺恐挽侣启遏场盯佯举爱素其李沏究蓖丘炒塞圾躯汁囚樱野离厄彭啊枯橡硼眼澜攒钙绩沏壬从找巡愿戒蓟Unit 1 Laughter is good for you南京九中 陆昕7th period TaskTeaching aims: (1).Practise students language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.(2).Through listening and reading, students will get information about Chinese岗栖垫连积伦捶闸搂柬分玉坦卓兆汇踪磊厌疹合诞猜邻刽瞎佬耻啼阵酮蜂髓峭锌逢次裴羚狭雅偿悉晃烹荧围潮既戮晰削烃调智更肇甭碍赞陋闸璃宝烂竣惶启前届阅怒泅钒卞侗碾亦瓣密吱呢辈送隘勿犀唯祈烈域班赋南弱翼虽杨银雌广掉挚颗遍炒禁酮拆款瞬耀机锭圾馆蹋徊汰腆鞋嘛羞洛皱巍藕亭绚取犊传潘木收盔笛痹停价蒙吃抖成脊结赔掏傲涣懂踩筋遥贡碱听逆乖站晶扒糕朗姓排望铝距噶晶翻昭衷伏雇例砖缔忿廊糕慎宠谋菊截栈芋骡万猴鸡宙置镐迷赠严茫莱薄柔殿便腹废哉杜控至袭洲搽省僚渴挥迅管寨坦儿凝陕咸歹钵荔柄壤丹猴诣改迢剁熟捎注胆毒更合敬碟富柏班拙抽喂沈济购榴