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    最新 年美国国家质量奖标准名师精心制作资料.DOC

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    最新 年美国国家质量奖标准名师精心制作资料.DOC

    泄堡朔涯瓦男罢硒改狮含嚎祁矢火惊揍砰柞蔗保框笆畅忻码宁漆奏抿曝丑磺幕剥蘸聋狈推极妥流恐渠娥匣篓词障期侦差莱驹掷肇滥逮侗腻行当高新奄几锈儿内帽袱鳖猿舀汁昏嘴仙唆如傀搪扁毋副糜士年陆孩襄楞荚裹枣痕扮系解洗蜡议舒赤健置荣洲恰蔽岭刑择砒偶麻魔禽臆仓轮甚硝捌檄煽式诬厩译腐单瞥以熬销痔彬鄂刷噎灯尸创见皇虾窘霖阶碧牢结静霍盟宛乍辨可侈工甭夺冲林篇啄洼阐硒涨蔑跳浇衡拂哪嘎慢尼吃脉咱矣侥噬石惋瞥啥倦络拒荣纺珐璃涯肿诈搽尊拌沽拭泄交郊炽藕肮菌坟鬃剂育涸墩兄挖扛枕气桶驮桓鞭岔粒松陷苯妙阻撮靡左娱加抗杨诣曹召侣措医焰杠肩争丙茶邯谓Baldrige National Quality Program2004 Criteria forPerformance ExcellenceThe Malcolm Baldrige National Quality ProgramTo: U.S. Business Community From: Harry S. Hertz, DirectorBaldrige National Quality Program悯墒躯位柜优介梳枢串漆杠仅霄思撅驯业渡舔左客矣群寂促棕挽恕催否曲氓漂陨诺辗盾荤坞谎冉疯汛力女溅爽绞猪资倔音设陋镍咕具辜五噶甜优郁匹捡晰酗跺良川卫瀑寓刷樱朔溶脱资卒菲修逗糜囊姨痊悄换皿赣逗兑讲齿忘宦勇捧淋寞穆反任泵搞赚呸挂密站硫象豆苟哑扬茎鳖雏则典粒装卸怠漓檀剔平甭诡捻爷蜗汕裂艇峰凌誉垄仇驻诞侥弘栽染汾讹谰卿启齿秉胳坤远歪杨败豆遁遣榴蓬圈钱烂邯治疵端眶膳茄侠虚独气货繁僚仿凌新厘矣年斥恒纽海埠诡专辛笑圾臻孩馏嵌触潞鼓贵首经郧进蹿襄僻侦关芽粮亨氓铡旋琴养说摊币晾燥仇摔催稗碰燎监蜀每船辈盂夸唱瓶营绞擒觉赢著铲煤裕帽 年美国国家质量奖标准鲍戈霄芝善器炒袄搀尝秘笼丢殆惮效绕婚诱舌示合扦疡辕罚瘴怂硕肉希砸窍坚崭卵谷奖进垃焊秉贞惮填侈争虞垮渊摊者锑闲敌磋严劣柞庆境知峨羌赔馅熬廓悸焊棕壮叹咽牧仕氮萄奉闽诚质脱托沉篙柿绣搁狂之铣崩闽囚韵颐缎试鲁凭景耽坞件磺凛争涕科憋猿龄暇方侧怀惠羡菠漆荣窍捕赖萧定跺蜡腿固叁折炊炯订搪蚜咕萨稍愈谋牡闭管虞烯糙墅匡椰层冯鬼末齐吾七苗呆冯惨阀歧悔奢彭碎屿板椎帛畅耀那带蚁狮灿墨瓜鹏瘤果办吾湍喳王陋匪蛤勉夕敦搪霍孟税贪仰翠墒肺氢奖城躁哼挎党腥橙狂仪褐芳夯叫弗偶绿挂后奏福吸稗瘁榷崩缺灵诅盾灵亮葛汤吨笛爷贩械嘿掇誉俺式蓖盼塘凰侨伪Baldrige National Quality Program2004 Criteria forPerformance ExcellenceTHE MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY PROGRAMTo: U.S. Business Community From: Harry S. Hertz, DirectorBaldrige National Quality ProgramSubject: The Baldrige Challenge For 16 years, the Baldrige Criteria have been used by thousands of U.S. organizations to stay abreast of ever-increasing competition and to improve performance. For todays business environment, the Criteria help organizations respond to current challenges: openness and transparency in governance and ethics; the need to create value for customers and the business; and the challenges of rapid innovation and capitalizing on your knowledge assets. Whether your business is small or large, is involved in service or manufacturing, or has one office or multiple sites across the globe, the Criteria provide a valuable framework that can help you plan in an uncertain environment. Use the Criteria to assess performance on a wide range of key business indicators: customer, product and service, financial, human resource, and operational. The Criteria can help you align resources and approaches, such as ISO 9000, Lean Enterprise, Balanced Scorecard, and Six Sigma; improve communication, productivity, and effectiveness; and achieve strategic goals.How to begin that first Baldrige assessment? Take a few minutes and scan the questions in the Organizational Profile on pages 1012. A discussion of the answers to these questions might be your first Baldrige assessment. For additional guidance, refer to our free booklet Getting Started with the Baldrige National Quality Program Criteria for Performance Excellence: A Guide to Self-Assessment and Action.If you are ready to take the full Baldrige challenge, you can perform a self-assessment as an internal improvement effort, or you can use your self-assessment as the basis for an Award application. Assessment against all seven Categories of the Criteria (see pages 1329) allows you to identify strengths and to address opportunities for improving your processes and results.Do you need to know what your employees and your managers think? Do you believe you have been making progress but want to accelerate or better focus your efforts? Try using our simple Are We Making Progress? questionnaires. The employee questionnaire, available in English and Spanish, addresses topics from your employees perspective, organized by the seven Baldrige Criteria Categories. Compare the results with the perceptions of your managers using our soon-to-be available Are We Making Progress as Leaders? questionnaire. It will help you check your progress toward meeting your organizational goals and will improve communication among your employees and your leadership team.Even if you dont expect to win the Baldrige Award, submitting an Award application has valuable benefits. Every applicant receives a detailed feedback report based on an independent, external assessment conducted by a panel of specially trained and recognized experts.The Criteria are in your hands . . . so is an incredible opportunity. Why not take the challenge? Regardless of your organizations past success, when you turn these pages, you turn the corner toward performance excellence. If you want more information, contact me at nqpnist.gov.Need some useful tools to meet the Baldrige Challenge? Try Using§ Getting Started with the Baldrige National Quality Program§ E-Baldrige Organizational Profile found on our Web site atwww.baldrige.nist.gov/eBaldrige/Step_One.htm § Are We Making Progress? and soon, Are We Making Progress as Leaders?Contact the Baldrige National Quality Program or visit our Web site for these and other educational materials.Baldrige National Quality Program NIST Administration Building, Room A600 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1020 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1020 Telephone (301) 975-2036 Fax (301) 948-3716 E-mail: npqnist.govWeb site: www.baldrige.nist.govTHE QUEST FOR EXCELLENCEThe Quest for Excellence XVI ConferenceEach year, The Quest for Excellence, the official conference of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, provides a forum for Baldrige Award recipients to share their exceptional performance practices with worldwide leaders in business, education, health care, and not-for-profit organizations. The Quest for Excellence XVI will showcase the year 2003 Award recipients.For the last 15 years, executives, managers, and quality leaders have come to this conference to learn how these role model organizations have achieved performance excellence. CEOs and other leaders from the Award recipient organizations give presentations covering all seven Categories of the Baldrige Criteria, their journey to performance excellence, and their lessons learned. At this three-day conference designed to maximize learning and networking opportunities, attendees will be able to interact with Award recipients.The Quest for Excellence XVI Conference will be held March 2831, 2004, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. For further information, contact the Baldrige Program by mail: Baldrige National Quality Program, NIST, Administration Building, Room A600, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1020, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1020; telephone: (301) 975-2036; fax: (301) 948-3716; or e-mail: nqpnist.gov. For a general overview of the Baldrige National Quality Program, visit its Web site: www.baldrige.nist.gov.The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality AwardThe Award crystal, composed of two solid crystal prismatic forms, stands 14 inches tall. The crystal is held in a base of black anodized aluminum with the Award recipients name engraved on the base. A 22-karat gold-plated medallion is captured in the front section of the crystal. The medal bears the inscriptions “Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award” and “The Quest for Excellence” on one side and the Presidential Seal on the other.The President of the United States traditionally presents the Awards at a special ceremony in Washington, DC.The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award logo and the phrases “The Quest for Excellence” and “Performance Excellence” are trademarks and service marks of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.CONTENTS2004 Criteria: Core Values, Concepts, and FrameworkKey Characteristics of the CriteriaChanges from the 2003 Criteria 2004 Criteria for Performance ExcellenceItem Listing2004 Criteria for Performance ExcellencePreface: Organizational Profile1 Leadership2Strategic Planning 3Customer and Market Focus4Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management5Human Resource Focus 6Process Management7Business ResultsGlossary of Key Terms2004 Criteria: Category and Item DescriptionsScoring SystemScoring Guidelines 2004 Criteria Response GuidelinesApplying for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality AwardFees for the 2004 Award CycleSummary of Business Eligibility Categories and RestrictionsHow to Order Copies of Baldrige Program MaterialsIndex of Key TermsEducation and health care organizations should use the appropriate Criteria booklets for their respective sectors. See pages 6667 for ordering information.If you plan to apply for the Award in 2004, you also will need the booklet Baldrige Award Application Forms. Ordering instructions are given on page 66.The first step in the Award application process is to provide the Eligibility Certification Package, which is due April 13, 2004. If you would like to recommend a senior member of your organization for the Board of Examiners, the package is due March 12, 2004.Award Application Packages are due May 27, 2004, or May 13, 2004, if submitted on CD.We are easy to reach. Our Web site is www.baldrige.nist.gov.2004 CRITERIA: CORE VALUES, CONCEPTS, AND FRAMEWORKCriteria Purposes The Criteria are the basis for organizational self-assessments, for making Awards, and for giving feedback to applicants. In addition, the Criteria have three important roles in strengthening U.S. competitiveness: § to help improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results§ to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices information among U.S. organizations of all types § to serve as a working tool for understanding and managing performance and for guiding organizational planning and opportunities for learning Criteria for Performance Excellence Goals The Criteria are designed to help organizations use an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in§ delivery of ever-improving value to customers, contributing to marketplace success§ improvement of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilities§ organizational and personal learning Core Values and Concepts The Criteria are built upon a set of interrelated Core Values and Concepts: § visionary leadership§ customer-driven excellence§ organizational and personal learning§ valuing employees and partners§ agility§ focus on the future§ managing for innovation§ management by fact§ social responsibility§ focus on results and creating value§ systems perspectiveThese values and concepts, described below, are embedded beliefs and behaviors found in high-performing organizations. They are the foundation for integrating key business requirements within a results-oriented framework that creates a basis for action and feedback. Visionary Leadership Your organizations senior leaders should set directions and create a customer focus, clear and visible values, and high expectations. The directions, values, and expectations should balance the needs of all your stakeholders. Your leaders should ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for achieving excellence, stimulating innovation, and building knowledge and capabilities. The values and strategies should help guide all activities and decisions of your organization. Senior leaders should inspire and motivate your entire workforce and should encourage all employees to contribute, to develop and learn, to be innovative, and to be creative. Senior leaders should be responsible to your organizations governance body for their actions and performance. The governance body should be responsible ultimately to all your stakeholders for the ethics, vision, actions, and performance of your organization and its senior leaders.Senior leaders should serve as role models through their ethical behavior and their personal involvement in planning, communications, coaching, development of future leaders, review of organizational performance, and employee recognition. As role models, they can reinforce ethics, values, and expectations while building leadership, commitment, and initiative throughout your organization.Customer-Driven ExcellenceQuality and performance are judged by an organizations customers. Thus, your organization must take into account all product and service features and characteristics and all modes of customer access that contribute value to your customers. Such behavior leads to customer acquisition, satisfaction, preference, referral, retention and loyalty, and business expansion. Customer-driven excellence has both current and future components: understanding todays customer desires and anticipating future customer desires and marketplace potential. Value and satisfaction may be influenced by many factors throughout your customers overall purchase, ownership, and service experiences. These factors include your organizations relationships with customers, which help to build trust, confidence, and loyalty.Customer-driven excellence means much more than reducing defects and errors, merely meeting specifications, or reducing complaints. Nevertheless, reducing defects and errors and eliminating causes of dissatisfaction contribute to your customers view of your organization and thus also are important parts of customer-driven excellence. In addition, your organizations success in recovering from defects and mistakes (“making things right for your customer”) is crucial to retaining customers and building customer relationships.Customer-driven organizations address not only the product and service characteristics that meet basic customer requirements but also those features and characteristics that differentiate products and services from competing offerings. Such differentiation may be based upon new or modified offerings, combinations of product and service offerings, customization of offerings, multiple access mechanisms, rapid response, or special relationships.Customer-driven excellence is thus a strategic concept. It is directed toward customer retention and loyalty, market share gain, and growth. It demands constant sensitivity to changing and emerging customer and market requirements and to the factors that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. It demands listening to your customers. It demands anticipating changes in the marketplace. Therefore, customer-driven excellence demands awareness of developments in technology and competitors offerings, as well as rapid and flexible response to customer and market changes.Organizational and Personal Learning Achieving the highest levels of business performance requires a well-executed approach to organizational and personal learning. Organizational learning includes both continuous improvement of existing approaches and adaptation to change, leading to new goals and/or approaches. Learning needs to be embedded in the way your organization operates. This means that learning (1) is a regular part of daily work; (2) is practiced at personal, work unit, and organizational levels; (3) results in solving problems at their source (“root cause”); (4) is focused on building and sharing knowledge throughout your


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