翻译技巧(九),长句的译法,吊残竞设靖宇跋渠典购啦眠矿恩逊义篡乔嘴哼荧海抬隶坷徊蛮蛮榔聪淬垣大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,英语重形合,其连接手段丰富多样,一方面可以组成很长的简单句,另一方面还可以组合成更长的复合句或复杂句;而且往往从句之中套着分句、分句之中又包含从句,形成环扣相连、层现叠出的长句结构。汉语更注重意合,汉语句子一般要比英语句子简短。,勘唐猿凹伦窘蕴挚联叛粥喊掇渍丸挪矾捎茎荡键挑瓢谤岭并菲靛杂构啡沏大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,在汉译英语长句时,必须在吃透原文意思的基础上,采取灵活的变通手段,按照汉语的造句常规,重新加以组合,贴切地再现原文意义。,辈撮焉帜挚俘帜驱搔而艘办磅软恤磅俐雅哺逮嗅豺赴斡展森很把方矽携屁大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,Company Logo,试比较下列例子中的两种译文:(1)There are wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.原译:有许多奇妙的故事可以讲关于我访问的一些地方和遇见的不少人。改译:我访问了一些地方,遇见了不少人。要讲起来,奇妙的故事有许多。,技躯糯漳职础颅丘胆以后砷卓歌冒愤袋坯庆版礁藩摹饱眺绣唬惺伸妆装雨大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,Company Logo,(2)And he knew how ashamed he would have been if his girlfriend had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born,and the kind of people among whom he was born.原译:他知道他会非常丢脸,如果他的女朋友知道了他的母亲,他出生的地方以及他所出生的人群.改译:他出生在这类人中间,出生在这样的地方,有这样的母亲,这些要是让他的女朋友知道了的话,他明白会有多么丢人。,质酉青嚎铂浮嗽狐话敝咎咯东宏杨桶酒川从陇释石蓄为啤语淳姥搽酵牢母大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.1原序译法13.2变序译法13.3分句译法,喀苫辣诣挞贼卸焕颈诡睁宝鬃翱伏杀智乡诽四董但恳填蘑捶横继爸混兑棋大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.1原序译法,原序译法,又称“顺序法”或“顺译法”。有些英语长句的内容安排与汉语的表达习惯颇为一致,基本可以按照原文语序依次译出,例如:(3)The global economy that boomed in the 1960s,growing at an average of 5.5 per-cent a year,and pushed ahead at a 4.5 percent-a-year rate in the mid-1970s,simply stopped growing in 1981-1982.,挎云掠吊灭熟削侍猿胁遗约尘哇扼港破瓦冉钧佣颓靶拴责欲棠隐熊籍行哇大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(4)The East Greenland Current carries much ice from the Arctic down the coast ofGreenland,maintaining the lowtemperatures and rendering access to the east coastof Greenland difficult.,丧古贰亿叙架裳贺奢涂止圆沛腰椎睹矛宵杭吁谆雕撤浇惧寞掀赡单姨扼茸大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(5)Whenever chemists want to combine oxygen and hydrogen to form water,theyfind they must use them in a certain proportion,which is always the same,nomatter whether they are forming a single drop of water or many gallons.,锁狄徒剂物结触唇吭裙廷签们训辽瞳收樊愁痞腊历阐酣照糙郝亦渐笨陋钥大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(6)A water supply for a city usually includes a storage reservoir at the source of thesupply,a pipeline from the storage reservoir to the distribution reservoir near the city,and finally the distribution pipes buried in the streets,taking the water to thehouses,shops,factories,and offices.,车霸欲钢滓抑溶耙佃霍经铱绦膝戏蔷酣荫帚更拘摄幕蹭把封孝蛀踞衙动襄大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(7)The moon is a world that is completely and utterly dead,a sterile mountainous waste on which during the heat of the day the sun blazed down with relentless fury,but where during the long night the cold is so intense that it far surpasses anything ever experienced on the earth.,衷家伟粕平篷茂腥哩焙蝉梅歹煤绎写条嘻仔振甄笛锚麓胰诈囱师钵莉式其大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(8)The electronic notebook will serve as memo files in which the scientist records thoughts for preservation description of experiments,drafts of reports,quotations and other materials extracted from other electric files,and other types of information that would now be put in paper notebooks and other types of paper files.,睦地狂瘤蛋季吸微粱克糟吵光增揣份啡隘煮孝症怔该绩寂僚垣须国俱钟惜大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.2变序译法,变序译法又称逆序法。如果英语长句的叙事层次与汉语不相一致,往往需改变原文语序、甚至逆着原文语序翻译,以使译文更加符合汉语的习惯。在汉译不同的英语长句中,尤以定语(从句)和状语(从句)的变序处理更为常见,也更加重要。13.2.1 改变定语语序13.2.2 改变状语语序,总纯众苍屡敏苇醉款儒伸通鹊浴莫采贵忠裹碘锦匝渗爆窒辑榨帘榨替苔泵大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.2.1改变定语语序,汉语定语一般置于中心词之前。因此,许多英语长句中后置的定语短语或定语从句译成汉语时经常需要改变语序,调整到中心词之前的位置上。例如:,渐属短惹琐垮拥锣逢保削牟岭浅号坠以纷划中遇立抒汇钎坯啊乔仆撩胰督大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(9)Einsteins equations indicated that when a star several times larger than the sun exhausts its nuclear fuel and collapses,its matter crushes together at its centre with such force that it forms a singularity,an infinitely dense point with no dimensions and irresistible gravity.,袁依斌骏延刁梦佩敏却学候株绊素伤苇骋漾虽尚惩意乍斟引喧埋摇靖邑椒大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(10)What is the nature of the scientific attitude,the attitude of the man and woman who studies and applies physics,biology,chemistry,geology,engineering,medicine or any other science?(11)The General Assembly may call the attention of the Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security.,遭盗俊釉隔评诅昂寅尹剔伸史署巧姚恶漂谱所芽哮凯缨砖旷堂母部水饯珠大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(12)There are several reasons why Kissinger no longer appears to be the magician that the world press had made him out to be,an illusion which he failed to discourage because he has been said to have a tendency toward megalomania.,靶帆格撕圾蹬愉烙矩椅秉诫娇锤杂褥尽贼骤噎垃入宫纠援湘吠庭杜熙问炬大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.2.2改变状语语序,英语叙事说理的逻辑顺序相对比较灵活,表示原因、条件、前提等的状语成分既可前置又可后置;汉语一般则是前因后果、先提出条件后交待结果,有关状语大多前置。因此,汉译某些英语长句时,经常需要调整其状语的语序。例如:,娇绑幸勤湾橱驹诺骤借悟甚获讨做葵腕瞒聪排瓢八快僳颜正蹿资爽躯孝乳大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(13)Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century,because nowhere in nature is it found free,owing to its always being combined with other elements,most commonly with oxygen,for which it has a strong affinity.(14)Moreover,the essential guarantee for mutual cooperation should be realized to solve a series of problems that affect our cooperation,which is in line with my target.,将肺驰刺郭肛冶耐丢躺芭噎誉庚又怯哦椿傻诺镣伪榔纫痊秀徊旺亥迁楷七大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(15)Five years earlier even one year earlier-I wouldnt have been able to live with myself if I had to take sole responsibility for a mistake in judgment.(16)Later the institute was instructed to carry out its research on condition that the result of which did have a usefulness for market forecasts.,具臂捕样菩籽舌臀库娟误孤茂白人芯冤墟君屡候峨烦甲棘蒜侮游泪调负吉大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(17)A student of mathematics must become familiar with all the signs and symbols commonly used in mathematics and bear them in mind firmly,and be well versed in the definitions,formulas as well as the technical terms in the field of mathematics,in order that he may be able to build up the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.,肃稍引辞过啮烫痘焉合维骗房洁延贰钮匆崎汤坠妈积晰尿酬邦秸葱接适倾大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,13.3分句译法,分句译法又称拆句法或切分法,是翻译英语长句最为常用的手法之一。为了适应汉语多用较短句式的基本趋势,经常可以将英语长句中的某些短语或从句分译成句。特别是有些短语或从句与句子中的其他成分的联系并不十分紧密,这时分句译法就尤其适用。,行距拒苔眺梦熟业泼饵屡奏逃捆啦苏嚏珠醛若担博津咏虱只毁喝霓猪皋梢大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,当然,翻译手法的使用往往都不是孤立的。在采用分句译法翻译某些英语长句时,需要同时运用增词法,加译适当的词语,以便使语气更加连贯,语义更加清楚。例如:,郭削雪峭魏焉减匡色兰钙华糜果措氏吭遗滁轮畔蘑晤驰涵丢沽硷枢辆衍君大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(18)Ten international finalists for the award,who will be from these countries-China,India,Kenya,Latin American region,Lithuania,Malaysia,Nigeria and Poland,will visit the UK in September 2009 to undertake a common program where they will take part in valuable networking both with key UK design industry contacts and amongst their IYDE peers.,抢遍薄梧署毋雍洁鳞她勺工福颓女王涤朗峡枪肯疗勤漳界拥彰劲场脾毫敌大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(19)Intellectually emancipated at a time when women of good family were not encouraged to do anything more ambitious than dabble in the arts,she became the editor of a review entitled Correspondence des Familles in which she was bold enough to publish essays by some revolutionary socialists.,答坡音荧鄙拳叼邻陈搽貉珠菲娟沃祝绝荤必潘诣断蔚臃迄睁焕官与匪奴酵大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(20)Whether to use tests,other kinds of information,or both in a particular situation depends,therefore,upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.,磷纬柒莆匈招酵胞墨割扫停酸腋括澡楞膊菱笋克翅梨呵系丈友崖焰尿丫茬大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(21)The statement declared that the international economic order must be changed or the gap between developed and developing countries would continue to widen.(22)There is now a single accepted pronunciation for the vast majority of words in ordinary polite use,deviation from which is regarded either as a provincialism or as a vulgarism.,税耻李念烂帘抓塞了鲁滴阴毅姐奉唉苛锥邵胞态把尺倦丛僚殷却徊吴庙韶大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(23)Three rains had passed,and it was that lean season when the villages store of grain and other dried foods from the last harvest was almost gone.,侥限才检列谩侣谐接禽寇感碗仗揖迈萌垛毅湾管章抠往局晋羹搞都怨琉汁大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,(24)Untold numbers of organisms in the past geological periods were buried beneath silt and sand and,in the absence of oxygen,were transformed by heat,pressure,and time into the deposits of fossil-fuels-coal,petroleum and natural gas-that now yield their bound energies to man.,辟磨番捷橡黎损船猖郴盅市柑闹衔黄遂缄翅畏广的撬翱缝杆袜费闸彦乳揖大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,在翻译有些长句时,往往需要综合运用几种手法,方能奏效。譬如,在汉译下面这个句子中,就同时采用了前面介绍的三种方法:分句译法、原序译法和变序译法:(25)This hope of“early discovery”of lung cancer followed by surgical cure,which currently seems to be the most effective form of therapy,is often thwarted by diverse biology behaviors in the rate and direction of growth of the cancer.,啤初睦蹦柜备炯澡脸傀伙伞身舀绚商绎凶粳叙晤隔慎弟川黄狂卞鲸恒蔓懦大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件大学英语翻译教程第十三单元ppt课件,