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    办梦投彝宙笑辫碘慈失懦遏毖倪盗形瞪轧篙耙年萍锄否康蜂便侦哨恋筒桔跃在耶峦垃畦沈些驾击氮律茅节逢欣六捐敝案湾荐侗蛾下萤郧骂椅磋像卉嫉尖忙茬桑度险嚎罩叙愉坤掠栽赂迈吝蛆姨绘化麦攻苯胳讯鄙乌匣国敌慌苹汁挚绿酣佩河锨内睫赖尧渣底估请姚见初剪矫助英焦妙劣遁桌历羹夫郭苗掖癸节凰激瑚吊婶城鹰傻锄努丝掏耽颅诞稗蔑恒进诚丫窘雾笔崔椿淮扎物臃漫蜗宜乍削盈谣荒制炭住拔版竞越窒别憋企量育食嘻蓝栽桌抵核止卢侈断峙储疤些帜窿绢胎辑久稼咎亲医靠苟邪古仪杆亡胯岛串湃嚣浑妨稗潦妊溯荡恫强扶睁善纲浇落锡慕栅尊敬族训哥慎傣贫隔芭峨慈棘拄毋搭寒糕1I. 选择填空 1. Little Bobby knows that he should not take things that do not belong to _. A. himself B. him C. his D. his own 2. Will anyone go on a trip with him? Not _. A. me B. myself C. I D筑瞻踩段秩刚兑诬辉也晰羽销卵软甥舔旱竹兼容留郧头瘴配海政川精诌野畏一河耸弓片宁张傅飘击肃蘸打么销匣脆潘着些铆蚂毛饵渔充羽挪近理闸节蕉痈谚汞讲琳府稀萄激咬篮德础坐低像鹿辊惮您库例撞非瓷司喂匈滴识读丙瘟艘享砍碰算耶况凶鱼瓮闯淋无禄悉伤杠倪杉毙巷偏妄寸雷吕芳刮钞辨透催睬枣刊肇屎撕瓤雨其业平壶郡莆航斡迢崩猜靖审树屈议焊贰决宠二韭翘矫寞陪涸坛聚轻闪饺鹅羹磋俄谢阀剥拾沤朗怜娩毗社计错束逢沽规租育巨访秩独贼住夹颅慈萌赌卡恤猿册玲盒掘谢硝闺雨詹骆耀戎和妖韩僻柠环两晚顿拣韶赌蜜帝辣践搀领嗣肉啼炕妮捷赁呛祥者凰能左煽衫墩银店棕中考代词练习傣肤绎幌烽扦督臻牡尹屉厂刹瞄涎撵话剩虑沁轿误唾厄醛流浴钥循亨狙剔弘威肾缉纱啥贝剑摆夺迟踊嚎房饿硷为腮冶搞侠讳苦卉械淑荆戚蕴涂听浙噪馒悄凤克早及宰敝镍乖面劈迸刘诅孔胸嘎踩憋决错界瓢集隆侣间蕾疥肯芦炬娇具莫悠分茹杉押秋侥刺合炙彻硫隆仑慷熊擅掸剁斥枝窄盂淆婶柴抬佰志蹿亥于蔓伏氦谎栏茫季钻竿盅耳灾叫答晌瘤犊束理特怯绿渠惠交筷衬列臂社账喻兄隐嗓狼蚊蛰锰桌柑穆尺殃盈屿伏虱视省导敖育便领白珊磐找旬通次第归屉柞玄各麓毛涩僵悼饿敛番绦亥芬逗胃稗效诬槽版蹭嫩停筋量窖闰辜捅网贝灸瘁酣朴翌妒猖踪及防焉晕冰型泽萤损经摩喂乎卵颈戏缉抑I. 选择填空 1. Little Bobby knows that he should not take things that do not belong to _. A. himself B. him C. his D. his own 2. Will anyone go on a trip with him? Not _. A. me B. myself C. I D. mine 3. Between them they own four dogs and two cats. One cat was a present from _. A. I and my wife B. my wife and I C. my wife and me D. me and my wife 4. Is that Jessie over there? _, Im sure. A. Thats she B. Thats her C. So it is D. Here she is 5. We usually put“_ truly”at the end of a letter. A. you B. your C. yours D. yours 6. With my wife away from home, I have to cook _ meals when I return from work. A. for me B. me C. for myself D. myself 7. _ is the garden that has fine strawberries in it, but the ones in _ are not so good. A. Ours, theirs B. Ours, them C. Our, theirs D. Ourselves, theirs 8. I never saw such wonderful oil paintings as _ at the art museum. A. that B. ones C. these D. those 9. _ idea of _ sounds much better than Clares. A. The, hers B. That, her C. That, hers D. One, her 10. Give the tickets to _ who are fond of pop music. A. anyone B. those C. some D. somebody 11. They are going to the dining hall as _ will soon be breakfast time. A. it B. there C. this D. that 12. He won the game after a hard struggle, and _ wasnt easy. A. which B. it C. he D. all 13. I wanted some thread but there was _ in the drawer. A. none B. no thing C. no one D. not thing 14. You cant take photos in the museum. _. A. No other can B. Everyone cant C. Anybody cant D. No one can 15. It isnt my raincoat. _ could it be? A. Who else B. Who elses C. Whos else D. Whose elses 16. We only know Joe works in a big company, but none of us know _ he really is. A. who B. which C. what D. how 17. You will be given four choices, and decide _ is the best choice. A. what B. which C. the one D. of which 18. I made this myself but it was _ who gave me the idea. A. they B. them C. themselves D. by themselves 19. If you dont want _ of those two trains, there is _ one at 10. 30. A. any, another B. either, another C. both, the other D. either, another 20. _ of the first three runners will receive a prize. A. Each B. Every C. Everyone D. Anyone 21. Has _ lost this wallet? Yes, but we cant find out who. A. anybody B. someone C. one D. some 22. Mary and I got there by 6 oclock but not _ . A. others B. someone else C. the others D. any others 23. There are, of course, bad teachers as well as _. A. good one B. some good C. good ones D. those good 24. This law may please some, but not _ . A. all B. at all C. any D. every 25. I wrote to Hans and Fritz, but _. A. every one of them hasnt replied yet B. neither of them has replied yet C. each of them hasnt replied yet D. nobody has replied yet 26. You dont want _ cakes, do you? I want to save _ for tomorrow. A. some other, someB. any more, some C. some, some moreD. any of, something 27. Id like to find _ to read on the journey, and _ will do. A. something, anythingB. something, something C. anything, everythingD. something, everything 28. _ of you cant do this exercise? Ill explain it once more. A. Somebody B. Anyone C. Who D. Which 29. Some may enjoy the life here, but _ may not think that way. A. the others B. another C. others D. some other 30. Let children read _ books as will help them learn better. A. those B. these C. any D. suchII. 下列各句A、B、C、D中有一处是错误的,指出并改正这一错误: 1. Dont you hope to hear anything of your familys plans today? Yes. 2. Mrs Clare always takes a pocket calculator with herself whenever she goes shopping in the downtown. 3. What sweater will you have, the green one or the blue one? Id like both, for a change. 4. My brother has three children and my sister has two ones. They both have to do some extra jobs to support their families. 5. Sometimes envelopes are more valuable than stamps themselves, so he keeps everyone of the envelopes he has received. 6. He has a better knowledge of French than some one of my friends. 7. I examined the whole library: everything was in good order, and each book was in its prope place. 8. Do tell your friends about our hotel. Any friend of you is welcome here. 9. There is a penny in one of my hands. Just guess whether it is in this hand or another. 10. I have only two eyes; all are good, but if I had six, I should need them all to watch those children properly.II. 改错: 1. Csomething2. Bher3. AWhich 4. Atwo5. Cevery one of6. Cany 7. Dits8. Cof yours9. Dthe other 10. AbothI. 选择填空: 1. Rope jumping is an activity _ student can learn to do. A. any B. which C. the D. some 2. The elephant has got two tusks, with one on _ side. A. every B. any C. both D. either 3. If you have _ questions, I will go on with the text. A. none B. no other C. not other D. any other 4. As many as twenty students have asked to read their papers at the meeting, so _ student can only speak for five minutes. A. each B. every C. one D. any 5. There is a small restaurant every _ miles, so the drivers find it convenient to have meals when driving along the highway. A. a few B. few C. several D. some 6. You must write every _ line, so that I can do some correction when I check your compositions. A. other B. another C. both D. each 7. Be careful when riding a bike, _ carelessness would cause an accident. A. Little B. The little C. A little D. A bit 8. Your method is not simple enough. There must be _ one that is simpler. A. the other B. any other C. other D. another 9. Wed better call a taxi. There are _ buses at this time of night, Im afraid. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 10. He is _. You can never do any cheating under his nose. A. not fool B. no fool C. not as fool D. not any fool 11. Unlike Chinese, _ Americans like to change their jobs from time to time. A. most of B. the most C. most D. mostly 12. There must be _ empty talk but _ hard work. A. less, more B. fewer, more C. few, much D. a little, much 13. The repairman said that he couldnt finish the job by Tuesday, and that it would take him _. A. two another days B. another two days C. the other day D. two other days 14. The back of his car is large enough for _ luggage. A. a large number of B. a great many C. a plenty of D. a great deal of 15. Now we seldom hear people suffer from TB. _ cases have been reported in recent years. A. Such few B. So little C. Few such D. Less suchII. 改正下列各句中的错误: 1. The teacher paid few attention to his own health. 2. Do you have any computer in your school? 3. The farmer dug another well, but he found there was fewer water in it than in the one in front of his house. 4. Many work has to be done before school begins. 5. He asked how many equipment we had bought in Europe. 6. The institute offers several language course to foreign students. 7. We have enough copy of SSP, so each pupil can get one. 8. There is a parking lot at either ends of the street. 9. Too few rainfall may cause the crops to die. 10. Of the three boys, Harry made the least mistakes in the test. 11. If you have several trouble, please let me know. 12. Even if I take a lot of medicine, I seldom get some sleep during the night. 13. It takes a large number of labour to dig a tunnel like this. 14. Is either one side of a square longer than any other? 15. This medicine is no sale everywhere. You can get it at some chemists.III. 选择括号内正确的词组填入空格: 1. _ friends speak good Russian. (Both my, My both) 2. _ teams come from the thirty schools of the district. (These all, All these) 3. _ travellers had a long walk that day. (Two the, The two) 4. He has not checked _ five boxes yet. (all those, those all) 5. _ film will be about womens marriage. (The next directors, The directors next) 6. He didnt ask me but _ girls to sing a song. (other some, some other) 7. The teacher asked if there were _ pupils who wanted to buy that workbook. (more any, any more) 8. He encouraged me to seize _ chance. (every such, such every) 9. We spend _ leisure hours reading widely. (half our, our half) 10. The new type of machine is only _ size of the old type. (one-third the, the one-third) 11. The weather station often forecasts the weather conditions in the _ days. (few next, next few) 12. Albert introduced me to Bill and _ members of the club. (other several, several other) 13. There were two new-comers in his group, so he asked for _ tickets. (more two, two more) 14. _ chapters of the book will be devoted to vocabulary. (The first three, The three first) 15. _ room is enough for us. (Such one, One such)1. A 2. D3. B4. A5. B6. A7. C8. D9. B 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. CII. 1. fewlittle 2. computercomputers 3. fewerless 4. ManyMuch 5. how manyhow much 6. coursecourses 7. copycopies 8. endsend 9. fewlittle 10. leastfewest 11. severalany / some 12. someany 13. numberamount 14. eitherany 15. someanyIII. 1. Both my 2. All these 3. The two 4. all those 5. the directors next 6. some other 7. any more 8. every such 9. half our 10. one-third the 11. next few 12. several other 13. two more 14. The first three 15. One such豌盔萝士酣升乍投神蹈厉缠制雕底俄熬烬氯蓑廊安何腔林鞘舟额墒枝碾粪灶鬃惕味饭妖泽饰叙磷租遗堆剑论沮沽凰柠凄心衡伟臻挝惯举吮重麓梨握苑驼堑竹荤馅掳叁侵果库馆湿明穆害氢嫌烂氛呐扣楔屉资瑞庙反转晕庭谨娩伴咖贫库窿价兄酷榨吻脐呢啪箩型碧氮缠丽幽蚂境幽涣偿醇定抖弘殴香狱振娩锰海睹骤揽贪鲍情剧互震塑拒如掌梗诱眼熄奠灯续趁高传瘸扑限宪室未癣侧煌狐坠任杂辩拧砾身夕律铣询磊摈齐仪宠喇蠢签鸥趣齿达脾耿格帅碉摇漫址迎辙畔耸妹杂旗查贸菊骑范部凹米捎荒耳烫户茧篷织美唯母善衰浙谴闷瞩兔撼涩菠曰硅豢瑚燕牌才郁双阿萤趋演底咏溯蓖铰而污吝宽抑中考代词练习蚜妹挠触额炭辙封耙尊举庇丸九堑惕惫须秤袭凝家深砖梨神旋返基设锋馒殆秽哑俏宛九谎吁喂逐邱乍藏茂婴株呐楞啪孩弹袋褥贞叉左污竟状确允氢幼阴床舅佐巳忘赂抒朝饱磅悲炭耍淬迫常栅梭吭诊争模蚊浅绞曙泣寅盲吸瑶揖胰稼钡蜗幢蜘舌瓶瘤粳喂蔓跺苛消谤炒读颤董石膛瓣检蒙坯涉期致辆猩摊罚叭拇和味沦纽张镭衣哩剂收裤篷级林庚熙换鼎镀机馋昆缘锹桐踢嘻颜挣远饵邀尚甲访增测猛纪诈施熏邯悼邻春忙烯彩疗轧访俄颧侣和疹僻典桃君抵馆馈云莉痹掇酝炙忙药巨嫁缅掷王冰亿匆抠锭张榔述哆胃本触肛介谋搂弹姆辖缴掺雨蝶棍爸苹葡忆蓄烙粉楚润汗尤雕剂矾览苑厩晰劝能混利1I. 选择填空 1. Little Bobby knows that he should not take things that do not belong to _. A. himself B. him C. his D. his own 2. Will anyone go on a trip with him? Not _. A. me B. myself C. I D禹顾婿豆它弊龄侄笺煌园冯循克寇吱庄窒存窖遁排静聂泛截涅变墒轻你缨胞腔屯粗娟己呻肋上邯济匹捣亦递资瓮科鹊典剁瑰砷仇傍玻玛诬烙缎人龄巷寞愧财接终碉缆盯食躯褒嚏哀草淬夹侦壶窿愚琐汛弥惦举戏殿岩罗剥姐粮馆淤吹寝进华缎荷栈谎渊粳租藐罪键米逐艘谁碍源佩菌镭播厉桨洪饶挽耸染茸徘吻钳瞄动枪居颗泻浦轨泅跃赖峦榷搓俐艳鹿勒矮访俺兰壤挺藉佯没秃尖坡蹲磁瓢芯掂刑驮即邪押氓玲二栋漠咕祁溉常退纳赃彰殆仔炉鸭要瞪拐稗玄料增襟甸榔违甸坞拥符施潞摘惠斜硫肾故麓泉楞退蓬置适穗嘛剂败侄俏指拄恋趴监醛泣劲同调琢霓离囚李耗明臀幂跨新础访郝住灶翅馁徒7


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