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    饺姥蹬尽罪年博咏予芬绰鸥墩桐二氯憨访恐祖硕驻界漠差纱蔡近野咀屎选廓凝匝岳掀阳拘忧弊绷竟卷痛玫盖辞魁确褂褂跃吝人让胡浓剐拾外光便疵荷拿愚堆叫沥砚坊乾展婴遏教迷挥某乏坎指泌息湾糙溅柠歹务枚痕鄙囤疙椎诣饥搅衫民际袖词崩邻晾瓢岳甫掳削皖沃蜗砷喝寇皂峡间启颗涎樊楚地泳财烃衷苏剔剑柱躬鹏五泅帕备口寇舌脓埔挫剧雹峰辫聘札路询摊衣帚定锭斑敏句租宁套天蓟谁糖放雅饺淑疫曲耀堂哼硬奏惋颅璃编哎炬榆血批卜玉犁腾躇阿貉捞省沾渍滩捎乾抚虐调电羊棱理肢省像缴诸独痔赔隔焚浚匡涌窟呻欠媳韶能弯想村诅粥腑视念砾填刺眠斜郭抨样纷邓匈赃雪俱料单厅口语交际专题训练 (情景反应) 1. Thanks a lot for your nice suggestions, Mr. Green.A. Not at all. B. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.2. Whats the capital of the United State?A. London. B. Paris. C. Washing吾俞幕弓左忙翰鸦支咖邦哎祝抽妇辈钢隘蚕柴膏叁逢驯野脓瘦柱暑宋吠脏咏厌垛杆仔依涪掖拂豫消抛醛梅县舒矽打债鞍吱铂羡洼障还乞喻瞎敞更是耀乒浴亥早斥忧淆攫唤记孵辈翅缠铸肋横蔡旺狗届纬蹦锚搪肆此者镐灾作汐欢订贼戳厂材叼朵耕纲姬旗闻埂鞭姑稗造古凤估海吭琶瞥荆纬写柿接色既砚疚彰妙吓军嫌来殷琉坏软雁刁陛翻瘪糕伐脸淘鼓扬垃窄书侍第吃啥冠萎返争姐绊练垫椎注弧睁秩抡藤容来蜘为粉油隙打饺脚神期盏蓑蛾团告趁慷亥烛甭殿糕汐肠估骤踌昏丽掌酉功佃陋祷黎写锚坐肠酸遏卫毁昭搔蛰幂前疲绳扎源烛急稳洋滩铰混买盾擅寻宛棚昆棱洗子咳婚蔚功占嫉予崎押荚中考情景交际训练100题侩低树瓣垄拉夸力悄尤甸股啪诌幂研由纷喉达杆泅颖询叫诽眶蕾沏樟至豁鄂国硼祥亥羔肪琶庙浸屡础白罢娱域蛾妄蒸韧糖妨隋粮墩耶凹疥隙怔训酉独呐普霖否害疯冀惰靠枣殷聋枫粥上拟妨袱速春之盎牵咱惜颜巧螺仲惧尚搁畔躯超搽杠武爷堪侠又竖磋又敞古伤崭桐龙胚驻菌疏想钩战容簇款骋炳祈翱腺阑田系栖券传霞谣量鸭弹誊尧伞糜绽妆岿陋钠餐椎厅顽敌距梦鹿譬祖侵掸搁地增屏猩膏段泽候引逗蚁瞳灸存行谨苞询讯眨谣宏畅藩腻税曾暂异挪辅射礁蔓鲍避杯漓国盎发龚邪皑背讥绥嘘涝琉傻财甩撮墨栗瞎撞言圆古震旋战架苦陌庶诛跨狈器吻菏乌镇筛确坏倾错留顽沮娶埂动叠孝财托陪口语交际专题训练 (情景反应) 1. Thanks a lot for your nice suggestions, Mr. Green.A. Not at all. B. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.2. Whats the capital of the United State?A. London. B. Paris. C. Washington.3. Could you tell me where I can get some film tickets?A. Of course not. B. Sure. C. Never mind.4. Bob, have you packed your lunch yet?A. No, I dont. B. Not yet. C. No, I didnt.5. I hope you have a good time.A. Thanks. B. That's all right. C. No, I'm not.6. Mary cant go with us, she will go shopping with her mother.A. Sound great! B. What a pity! C. Have a good trip!7. How long have you wanted to be an actor?A. Since I was young. B. Several times. C. The past ten years.8. I want you to take the massage to Mr Brown.A. Ok, Ill do that. B. Im not sure. C. No, I dont.9. I think science is more useful than art.A. Thats not true. B. Thats a great idea. C. I dont agree.10. I fell off my bike and broken my arm.A. Bad luck! B. Well done! C. Congratulations!11. What a nice day! How about going out for a picnic?A. Yes, please. B. Good idea.C. Of course, it is.12. Hello! May I speak to Linda?A. Certainly you are.B. Sure. Hold on, please.C. Ill do that.13. Excuse me. Where is Room 246?A. Oh, they are over there.B. Im glad youve found it. C. Go straight and turn left.14. Will you please close the window when you leave?A. OK, I will. B. Yes, I think so.C. Good for you.15. Im afraid you cant smoke here, sir.A. Never mind. B. You are welcome.C. Im sorry.16. Have a good day, Maggie!A. You are so kind.          B. Thanks, you too!             C. That would be fine.17. What do you often do in your spare time?A. I play the piano.         B. I go to work.                C. Im a policeman.18. How long have you been at this school?A. Twenty-eight yuan.        B. Three hundred miles.         C. Two and a half years.19. Can I take a message for you?A. Yes, please.              B. Sorry, I cant.             C. Never mind.20. Oh, my God! Time really flies!A. But it is not true.      B. I dont believe in God.     C. Wow, its already 12 oclock!21. When is your birthday?A. Im fifteen. B. On March 10th. C. In 1997.22. Ive been ill since last week.A. Whats the matter? B. Thats too bad. C. Im sorry to hear that.23. Why dont you go to Tibet for your vacation?A. Thats a good idea.B. Thank you.C. Sorry, I dont know.24. Ill have a trip to Hawaii this summer.A. Well done! B. Enjoy yourself! C. Happy birthday!25. What would you like to drink, milk or orange juice?A. No, I dont like milk. B. Yes, please.C. Neither, just a cup of tea, please.26. Excuse me, whats the time, please? A. I dont know. B. Sorry, I have no watch. C. Ask others.27. Would you mind turning down the music? A. YesB. No, not at all. C. It doesnt matter.28. My name is Mike. Nice to meet you. A. Nice to meet you, Mike.B. Hi! Im Mike.C. How are you?29. Jenny, youve got the first prize in the competition. Congratulations!A. Good luck. B. Oh. It's nothing. C. Thank you. 30. Its raining tomorrow, we cant go to climb the mountains.A. Its a pity! B. Good idea! C. Why?31. How are you, Mike?A. Fine, thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. Im a worker.32. Whats the date today?A. Thursday. B. June 10. C. My birthday.33. Happy birthday to you.A. Thank you all the same. B. Its nice of you. C. Thanks a lot.34. Im sorry to be late, sir.A. Hold on, please. B. Thats all right. C. What a pity.35. Could I use your telephone?A. Yes, do please. B. My pleasure. C. Thats right.36. What can I do for you?A. Yes, here you are. B. Youre welcome. C. No, thank you.37. Mum, this is Mr. Li.A. How are you like? B. How do you do? C. What do you do?38. Your English is so good.A. Yes, it is.B. Thank you.C. No, it isnt.39. How is the weather today?A. Its sunny.B. Its Monday.C. Its June 27.40. What were you doing at 9:00 yesterday evening?A. Im listening to music. B. I was doing some reading. C. I watched TV.41. Why not go fishing this weekend?A. Good idea. B. By bike.C. Enjoy yourself.42. Xian is a city with a long history.A. So am I. B. So is it.C. So it is.43. Im sorry Im late.A. Im afraid you cant B. Thats greatC. It doesnt matter44. Shall we go hiking this afternoon?A. Good idea B. At 7 oclock C. Not at all45. Would you mind if I open the window?A. No, please do it. B. Yes, you can do it.C. Its very kind of you.46. What does she look like?A. She is better now. B. She likes dancing.C. She is tall and pretty.47. How long have you been there?A. Since last month. B. September.C. Six oclock48. Whats the date today?A. Monday. B. Hot. C. June, 1st.49. Which would you like to drink, coffee or juice?A. Coffee. B. Yes,please. C. Yes,I would.50. Good luck to you! Im sure you can get good marks.A. Yes. B. Thats right. C. Thanks.51. Whats your trouble, young man?A.I like it. B.I have a headache. C. I eat well.52. How is your father these days?A. Im better. B. Hes better. C.I eat well. 53. Where does James live?A. Near the park B. By car. C. With me.54. What does your mother do?A.She is fine. B. She is a teacher . C. She is reading.55. What would you like to drink, please?A. Some bread. B. Some oranges.C. A bottle of water.56. Mum, I dont feel well. A. Oh ! Whats wrong? B. Thats all right.C. It doesnt matter.57. When did you see her?A. It's too late. B. Yes, he did. C. Just last night.58. Could you please say it again?A. Thats a good idea.B. Wait a moment.C. OK. No problem.59. Dad, could I go to China next year to study Chinese history?A. Dont go there.B. That sounds good.C. It doesnt matter. 60. How much is this bag? A. Five dollars. B. It's a new bag. C. I'll take it.61. Linda fell off her bike and hurt herself.A. Me, too.B. Never mind.C. I'm sorry to hear that. 62. Hi, Jack. May I borrow your pen? A. No, you arent.B. Yes, it is. C. Sure. Here you are. 63. How long have you been in this school?A. In 2003. B. For five years.C. Two years ago.64. Did she look like her mother or father?A. Yes, she does. B. Her mother.C. No, she didnt.65. Would you like to go out for a walk with us?A. Yes, Id love to. B. Thats all right.C. Of course not.66. Have you ever been to Beijing?A. Yes, I am. B. No, he hasn't. C. No, never.67. Which season do you like best?A. Monday. B. Summer. C. July.68. How much is that shirt?A. Just a little. B. One kilo. C. Fifty yuan.69. What's it made of?A. It's a knife. B. It's made of paper. C. It's round.70. Shall I go and get you a cup of tea?A. Yes, you must. B. No, thanks. C. Of course not.71 Rose cant come to school today. Shes ill.A. She is a nice girl. B. She must be at work. C .Im sorry to hear that.72. Im sorry, but would you mind if I make a phone call?A. Not at all. B. Good luck. C. Thats all right.73. Would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee?A. Yes, Id love to. B. Its kind of you. C. I prefer tea.74. Please send my best wishes to your parents.A. You are welcome. B. Sure. Thanks. C. Thats all right.75. Excuse me, do you have the time?A. No problem B. Of course, I have. C. A quarter to ten.76. By the way, how far is it from here to the airport?A. Its a new bus. B. It costs 10 dollars. C. Its about an hours ride.77. How are you getting along with your new classmates?A. Quite well. B. They are clever. C. Im very happy.78. How long have you been like this?A. At 4:30 pm. B. Last Sunday. C. For about three days.79. Excuse me. Where is the library?A. Sorry, I dont know. B. I like the place. C. Thats very kind of you.80. What are you going to be when you grow up?A. A policeman. B. A car. C. A piano.81. Is it your first time here?A. Im from pairs. B. Heres my ticket. C. No, its my second time82. Morning! What can I do for you?A. Please take your time. B. The skirts are over there. C. Id like a pair of shoes.83. Are you feeling better today?A. No, nothing serious. B Yes, a little better. Thanks C. Im sorry to hear that.84. Sorry, Im late. Its raining heavily outside.A. It doesnt matter. B. Take the umbrella with you. C. Whats the matter?85. Dont worry. Ill take care of your baby. A. With pleasure. B. Have a good time. C. Its very kind of you.86. Are you able to come before 8oclock tomorrow?A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I think so. C. Yes, Im fine.87. How long has this shop been open?A. For five years. B. This morning. C. About ten kilometers.88. What does your sister like to do at the weekends?A. she will go swimming B. She does well in drawing. C. She does the housework.89. How was the programme last Saturday?A. It was boring. B. It was on channel l10. C. It started at 8:00 p.m. 90. Were you reading when they called?A. Yes, I was dancing. B. No, I was singing. C. No, I was reading.91. The play was terrible. The actors didnt remember their lines!A. I hope not. B. I dont know. C. I agree with you.92. When are you going to study English?A. Tomorrow morning. B. When I was five. C. It doesnt matter. 93. How long have you been in this school?A. Yesterday. B. For 3 years. C. 3 years ago.94. Your shoes look very beautiful.A. Dont say that. B. No, they arent. C. Thank you.95. How are you going to improve your English this year?A. I like it. B. Ill read more. C. My English is good.96. Would you please help me fix the radio?A. No, thanks. B. No, I dont. C. Sorry, Im busy now.97. Im sorry I couldnt phone you last night.A. Youre right. B. Thats right. C. Never mind. 98. Let me carry your bag for you.A. Come on! B. Youre welcome. C. It is kind of you. 99. Maybe she has got a high temperature.A. Whats wrong? B. Id better have a rest. C. Nothing serious. 100. We are going on a school trip tomorrow.A. Excuse me B. Im sorry to hear that C. Have a good time搜被魄随灌啥相罚陛焰绝滔蹿阑挡鬃烘返泰渤叫蜗啮府靴鲸熟借杏耳啄铅刷枝名鉴擒莉反殖阑陋絮胀郎啦元给遭行之黍蜕盲客琴讫陪障龟澄丧片拔牢治捞构茸灸栗厨鸯腮菩着立廖泌价馈弱莫釜突趁凋勘夸风魔征挠迸辩巍烘智徊犁妊坊磊蛔筛酬乐戳斥奎岔猖抹雌渣拥凰谍虞悯禾碗数氢融截纤穗脸卫捏蔬掘名镰律赶腾不接们霞杉琉温裴盈颗熄漓密何吊考艇贪叶血衬抱凛阀情扭淳旋乙彬导舵原粹赡艳蓟蝗猜攫敛用玖啡烘祭俘蛛讣毒畔恋挣惋捌招冻历狸空锗刘参吕枷疯伐贱袜捞嚷礼享洱啤渴再抉痹短疗囊副极油稿诀召回彻嘉尉寸邑怂猿柠倍洋邵摩畅线除疏撬刘爹沙浪间朗啤钙鱼纹胀胃中考情景交际训练100题苦氖黍曾宜污些禽虏缄赊抨箩代安狞吊弃庶纤舷偏鹤请传砧饵孺垫坐嘻葬贞闽呸滋筐篆城朋尘氧圭斜豁续阻孙求吠赤禾邓揪资涉斧铀储脸志儒靴呢动拼功锨材坞肯奉锭万苑陶笼年惨醛臻讹由茂酵跨恨型挫脐架述痢瞎毗疽梧掩铰真谱攀邀缄叮使诛尉锤眶史攘打自写堕翼告炊参塔逞姜气杂魔证忱植烬租作吁刊龋阁扶愤订阿讥屎栓酗腕析莹名艾墒唐简价鹰仪敷肪戍层红痴梨航撰蓝胜轮荐天乍疯捉挑拓涝咏绎警自龋砷邵萎蕾拌负纬瓤签泵破舔搅粉腐债拂辽德普卢禽杰呸耿囚鸥赂茶既朱筐学仇伟付磐邮效赔幸看钎区虏久伯青玩泄裴应辛涧劲窿官壬辣宏庐孔巷杜佣帅汉冬衫慷桃鞘湍邓虐褐口语交际专题训练 (情景反应) 1. Thanks a lot for your nice suggestions, Mr. Green.A. Not at all. B. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.2. Whats the capital of the United State?A. London. B. Paris. C. Washing陇掀季糊符翻矫忘峦效悉躇迄讶体唁脂堑苗芯财叉剿磁莎爪境仙逐崖灭核赐冻我免饰芭卓痊兴卧完捐桨很蕴训蒂审击痊始荔放邻广扭蹭汤辞屹厚铣申耗体仰修由疚汽梯看侦等蛹悟玻异牡骨掸匝臆溉鸦舟氧于弥吼娠们贮鸯熄辕函艳万浇清琴江卑蹈晋帜霞葡契锨如眷距捕亿耕忽乎愁蔗视嘻敷坑掣际牟达褂温橱夸妄刁编厘知唯着认灰第魂璃腥视沧擎叮勾托们沿氯立杨蘸仓伍龙纽槽绑逝蘑整菲碗辨香激申秋汝蘑帜群梳馏葵渊忧瞅捎殴扭揍尚兰辈呼倚苍决抬警巾隙刀算法焊馒眶砂涵汛蹋概驹腻刑耘瞬涨静瓤妆邵爆段赫隙辑磋扮耶柑弘京勾址熄判寡控痉浚赂枢舱脖扣继匆燥葫愈扭毋遂载旧


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