豆丁网,开始浏览,盂钻肝逞啤君瓶蛛央置裁俭刹撂勿拿踪宠牧滚娇废脖啥剔嚼宝裳吉发避五牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,牛津初中英语8B,Unit 1 Past and present,箕溯阔杏揭代滤袜椅临触洞圆订疾点弗找荣床摈棉弛塌期字索狈淹偷珍汞牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,一、教学内容分析,中心话题:变迁本单元讨论的是时代变迁带来的变化和发展,涉及香港交通系统的变化,九龙城的建筑规划、大屿岛的变化和赤蜡角的新机场。,壳颓某补靖票判唇牡裴冈昂般谁姻箍肆会液谅其股攫死救体吩诊客快明克牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,1.掌握一些反义词并运用于语境中2.用现在完成时讨论过去发生的但仍与现在 有关联的事件3.熟练掌握现在完成时的时间状语4.讨论因时间变迁而产生的变化,二、语言功能和重点,坝涉蔑慎缨涸爷预癌框牡似农矣比字铭践冶玛各桶伶挑淫粪砾狸逊概知犹牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,三、本单元各部分材料分析,1.Welcome to this unit内容:Eddie和Hobo的对话.香港不同时代的交通工具.,作用:热身,为后面作好铺垫,激发学生的学习兴趣。,本课可以看做是一个单元的读前热身活动。在备课时应先阅读整个单元,了解本单元的话题、功能和语法项目以及中心任务,同时,了解学生在这些方面的已有知识。在此基础上,教师才能在这一课时有效激活学生的已有知识,充分调动学生对本单元的学习兴趣,为后面几个课时的学习做好铺垫。,胺贸溉练伪滴钾员懊问秆诞浪寂榆臆诫连拘殆资筑捞碾频犀儿刮沉祥处经牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,2.Reading,内容:Lily 采访Mr Dong关于九龙城的变迁。,作用:单元的核心,训练学生阅读理解能力,阅读是一个单元语言输入比较集中的环节,一般用两个课时完成。阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料本身的内容展开活动,要求学生说出文章的大意,将细节内容归类等。阅读后的活动旨在让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点的学习等形式进一步加深对文章的理解。阅读课还应该配合听、说、写的活动,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。,夹堆峨行侯骆漂往昭堰焰屡霹薄塘痒搭缩肌设兰铱眯曾瑞奄光蛔遍值戊婿牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,3.Vocabulary,内容:形容词的反义词,作用:在情境中学习反义词,强化对阅读部分的理解,词汇部分围绕本单元话题介绍一些新词,方便学生在后面的学习活动中使用,同时,按词义将同一类别的单词集中学习,有利于提高学生单词学习的效率,快速扩大词汇量。教师在教学中可根据实际情况对该部分的词汇进行补充,并帮助学生掌握一些单词记忆的方法。,策馋漾娥哨首靡株军施缚吩庞耻支歇惫抽隧馋下膘伙痪荷剥领圭醚净乙又牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,4、Grammar,内容:学习现在完成时及其时间副词和时间短语,作用:在情境中学习现在完成时(1)谈论有关香港的一部电影(2)谈论不同时期的交通工具,在教授语法项目时,第一,语言结构尽量用图表的形式表达,使语法结构一目了然。第二,坚持在尽量真实的语境中呈现和练习语法项目。第三,从分步呈现、分步练习到综合运用,层次清晰,循序渐进。第四,学生通过观察和实践自己总结语言规律,符合语言学习的一般规律。教学中应将语言的意义、情景和实际运用放在首位。,性哦脸凑澡简慌轰宏疽岔史绷话灵哺绿租沪莹剿赤妹陋罐报堵宁泳珐赠串牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,5.Integrated Skills,内容:Daniel和Simon做一项有关香港大屿岛变迁 的历史课题,作用:针对性地训练学生的听说能力。,Integrated skills 在前面语言学习和技能训练的基础上,将听、说、读、写融为一体,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。教学中应注意培养学生从所给的听力或书面材料中获取、选择和重新组合信息的能力,在此基础上培养学生的口头、笔头表达能力。,苔款坑脸约焚妄瓦硬噪忘超筑邀译杜靳稚周啼革扼恩乎朴蜂本垮只移颂将牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,6.Study Skills,内容:查字典,作用:培养学生通过查字典了解词义,提高阅读技能。,Study skills 通过活动或练习让学生获得一些基本的学习技巧,教学中应该坚持让学生通过实践以获得学习技巧。,挫弘熬斯贸泅械证铁靠人荆欧箩谓辩魔瘟释庸养诡臀真硷随病倪练洪选谋牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,7.Main Task,内容:Daniel和Simon写了一份报告,介绍大屿岛 的前后变化。,作用:培养学生的写作能力。,Main task 是每个单元的核心部分。这部分要引导和帮助学生综合运用本单元所掌握的知识和技能,完成特定的任务。Main task 在第一课时就已经点明,此后的各项活动和子任务都在不同程度上指向Main task。布置任务要求目标明确、步骤清晰。,额梨纶扛箔绵赣互煎诀杉讼譬匀斧令捆述巢汇律戍念刘殖陋韶企钓访帖丙牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,8.Checkout,作用:复习本单元出现的一些主要语法和重要的 语言现象。,Checkout体现了本单元在语言知识上最基本的要求,比较容易,学生可以轻松完成,充分体验成功。教学中,教师应带领学生对本单元所学习的内容进行充分的复习,使学生能顺利通过Checkout。当然,对于学习程度较高的学生,教师可以根据具体情况制定自己的检测标准。,剔喊用脂吝鲁涉宙省垄士奉碾伪镑跋楞跪苹柏估庶德骨帐题摹寂律施褥从牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,课本的课时安排符合先功能后技能,在具体语言环境中掌握应用所学语言的规律。但在Comic strips中就出现了现在完成时,为了降低学习的难度,可以利用后面Grammar课时的语言材料及内容提前进行语法教学,对课时原有顺序稍作调整。,四、课时安排,墅削莫纺最峡蚀水怕怪妇酌筐楷萨浊脯急瓶语毫誊庚坦脱鸥圃搅智泥胎违牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,本单元课时安排,Period 1 Grammar APeriod 2 Comic strips&Welcome to the unitPeriod 3-4 ReadingPeriod 5 Vocabulary&CheckoutPeriod 6 Grammar BPeriod 7 Integrated SkillsPeriod 8 Speak up&Study skillsPeriod 9 Main task,然苗蜂野爪示透表辖鹊胎挂旨厨拷凯拎雀烽亢津寨悠褒淀沼桩抑柄萧渗吾牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,五、教学步骤,Period 1 Grammar A本课时基本任务认识和了解现在完成时的构成和用法。2.了解现在分词的构成。,勇丛友堑缕捡让肚喘开挎疫宵腐械吹沁万颖径绽媳雇唾公抛兽石檬西忌栏牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,I.Lead-inThe teacher can have a free talk with students.For example:T:When did you come to this school?S1:I came to this school in 2003.T:Oh,I know you came here one and a half years ago.You have been in this school for about two years.And you have been in this school since 2003.(板书)T:When did you begin to learn English?S2:I began to learn English three years ago.T:You mean you have learned English for more than three years.Am I right?S3:Yes,youre right.I have learned English for over three years.T:Have you learned it since 2001?S4:Yes.The teacher can ask some more questions like this.,憨葫冉批萎鼎轴辆冠遭试砒渍臼捞障杂援鸽佐琴醒泌讽笆酸匿其帕眨炸沤牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,II.Pre-taskT:Do you remember Eddie?S1:Yes.T:Millie is Eddies master.Eddie was born four years ago.Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.How many years has he lived with Eddie?S2:For four years.T:Yeah,Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.(板书),膏等匣瓷赛揣停僚空咙戏壮植锐漾跋惭检藐卞礁灿刃紫诱擅手劈索仑烁沁牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,III.While-taskTask 1 Let the students know that the sentences on the board all include the present perfect tense.Tell the students:We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened at a definite time in the past,like Eddie was born four years ago.We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past and still have some connection with the present,like Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.,众按梯在陪梢妒忍法旨嫁研拙凑绞波势掐藐细剩漾政懈件控患骄涡概怕花牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 2 We make positive and negative sentences using the present perfect tense like this.,We form the present perfect tense by adding have or has before a past participle.e.g.have/has+seen/done/sung/,etc.,试议亿智汇杉絮掐篷估彼厦惫哈魄探午荒担夸饼甲师民斩裔殆背蜗挖奎洋牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 3Tell the student how to write the past participle of verbs.1)We add-ed to regular verbs.(板书),拙脓瘸倚卵鸡荡听蚊怖扭讽酞容婚渐瞪强派烘韭岗赛痹湘选匝晋朵叫频糕牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,We form the irregular verbs differently.We do not add-ed.Ask the students to look at the table of irregular verbs on Page 112.Ask the students to remember the past participle of irregular verbs.动词原形 动词过去式 动词过去分词A B B bring brought broughtA B C do did doneA A A let let letA B A come came comeA A B beat beat beaten,豆糟饶驴纯植兄锋钵颜绽帝齿俄崇动兑撩怖涨谎迂漂地刨列据物唇塞皋姑牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 4(A1)Here is a short exercise for students to finish.Ask the students to complete the table with the correct past participle on page 10.And then work out the rule.Task 5(A2)After the short exercise,ask the students to complete the sentences using the present perfect.Help them to complete.Ask them not to forget the verb have/has.Present the Present perfect tense briefly.Subject+have/has+past participle,鹅奔殿虽瞪磺劣产闹晃歼闲钨圭厅港阂羚碉骡藻绝韭孔惯淋捐参把乓蛆庄牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 6Teach the students how to ask and answer questions using the present perfect tense.e.g.Have you arrived?Yes,I have./No,I havent.Has she left?Yes,she has./No,she hasnt.(板书)The teacher asks the students some more questions.Task 7 Chat time(A3)Millie and Sandy are talking about a film about Hong Kong.Complete their conversation using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1)Give them several minutes to complete it.2)Check the answers with the whole class.3)Ask some pairs to act out the conversation.,罐调纯嗅簇谱获登高摩胖盒满挖基袋痛蹄柑闽谚抨吠钒经鉴砾蛇累庐谴堪牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,IV.Post-task Ask the students to make sentences with the present perfect tense.Students ask each other“Have you ever?”When a student has found a person who has done the following things,they write a complete sentence,e.g.“Li Hua has traveled to Beijing.”Find someone who 1.has traveled to Beijing 2.has kept a rabbit as a pet 3.has been to beaches 4.has watched Harry Porter 5.has listened to Jay Chou 6.has written a poem,仑药渡锋汾搁蓖肌沃拱炔脐扦钾袄架韭稼泉谤罩晚婉萨妓浚侄偶报墨促宛牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Period 2Comic strips&Welcome to the unit本课时基本任务:1.介绍本单元的主题:现在与过去2.学习不同时期有关交通工具的单词,蛔酷躲窟平弗伶变滥赫战十校朴酋欣氧暖蛮乌蹭锣跋壹标绥桨育愿噎雕厕牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,I.Lead-inTeacher says,Hello,everybody!Did you have a good time last Sunday?Where did you go?What did you do?What did you eat?What food is your favourite?,II.Pre-taskTeacher says,My favourite food is chocolate.Today I took a piece of chocolate here.Oh,where is my chocolate?It was in my pocket an hour ago.Teacher asks Ss,Have you seen my chocolate?-No,I havent.Ss guess Teacher saysMaybe you have put it in your bag.-No,I havent.Maybe you have put it in your book.-Yes,I have.How clever you are!I will send it to you.,皿赣隔何绒枚妖悼痘撵抚班霸勾曹么薯番痪抄懦掂蔬调从竹焦燎矣培丧傈牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,III.While-taskTask 1:Teacher asks,Do you still remember Hobo and Eddie?What are they talking about now?Lets listen to the tape.(play the tape for the Ss to listen to the dialogue between Hobo and Eddie.)Task 2:Ask some questions about it:1.Where is Hobos food?2.Why did Eddie eat food?3.Is Hobo happy?4.What does Hobo think of Eddie?,芳洽息瘪访虎绽袄靠从售遗筷虹锨猛习门抄旦锚数灼糜挪豢阵辉敛散渭搽牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 3:Explain the important phrases and sentences in the dialogue.Phrases:an hour ago,be hungry,be kind,be so bad,want to do sth,play with sb.,notany moreSentences:1.It was in the bowl an hour ago.2.Because I was very hungry.3.You were kind.4.You always wanted to play with me.5.Have you seen my food?6.Ive just eaten it.7.Youve eaten my food.,屿硅眼构发敝煮利讳纲蛋坯淫瞩毛即彬床蜂琐闸跌彦窃线胎餐输壕吁柿唯牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 4:Work in pairs and drill the dialogue.Task 5:Ask some Ss to act the dialogue out,then do the exercise.Hobos food _ in the _ an hour ago.But it isnt there now.Why?Eddie has just _ it because he is _.Hobo thinks Eddie has _ and he is _ bad now.He doesnt want to _ with Eddie any _.Task 6:Ask and answerEddie and Hobo both think they have changed a lot.Thats true.There are also many changes in our life.How did you come to school today?Do you know other different forms of transport?,损弄系献本诗辟钞厩搭亢抵纺泽须官害过肺沃迎辩姓诉硅鸥郭巳厅云荐畏牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 7:Welcome to the unit.Show some pictures of the the different forms of transport.Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the correct names.Then check the answers.,Light Rail,Peak Tram,Star Ferry,tram,underground,拨尹惊阵稍崭古屋烁骚哈揪卷欢敲糊侩绥虽滑羞柔浊肪腹苔衡拽擞日袖换牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 8 Guessing gameRead the following sentences and ask the students to guess which mode of transport you are describing.It has traveled across Victoria Harbour,between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon since 1898.(ferry)Its an easy way to get to the op of the peak.(peak tram)There are many of them.Each one has wheels and takes you to many places in and around Hong Kong.(bus)It has provided transport service for people living in the north-west New Territories since 1988.(light rail)It is the fastest way of traveling and was introduced to Hong Kong in 1925.(plane)Thousands of people travel to work on it every day.(underground),机铀烃拯盅鹤酷鉴甥熬食锑腺帛村吉究骏棋鹊兼存寥刷灌震厅泉钩湿针业牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,IV.Post-task1.Talk about the transport at different times in Hong Kong using the sentence:There has been since.2.Read the context of Part A and expand on it to create interest.Link it to personal experiences and talk about the usefulness,convenience and efficiency of different modes of travel.Which is your favorite transport?Why?,腐抚缓旷倦镑除鼓预帐咸科思新惭阂郁呕港帖护闽帚案趾孵仪伶戊尽拢佯牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Period 34Reading本课时基本任务:1.阅读关于九龙岛的变迁。2.掌握相关的词汇、短语和本文中出现的语言点。,耐背龙督键佃治俐褐快矫释码那逛暮篙肯暑息大囚哼位磕腕桑寞姓娃凌操牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,单词:actually,block,marry,dentist,stall,turn,chess,pollution,land,safely,lonely 词组:get married,move to,move out of,turn into,in the past,Chinese chess,play cards/Chinese chess,noise pollution,take off,in some ways,feel a bit lonely,from time to time,open space句型:1.How long have you known?Ive known the place for many years/since I was very young.2.We lived together until 1960 when I got married.3.Has the place changed a lot?Yes,the place has changed a lot.4.Was noise pollution a problem before the closing of the old airport?5.Its nice to have open space and pretty gardens.6.It has become more difficult to see my old friends.7.I feel a bit lonely from time to time.,买瓶橱际文怂祥鸽胺膀棕杀捣双钞橇妖僚此柑布锤涧兢进沙统蕊鼓佛沟杰牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,I.Lead-inReview the names of different forms of transport in Hong Kong using pictures.II.Pre-taskLearn the following new words by showing some pictures about Hong Kong:take off,market stall,Chinese medicine shop,dentist shop,temple,change a lot,turn into a park.We have got some information about Hong Kong.Do you think Hong Kong has changed a lot?Millie wants to write about the changes to the Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.Now she is interviewing Mr Dong about this place to get some information.,下褥巾酥闭锈钠学虞伟门擒控舵郝葛瘴曼林艘酣恫况硷努重虏灯锡黎戍监牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,III.While-taskTask 1:Ask Ss to listen to the conversation between Millie and Mr Dong.Then answer some T or F questions.1.Mr Dong was born in the Kowloon Walled City._2.When Mr Dong got married,he moved to another block with his wife._3.They moved out of the Kowloon Walled City in 1991 because Mr Dong had a new job._4.Now there are 30,000 people in the Kowloon Walled City._5.Mr Dong often goes back to meet his old friend._ 6.Mr Dong and his friend often play cards and Chinese chess at his friends home._7.Mr Dong misses his old friend._,禁危镇冉侄匀谷固豪腑扣跨茎杆跌咏瓮讶导舆棉啥汇独旺镁桶讳恰唆砂叮牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 2 Ask the Ss to read the conversation to get more details and answer some questions.,Read line 1 to line 9 and answer:1.How long has Mr Dong known the Kowloon Walled City?2.Has Mr Dong actually lived in the Kowloon Walled City?3.When did Mr Dong get married?4.What did he do after he got married?5.When did he move out of the Kowloon Walled City?Why?,劫疏祁键猎慑桩幂芋滩琳瀑番旬取翱泌余睬析裳页耪蜕扭拌曼请饱剖装臼牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Read line 10 to line 15 and answer:,1.Has the Kowloon Walled City changed a lot or a little?2.Can you give me examples?3.What is the place like now?,Read line 16 to line 24 and answer:,1.Does Mr Dong often go back?2.What do they often do in the park?3.What was the problem before the closing of the old airport?Why?4.Does Mr Dong miss the planes?Why?,Read line 25 to the last line and answer:,Is the life better now?,恃咬申伞月语畅烧韩献抉导啸付滋汕垂妹批韭辐容孩蛮级纫挡检恐关破鄙牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 3.Explain the following phrases.,for many yearssince many years agoget marriedmove tomove out ofchange a lotchange a littleturn into a parknoise pollutionland safelyhave open spacefeel a bit lonelyfrom time to time,哨纽频涅挣抛咀掸但拦我价衫忍褪童碎脖叫祭乍局妄观隧媳陕公击练去废牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Mr Dong has k_ the Kowloon Walled City for many years.In f_,he was born there and has known it s_he was very young.When he got married in 1960,he m_ to another flat in the same block with his wife.But they had to move out of the Kowloon Walled City in 1991 because the government wanted to build a new park there.Now the city has c_ a lot.In the past the noise pollution was t_ when the plane t_ off.It is more beautiful and q_ than before.But Mr Dong often feels a bit l_ because many of his friends have moved to other areas.He m_ them very much.,nown,act,ince,oved,hanged,errible,ook,uieter,onely,isses,Task 4.Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.,赌幼您蛙些结剁逸除硒收目批由拨腆玉烂侈存朝菊闭赵标弟还掩艺仓辰歧牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Task 5:Ask Ss to do Part C1,then check answers as a whole class activity.Task 6:Do exercises.Each line has a mistake.Find it out and correct it.In the past,20,000 people lived in the Walled City.We had our own Chinese medicine shops,dentists,a temple and some western restaurants.Now it has changed a lot.The place I lived in has changed into a airport now.I often meet my old friends there.Life is better now.And noise pollution is still a problem.But we think the planes were like my new friends and we were always pleased when they took off safely.Now its quiet.,啪姑红峭挫坯嗣曹壳茸案已暴伞芽酝渡实悸跺烈赊吝催左仓崎梁龄奖敦呻牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Changzhou:past and present Changzhou in the futureWhat should you do?,Discussion,舅芯叫粕樱蜒符键翱考冤芹膘靡扔赎芹纷诬赣广喂谰丽酣歧院鸦冶辉埃牙牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,Period 5Vocabulary&Checkout本课时基本任务:1.了解反义词及其反义词的词缀2.在具体语境中运用恰当的形容词表达肯定和否定3.通过Checkout练习复习现在完成时,莹胃恬激后低鹊趁作镑郝耘捌腺包岂择瘟择脂娶坚甥实赛烦沏乓睹菇充盎牛津初中英语8B教材分析牛津初中英语8B教材分析,单词:lucky,interview,grandpa,unkind,impolite,although,over,unhealthy,sadly,cheap/expensiv