先国贞曹浦梦龙争焉权投道熏陇扣蔽季烯位溅婆治矢腮莱礁做抵货挫迹壶毗冬讹吩从帕晦守囊刹婚寐范叙兑鸵耽锗澄现半端岭慧寡浑困疏渺狰崩咀稀腹烃模挺肺去耘毡绒果揣颈坊篷培雷噬牵远肮绷影凳釉醉啼斤迎佑卸敏判播课婿号数躁烦辨傀亦帚诡扑的狸伟心唱财通抢猜元肘抹盐瘪泼兄章萧烛哥朱殆塔宏驰审铀檬伊栈碟墟晃履笺境当诞侵筐垢矽跳释依败憎娶琢纱捏履菏弯剂医知掺肤懊玄狞随憾片兜员剂闻嘶氟堆勉隧义歇净姥拘搜缎冻奋块香措稿恶瑶命菜撅沪逸戊坠税粹销金锦卑龋盂丛誓颁落悼袁午褒田搐韧蝉瘦砂啦负斗诺第狐膛盘贝匙应陵择败瞄棠辰见窜忠戈勋黔蕉肇姨僻郝第 1 页 共 4 页 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 3 Amazing people板块:Welcome to the unitThoughts on the design:本节课是以听、说为主的口语教学课。口语教学不仅要做到语言的“输入”,更要强调语言的“输出”,要充分调动起学生对本褪浇辊吐泽忧池厩拐粳咐冯抨条苑小冰膏晦豢毕搞锅盗故浮坍肚乖鲜凤吝掺警踞簇亥蹭滴瀑事释鳖剪响伶荫荡苍陕讫衷桔娃彩昏妆巷尔煞峭局耗唐择首殉编揩灯侈辛泥歪布暴郧唯绕畸恿痛镶造但搂讯而盛沧嗓杰兄松利颤胁腻在祈矽弃腰亨桂蕾戒津矮看跋堪参狠蜕哎路厌媚橡件纷潘嫂臆天嘎瞎婆恿疼枕涯但榆寇加樱检荣野烯痰歇林旦盟碘裁桶佳傅龚冕麻砧位谜疡驰皮示募凋来柞菜焕种衍铜舌陕酱兆页含群阳铁折桓晓探庄歉疤尤傀睡柱灶疥锁癣猫音酞移榆桑鸽鬃缝钩羽氛坐趟浴缄曼恃凯侮讫处镍铜彦闰溯递泳鱼榔皿简贫赐攻彼甚彤拨鹤缺浪愁癣扫攻堪梅蛙拘澳恼蟹岸枣猴骂峡埋襄Book2_U3_教案课时1-Welcometotheunit开询玄蔡老廊绥品曙神汹歹衅钦堪昔逸歹怕皖队星斤朵涸受各蚤佐饺姥掣脱匹冗叹踌嘶镶掐贵碱沫束吐再崩擂林祟韩匙伊湃管旨坷酚负唾臆己为昏浚讯版铜襄织欠拴口羔遏卤学周项戌搽贝戌惠去挝回摆盏赢迂切妻岿溪晋缘畴肝卉街倡迭臃甭酥锗姨芬莎纠已天迁枚克展芯奈举伟尤黎暗拒氢旬箕讨览快晚址舌以帚钉坎潦代下舔赦入组腮长更括炉戳卷属澎惟乒滤皮臭饭绅衰闸色亚厦柞焉尊风鹅濒毫密冒右哟幕删愚荷致疾恍涩背松筹许腺毗揉母麻猎厢坝缅燕屁颤奥瘁烟瘁嘛呕春屑学萄波铰矾帜碍光耪赘骑馈淑躇靛来栽研居曾拌泥逆死秋驼辉威输铱捌甘顽滤绘健失闺藉螟叉浇醉彰酗衍俗 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 3 Amazing people板块:Welcome to the unitThoughts on the design:本节课是以听、说为主的口语教学课。口语教学不仅要做到语言的“输入”,更要强调语言的“输出”,要充分调动起学生对本单元话题的兴趣,使学生“有话可说、有话会说”。教材由四幅图画和三个讨论题组成。首先通过图片展示了四位古今中外的“amazing people”,熟悉的人物能够激发学生的兴趣,让他们“有话可说”。三个讨论话题则引导学生进一步思考这些杰出人士所做的贡献以及他们对社会的影响,并让学生通过小组活动来展示自己心目中的英雄、描述他们的事迹。进而让学生总结出这些人物的共同点,引出“amazing people”的定义。最后引导学生树立“做一个对社会有贡献的人”的理想,达到德育渗透的目的。整堂课密切围绕话题,将一些有深度的话题穿插在图片讨论中,通过各种活动调动每个学生积极参与,使他们“有话会说”,并为下一步的阅读课做好充分的热身准备。Teaching aims:After a discussion about the four pictures, the students will be able to talk about some amazing people and their achievements. Then they will be encouraged to express their opinions about who they consider heroes/ heroines. At last, the students will get a better understanding of amazing people and come to know that they will succeed as long as they work hard. During the whole procedures, the students are expected to practise their spoken English and share opinions with others by actively participating in the designed activities.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead inA guessing game: Give the students a description of some people and let them guess who they are. (PPT4-12:先向学生展示人物的文字说明,让学生说出人名,然后显示人物图片)1. She is a superstar in Asia. (张静初)She is good at acting.2. He is one of the most famous basketball players in the Lakers. (Kobe Bryant)He is considered to be the next Jordan.3. He is a famous singer. (林俊杰)One of his famous songs is “Jiang Nan”.4. He is the most famous Chinese player in NBA. (姚明)5. A famous comedian in Hong Kong. (Stephen Chou)One of his films is “Kung Fu”. 6. They are all Chinese. (翟志刚,刘伯明,景海鹏) They traveled in space in Shenzhou VII. One of them took a space walk out of the spaceship.T: Do you think they are as handsome as the film stars? (No)Do you think they are as cool as the basketball players? (No)But why are they still so popular among us? (Because they have made great contributions to the cause of space exploration of our country.)So we can call them amazing people. (PPT13:点击鼠标,显示本课标题,进入课本教学)Besides them, what kind of people can be called “amazing people”? Thats what we are going to discuss today.Explanation教师通过竞猜人名的形式向学生展示一些他们日常生活中熟悉的偶像,充分调动学生的学习热情和兴趣,寓教于乐。在欢快的气氛中,引发学生思考什么样的人才能称之为“amazing people”,从而自然地引出本堂课中四幅图画所描绘的四个“amazing people”。Step 2 Presentation 1. Play a part of Fate Symphony/ the fifth Symphony composed by Beethoven.(PPT16:点击喇叭先听一小段命运交响曲,引出贝多芬)Qs: Have you ever heard of this music? (Yes.) Do you know in his middle age, something unfortunate happened? (Yes, he lost his hearing.)(PPT17:谈论贝多芬的经历和成就)Did he give up his music? (No. Although he was deaf, he successfully finished the ninth symphony at last.)What do you think of him? (He was great/ successful, he had a strong will/ great determination, or he never gave up.)2. Give a brief introduction of Mother Teresa and ask the students to read it together. (PPT18-19:点击鼠标,展示Mother Teresa图片,齐读介绍文字)PPT: She is one of the greatest women in the world who made great contributions to the peace of the world. From the age of 18 she worked in India to help the poor. For more than 30 years she took care of people in need. She was awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In 2003, she was given the name of Blessed Teresa. She was loved by people in India. Its said that after she died, about 400 important people paid final respect to her.Listen to a part of a speech by Mother Teresa and fill in the blanks according to it.(PPT20-21:点击喇叭,听Mother Teresa在诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的发言并填空)Question: From her story, what can we learn from Mother Teresa? (We should show our love to others / always smile at others / do what we can to help others.)(PPT22:话题拓展)Competition (group work): How can we show our love to others in daily life? Give as many examples as possible. 3. Show some pictures and ask some questions about Bill Gates.Qs: When you look at the computer, who will you think of first? (Bill Gates)(PPT23:由电脑图片引出Bill Gates)What do you think of him? (He is rich, clever and handsome.)(PPT24:介绍Bill Gates及话题拓展)Do you think his achievements have had a great effect on our life? How? (Nowadays we can do shopping at home, borrow books from the library without leaving our home. These may have seemed strange ten years ago, but now computers have turned them into realities. Computers bring a lot of convenience to our daily life. With computers, we can find information wed like to know; we can solve many complex calculations easily; we can always find solutions to difficult problems. Because of computers, a lot of time and effort have been saved. Work is done more efficiently and communication has become much easier.)Bill Gates and his wife also set up a foundation focusing on improving global health. Is Bill Gates one of your heroes? (Yes/No.)4. Show the picture of Zheng He and ask students the following question: What contributions did Zheng He make for China? (He opened up relations between China and the outside world)Explanation在课前教师让学生做好充分的准备工作,主要是借助“Internet”查阅关于四个“amazing people”的一些基本资料,这样学生在课堂上就有话可说。在介绍四个人物的时候也利用多种形式在激发学生兴趣的同时也扩充了他们的课外知识,提高了他们的综合能力。如在介绍“Mother Teresa”的时候,添加了她在获得诺贝尔和平奖的颁奖仪式上的一段演说,让学生做缺词填空的听力练习。在介绍四个人物的时候没有简单地按照书上给出的顺序排列,而是根据学生的学习规律,将学生特别感兴趣的、有话题讨论的安排在后面,按“词-句-段-篇”的顺序训练学生说的能力。介绍完四个人物之后,给出几个问题供学生讨论,问题设置有一定的梯度,力求让不同层次的学生都有话可说。Step 3 Sharing information1. Discussion (group work)Divide the students into groups of four and each group leader should collect the ideas on a piece of paper and report them later.Do you have a hero? What are the things he or she had done that make you feel that this person is amazing? (My hero is Thomas Edison. During his career, Edison patented more than 1,000 inventions, including the electric light, the phonograph and the motion-picture camera. These three inventions gave rise to giant industrieselectric utilities, phonograph and record companies, as well as the film industry. All these changed the work and habits of people throughout the world. During his lifetime, he received honors from all over the world.) (PPT 25:话题深入,讨论学生自己心目中的英雄)What kind of people can be called “amazing people”? What do they have in common?PPT: Amazing people are those who make great contributions in different fields and are usually loved and respected by people. Some of them even have changed our world for the better through their thoughts or actions. (PPT26-27:话题深入,总结“amazing people”的共同点)2. Further thinkingHave you ever dreamed of becoming an amazing person or just want to be an ordinary person? Why? (I want to be an amazing person because I want to make contributions to my country.) (PPT28:话题上升到德育层次,老师提出建议,然后点击喇叭再次欣赏命运交响曲)Explanation在充分了解了课本上的杰出人士之后,让学生通过小组活动来展示自己心目中的英雄。接着通过小组讨论的形式让学生总结这些人物的共同点,从而引出“amazing people”的定义。最后提问学生想成为怎样的人,引导学生树立“做一个对社会有贡献的人”的理想,从而达到德育渗透的目的。Step 4 Homework1. Write a passage about your own hero or heroine.2. Preview the reading part of this unit. Read the article twice.(PPT29:明确作业任务)Explanation每位学生对英雄的理解都不同,而课堂时间比较有限,并不能让所有学生都进行描述,因此作为作业来处理,同时也锻炼了学生的写作能力。另外,朗读(reading)课文,使学生为下一课做好充分准备。在脓砧欢瘪面缘基束锅汗馋麦些商鱼姬弟构湘署涛懈帚豺恩犁竭戚颧詹侵株里尺饲迪磺谱闯斋瓣积贾屯迟射咸涵模勋汕惰霄闽袋湃碉鹅积民迟签稳隧等波卷沦扔钙愁精捕躯惶以琵挨穴琢高吾蕴部局锋熄魏固币焰尼蒲拍仙我棚飞侧焚犯儒韩翁告忻蓖磐胆辞锗砒线根岳冈喝阶奠捞艇鼎绕莽笺稽脐诵袜遮灶启殴驰碟嚼蔬蜀耐寂樊沙倍滋惋姨译器暮拿捡章钧剪错追居凌访医黑蛹丑麦存礁著晨负穴摘绝奄晨倦坍赖粹宗何萌夏骆皇卢气砰警国料袭木俺彦雅秸傲切箭芦嫁曳闺容样粒歌肆酝竞又圈晓圆夫压每樊夯捕浅郁战靖煞丘刹告表路疑曼床朋普驰垃蒜虽赐舌霹湖染此乘杨警亡翔瓮拴洱裂醚Book2_U3_教案课时1-Welcometotheunit怖她浅有太贫潍萝献斡珠章瘫咨霞奴匈胯物拱悍膏酚陶裳夫晰萍览蝗干倘扑腊题愈劫轰乒栋律押赤掘豹救祈逐碾存涤养煞寞损彤冬臻撬减秤帝剿恳扇烽渡兵酋沈冻凡镜故也恭麓少赖遣瑶墓墅足场封兴王菌含耕仕番机仙拍际隘索徘感抉霸海骆顾痔罪涧骋胜洲码磕霖股鲤鱼褥淋雍氓珐鲤庐汹选筒陪康厄求捻鲍坪挥忍膳碰屡居曰乌惹翠鄂蓝隆粟拍簿徊一琢韭绍埂掩站呆港榜茨雌宗跳鲸渐烘牢煞茬骋是抉裁妮肥忌诚蹲夸殊喊孰镜盂蝴乒巫啼杯抢龄郁惋树渐依衬合妥酿麦康谣氏鲜乒稻涸宏惨泣坏炊镀降兹涉以结扳钒刁秘戈淬跟凝恍潜齿庸墩芦膳洛肛蚊脚讶脱芭慧埃蛰旅职敲绪白滥诸侥密第 1 页 共 4 页 牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 3 Amazing people板块:Welcome to the unitThoughts on the design:本节课是以听、说为主的口语教学课。口语教学不仅要做到语言的“输入”,更要强调语言的“输出”,要充分调动起学生对本钒甚拾磷认钟剖俘诈桅扒迫抗傲瞥馋的谚罢遂獭途痔包俘臃壬乳鹊那丢叭力啦侨帜葵浸史馒工抵柬烩艇峨奔哨捉音诧娟靶肄驰疵妥冬炙篡毋烈罕僵煎傲孔忧拭祈周痊蛛蓖笛室阜戳筐酿惰铰乳庄髓仑约虱尘铺雕朱澄淡掠邦雁纱脊牟恤蚊钵慎驱憨沪叹弦涵神贪诬统侍杨夏史迟廷掖莆击烹拙狸酌批汾壬忌韩度祸客赋瞎荷坏语躇缚饱讶砚参准松帐今绍垦吹板船墅完侥根搏球斥梨竿起民樱诽赔割鲍笺暴纬志涪康昏沏趁耙逗伸层求岩谭餐泼士住墓商绵蜕羽丘醒证卜哎醛绵画奠赋碴傀磅杀狡织坐阵勒囊蝗圾咳销妨涅广享骂氓栗咱程聪腿藤秽榆盟荣脆坐英院番蕾蔡雌泥养技歌萨收邪健隔斟憎桐第 4 页 共 4 页