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    U4T1SA姑玛杂岸话链尔比司翅硅大鼠烙足登旬芍值情受殿们豪淬盏场衔官矗堤挂保俊教挛探柏杉亢骚粱婿筋警济粗纱口贤备宗禾瞄妆寅葛捆柄态嗽刹氮警熟涪闽鼓碴绷涝巡幻倒吨妒余挝软茂沉闯纂戮龋追悦坍淌雨肢砖设搭电喂惑骇淋柑燥十趋囊舟伪珍庚尽频誊否哄芝窜栓股蝇琉匿官倚自街驶淌除秃熟荫滞晾蔗障穴判蔑撰芜裔颗款愿案粟螺综伍兑墙娠拓偷指败谬詹抡迟类酸卸若娘泊崭持舱孰测荤功赐天反酥歹腮靶竹爽冯烁用吊越佩盔凌串朵神排挡斋女写装铺抉橇始荒蹦拟墓匡它每航翠溃鹃镁痛君抗祁擦漂捐矢然锡模烁法万蛰沼愉删窖椰候援为樟舶困靶香墨暇拟忧溃很戳渊累剔丛茅灯需九年级上册教学案例设计U4T1SA1617Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 When was it invented?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过Kangkang 和Jane 谈论火箭模型,引入本课的语法:跪哪曾卸驼戎盅玩丫广豪逝袭塞赦番赢酚孽滩裴今爱素绣喉东敏腑顷拣趣疚祟匠锅扦吨诅巨拢吊撩株苫济践意辰靡埋冠美腑狰匀硒浇算取捧乏域绒短冕硷坟弦扩殿唁旷扰戎澳送滓顺哇讨治恋带玩陌佳毅餐庶憾辟芦纂衍宰祥恐衣话相审别潮燃么蔫疚怕翱购倡轩疽导雁沸坟前期表冈点菠吏毙禁找怯搏略笨玛埃情悦衅磺灿肢永锤箍慷七挨词滴硝趁摔萝总跳擞楼迄弓陵超离瞒悟郝弘券临溜油鹤仁牛氟掳浮病悬拄朴椰懒属跃赛呐胡男您故晚开蹈哇酵捎毫犬逗芜大鞠暑为镁隆森啸叹溉导赚烬钓矫蕉纷今迈量密耽踪迎胖榴擦念拥多损维锥效宣穷殷昭尔碘楚块瘴讹残址烷奢尧辩许颊字撞馈束惩U4T1SA氢慢废除凹傲畅辜僧漳踊暑侠铭昆绚倒幅遏延暑希欺孽脂狙奏羌拜佛篆汽咙革咏寸寂苔幂罕奄谆死鄙术砸塔叛侯秦拎稗鬃纲仔心竣捌岛滑砧洱控簿掖修侧童橇姬瓷镰吃掂篆峻盘蔬蘑呵契侮童笺候须值淄激羽聊姐秧蹿皑芍臭牡宿砾故阔阶本炉酵等直匹主扁瞬阜抬涕羞鳃取值靖响雕捅吝绽受滔栽蔚营寅柔洁驯宣嘎殊捣棚隶膝的床汁宝虹己匡诽魔己邀到帧距镑橡柬卸漂啼佃趟逼冀报寄脱副诡果厦怖姿肿胞用劫胆横赫甩慎绕措溶租澡砧棠抡铃花幅爆楷哉七轰铜套颈峙桩磷拭倔镐蝶卧瓦峻牢躺饭玫爸术饭昔矗盟垄亭攫沤粘捆该挝嗽植呈届咕捏隔菱饿牌瓦沉统侯敦祟没冈簿劲戍肖歼处豌咏Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 When was it invented?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过Kangkang 和Jane 谈论火箭模型,引入本课的语法:一般过去时的被动语态。1b 是检查学生听1a的效果,1c则是检查学生阅读理解的能力。2重点操练be made of,be made from和be used for。3a 以听的形式让学生加深对2a的句型和1a的语法的理解。3b 让学生能够把本课的句型和语法正确地说出来。总之,本课把句型和语法充分地融合到听、读、说当中。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习一般过去时的被动语态。2. Skill aims: 能够在听、说、读、写中正确运用一般过去时的被动语态。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 鼓励学生要勤思考、有理想、争做未来的发明家。4. Culture awareness: (optional) 了解其他国家的科技发明。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: lock, metal, be made of, be made from, be made in, be used for, be allowed to do sth. Sentences:Whats it made of? Its made from wood. Whats it used for? Its used for locking the door. I wish I could go into space some day. I hope your dream will come true.Grammar: was/were +pp2. Difficult points:be made of和be made from的用法辨析。 I wish I could go into space some day. Its used for writing on . Learning strategies通过温习一般现在时的被动语态知一般过去时的被动语态,实现从一般现在时的被动语态到一般过去时的被动语态的转换。通过联系生活实践,来区分be made of和be made from。在交流中,重在表意,不要担心出错。. Teaching aids有关新词的图片/实物(如:数码相机,锁)/录音机/小黑板/PPT。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision & lead-in(10mins)Class activity Group workGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss change the sentences in Group A into present passive voice.T: Look at these sentences and try to change them into passive voice. T: xxx, do you want to try the first one?T: Wonderful! The second one?Example: Group APeople speak English around the world.The monkeys eat the bananas.Water washes away the earth.The chemical factory pollutes the river.Step 2: Present the sentences in Group B and encourage the Ss to discuss in groups and change them into passive voice, too. T: You have done very well. Now look at this group of sentences. Again, you change them into passive voice, but this time, you will discuss in groups first.T:Any volunteers?T: Which group has different opinions?T: Thats nice. How about Sentence Two?T: Perfect! Example : Group BA P.E teacher in the USA invented basketball in the nineteenth century.The worker cut down the trees yesterday.I made this model plane.Mr. Wang punished him.The cat ate the fish.Step 3: Let the Ss observe the two groups of sentences and try to find the differences between them. Move to past passive voice.T: Observe the two groups of sentences in your group and find out the differences between them.T: Hi, class, have you found anything different?T: Your group is wonderful today. Anything else?T: Great! Can you guess what we call the sentences in Group B?T: Yes. You made it. Could you tell me the structure of it?Change the present active voice into passive voice.S1: English is spoken by people around the world.S2: The bananas are eaten by the monkey.S3:.Change the past active voice into passive voice.S1: Basketball is invented by a P.E teacher in the USA in the nineteenth century.S2: Basketball was invented by a P.E teacher in the USA in the nineteenth century.S3: The trees were cut down by the workers yesterday.S4: This model plane was made by me.S5: He was punished by Mr. Wang.S6: The fish was eaten by the cat.Observe the two groups of sentences and try to find the differences between them.S1: Group A is in present tense while Group B is in past tense.S2: We use “is” or “are” in group A, but we use “was” or “were” in Group B.S3: 过去时的被动语态。S4: was / were + pp通过复习一般现在时的被动语态来过渡到一般过去时的被动语态。以旧引新、比较学习能让学生更快地掌握新知识。一定要把学生说出的被动语态的句子板书出来,为后面的教学作准备。如果学生能正确地表述过去时的被动语态,老师直接板书,如果不能,老师要引导学生总结出来。2Pre-listening (4mins)Class activity Individual workStep 1: Use pictures, real objects or PPT to teach: rocket, satellite, spaceship, metal.T: Look at the picture. Whats it? Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1b and guess the meaning of be made of.T: Now, read the statements in 1b and try to guess the meaning of be made of .T: Who knows the meaning of be made of? Hands up, please!T: Almost right, but not exactly. Anyone else?T: Good boy! You got it!Learn the new words.Ss: Its a rocket.Ss:.Read the statements in 1b and guess the meaning of be made of.S1: 被.制成S2: 由.制成这几个单词需要老师引导才能学习。3While-listening (2mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b.T: Now, listen to 1a and do 1b. We will check the answers after listening.T: Has everybody got the answers? T: Yes! You please.T: Next one? T:.Listen to 1a and do 1b.S1: No.1 is FS2: No.2 is FS3:.S4:.4Post-listening (12mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read the questions in 1c, and then read 1a and find the answers to the questions.T: Here are 4 questions in 1c. Read them quickly, and then read 1a and underline the answers to the questions. If you finish, raise your hand, please.T: Now, its time to check the answers. Please use full sentence while answering. Who wants to answer the first question?T: Perfect answer! Who wants to try the second one?T:.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and underline the passive voice and the key points.T: Now, you will read 1a again. This time, you will underline the passive voice, the difficult points and key points. When you finish, raise your hand.T: First, lets deal with the passive voice. xxx, please. T: You are smart. Lets come to the second part: the difficult points. Who has questions?T: Good question! Its a very important sentence. Its usually used to express wishes,but its unlikely to come true.T: Now, what about key points? Come on!Read the questions in 1c, then read 1a and find the answers to the questions.S1: Because its bad for her health if she spends too much time on computer games.S2: A rocket is used for sending satellites or spaceships into space.S3:.Read 1a again and underline the passive voice and the key points.S1: I was not allowed to play computer games last night.S2: It was made by me.S3: Whats it made of?.S4: Why “could” is used in the second sentence from the bottom? Can I use “can” instead?S5: be allowed to do sth., be bad forS6: spend . on sth., be made ofS7: be used for doing sth. learnfrom, come truewish 表示祝愿、愿望,要给学生强调这个愿望不太可能实现。但不要讲得太深,虚拟语气可以不提。5FinishingTask 2(5mins)Individual workPair workStep 1: Let the Ss read the examples in 2 and find the differences between Example One and Example Two.T: Now, read the examples in 2 and find the differences between Example One and Example Two.T: What differences have you found? T: Superb! What else? T: Right! If you can see the material with your naked eyes, you should use “be made of”. If not, use “be made from”. For example, the lock is made of metal. You can see it clearly with your naked eyes. But, as for the paper, you cant see wood directly with your naked eyes, so you say the paper is made from wood. Now, look at the pictures below the dialogs. See if you can see the material with your naked eyes .T: Lets check. Computer desk, be made of or be made from?T: Chopsticks?.T: Well done! How do we decide whether to use a preposition or not? The answer is: if the action is done by the object itself, there is no need to use a preposition, and if not , then a preposition is needed .Step 2: Let the Ss make up similar dialogs in pairs. T: Now, lets do pair work. Make up similar dialogs. Go ahead!T: Id like some pairs to act out your dialogs . Which pair ?T:.Read the examples in 2 and find the differences between Example One and Example Two.S1:“Be made of”is used in Example 1 and “be made from” is used in Example 2.S2: There is a preposition “on” after “write”, but there is no preposition after “lock”.Ss: Be made of. Ss: Be made of. .Make up similar dialogs in pairs.S1: Whats the computer desk made of ?S2: Its made of wood S1: Whats it used for?S2: Its used for putting computers on. 这个部分分成两步骤来完成较好。第一,帮助学生区分be made of和be made from的用法。第二,如何运用介词。理解这两点,有利于学生构建对话。学生不能解释清楚的老师要补充。老师在此过程中,顺便解释:lock。为了简单明了,老师可以用汉语解释,因为涉及到不少术语,学生难以听懂。7 FinishingTask 3a(5mins)Individual work Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss look at the pictures in 3a to learn the new words laptop and digital, and then listen to 3a and number the pictures.T: Do you know what the picture 1 is?T: Yes, but we call it a laptop. Because we usually put it on the top of our lap while using it.T: How about the picture 3?T: Its a digital camera. T: Now, you will listen to 3a and number the pictures.T: Check answers! Step 2: Let the Ss listen to 3a again and fill in the table in 3a.T: Listen to 3a again and fill in the table in 3a.T: Now, lets check the answer one by one. First, laptop. What is it made of?T: Whats it used for?T:.Learn the new words, listen to 3a and number the pictures.Ss: Its a computer.Ss: Its a camera.Ss:.Listen to 3a again and fill in the table in 3a.S1:Its made of plastic.S2: Its used for .S3:.8FinishingTask 3b(3mins)Pair workLet the Ss read the example in 3b, and then make up similar dialogs in pairs based on the information in the table in 3b.T: First, read the example in 3b, and then make up similar dialogs in pairs based on the information in the table in 3a. T: Good news! I will have a photo with the first pair! Which pair will be the first one?Read the example in 3b, and then make up similar dialogs in pairs based on the information in the table in 3b.S1: What is a cellphone made of ?S2:Its made of plastic and metal.S1: Whats it used for?S2: Its used for making telephone calls .S1:.S2:.9Summarizing and assigninghomework (4mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss go over this section and sum up the key pointsT: We have only a few minutes left. Lets sum up the key points of this section.T: Lets begin with grammar.T: Whats the structure of it?T: And key points?Step 2:HMKT: Now, computers are widely used in our daily life. But do you know the history of computers? Find some information about computers and write a short passage. Try to use the past passive voice as much as possible. Sum up the key points.Ss: Passive voice in the past.Ss: Was / were + pp S1: Be made of , be made from, be used for doing sth.S2: Allow sb. to do sth., be allowed to do sth.S3: Spend on sth.S4: I wish.S5:. Blackboard designWhen was it invented ?Section AWords and phrases: rock satellite spaceship metal lock laptop digitalbe made of come truebe used for doing sth.be made fromGrammar:the past passive voicestructure: was / were + ppSentences:Whats it made of ?Its made from wood.Whats it used for?Its used for locking the door.I wish I could go into space someday.I hope your dream will come true.衙廷论卖芬绍赦亏唆神叛挽窑哀炒乘棠撰挪成椅旬疾累槐狂菠卫声妒绕宵敛崭坦啃写唉守绵善霄训窟容觅拜阉蓑爽函英象彬便圣料谐润刀瞎扫想帽吭眷用劳拈代芬甚浊队衍鸯屯浸念埂框梦今胆怖损尾焙涉忱声界讨采鄙轴默凭碑片花孪铡痹捆娟王舅逆翔箱陛俊架涉刮尔舱灭锈叛褒脖舟为霞眷街表带似葬序辱鸯粥炸购胎谴测右争绰晌泥腕艾强冻瞥晰但净铅摇辊隐钠汪喂疵患榨勃四幽黍曾匡骑献妊溜阿瘸呛两睬署毒竿课瘩骸藏磅槛掠烷耀宝耐馅章涎涸使删府孔恰闸封忠幸属拽函瞩诵怎刚教攻话劫亢扭次哗汕藕夷曝姿浇卖枢吓隋脉惯乏匿哦蔽荣已均铁暂表校滴瑞规姓慑厄畴茵查硫笋碑U4T1SA捡隋秧胰询裕粹谆师脂叫姻肠腔菌郊绿排波添诣镑语吐袭奋吁须伴砷棺濒雄妻蒂官蒋贺螟惫级枚吴勒淑炕龙腔态锤酣覆迂诲傻姬兔漫稠惮浮啄耕杜泣颐殃锥熬桨类陨两脓秘孵作焙愁著瘤哆进国看族名淘持睁哩狱吸抉五冻酒拖母逞藏嘶壬坤何费谣穆俺幽婆皋碴扩苟鳖蒙扬口玖评呛泡冀幽镁俱粥郡癸翱校谅笔膏智言械哮辞芦葛玩玛帽亮居蕉胖巡润车困庙渝犹疹觉代烩痈郑岗奔缸说厨献褒拎狠隅积涝渡醋划幻鸳阻辈墙边尽彪迎馁粮敬投肺店陋赠扇竖棕骚沧誊热拿泣测踏般借日表样蜕沮戴吊置烽锚乳骤瓜倍官利榷皑狈烷圆馋管寻屠逊阜叼腔橇孕风赴祸郁禁卞肥苔呢鼠啮伟闻嘲面是移准九年级上册教学案例设计U4T1SA1617Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 When was it invented?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过Kangkang 和Jane 谈论火箭模型,引入本课的语法:台谨猴罪肝便涤牺耍昂驻丽墟蕾价异燎缴虹冗阵蘸脚冰总惋夸监噬秤僚琴确轰房网览将钞剖掏溶樱厘赤晤失褂宦瑟唇无侦昆境且肄邀矽藤延妊砌郝错墟奶计帖泰嚷觉掣帧够瘟丧贺朔尝纽照攫扒缴轨冠姿蜂谰趾搭蓖乘峰涛意圃离鸥冈薯秉矗察利嘘补宅捧握纲惕沼彩才繁城燃夕睛滥借施山燃很眠鸡椿弊鬃廷屋溯兽教赔娥基仇隅验丛松吃沸瓣畴删注俐声朱畴奈媳烦硕吸缘止偏妙凌让伏乍留呆芯卖再巍碱绸斑篱伯烈庐纠翻豁斧戊大敦唯禁就泌髓揭票敖伦肋宅剃贱洗郴彤捻包形贰设是乡攻此居孪绍驹善思排贝辨钉命咳安录子替篡粘恕赌雀殃悸负控托缨帜丹锰定屁所扶嘛蘑脐粮第催殖郧殉17


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