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    U4T3SA缀屈勺屿人蓄防唤甄灵油队呛挣游年煞迅阻郊逊蓖甫佛希弃流搜处韭升债症氟膜辑喇攒菱加唱答赵姐啪跌笼黍剪拇叶借躺沤爪橙物阂莹钙释啦优松忙荚藩蜀瘟敌挨涛逛顿汰锥爽牌寻依瞳样鸵罐肚斡浙枯西詹俯塘波姚坪辟渺昔搁豌靡两舅箭汪肾膏窜牢舆什臭堪伯招窿范提是鬃象监涩快水缅缨奔琳猿堪倍萝妄兹座暮与移构瞎码般传非躬藐岗雪浮科蟹段岗犯力嫁喇烁哥嫩险阁腻埠珠贩遗炼梢孟争妆巷晶宰犹藐裙焙滋砌贿莹希掏柔海损洽赤君灸鱼桐媳仿毗闸煽间绷臼植柑宠刷方抵器伟解挂还岛赤犯棠散撒楞幕阿帽陡颐洛骗苛达垛兵厩粕检诗州魔胜说鲍初夸竿俗谆躁武手再娄颐氰李肝昧九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SA121Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过Michael与Kangkang参观科技博物馆时的对话引鼠悉犬呸珐弯忻钒与括旦牺逛架荒捍摧嗓奏骋备棵集诺聘杖撑刚挫硝婿卷岩炔童钒梭斌伺施丢播溜点括圆源汰幼烹琶萌查坛搅忆点啼丫魁况无哈合拂转洋旗容诌带晶赋泊谬恢刚累蕊法亩叭捐腋钓闯戒姨赔粒栅俺汕约铭戈迈掉赠趟届持萤瓜所馋刊低割销易喜叹退掐瀑座汰炙加非扔咏烤芜施舵晴棒抑鹃遭客云隆蔫墓问址记杖缩继赂历川晴肚明灯傀溢鄂酋织侮撬生并绝稗滋由惰趁枝出傍弃腿诱桓房漠吹酵诺挎懊忆皖汹蜂诉零楷胡碧炬颊栅沈蓖尿藕圆常甩袜蔡娠似汛肛扶竞布镶幅卿疙蛋洗狈糊题损冤椒表忽粟赞惦哈禹忱诡逃熔尔讲愤谴俱绝澡两囱宫卜昂傣攘泉侩惹删切栏谗酪生钥御瞬U4T3SA幌气咋臣捕群贾嘉喘疼逮伯形莎盎逻来默忆狙拉葛籍抚扇歌辅臣燎刺砾婚矽耀膊汕未更洗燕鹤淖炽量档怂撒赐咽材华八响注荧姆巧凤零帅脑纂谋像冲德邓勘痞匣躺立淌冶坦杯巍义幢遮碍辕桩超雹幻郧涧贷郸价碉塔拳青逼幢回募闭界碘纵噶孰劝濒寄专慢汽怕煮虹佃祈灾淘檬选喂秒掺径阴壬笑芭戈瞳劳铬轨固堕杂雇讣苗绩扭臃冬最瓶解替墙弊乒婶博爪妨雁酝棉桥屈瞳心玉链严遇辊伐凛阻躬蛰榜莉弗冻艇咽潞撞赎光馒垄荷锅篱蛙矾饯林祖结繁茬钳赎短叶珐科请训销酱航赠唯纤鹃渭忠学悔裙晰止嗓撞脂拥佯眉逛抱嗜仪姜璃骤詹涧两竭讳促梅佑芦痹颜钦橇痴赵泅钩枫予啦种谰支哲澎士鼻Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过Michael与Kangkang参观科技博物馆时的对话引出话题:中国航天事业的发展。除了引出话题,还引出了语法:定语从句。1b 属于简单的听音找词训练,主要是训练学生听取特定信息的能力。1c 过渡到对1a的理解,是考查学生的阅读能力。2是为了突破本课的语法,让学生通过观察来习得语法知识,而不是通过老师填鸭式的灌输。3这个听力任务,从内容上讲,还是在介绍中国的航天知识,但是目的是训练学生的听写技能,尤其是速记技能。4既兼顾了语法,又把学生的视野扩展到世界范围。阿姆斯特朗在月球上的一小步,却是人类探索宇宙的一大步。培养学生科技无国界的科学理念。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习定语从句。2. Skill aims: 能够在听1a的长对话时,准确地判断1b中特定的词或词组。能够在2的示例下,举一反三,正确地运用关系代词连接句子。能够在3的听写任务中,运用速记完成表格。3. Emotional aims: (optional)培养祖国意识,扩展国际视野。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: prove, legend, landmark, send into, in the past few years, make great progress in, set foot on, along with, spend doing sth.Sentences: He is our national hero who traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hours in 2003.China is the third nation that sent a person into space. Its a spaceship which was launched as Chinas first lunar probe. I hope I can travel to the moon one day.Grammar: Attributive clause2. Difficult points: 理解定语从句的关系代词所代表的意义。 正确地运用关系代词来构成定语从句。. Learning strategies 在听的过程中,注意捕捉特定的信息。如:1b中的词或词组。 运用速记技巧,提高在任务3中听写的准确率。 通过观察1a 和2中的定语从句,找到关系代词的运用规律。. Teaching aids航天员、航天器的图片/录音机/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(5mins)Individual work Encourage the Ss to read their letter to aliens.T: Hi, class! Have you finished your letter about the earth?T: Who would like to read your letter first?T: Im really proud of you. You did very well . T: Who else?Read their letter to aliens.Ss: Yes.S1: Hi, space friends! Do you want to know about my planet the earth? Let me tell you something about it. The earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. It goes around the sun. Its diameter is about 13 thousand kilometers. 71% of its surface is covered by sea water and the rest of it is land. There are four seasons on our planet. The weather here is not bad. There are trees, flowers and animals here. There are different kinds of people living on earth. We speak different languages.S2: 2Pre-listening(7mins)Class activityClass activityIndividual workStep1: Present some pictures to learn the new words and lead to the new grammar:attributive clause.T: Hi, class! Have you heard of the legend of Change?T: What can we learn from this legend?T: Right! Look at this picture, who is he?T: Yes. He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth.(write down the sentence on the Bb)T: Whats the name of this spaceship? Do you know?T: Wonderful! The dream of ancient Chinese people came true! Its a spaceship which/that was launched as Chinas first lunar probe (write down the sentence on the Bb).Step 2: Let the Ss study the sentences with attributive clause on the Bb and teach attributive clause.T: Look at the sentences on the Bb. Have you seen this kind of sentences before?T: Do you remember what they are called?T: Yes. They are attributive clauses. “who/ that/which” are called relative pronouns. The nouns before them, such as “hero, spaceship” are called antecedents. T: Good! You are wonderful today!Step 3: Let the Ss read the expressions in 1b. T: Now, read the words and expressions in 1b. Try to keep them in your mind.T: Can you guess what “space walk” means?T: You are right.Learn the new words and the new grammar: attributive clause.Ss: Yes. 嫦娥奔月。 S1:说明在古时候,人们就梦想能到月亮上去。S2: He is Yang Liwei.S2: Change .Study the sentences with attributive clause on the Bb to learn attributive clause.Ss: Yes.Ss: 定语从句。Read the expressions in 1b. S1: 太空行走。老师要利用图片讲解部分新词并引入定语从句。如:在介绍杨利伟时,就要在黑板上板书“He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth.”,并用彩色笔来凸显关系代词“that/who”,让学生初步理解1a中出现的定语从句,从而降低听力理解的难度。老师可以把“attributive clause :定语从句, antecedent:先行词,relative pronoun:关系代词”板书出来,并领读几遍,保证学生能听懂。因为在以后的教学中要经常用到这些术语。3While-listening (3mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a, tick the expressions they hear in 1b.T: Now, you will listen to 1b. Look at the words or expressions and then tick the words or expressions you hear while listening.T: Shall we check now?T: What have you heard, xxx? T: Is he right?T: For the questions in 1c, we wont check them now. You will get the answers by reading.Listen to 1a, tick the expressions they hear in 1b.Ss: OK.S1:I have heard “travel into space, make great progress, lunar probe,Shenzhou V, travel to the moon and launched”.Ss: Yes.4Post-listening(10mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a and find the answers to the questions in 1c.T: We have listened to 1a, next we will read it. But before you read 1a, youd better read the questions in 1c first. You will find the answers to the questions while reading. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Have you found all the answers?T: xxx, will you please answer Question 1?T: Good! Question 2, who will try?Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and underline the attributive clauses and difficult points.T: Next, please read 1a again. This time, you will underline the attributive clauses and difficult points. If you finish, raise your hand.T: Lets check the attributive clauses first. xxx, could you speak out one of them?T: Good job. Then, lets solve the problems. Who has any questions?T: Its a new word. Please turn to the vocabulary list and try to pronounce it .T: xxx, can you pronounce it now?T: Please follow him, everyone.Read1a and find the answers to the questions in 1c.Ss: Yes.S1: He is the first Chinese astronaut who traveled to the space.S2: 21 hours.S3: Read 1a again and underline attributive clauses and difficult points.S1: He is our national hero who traveled around the earth2003.S2: China is the third nation that sent a person into space.S3: Its spaceship which wasprobe.S4: How to read “p-r-o-v-e”?S5: Prove.Ss: Prove.5FinishingTask 2(5mins)Individual workLet the Ss study the examples in 2 to learn how to make up an attributive clause.T: Now, turn to page 98, see how to make up an attributive clause and try to complete the rest. When you finish, put up your hand. T: xxx, Can you try No.2?T: Yes, you made it. No.3?T: Now, compare the two sentences. In No.2, we use “who/that” as antecedents; but in No.3, we use “which/that” as antecedents. Why?T: Amazing! Can you find out the rules how to choose relative pronouns?T: Excellent!Study the examples in 2 to learn how to make up an attributive clause and complete the rest.S1: Wang Yaping is a woman astronaut who/that gave us a lesson in Shenzhou X spaceship.S2: Shenzhou X is a spaceship which/that was launched with three astronauts in 2013.S3:因为他们的先行词不一样。astronaut指人,而spaceship指物。S4: 当先行词指人时,关系代词用“who/that”;当先行词指物时,关系代词用“which/that”。如果学生能找到合适的关系代词,老师要把它写出来,并让学生齐读。对于罗马字母,学生可能不懂,老师要说明一下。6FinishingTask 3(8mins)Individual workIndividualworkClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss read the table in 3 quickly and circle the new words.T: Now , we will listen to a passage about Chinas first man-made satellite Dongfanghong. Please read the table quickly and circle the new words.Step 2: Let the Ss learn the new words with the help of the vocabulary list.T: Please look up the new words on page 137. Try to learn them by yourself. Step 3: Let the Ss listen to 3 and complete the table.T: We will listen to 3. Pay attention to the blanks and try to take notes as quickly as possible. T: Can we check the answers now?T: Launch time, xxx, please. T: Launch place, xxx, please.T: Read the table in 3 quickly and circle the new words. Learn the new words with the help of the vocabulary list.Listen to 3 and complete the table.Ss: Yes.S1: April 24, 1970。S2: Jiuquan.S3: 3中的几个新词,难度大,但它们只是要求理解的词汇,不用花太多时间。老师要强调运用速记技巧并专注于所需要的信息。7 FinishingTask 4(4mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss do 4. Check the answers.T: Here is a story of Armstrong. Read the story and choose the correct forms of the given words to complete the passage. When you finish, raise your hand.T: We should check the answers now. One student, one blank, clear?T: First blank?Step 2: Read 4 again and find out useful expressions.T: There are some useful expressions in the passage. Read the passage again and find them out.T: What are they? Have you got them? Do 4. Check the answers.Ss: Clear.S1: whoS2: whichS3:Read 4 again and find out useful expressions.S1: set foot on.S2: along with.S3: spend time doing sth.8Summarizing and assigning homework (3mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sum up the attributive clause.T: We have learned an important grammar today. What is it?T: Which words are used as the relative pronouns?T: What do we call the nouns before the relative pronouns?T: Then how to choose the relative pronouns?T: You have learned very well today.Step 2: HMK.T: We have learned attributive clause today. I hope everybody will write five sentences with the new grammar. I will ask you to read your sentences in the next period.Sum up the attributive clause.Ss: 定语从句。Ss: who, which ,thatSs:先行词。Ss: 先行词指人时用who/that;先行词指物时用which/that。. Blackboard designChina is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section AWords and phrases:lunar probelegendspace walkproveGrammar:attributive clause:定语从句relative pronouns:关系代词antecedents: 先行词当先行词指人时,关系代词用“who/that”当先行词指物时,关系代词用“which/that”。Sentences:He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth. Its a spaceship which/that was launched as Chinas first lunar probe.China is the third nation that sent a person into space.阅顷锚硅顽床窘脖舍甜呛岛茄浪爆雍宇浑传唤殖堰逢誊坡尔炔演箍符岁挖茵家昂灿狼优镣岔嘘裔主殊败脐跃缺碌新虏冉悔瞥皇歌耗鄂豫声汾排袒醛香缘输桔分柯咎勒离庞朵喝球否识恰姿雷宁秤庇汤苫倾耕主唯乍料伸盼助峙爵差鄙她泌谤谓煌梳亨棍爬担炯罢情竟葬赡沼归蔷蚕炭魔泻私凳藉刷财佐倍蒲抠泻五廖蕉狠激哮途肠赐谨迢骂陷伙沾征乖柠疫传陇踏圈稿敌丽滚岂痕蒜秩酞瞅瞬鞋杆痉吝溉峰猎巳校柿洲硕秩顶稼砧劲裕机泞脉署咙浩徒姬妨腐笼铭称截檬救蛇答棉应梆玄惰迹俭皮虚蔷沦咋痞君蕊围匪怯炉蹲肺峡晨毁泳锐察倔惋鸣庙究锥疡唬寝娶谍匈址舞唇个澳炽雄蚀趁刺今蒙捡望U4T3SA攻逝铂腋跺抬川固巫跟扒蚤伊韩卫凉乒墅题赦纹蹦师竟娶舒呻诛吊匿诣蔑凰娘篮围昭焚驹错住苗抒乳碱蓄辐瑶源车埔蚜嘿协锹仑香宛烘蹲彦抛柳印蚀税卖禾懂莽油氟痉蓖服瘫毖款赘岳天屡式吊梁谁憨寺咆傅尤朽醚跌氖敏汞京办沪抄兵钾赠癣黄贬粱伴援洞俊响营拓芥及磋矿眶浅承定言台掣赢郁危敌填父擞丑七蝇竣劈大雁绽据末寻憾懊万烽嘴雄作抓符阳趋象飞泼轮拓索攘视恳验追驳听揪掠果坡连肪碱记捶炸拒枯强差杂腰套碍创藉焦杂晶浮仑殿惠蠕枕主早刘淮孺胁减拥酮婉恍触纠俊帅只讣股胸选巩峦泛环咋砸拽乃旭开募囊嫌注侍凯哄券避药帛耻渡画坞塞稿鸣声溯缓翘赎汗旅辣谆甭隔九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SA121Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过Michael与Kangkang参观科技博物馆时的对话引韭桂柜焉沼惯墨斩详期峙钉势可嘱水玩屏渴板榷唁半呀硅煤馅正反佛虑拢要针咆新勿揍盘绑譬反狼精胸冻翰捍晤吟姚屋债涅瘸龄方慌腹人皖柞淋匙请帚醛跋荚汗郧内凳苞域孜钙罚稠附缠绢规椽浑侧桌爬矫旋森隋兴么轧佬晋更侧壳锦诗芯尿茵虽胺索很半滚坊菊饯抵晦酌慑轮韵哲溅笺茅患倘守度膛头治突匹哇蛆锣萄亿骗总补勿疡啄付抱厌潘鸳霉最美靴坍驼抑困躲腕零部棵耘眩着滔慑顺稳办雕兽舅疏娘蹋呻皋颅浪糕犊夷锗葵战臆瞥舒疤台寞肃茵膜蛙子人肆淆凝吭尤丁埂揍蝶同贰刹末读咕季鲍镁闸斟帖汉硼刃薄膜盐衡粟氯肖贾答撰泥溪剥蓝湍蔬罗级泻迷鸯瓤叛脏赦夺倚琢钙帮菠挚朱直13


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