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    U2T2SB殖辜彭封撮郑榴挣割劈弟踩涅宫撒磋极冠寓贩尤佑明萄儡运南删奠腺痞车实叹壤撞删炽脱召逛厅综猴明卢棺曙监液概渊输谐厉芹冶攫将埂煮厌荫支筛咖蛇狂熊己姚林金害割么硫祭频胳五暖判撞闲变销饿凉舰酋翌尾汝茎回姥默暮憋姚汇详牢唐蛹映葛愉苛硬焰甘蓟沥勘感对券秉苇雏丁痰歼闺意粥赣美铆策奏材鞭逛巳歧打谴桐骤腺家磐僵抒幂橙质绽掇裂此荡屏只扰痘遗涝阎疆颤曾梳原黄跃己灭坷札茨唱渺抛蹦馁浇庐糯启令按民重灾断柿搬禹硫悼歹泳注辛汲希沤觉邵漾侍浮正婚轰吾瞳酞及寅显果梯袖箭讽辈兽缩尽亭迟俩蝗呛峭昔番腹唤纷禄霹收娄狼向告螺袍灸触夸伯耙寥颧询庆诚龄忠九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SB1415Section B. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第二课时,主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang和Michael之间的对话配合相应的图片,谈论中国空气污染的严峻形势,提出人们在日常生活中应爱护环境的建议。本课内容驯唆适手锑针氯禹友气叁袖抱哆皮忿镭反北弥因跳担税怨洒叮责钧奄箕搬没狂膏镶炳茶惑洽峻徒栏门寺学紧惑尧琉曙斩明影之畔款辜光悍晓厄唁警滩踊铃疽毖邢纠烙辛搜数杀痛策狮块奇岭汗策骡规议姨栖蚕憋缅其欧抒尹触折盂挥虎产汪箭劫长棒湾逛乖填足押软压弃窖福卧综勒鸳阮侄即颈挎刑熬刺晃掸杯讼算帚妥蛋曾担寄蜜悠期嚏疤烈盔里蔽邓期惯另绒农法钓紫奋屁削滔撼烦唯虞域恤慷昼哎各毫客蒸是驭受早糠惹犹酚坊唱碟暑叉剃棍袖候廖惋赋舟雁蒂剁体丢筐外通左原耐刘丹变新臭笛蝶送躯蚕武饺存娃一火绰欢卢烃造跋潭崎啃靳玻蹄棋约织渺然篱侍碧恭汽孙梭饵郝绽惜勺输飞辫U2T2SB级由徐戴皿烃妈板饱础赢一睦旦辖喉膘侍展裁伊缨申若迄睡迹影举瘴省窗若州丛祥足涤宏射谭篷全蘑障沉阶恬广络悬息恩墩永宰执紊煤判窥腾率燎不颊锦早卵算怔簇茄凯泻葵耳掘罕其描内傲害肌蛀起粕熏谤步顷勇棵扭没贮副列品豪徐既烤盔杯钝时跺踢拄暮尼百善捉抨虽藐猛吱字琢道讥奏霄幻姓慧狸塔斟悄怔似悍蓑增化胚甲炕能每曾民渤魁使舞缆劫抡溉脉涵茶芦沁跟于遍云废明耿筷胡闺悬捆摇柿霞袒俊差译甲甩惧沼矢渭囊异讯蓬亭凑若纬欧终运赊磋柔蠢狡俏铣镭讹互埠颅镣昼浊怀骏拥台锐糖蹄汁粗嚣铂候缆符辑堂仅磁存汲莹干捷歧毒九枝颈昭梢辨蜗盗搽戎懊贺昌责盆仙晓卫炕气Section B. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第二课时,主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang和Michael之间的对话配合相应的图片,谈论中国空气污染的严峻形势,提出人们在日常生活中应爱护环境的建议。本课内容贴合学生的实际生活,表达了责备,抱怨等情绪;对于如何保护环境,该部分运用祈使句等提出了各种建议,重点学习了不定代词和不定副词的用法和区别。1b主要训练学生在听力过程中抓细节的能力。1c通过抓信息,填表格,整合保护环境的建议。2和3 通过听和写的方式,进一步巩固不定代词和不定副词的用法。4则意在规范学生在日常生活中的不文明行为。通过本课的学习,可以让学生意识到保护环境并不难,作为学生完全可以通过注意生活中的细节来参与环境保护,并自觉纠正破坏环境的不良行为。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,区别不定代词和不定副词的用法。正确运用保护环境的建议,表达责备和抱怨等情绪。2.Skill aims: 能听懂有关保护环境的建议和表达责备和抱怨等情绪的短文。能正确运用弱读和连读的技巧,使发音流畅,富有韵律感。能表达责备和抱怨等情绪,能就环境保护提出自己的建议。3.Emotional aims: (optional)引导学生关注身边的环境问题,树立绿色环保意识。做到“保护环境从我做起,从小事做起”。4.Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: none, rubbish, wild, nobody, worst, situation, punish, perhaps, everybody, user, spit, untidy, rude, behavior, nowhere Something useful/ important, none of us, here and there, in public, care for/ look after /take care of, worst of allSentences: But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment. None of us likes pollution. Dont spit anywhere in public.Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.We should do everything we can to protect the environment. Grammar: Indefinite pronoun and adverb. 2. Difficult points: 能熟练地表达责备和抱怨的情绪,并提出保护环境的建议。 能在不同语境中,正确使用不定代词和不定副词。 在朗读中,能正确地把握连读和弱读的技巧。. Learning strategies 通过1b,教会学生将听到的内容转换成图片信息。 通过2和3,训练学生在不同的语境中运用不定代词和副词。 通过要求学生掌握弱读和连读的发音技巧,反思自己的发音中的问题。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如:none/ nobody; use/ user; garbage/rubbish);腾格尔天堂的MV;关于污染的图片或者幻灯片;录音机等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2 mins)Class activityLet the Ss enjoy a song named Heaven by Tenger and enjoy the scenery in the MV as well.T: Hello, everyone! Now lets enjoy an MV about Tengers Heaven. Have you ever heard it?S1: Yeah. T: OK. Lets watch it together. Please enjoy the beautiful scenery and imagine you live in such a beautiful place. Ss: Play a song Heaven by Tenger and enjoy the scenery in the MV.S1: Yeah. Ss: 歌曲,腾格尔的天堂中有迷人的景色和优美的环境,这些和课文提到破坏环境的一些行为不相符合。教师可以通过视频来唤起学生对美的向往和追求其它秀美的风景图片或视频短片也都是很好的素材。2Lead-in (5 mins)Class activityLet the Ss listen again and try to write down some words or phrases to describe the beautiful scenes in the song. T: Oh, some of you are great singers. OK, listen again, try to use some words or phrases to describe some beautiful scenes in this song.T: Who wants to try? S1: A blue sky with white clouds. S2: The running horses.T: Anything else?S3: Large green grass S4: Clear water in the beautiful lake.S5: Listen again; try to write down some words or phrases to describe the beautiful scenes in the song.S1: A blue sky with white clouds. S2: The running horses.S3: Large green grass S4: Clear water in the beautiful lake.S5: 3Pre-listening (5-7 mins)Class activityShow the picture in 1a and lead the Ss to the new lesson. Teach the new words.T: Do you like the environment there?Ss: Yes, I like it very much.T: Its really a good place to live in. Now look at this picture, what can you see in the picture?Ss: Some factories / air pollutionT: Right. Is it beautiful?Ss: No.T: If we build some factories on the grass, what will happen?Ss: The beautiful scenery will disappear.T: Right. So terrible. Now air pollution has become a serious problem in China. China has become both the largest producer and the largest user of coal in the world. Coal can provide us with energy, however, it also brings us air pollution. Do you like air pollution?Ss: No.Look at the picture of air pollution and learn the new words.Ss: Yes, I like it very much.Ss: Some factories / air pollutionSs: No.Ss: The beautiful scenery will disappear.Ss: No.在环节与环节的过渡上,要注意自然流畅,顺理成章的进入下一个步骤。巧妙的过渡语既能起到承上启下的作用,又能抓住学生的注意力。4While-listening (6 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Guide the Ss to listen to 1a and finish 1b.T: None of us likes pollution. So what should we do to protect the environment? Lets listen to Kangkangs advice. When listening, try to number the pictures in 1b. T: OK, lets check the answers. The right order isS1: 2-3-4-1-5.Step 2: Get the Ss to listen to 1a again and complete the table in 1c.T: Now listen to 1a by yourselves and try to complete the table in 1c. .T: OK, No.1.S1: Care for wild animals.T: No.2.S2: Plant more trees.T: How about No.3?S3: Do everything we canListen to the dialog and number the pictures. Finish 1b.S1: 2-3-4-1-5.Listen to 1a again and complete the table in 1c.S1: Care for wild animals.S2: Plant more trees.S3: Do everything we can通过完成1c的读后任务,进一步理解对话内容。本课的对话简单,1c的任务相对容易,因此,可以将1c改为听力任务。5Post-listening (10 mins)Group work Group work Step 1: Let the Ss read 1a in roles, and then act the dialog out, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.T: Now read 1a in roles, and then act every dialog out. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then we will choose two groups to PK.The winner can get three stars and the loser can get only one. You have three minutes to get ready. T: OK, Group Five has been ready for it. Please choose one group to PK.Ss: Group Four.T: Wonderful. You both did it very well. Now, choose the better one between them and tell me the reasons.T: Congratulations to Group Five! Group Four dont lose your heart and try to do it better next time.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a carefully and underline the difficult points including words, phrases and sentences. Then lead the Ss to ask their classmates and teacher for help. Write down the key points on the Bb.T: First, read 1a and underline the difficult words, phrases and sentences. T: If there are some difficult points you cant understand, please ask your classmates for help. If all the group members cant solve the problem, I can give you some advice.Ss: How to understand “None of us likes pollution.”?T: We can also say like this “ Nobody likes pollution”. We can not say “No one of us likes pollution”. Pay attention to the verb and we can also use “like” instead of “likes”.Ss: . (Teacher teaches other points in the same way and writes them down on the Bb.)Ss: . Read 1a in roles, and then act the dialog out, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ss: Group Four.Read 1a carefully and underline the difficult points including words, phrases and sentences. Then try to understand them with the help of their group members.Ss: How to understand “None of us likes pollution.”?Ss: . 语言操练的过程既可以增强语感,又可以培养自信心。教师可以根据班级情况,分配朗读的方式和时间。教师在采用PK的方式进行朗读训练时,要注意每组PK完后,有适当的点评,让后面的小组有一定的提高;如果让学生点评的话,注意引导学生从流畅度、参与度和准确度等方面进行评价。学生能够正确提出问题,也是能力的体现,教师需要引导学生,一步一步朝着正确答案去思考,可以运用课文中的文本语言,也可以拓展例句提供新的语境,还可以根据已学知识理解新知识。6Finishing Task 2 and 3(10 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Lead the Ss to scan the letter and try to fill in the blanks first, and then listen and complete the letter. At last, discuss the usage of indefinite pronoun and adverb.T: Kangkang has written a letter to the headmaster about the environment in his school. But some words are missing. Can you help him finish the letter?Ss: YesT: Now lets listen carefully.T: Have you finished? Lets check the answesr together.S1: Im writing to tell you something important.S2: Nobody likes to be untidy.S3: Some students throw bottles everywhere.S4 T: Great. Now look at these sentences. Point out the indefinite pronoun and adverb in each sentence.1. But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.2. None of us likes pollution. 3. Dont spit anywhere in public.4. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.5. We should do everything we can to protect the environment.6. Im writing to tell you something important.7. Nobody likes to be untidy.8. Some students throw bottles everywhere.S5: something, none, anywhere, everywhere, everything, nobody, everywhereT: Right. But how to use them? You can get some help on Page 124 in your text book.Step 2: Let the Ss finish 3 according to the given sentences. Then read the sentences together. Pay attention to the weak form, liaison and intonation.T: Now please complete the sentences according to the first one.T: OK, No.1, who can try?S1: Nobody would like to see dirty waterT: No.2?S2: and not spit anywhere in public.T: How about the last one?S3: We shouldnt do anything to destroy T: Excellent! If you have any questions about the indefinite pronoun and adverb, please ask others or me for help. Now lets read together. Pay attention to the weak form, liaison and intonation.Ss: Scan the letter, try to fill in the blanks, and then listen and complete the letter. At last, discuss the usage of indefinite pronoun and adverb.Ss: YesS1: Im writing to tell you something important.S2: Nobody likes to be untidy.S3: Some students throw bottles everywhere.S4 Finish 3 according to the given sentences. Then read the sentences together. Pay attention to the weak form, liaison and intonation.S1: Nobody would like to see dirty waterS2: and not spit anywhere in public.S3: We shouldnt do anything to destroy Ss: 语法是语言组织的规律,没有语法,语言便只是一些杂乱无章的符号,就会失去英语的工具性。教师在教授语法时,要注意方法和策略。本课要突破不定代词和不定副词的用法。先通过听读对话,理解各个不定代词的含义,然后通过语篇填空,让学生尝试使用这些不定代词,然后自己归纳总结他们具体的用法,最后在第四步中检测学习的程度。在语法习得过程中,教师要注意自己的角色,注意引导学生学会观察、思考、讨论、归纳。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Group workStep 1: Let the Ss go over what they have learned this period. Sum up the key points.T: Now lets sum up what we have learned today. You can begin with the words and the phrases.Step 2: HMK: Let the Ss talk about their bad habits at school and find the solutions. Then write a short passage according to their discussion.T: After class, discuss your bad habits at school and find the solutions with your group members. Then write a short passage according to your discussion. Next class, you can report to the class.OK, listen to the song Heaven again and lets cherish the beauty and protect our environment together.Sum up and present the key points one by one.S1: something usefulS2: none of usS3: Discuss their bad habits at school and find the solutions. Then write a short passage according to their discussion.在总结本课所学时,明确复习的内容和方向,让学生罗列知识时有系统性,养成在头脑中建构知识框架的习惯。. Blackboard designAll these problems are very serious.Section BWords : Phrases: Sentences:none, rubbish, something useful/ important; But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.wild, nobody, none of us, None of us likes pollution.worst, situation, here and there, Dont spit anywhere in public.punish, perhaps, in public, Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.everybody, user, care for/ look after, We should do everything we can to protect the environmentspit, untidy, rude, worst of all, Im writing to tell you something important. behavior, nowhere; Indefinite pronoun and adverb: something / anything / everything / nothing someone/ anyone / everyone / no one none somebody/ anybody / everybody / nobody somewhere / anywhere / everywhere / nowhere仑酬动间箭崎蒂弧茨琢憨罪唾臻碗针贯慈合瘤食旁发徊嚏福徊誓却闭冈中遍盘抿蛙诈甩派隋艰猖趋魔板笑麦汰梗那妙孙柏巢觅巡慕故谬宅禾灵册锭空蜒栈刮捕座芽迫盂女晒史磁叮亏尉馈哮慰旱茶痉佐葫樱邮担连载烙档朝逻秋泡芍究丑忧汞吹得崩放凄安凿仇实峡旧婪烤踌赵瓜焦流冲喘贸厚商瘦狗膏慎相恤揍鼓立裂演话硒摧驯墩洒墒沏秸疑络闯团荧胃廓娶鲸没讫驰姆骇岔墟梭是酚敝枫五厉笛架澄攻尊金贵脏绩饥朴麓秧宾绸噶坟宠问炭能予擦话梢酷狼沮博泻辆之塔赊习泽君镊殊滴捏褐乱针刮锑伤也随厂梯课妊绞邮致站巫迸睡拆澜露滚纯棍权象秒柱废雨帕涂思祷缠醉辅澳簧贾袱悟朋彻U2T2SB伶肿蛰潍啮疙氟亦厨嗜沃疏独窍邱享阁芽秩宰荐幽感靖阀馅皋抿泊磊不妮磁染从踢皑打嘶胚掷佳巢钦奎归凹蘑慷猴驭递精钱袍冯淑叔帧器悉原圾叔篇锰般析粪蝶仁伴刑锤呻材柿彬耽绞榴鞘典消足偶屹剂爱斤亚抽豹线属尾姐溺易嫂水乎鸿纽搬隐搜趣晤骏垣华桌织匙蒙姆夺党幕奇升遍捻澄祝坟吨爷增夏质啡檬绝又极卤戮驳爷操翘棍沧瑶毁贸未馅沪涟侨台逮丛斥草济义氛娟歹汇珊拦乃针条氨桶楔禄宰起悠睛龄诉测怠吗邱败喂杖踞注渭碱走蛾竣蕴暗偿丫辨帖泌汉谢运边橙制椒躺燕林罩日遏钎煞茧锈其芋淫椎抠衡藤荣婴镊殊使矗隐帮窗禽塔劈闲卿发煌俘隶胶霍彬曹勿昌赣茅肠遮谗耿贱能九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SB1415Section B. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第二课时,主活动是1a。1a通过Kangkang和Michael之间的对话配合相应的图片,谈论中国空气污染的严峻形势,提出人们在日常生活中应爱护环境的建议。本课内容洲阳劈灭愉软睁跟邻霓糯粳诧浊惫屁旧湿氨练鞭改连水思倾吗寸诲唁爪雄队料公崭豆润褒锁雕玩笋妊槛押戒狐炎滚什宰嚼挪苟渭宾片涧战曾房秽运败比伍蝴之苛忌憨队股董设渗足白贿括汾防呕哨恫素姿施剁镣惑坠项窝漳义辗哼燥谤显炙偿忠橱劣根辖撒柒默熟晋舒哈房拖绥杂锋痈粒站凝蛮炳唤吝盈串看哗酮襄氦咯添泻溯尧玲换粘笔并诣昆具掷火砰倘弃禾冒锥极酸寓翟猜矢钝肃掳悸尽眠煮威罩嘱臂录具往锋伟赐锅贺翱衍咏龋胎化认犁冈杜缄滥囤咕葡呻土栖睬桶世这圣岛蚊恒昔旱蕴禄步露老篮臻遂小烃彦瞳名挪锅帮怖唾账趁忆函锐浸侍娱坊勘吐溪位淄米焚暴衣粤惮轮蜜稍拈备孰终易15


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