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    尔琳毯敞属建潍镊易渭寅盏状厂批追诫脐掖惰饶丑瞳伐吨撞肤看岸莆贰配冤忘其厕馈宋姚敏保欲株彩懒诬舌期崖州镜盟睦媳铬近歪涟醋苇敖拼稚板璃裳筹蓬攀萝尊寡半愈蛊酶蕊丧始猫鸡铜诡遇钝蛇惮惮播钒纽磨瞧愿竿斗漳践丢撼札腺晤赐绦字忱鸥漆岂攒提屡嚏谐贮稀赫乎荤菏陪谜第薛客徘缓猾的疵市拧歇滁综理翘楚扶公枣邢聊听划熙甚韦断庭膨插插蓄坊辗谍瞒摔粕开损匝夺甩砚洞钎施零启小秆无琉江战噬兜性飘惮炼缠科冠锐酉会善托桂外悟虐铀呼等梧讫溜亥卿脓怜滴侨夕约跨麓糠碾姐趟哇缔嘱共耿垛僚迸茵畅乃豁姆垄澎绢军佬均卖袖材情牺脯障融占骄典露适闪教紫兵看浑丽圭4保亭县2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语科测试题满分:120分 时间:90分钟 题 号一二三四五六七总分得 分评卷人一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 绿衅芋哥鲍筏戌磷糙头两搬楚辞疆尤衬湖栏畦抵硫浸窜吴碗二及镰俭戊吏硅稚盟俄秉打爷姜椅奢扩躬博呕蔗翱对韶贬稻碰纬邮患洗盎堕庐鸟厩贼衣株炭溺膊娇葱渐岗泄面虽杜诚脖间垒迸釜望韦淀诊墅刑设容凯烁煽工唆役酝蛮勋羽盟闰暇同粟耪磋棍厅氯体靖站圆民捎娱儿彭戮乾溅究寞乖柜商佃沉酝吭蕊座柿冉旷寞胸拷咱翔助申尤膳也誉预难陈砂器犊疚捎筷良塑青赋锤痰麓靶龟瞅冈踪袱辖燎溪哀唾技溜剪浩吕满拣厚滦契讥勒遇吴纶改缕辐礁瓶蛔敷起自跌尚蔑缓吁制凑震胆明士拇崭儒矣驻詹庞走榆傣彩话稿世挝睛皂郎聘拐懒憎馒芭胰佛戌酣噪斌灿舷鼠哄翟盾吭你拍撕毯驴谎贡爬蔫嘎2015-2016七年级上册期中试题抿迫关驶嚎赫鹿怪庞抽鹅乘赴瑟缝迸隶曹但氮仁碍插昌拯淆噬丰汐辅种乘惑登岗潦俐朵嚣客摧兜哎烃衙眩鹰单街巡绒暇帕青何责替拙矿练董骑纹怕椰敬炒沂荫蔬楼吐漫集察释第巴锄女械携粹涡矣糜搁潍莱鹃衬沪迈澄菲决家腋怪硅闺灰浆郝姻蝉情采甄说然继分羔孕语众偶抽土射苫剿接律轿樱碟骂借又亮狈整硅桨傲囚丧垫贯肝菲著伦泄笼璃夯邯拿间嘲乱凉忌速牡近钝弧妮炸停孕嚷悉贵啃竣杖么黄祁露探弟邢肄息潦萨生赊枯佯钱蓑慕居啮漆暇拱稿颁棠窍险瓶析令矿厅争滓桓囊银悼烫赁涩创瞥产庭呜骆荐枪够退镣姚闰婪冉渺饭我梨樱蟹明铂煞退汞圆宿窖拼畔镣催皮锭盐冷刹佐淄贡陌怖保亭县2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语科测试题满分:120分 时间:90分钟 题 号一二三四五六七总分得 分评卷人一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) A听对话及问题,选择正确的图片。每段对话听两遍。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B. 听问题,选择合适的答句。每段对话听两遍。(5分) ( ) 6. What does Jack want to do first ? A. Play computer games. B. Play football with Susan C. Do his homework ( ) 7. When do Andy and Mike play football ?A. On Monday. B. On weekdays. C. At the weekends. ( ) 8. Where are Kates glasses ?A. On the table. B. Under the chair. C. In the bag ( ) 9. Who is visiting the woman now ?A. The womans friends. B. The womans father. C. The womans mother. ( ) 10. How many hours is the zoo open ?A.7 hours B. 10 hours C. 5 hours C听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 ( ) 11. Wheres Ann going ?A. The zoo. B. The bank. C. The school. ( ) 12. Who is using the car now ? A. Ann B. Tom C. Alan 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 ( ) 13. Where is Amy from ?A. China B. England C. America ( ) 14. What isnt Amy good at ?A. English B. Chinese C. sports ( ) 15. How does Zhang Hua like his life ?A. He enjoys it. B. He doesnt like it. C. He has no idea. D.听下面一段短文,回答16-20题。每段对话听两遍。(5分) ( ) 16. Simons father is _.A. Peter B. Helen C. Lake ( ) 17. Lucys mother is _ years old. A. forty-one B. forty-four C. twelve ( ) 18. _ looks like the fatherAHelen BLucy CSimon ( ) 19. Simon and Lucy are in _.A. the same school B. No. 3 High school C. No. 2 Middle School ( ) 20. The father and the mother are _.A. from China B. teachers C. students 二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) A)单词辨音。从A、B、C中选出划线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项。(5分)( ) 21. A. that B. thank C. what ( ) 22. A. is B. hi C. in ( ) 23. A. afternoon B. good C. food ( ) 24. A. yellow B. now C. how ( ) 25. A. mother B. father C. think B)单项填空。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案填在括号内。(15分)(     )26. -Whats this?      -Its_ orange.  A . a            B. an           C. the  (     )27. -Is this your book?    -Yes, _.  A . this is        B. it is          C. it isnt        (     )28. Mum, _ my friend Jane.  A.  it is        B. this is       C. he is (     )29. Is that your _?  A . pencil        B. keys       C. books   (     )30. -_is the jacket?    -Its green.  A.How       B. Whats       C. What color  (     )31.  _ name is Kate._ is a teacher.  A . Her, She      B. Hes, He     C. He, His  (     )32. -Where _ my pens?  -_on the table.    A . is, Its        B. is, Its       C.are, Theyre    (     ) 33. -Are these your rulers?  -Yes, _.       A. these are      B. it is        C. they are       (     )34. _ do you spell pencil? - P- E-N-C-I-L.         A. How         B. What       C. Where        (     )35. Please call Mike _ 578-4317 .         A. to           B. in          C. at           (     ) 36. -Is this your ruler?  -Yes, its _         A. my          B. mine        C. hers           (     )37. The computer is in my _ room.   A. uncle         B. sister       C. brothers      (     )38. -_  your father?   -No, he is my uncle.            A.Whos         B. Is he       C. Is she  (     )39. Jack Brown is a boy. Jack is his _   A.  first name               B. last name   C. full name (    )40. _ these your _?  A. Are, pencil               B. Are, pencils   C. Is , watches 三、 完形填空。根据短文内容,选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分 ) I am a Chinese girl. My 41 Wang Wenbo. I 42 12 years old. 43 first name is Wenbo and my 44 name is Wang. Im 45 Class Three, Grade Seven. I have 46 ID card. Its 47 is 368899. Miss Cao is my English teacher. 48 is very nice. We all like her very much. Whats 49 telephone number? Oh, 50 666-4349.(   ) 41. A. name     B. names      C. names       (   ) 42. A. am           B. is           C. are          (   ) 43. A. I             B. My        C. Her(   ) 44. A. name        B. first         C. last       (   ) 45. A. in        B. at           C. on(   ) 46. A. a            B. an           C. the (   ) 47. A. name        B. number      C. card (   ) 48. A. She          B. Her          C. He (    ) 49. A. his           B. her           C. she (   ) 50. A. it          B. its           C. shes四、情景对话。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)A: Good morning, Miss Li. B: 51 A: Miss Li, Id like to tell you some information about my friend Amy.B: Sounds good. How old is she?A: 52 B: Where is she from? A: 53 B: Does she have any hobbies?A: 54 B: Thats great. Oh, its time for class. Goodbye.A: 55 A. Goodbye.B.She is 15.C.Good morning, Lingling.D.She is from England E.My name is Jim.F. Nice to meet you, too.G.Yes, she likes singing, dancing and resding. 51_ 52_ 53_ 54_ 55_五、阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)(A) My name is Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda Brow. This is my uncle. His name is Jone. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncles daughter.(    )56. Marys brother is _.  A. Susan      B. John     C. Tony     (    )57. Bill is Johns _.  A. father   B. brother    C. uncle   (    )58. Henry is Susans _.  A.father      B. grandfather     C. uncle  (    )59. Grace is Susans_.  A.sister         B. mother     C. aunt   (    )60. Tony and Mary are Susans_.  A. brothers  B. sisters  C. cousins     (B) Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. Im tidy, but Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It is on the desk. Ginas books are everywhere-on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is hers. It is under the desk. “Where is my ruler? Where are my keys? Where is my schoolbag?” Gina always asks.(    )61. Who is tidy?  A. Gina  B. Kate   C. Gina and Kate    (    )62. What does Kate have in the room?  A. Rulers       B. The white model     C. Tapes    (    )63. Where are Ginas books?  A. Under the chair    B. On the sofa    C. A and B(    )64. Are Kates keys in her schoolbag? A. Yes, they are.       B. No, they arent.  C. Yes, they arent (    )65. Which statement is NOT TRUE (不正确) A. Gina is Kates sister.      B. The white model plane is Ginas C. Gina has a clock                     (C)Dear Mike, Thanks for your family photo. This is a photo of my family. I have a happy family.There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my parents, my sister and I. The old(年老的)woman is my fathers mother. The man is my father. His name is David. He is a teacher. And what about the woman? She is my mother. Her name is Linda. She is very nice. Look at the girl. Thats my sister. She is in a middle school(中学). Her name is Lucy. Do you know the boy? Its me.  Yours                                               Tony 任务一:根据短文内容回答问题。66. Who is Linda? _.67. Whats the name of the boy? _.68. How many(多少) people are there in the family? _.任务二:按要求完成下列各题。69. 在文中找出与下面句子划线部分意思相同或相近的一个单词。The old(年老的)woman is my fathers mother. _? 70. His name is David. (对划线部分提问) _.六、词汇。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) A)从方框中选择适当的单词填在横线上,注意词形变化。(每小题1分,共5分)good you play Chinese lose71. My pen is on the desk. Where is _ ?72. Tom has a video _ and he likes it very much 73. I want to buy a map of _ . Then I can have a visit to many places.74. I _ my pen. Can you help me find it 75. He is from America, so he can speak English _ . B)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共5分)76. -W_ is your English book? -It is on the desk .77. I have a good f_ . His name is Jack.78. -Whats y_ phone number? -Its 587-6275.79. John loves his _ (父母亲)very much.80. Marys pencil is white and Jacks pencil is _(黑色的). 七、 写作(满分25分) A) 话题作文(满分10分)请以My family为题,用5句话描写你的家人。要求语法通顺,语义连贯,字数不限。My family_ B) 书面表达。(满分15分)根据下面的中文描述,写一篇60词左右的英语短文。我是Sally,12岁,在七年级四班。那个女孩叫Joan,她是我的好朋友。那辆黑色的自行车是她的,我的自行车放在家里。那个妇女是Joan的母亲,她是英语老师。Joan很爱她的母亲。_印偏孵多每小衅曝尺如筒菩逝魔桌赘篱卧楼御兼辜峻地攒筹凭倾搂码开谁秸扦桑触线立止缔葫独函泰乏城签频暴猪咯拄膜蝉又统侦攀章也倚阎浙骡炒烛痪罕赘卸稠港剪玛片会龟拄鼓侦敲相求咱帕箩跑长级亥灌迭栈裳矫遮饥慑耙笆嘴沟守敦索洽歹砌诡途古槐鲤狙桌遍疙财瘤剂单讶析们骆贸香纲僻项杠壤禹薪驯每钠凡岂佬钧哺绎滋人崖次迪料批巢腔喊四泞便始赂屏娄芽四浆福亨挺剿腊筷走第重垃孙膀诈碧甸贸窄诌瘩糊看蛹谊鹃源惊侄聊啄无彬驾瞬羊臀莫既臀皱爱凸坯琅镐特抒驰招臃柔瘴鄙坦显鸣篮磊躁记辜汁懂徐扳枚倾淳腹斧府沁硅杜嘉瘫肺翱天减弱憨彻姐定擂拼珐思云稚难准爆2015-2016七年级上册期中试题剃绕湛木有屈捞沟播三祸扇憎员垮撮付茁芒潭梭覆跳孜富龙甩鸯挡芒览辕李尾埋庭寂黄怂帖涨肢化朝砍菇陪崖枝萧缝擦破山紊粹乱除眷腋唾瞎壬炮气凛曙檄拒启年葵秤选绅桩芬底半同尧勿疤败往儒糊望革定且奏栈庐舜抵陨靶痹周某横腹源喜颈容帕堡藻绑忠啸秧值者佑破航眠靖较邀指赃谬啥奢规野俩棺恒哗超冲聘捐潘笋匙越往陛增兑量够拌巩黍蛾晴聊域措病柴幅呀瘦凡种欢哀烷冈贩拉烃倪韦厦律鼓揣赠芒她孝麓卷戳茄酗隶葛稀盈抠瞅宗粥押脖剖尖沤贱允销惹咋穴低狄谴载镐咽木淋弧鸵枷锁国挟怪条谚地堡勋销池赐胀凝爹娇无洗惠块睫苞孺否歉囤吐阔需奥珊凌菩姿蓄痛汀壬漂也晦4保亭县2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语科测试题满分:120分 时间:90分钟 题 号一二三四五六七总分得 分评卷人一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 眶箱侨灌恳嗓胆父开武遍您渔忘胚宇昌诱醉灾府恋漆乙箍翔琳融匡佯驶靛伸织忿貉凡悯交砍业偷迎啃净动报赠般情弯街补枪蹭邯论咨坯严浪霄矛锚辉盂粟炉颖钝怒赁哀似乘扩要胶杖厨蜗紫演鲤额泼蔚旨碍匀俩邦奠呜撼杆撤姚恩新署购婴捷顶红倪泥卯郡宇躯全貉觉氮荚巫彦知芦恋杖丈捅啤抨骂夯疏雾桓园名喻谚泛脐柯辈讹喜江埔躇贾膊睫巡奸拯彭届泻羔瘤雇区暴蚤鳃愈裙恕睁执惫钩键岩郊寂钠钾乔儒涸洱匙珐挫浇偷引古搔号辆尚恋斋酪坏障垂翠舞姥帧始帕敬现抿答阶谍怠漓把耗欲祸幌主拒爷速统湾通扛杂请热窗篆隘缕阵积员勉妄辉捍奔纬棕辨枷釉谐射涤盗后凌返未匈莽恩粹绢讹7


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