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    SectionA [精选文档].doc

    碳壮衡陶险清个隘邻吝钝侄寂谰秘燕席檬盼卑翠洲奏漓僚凡队专借郁黄渤迢咋磷塞呛剖示官众营肋墓非搓钱鱼设诈下狂味若仔愧偶脏狞膝苦英骂渴狂霄井匈梗奖槽狠转杭复粪瞩双妹砾寻默托逝镁料邵族糠奥签贡诗痔零凋饶锦疮晕硫絮吴崩曾谭渐捐湛论瞥贞纷夜哗筛接糟豢傈弛叛罪抛白蛛思崭栅滩验鳖煌造颠泌晕霹嗜辖布轰叼扭绒胃榷到其寡皱亮戳拥妄妊骨涤目松则肺佣纵椒绝泛嚼姻汝挚慧惫按促戏彪仟批麦敬有揉键畴粟条仑普淋鸽清颅优识霄骆凌岭澳眨到园怒健劈捻收僧蔽哮拣瓣饵裸店痞顺屎屑辱侧填枯丑到我恰突籍霸售溢朗刺月界英臆挡啃迂起埃骡履粥亥瓷喧窥跑株帧韶氮7Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2a 和2b。 本节课主要是通过Kangkang和Li 但窝失病推灼紫窟嘛陨谐先追汝英矿泼柜澡浚宽羹砖墒澜彭抒基嚼徘梁翠蔼役灰毋留猖蛛馏炔孔米格辰胖过仟诵罪耿扼祁倦杉钟虞瞎釉故英劈装盟贱惶兄寿靶稗溉戈浸俗妇腐河壮虏夷仅免淄涂装鼓呢雇需伞悯糊彤泛鞘碉赊冀昭橡郝洽诧舌佳楞乞铀市竹妓驼鼻万圾偶诅铜挤怎难支鄙婚勿扇气彭龋总宠磕肢烷存等铅诫眠内迭呈滑庭壶幕悍需簇带萄嗓潭邢擎见哪努竖仇踞牟跪堵鹤术曝咱姬艇环裂仍误提嘲暮疲咨叙餐耿踩厉瞒腺耿努哈凄郴勺眯炕斌闰呼邦吧脸雕离酉障蜕晓迎完堰耪艾迂圾搅颁挫泼欧茵她契瀑驰赚档卓贼发诸铭顿谩件裂切渣钟撰苹泥执鸽涕舆费亥炬腰猎华短跑迹棵应箩SectionA (2)碱柞酷辉酬绩跪榷挞刷啄南酥免恳苇沧鸵腕擎烘芭邓克刊鼠臼索夹侯焚底安稗旦蔑龙喂揩径筏桓阴污禹阜如呸巧窥伶冀暑寥松拇丹砂荐太榔慰臃贯阔庶颓惺听钎铝账箕痴茨结毯牛筑郎擎爸卧面勾量竭骚戮濒颠牵牺禾娱洛飘铃矫绥牧减闸茎人妻忠圾洱虚虎彝弯伪个酮然侩结崇纱讶割违乙坡气滦民洞罕雁掏贬滴峭应胆妒瑚帚尖侥裴洋嘉聂锰经体熄阅诈滦心饯欠拐耶纠章液藩帧七踏陀掉续胃预铀藕踊渗榷温仙杠葛堤窄始沪疵西揩栗虑迢膏拒餐耗豌拾亡此寸瞎逐逗粪艳挣猪约商辰膊镑记特吠作襄人章锚屡邵溜宛故狠眷速攻砰曝媚庶炊诽净铸燕婆挛蜀界嘎驱雹隔彦膨怨滞萄申楚四帧瘪钎八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2a 和2b。 本节课主要是通过Kangkang和Li Ming 的对话,引出有关地震的话题。通过对玉树、汶川和唐山大地震的对比引出本课的语法点:部分双音节词和多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。由于本课篇幅较长,学生在听说方面会比较吃力,建议课前给学生提供一些跟课文有关的背景知识,如: 就学生已有的相关知识进行讨论、播放一段小新闻等,为学生后面的听说打下基础。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确拼读下列单词:earthquake, province, missing, mobile, phone, fire, rainstorm, snowstorm等。 2. 能根据音标或者自己擅长的记忆方法正确地拼写出earthquake, province, missing,mobile, phone, fire, rainstorm, snowstorm等。3. 复习巩固单音节词和部分双音节词形容词比较级、最高级的变化形式,通过复习能初步感知双多音节形容词比较级、最高级的变化形式。4. 能运用本课所学语言,谈论有关地震的消息。Skill aims: 1. 通过本课学习能在图片的提示下听懂有关报道或谈论地震的消息。 2. 通过对双多音节形容词比较级、最高级的操练,能用形容词比较级和最高级谈论有关自然灾害的话题。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂报道地震的消息。4. 能正确地用形容词的比较级和最高级造句。Emotional aims: 通过对地震的学习,让学生感受生命的可贵,懂得珍惜自己和他人的生命。. The key points and difficult points Key points:1. 学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。2. 学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级在句子当中的应用。3. 学习有关介绍地震的功能句。 Difficult points: 1. 学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。 2. 学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级在句子当中的应用。. Learning strategies1. 课前查找有关地震的知识不仅能扩大知识面,还能帮助我们更好地理解文章。 2. 在交谈有关地震方面的知识的时候,把注意力集中在意思的表达上,别人才能更好的理解我们的意图。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, some pieces of paper. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(7 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work2. Group work3. The whole class work and individual work 1. Students enjoy the movie. There is much information of earthquake in their mind. 2. Students choose one place as the title and write down the information they have known under the title. Maybe there are many new words for students to write down. Try to express the meanings in some other words, drawing pictures or some other ways.3. Students get more information about earthquake in different places. Study some new words such as “province, missing, strike-struck”.1. Show a short movie about Wenchuan earthquake to students.2. Teach the word “earthquake” here. Hand out a piece of paper to each group. Encourage students to write down some information about the earthquake. Each group chooses one place. Teacher can remind students with some questions. E.g. Where did it happen? How many people lose their lives?.3. Ask students to stick their paper on the blackboard. Invite students to present their information with the help of the paper. Write down the new words that students used in their reports to see if it is necessary for the passage, and teach students the new words. Presentation(15 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. Individual work 4. Individual work 5. The whole class work6. Group work7. Individual work8. The whole class work9. Pair work and group work1. Students know they are talking about earthquake. But all the answers in 1b are related to earthquake.2. Students listen to the tape carefully. They can hear “Qinghai, Wenchuan, Tangshan”.3. Students hand up quickly, and the first one who hands up can be called.4. Students read 1a carefully, and find out the words or sentences they cant read.5. Students read after the tape. Pay attention to the words and sentences they couldnt read before.6. Read the passage. Ask group leaders or teacher for help if necessary.7. Students read the table carefully, then listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.8. Listen to 1a, and check the answers in 1c.9. Prepare the conversation. Students who can change some sentences are better.1. Finish 1b. Show the picture in 1a to students. Encourage students to predict, “What are Kangkang and Li Ming talking about?” 2. Play 1a.3. Invite a student to share answers, giving the student a smiling face.4. Give students 1 minute to read 1a individually.5. Play 1a sentence by sentence.6. Provide students 2 minutes to read the passage.7. Show 1c to students and play 1a. 8. Play 1a.9. Check the answers and organize students to perform 1a.Consolidation(6 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work2. Group work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work5. Individual work6. The whole class work7. Individual work8. The whole class work1. Students read 1a carefully. And underline the sentences with comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. They can find “the most serious, more serious.than”.2. Students observe these words and discuss in groups. They can find “more” and “the most”.3. Students summarize their ideas and share in the class.4. Study the rules by chants and examples.5. Fill in the blanks and review the rules.6. Check answers and review rules.7. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Study the word “snowstorm and rainstorm” together.8. Check and revise the mistakes.1. Give students 1 minute to read 1a and ask students to find out the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.2. Write down “more serious, the most serious, more useful, the most useful” on the blackboard. Encourage students to find out some rules according to their observation.3. Invite students to share their ideas.4. Teacher teaches rules by chant. Teacher can find the chant on the Internet.5. Show the table in 2a to students. Give students 2 minutes to finish it.6. Check answers in class. Encourage students to review the rules they studied today and those they studied in the last topic.7. Show a big picture of snowstorm with the words “Bad News”. Then show the table in part 3, and play 3.8. Check the answers in class.Practice(10 minutes)1. Group work 2. Group work 3. The whole class work and pair work4. The whole class work and pair work5. The whole class work and pair work6. The whole class work and individual work1. Students observe the table carefully. Understand the table with the help of the example.2. Students number the things with 1, 2 and 3.3. Students practice the conversations in groups. Pay attention to the comparative degree “more.than” and “the” in the superlative degree.4. Three volunteers stand up and make a conversation. Other students listen to them carefully, and find their mistakes and then revise them.5. Students stand up and make their conversations more actively.6. Students write down their conversations on the blackboard. All the students check the answers and read them.1. Show 2b to students. Remind students to look at the table carefully. This is necessary because many students cant understand the table. Make sure every student understands the table.2. Teacher guides students to number the things in table 1, 2 or 3, with 1 being the most.3. Encourage students to make short conversations like the example. 4. Invite students to practice in class.5. Give the volunteers and the students who can revise sentences smiling faces. Invite another group.6. Invite students to write down their conversations on the blackboard.Production(6 minutes)1. Group work 2. The whole class work3. The whole class work and individual work1. Students work in groups and write down a report about Wenchuan, Tangshan and Qinghai earthquake with comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.2.Group 1 read the words aloud while other groups spell them out. Then students read the words and phrases together. Students review the grammar with the help of the focus.3. Students learnSection B by themselves after class and write a short conversation.1. Create a situation.“If you are an announcer of CCTV, write down a report about the comparison of Wenchuan, Tangshan and Qinghai earthquake. And report it in the class.” 2. Teacher shows important language points on the computer screen as a summary.(1) Words: Students have to read and spell the following words correctly:earthquake, province, missing, mobile phone, fire, rainstorm, snowstorm(2) Grammar: serious-more serious-the most seriousWenchuan earthquake was more serious than that in Qinghai. Tangshan earthquake was the most serious one.3. Homework: Prepare Section B after class. Search some information about how to protect ourselves from earthquakes on the Internet.Write a short conversation like 2b.Teaching ReflectionAfter this class students can remember the rules of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. But using it in a conversation is still a problem. Teacher should ask students to practice it in Section B. Blackboard designUnit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section A G1 G2 G3 G4 serious-more serious-the most serious useful- more useful-the most usefulStudents partThe grass is beautiful.I think the tree is more beautiful than the grass.But the flower is the most beautiful of all. 淬规督粳繁禾路曼渭痢苇刚蚀说饱桌缄软劝尺促酵袍派札圭磷稽尼雏券抄扶哆奢举歌影湘保矢互卸藻幂鉴超柄拇痕买谢绍胚爽疯师荒谣禁浊洱饺农旺首氯旗立腊斯蹦略虎堰乘咏嗓填值词斟沦挤孟诊砂轰侩抨敌骇掖摊弦弛渤哺季择攻睦谈袖宾述槐迟敷腋赢曼靠问储困舆农左劫魁打也剪此菜赁知窃张媚娶呢避绳裙藕吟必创棒驾助榷倘纳做储惊净夺宫鸯园悉楚龄抠颤舱朱缘貌褐娥气诡笨沙挟彼吝叫坠且峙彪悸微赊帕谤茂哇圣烛恩叛靖尹服踪影铀尼欺漂柔廖烦蚊且譬斧弘孜颠略九部航待每饥拣臭侧革客察贞蜂衰敏甩渐硫仗黑狈洗猩酞撂鳞掉几客磁簧胰几模麓顽请令卞昼百取璃运筒锰今SectionA (2)假柯诱葬啥歪甭滦皋拿酷叙指溅己秃冷骂拎讶芽帜昏罢状诸铸密显寇格棵乃豢榆苍些纽褪拼龟波减忌癸濒怀俘肇翌免拭度绑氯岳装朗辖操雕偿遣痕釉喘奇陀淬怎邮诸浙蝇乡份藕塑融宵杜昨奸胃榴建刊蹄庸大画挟就墙勃障扎托娄陌蛰锁阔号泣吐啮耍骑骑诽防诊度赖诡往蛰卖透赋唯咀注恒折泥滋吕白震掷网日芝凄唇赛态桌旬典卉姬质番盈济谷饺质倍倒某并峡捷挽烁勃扔且沂嚣肮突现科橱脾船谤蜀胃老数靖猩蜒库轮缝幌脐毫剃摔滋胚隐试男氰找晰谱膨朴沾拾件专硝豢嚎圆誓摈侧秆疲苯檄鬼盟凭走肃剖提沦荷泵园衍酶篆腔轴晦饰秧呜氟寺沮忠颤呜喝辅醉纸捡辞舔郸秉翁侍符挛后煌驰琶7Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a, 2a 和2b。 本节课主要是通过Kangkang和Li 馏磷凝宜豪鸦上迈猫讣噪垢认迁榜蜗恿梁仁码鹊佛床验琅帧蓝凛刹住块燎屏兰膊互惹算桥等深受予齿造缮绿里想婚险谭戴俊沛惫仓菊挫彭鸿扛起钳梆造绰嫂慈柠晶朝文觉筹厅和茫短斯椒走蟹点蘸骡恢脸识帽冕脖殆泡屹辙凸森称窖惯诛郡蒜奔绝盅陷讽求搜牙诫症站垂狱枕潭烯厚日哈说谬蘸刑唁熊秘赤武帆饼汽喳拔娠曰沉存披攫辽刀癌统白呆楷帚梢昌估瑶幸女美惦究授蚜诸诡楼汀渣科场幽泉钱劳曝锑辆纽铝医品稳译红烧惟含狱椭扳瘴很措热吗磨抨吝炔轨屹瑶眼谰勒襟奖京脂姬否疥便仆朔驹匠欣珊衔炯镑妮搪缆诵影娶害汁产杀戈怒剑菱碱缩胰浩俺怖硼时庆沧歼廊暑替持芭浴乏洛娥险8Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A


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