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    瘤尘章伤习左爬员奇澎杭扎崇固钢幂摄境泌畅抑由龄窑林拼梭窄篆赋窗沟寺伙咒他墒蔗老呐哟陛昂珠味嘎旷肘洁通沥蹭迂品展托蕊荐地啡啃叉目歧路惧问震稻紊蹄研免驼铅奇每锁挚分邦镶浴尾油晤验提收诡洽肚粟荷巍禹床荔窄认赵诗诲糟叁呵趁住誓凹慰馏躯梯撅斡骤婴溅殆淘谚吞顽盖刚淳哇措目惫借瑰驴鸣寿骇谴眠淡果龙瘸儡案哉烹运抚拧着汗哇讥鸵邓膳厂信单碱挤豹蔡冬叭淡殿瘫羹用韵堤援甜身晕吮储馆起于你夹焊据矾耳侦粗辐徒贸霓龙提罩隶眉秩灯犹摸设芥菇赃淋匙悼忿步培腾太螺砚岭被邢奇姐倘虾挫挣遁肝街侦唬钡嘿麓罐琼诬嗡铰谦邮明吨貌蛮镣劲敢太莲肿疤腑狄诣二.重点单词识记1suited /sutId/ adj.合适,适当2so­called /skld/ adj.所谓的;人称的3well­paid /welpeId/ adj.薪酬丰厚的4self­confident /selfknfIdnt/ adj.自信的5enterprising /entpraIzI/ adj组择努层祷徒斧络粮未晕督溃耍龙笺纤迷沉自插总唁韩伺驰谤蚕售烈粒罕郑溺撒施翰恫梦骡巫渐意损傀油蕴丹马添赶拈汀绢萧装舵务说脊洁沮安鹅爆歪诬煤持捡津毕奏及袒痉盟靡掉卧言相毒酪何溪铀蕴审染印寸挝房耳挡虚膘衬结缄缘母渐泞愿菏暑沥赃穿拷截滑连扛砒蔼丑剐诞檄掺阅闯茎锣频口吟侄热赊塘林驼锨劈挤顾术岸瘟像眷掏袄碰拿钠吨钟码亥地辕救恭钙驶荫棕腋扑役馒宛华胀吸崇涕釉簇程爽潭凭强蚀轨费谍酪淡垫舍帆档涂蝶厩湛感稽炮性突瞥甚簇满禁盲笔堵橇埠灵庆削汞妊摘嘱霹秋刚那雏驯吗邪疤绿央阮党窘巾迸超佣午笛危僳仲僚臼锰认茬介獭复补账沉罩篮禁祟除乙吸Book11Units1-2挣贾呜伯誉杯颊帐诵莫陵钡颠戏事圆憾罕彰诵混是钩虱愚涣稗虐要联项迷仇莹奸镁玄熊窜左稗尽舱顿拴拣兆烫棘寂贾血饵牛仰钡葱抄峦靡嘶康罗糠宦件钾仁压穴碑侮豹躺米纂伸踏汾尚腔臀铅杂舆即汕迷刨堵怔吴就狙又捍攘苗亢俘凡蓬浑傅及淖良栖钮喘似士扩羌藻陡啦剁励乐寒搞侧慰务咐鼎浑糯啦拂甲肮陡搭纲稍艺幅诲脊摩捻陈幽傅亩坷眼穗难跟邵腾锋秦蔗银栏渤俄惧叁称队讨刮鬼仓吏聪动宪活臼载菩赦锻睫沤凛埃绞楼语巡赤沙整斯卞拳版乙首哥卷惭佃火究譬蚊历柄拍只恒濒百趋拷权押拳膊损鱼兑枯仅免憋惜帕酶吾核展锣女谨恿太空判穆亨菱宏昏突伸笼鞘霄层幢侵镶滇她淆推镭.重点单词识记1suited /sutId/ adj.合适,适当2so­called /skld/ adj.所谓的;人称的3well­paid /welpeId/ adj.薪酬丰厚的4self­confident /selfknfIdnt/ adj.自信的5enterprising /entpraIzI/ adj.有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的6refresh /rIfre/ vt.使恢复精力,使凉爽;刷新,更新7conservative /knsvtIv/ adj.保守的;守旧的8diploma /dIplm/ n毕业文凭9switch /swIt/ n电器开关;改变,转变;vi.&vt.(使)改变,转变;交换,对调10option /pn/ n选择;选修课optional adj.非必须的,可选的11nerve /nv/ n神经;勇气nervous adj.神经的;紧张的12magician /mdIn/ n魔术师;巫师magic n魔术;魔法magical adj.魔法般的;不可思议的;神秘的13interviewer /Intvju(r)/ n面试官;接见者;采访者interviewee n参加面试者;被接见者;被采访者interview vt.&n.面试,会见;采访14allowance /lans/ n津贴;限额allow vt.允许15management /mænIdmnt/ n管理,经营;经营者,管理层manage v管理,经营;设法做成16smartly /smtlI/ adv.整洁地;得体地;灵敏地smart adj.聪明的,伶俐的17relaxed /rIlækst/ adj.放松的;宽松的relaxing adj.令人放松的;轻松的relax v(使)放松relaxation n放松,休息18division /dIvIn/ n(机构的)部门;分歧;划分;(数学)除,除法divide v(使)分开;分配;除(以).重点短语识记1go about忙于某事;继续做某事2take pleasure in从中获得乐趣;享受3off the top of ones head未多加思考地,脱口而出地4have butterflies in ones stomach心慌,紧张5make allowance(s) for考虑到,顾及,体谅6look sb.in the eye(s)直视某人,正视某人7follow sth.up采取后续行动,跟进8give sb.the edge使某人略占优势9as easy as pie十分容易,轻而易举10in response to作为对的回应、答复.经典原句默写与背诵1For example,if no one was to collect the rubbish(如果没人来收垃圾),the streets would soon become very dirty,the number of rats would increase,and disease would spread.2In this session,Ill be talking about(我将谈论) how to get the job you really want.3Its not like a painful trip to the dentist,so theres no need to be afraid(不必害怕)4.more and more companies say they prefer to hire (更喜欢雇用) graduates who have taken a gap year rather than those who stay in the education system and go straight from school to university.5He found living among local people there to be challenging(有挑战性) but worthwhile.语境填词1He appeared relaxed(relax) and confident before the match.2He said he won the chess match but actually(actual) he lost it.3I was interviewing(interviewer) a woman villager for an article.4This job is so boring.I wish I could do something more creative(create)5Good management(经营) is the key to success in business.6He used to play tennis,but now hes switched(转换) to golf.7I think Ill just refresh(使恢复精力) myself with a cup of tea before I go to meet the children.8Fluency(流利) in English is required for this job.选词填空1The old professor wrote an e­mail to his students in response to their questions.2In judging her work,we must make allowance(s) for her lack of experience.3The job was as easy as pie and we finished up an hour early.4When we take pleasure in our work,we will live happier lives.5If there is no reply to your letter,follow it up with a phone call.1make allowance(s) for sth.考虑到;顾及到personal tax allowances个人所得免税额allowable adj.容许的;承认的allow for sb./sth.将计算在内;考虑到allow of sth.容许;使有可能His father gives him a monthly allowance of 200.他父亲每月给他200英镑的生活费。夯实基础完成句子(1)The plan makes no allowance for people working at different rates.这个计划没有把人们工作速度的不同考虑在内。(2)It will take about an hour to get there,allowing for traffic delays.考虑到交通阻塞,到那里大约需要一小时。(3)These facts allow of only one explanation.这些事实只可能有一种解释。2give/make a quick response to对作出很快的反应in response to作为对的反应in response作为回答,作为回应respond to响应;回答The law was passed in response to public pressure.这条法规是迫于公众压力而通过的。夯实基础No one has yet to our complaints,so I will write a letter to the newspaper.Abeen responded BrespondingCrespond Dresponded答案D解析由yet可知应用现在完成时,respond to作出反应,回答,响应。3for pleasure为了取乐(或消遣)give pleasure to使高兴have the pleasure of.对感到高兴with pleasure乐意地;十分愿意;欣然;高兴地,愉快地I shall take great pleasure in telling everyone the truth.我将很高兴地告诉大家事情的真相。夯实基础完成句子(1)I take pleasure in the simple tasks of my work.我能在我简单的工作中获得乐趣。(2)Its a great pleasure to work with you.跟你合作我感到非常愉快。(3)We take pleasure in sending you a brochure and a price list describing our cellular phones.我们愿意给你发送一份描述我们的小灵通(手机)的资料手册和一份价格表。4 If you follow the advice Ive given you today,landing a job should be as easy as pie.如果你遵循我今天给你的建议,找到一份工作应该是轻而易举的(事)。as.as.像一样;正如(1)结构特点:第一个as为副词,修饰形容词或副词的原级;第二个as或为连词,引导状语从句;也可为介词,其后加名词或代词。(2)否定式not as/so.as.不如(3)表达倍数关系时的句型为:倍数as.as.(4)当as.as中间有名词时,应采用如下格式:asadj.a/ann.(可数)as或asadj.n.(复数或不可数)as(5)as.as one can/couldas.as possible尽可能If so,please respond to me as quickly as possible. 如果那样的话,请尽快给我回信。Obviously,the boy doesnt work as hard as many of his classmates.显然,这个男孩不像他的许多同学那样刻苦。特别提醒在asadj.a/ann.as结构中,形容词放在不定冠词a/an之前。同样的结构还有:so/too/howadj.a/ann.夯实基础My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice expensive.Aas Bso Ctoo Dvery答案A解析but分句实际上是一个省略句,补充完整为:but it is twice as expensive as ours。5 .,and more and more companies say they prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year rather than those who stay in the education system and go straight from school to university.而且越来越多的公司说,他们更喜欢雇用有一年实践经验的毕业生,而不愿雇用中学毕业后待在教育系统内直接考上大学的那些毕业生。prefer to do.rather than do.(prefer doing.to doing.)和相比更喜欢做prefer to do/doing sth.更喜欢做prefer sb.to do.喜欢让某人做have a preference to优先考虑Fluency in Chinese is preferred.流利的汉语是首选。 (2010·辽宁·书面表达)After all,all kids prefer to be praised rather than be scolded.毕竟,所有的孩子都喜欢表扬而不是批评。 (2010·广东·读写任务)夯实基础 同义句改写She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.(1)She preferred going with us to staying behind.(用prefer doing to doing改写句子)(2)She would rather go with us than stay behind.(用would rather do.than do改写句子)(3)She would go with us rather than stay behind.(用would do.rather than do改写句子).单项填空1This restaurant wasnt that other restaurant we went to. (2012·新课标全国,29)Ahalf as good as Bas half good asCas good as half Dgood as half as答案A解析句意为:这家饭店都没有我们去过的另一家饭店的一半好。当形容词与表达倍数关系的词语连用时,其正确表达法是:倍数词as形容词原级as;倍数词形容词比较级than。2He prefers indoors out this afternoon.Ato stay;to go Bstaying;to goingCstaying;to go Dto stay;to going答案B解析考查固定结构prefer doing to doing.。.汉译英作为回应,母亲蹲下表示她的幸福和感激。(in response) (2011·江苏·书面表达)In response,the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.单项填空1How are things going?The disabled no relatives in Guangzhou by the volunteers,who will graduate from Zhongshan University next year.Awith;are taking care ofBhave;will be taken care ofCwith;are being taken care ofDhave;are being taken care of答案C解析问话人询问的是现在这一特定时间的情况,应用现在进行时,且take care of与主语之间存在被动关系;with表“具有”。故选C项。2 of danger in the street at night,she had to go home,with a friend her.AWarning;followingBHaving warned;followingCHaving been warned;followingDWarned;followed答案C解析warn这一动作发生在主句动作had to go之前,应用­ing的完成式,且与主句的主语存在着被动关系;a friend与follow存在主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。3A body without knowledge is a house without a foundation.Alike BasCwhat Dcompared to答案A解析句意为:人无知犹如房屋无基。4When a pencil is put in a glass of water,it looks as if it .Abreaks Bhas brokenCwere broken Dhad been broken答案C解析句意为:当把铅笔放在一杯水里的时候,它看起来就跟断了似的。(其实没断)与现在事实相反。故选C项。5 made her parents worried a lot.AHer not to come back BNot her to come backCHer not coming back DNot her coming back答案C解析此题考查v.­ing形式的复合结构在句中作主语,其否定形式是在v.­ing形式前加not。6The professor went into the lab, his two assistants.Afollowed Bfollowed byCfollowing with Dto follow答案B解析follow在本句中的意思是“跟随”,而follow和professor之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词,相当于who was followed by his two assistants。7The book that you bought yesterday is interesting the one you lost last month.Aas;as Bso;thatCthe same;as Dsuch;that答案A解析“as形容词as.”,意为“像一样”。句意为:你昨天买的那本书和你上个月丢了的那本书一样有趣。8When and visit our exhibition next month? When ,I will let you know.Awill he come;he will comeBwill he come;he comesCdoes he come;he will comeDdoes he come;he comes答案B解析第一句中的时间状语next month确定了这句用一般将来时;然而第二句是由when引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中只能用一般现在时表示一般将来时。9Some pre­school children go to a day care center, they learn simple games and songs.Athen Bthere Cwhich Dwhere答案D解析where引导非限制性定语从句,在句中作状语。故选D项。10Though they are brothers, they dont have in common.Abut;nothing B/;anythingC/;something Dbut;anything答案B解析本句用though引导让步状语从句,因此可排除A、D两项;否定句要用anything而不用something,故B项正确。.完形填空(一)Driving to a store after work,I saw a man standing near a hair salon,holding up a sign that said,“I will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I would go into the store and 1 him something to eat.As I turned into the car park,I saw in my car 2 a lady come out of the hair salon and approach the man.I thought she must be going to give him some 3 or something to eat to help him out.In the store I was 4 to get the things I needed and a hamburger and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside.I hurried out to my car and 5 that I was going to be able to help this man.When I drove out,I couldnt see the man.As I turned the corner,I saw the man sitting in a 6 area away from the salon and still 7 the sign.I immediately pulled over and gave the man the hamburger and soda and said,“ 8 this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said,“Thank you so much!”As I got back into my car,I looked in the mirror and saw the man 9 the dinner as if he hadnt eaten for days.I was so 10 that I was able to help him and at the same time I was so sad that the woman from the salon, 11 ,had asked the man to move from her salon.Its sad to say that because I live in a small city where homelessness is not as visible as in larger cities where people are uncomfortable with these people in need.All they need to do is lend a helping hand at times and it would make a huge 12 in their lives.1A.cook Bbuy Cpay Dsell答案B解析看到男子手中举的牌子之后,作者起了恻隐之心,决定到商店给他买(buy)些吃的。2A.mirror Blight Cwindow Ddoor答案A解析上半句的“As I turned into the car park.”表明作者是从车镜(mirror)中看到的。3A.comfort Bspace Cmoney Dchance答案C解析根据上文的“I will work for food”可推知,作者认为她会给这个男子一些钱(money)或一些吃的东西。4A.preparing BhurryingChesitating Dplanning答案B解析作者很想帮助那个男子,所以急匆匆地买东西。hurry赶紧、匆促进行,符合语境。下文的“I hurried out to my car.”是线索提示。5A.explained BwonderedCagreed Dfelt答案D解析通读上下文可知,作者认为(feel)自己能帮助这个男子。6A.famous BstrangeCdifferent Dcomfortable答案C解析上文的“.I couldnt see the man”表明这个男子不在原来待的地方了。different不同的,符合语境。7A.holding up Bputting downCgiving up Dlooking at答案A解析这个男子还在举着(holding up)牌子。第一段中的“a man.holding up a sign”是线索提示。8A.Naturally BFinallyCLuckily DHopefully答案D解析作者把食物给了这个男子,自然是希望这些东西能让他度过这一天。hopefully有望地,符合语境。9A.having BeatingCfinishing Dswallowing答案D解析根据后面的“.as if he hadnt eaten for days.”暗示男子在狼吞虎咽地吃东西。swallow吞下,咽下,符合语境。10A.popular BseriousCthankful Dpolite答案C解析作者因自己帮助了这个男子而感到欣慰。thankful感到高兴的,符合语境。11A.immediately BobviouslyCcarefully Dnervously答案B解析因为男子离开了发廊,又没有得到吃的,显然是那位女士让男子从发廊那儿走开。obviously明显地,显而易见地,符合语境。12A.difference BmistakeCdecision Dadvance答案A解析人们的举手之劳就可帮助他人,给他们的生活产生很大的影响。make a difference有影响,起作用,是固定用法。.完形填空(二)Recent research has discovered that the secret of sticking to an exercise programme is to select 1.one that reflects the sort of person you are.If you are outgoing and like being with people,the chances are you get bored quickly 2.when/while exercising alone.Try aerobics which is a very active type of physical exercise danced 3.to music,usually in a class.You need interaction,so working 4.out with others motivates you to keep going.If you are well­organized and appreciate time,you might prefer to control your 5.own exercise plan.Try jogging or working out at a gym.Set challenges that/which encourage you.If you push yourself to do well at work,youll probably like competing against 6.others.Try team sports.Matches will give you a goal to work toward.7.If things are getting on top of you,choose a regular exercise that releases tension in the body.Try 8.a yoga class which helps you control your mind and body in order to relax.And stretching your muscles is a great way to relieve stored­up physical and emotional tension.阅读简答Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didnt know how she was going to make it.She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time.It seemed just as one problem was solved,another one soon followed.Her father,a chef,took her to the kitchen.He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.Once the three pots began to boil,he placed potatoes in one pot,eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot.He then let them sit and boil,without saying a word to his daughter.After twenty minutes he turned off the burners.He took them out of the pots and placed them in each bowl.Turning to her,he asked.“Daughter,what do you see?” “Potatoes,eggs and coffee,” she hastily replied.“Look closer,” he said,“and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft.He then asked her to take an egg and break it.After pulling off the shell,she observed the hard­boiled egg.Finally,he asked her to sip the coffee.Its rich aroma(芳香) brought a smile to her face.“Father,what does this mean?” she asked.He then explained that the potatoes,the eggs and coffee beans had each


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