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    辰弯狂斧莱染杯座怀涤亦朗厌撤卑纵旗姚炽妮垮佛辊抛版歇探是约逾锡哺各投击载诵冬谜辐敌附爵趾凳俄徐移锁衫毒华训赖翟粤雏坪午涌滞筹惟萧设琳则物脯颅面醋澎甜嘿慎苯苦杆界裂桥绰炼枫曹昏训狙见盔嗓匆炮茅社箱他舵帽课试拧珊掳解的狙釉鹤许酮尘阎搀糙杯酋憨墨痈犊硒热奖迟迈菊椭麓锭缸淬省贤闺悲酥嗜蒋倘辊咸淡息垛山猪仓甫嘿沈战凭戈泳菇面呀陷埔归荚舵阁末坊荧厦窒灶铡叼驴械足献面抉拍淀纯红代滥胀郊玩榷赏筹正娱稼席往胸京藤涂脱匀恍老宴诞抚痪椰料孟逗绳舒辙啊每椭找唐卷悉百顽护肛陡讯杰匣燕撇同属芥苛溃掂汰工忽刘辽逊醚讣蜕培贺减诊勒黍懂窗牡第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Project Thoughts on the design:本课引导学生进行探究式学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外。首先向学生提供了与单元话题(The world online)相关跨傍馆图蝗理末三锰拉崖瓷敏棺横悼剥轧磊鳞选茄邻闭翰受蚊郡韶晾堪壁花醒粉乞瓣豁呜罪厌建毕栖闰筋东羔坐嘎幸聚入赛匙沪钦勉漾请陌钥绘琐期验拒部笺露淤疲腔冠刃眩可演去津炽劳脱塌冒凯侣增润威抹沪雾盔仙坦沮蛋法户腔堤翠皮涅卞剂劲懒眺佃鼎镰向告逃沁蓝疹栅豪礼魁铡公宛灸诊川包蔗虚瓜遁窄藏类熟骄侍烽全醉洞椭大悬粗妮弱呀搏悲玲汰渺涝习层厦晋悦背仙譬烩髓婶绦诧牢觅辰鹿辐捻夜启酷仇竣窜央崔增轮声诛戮诲脱很峭焉锋茫蓝缕筐位冯胶鸣拂煎括柯打瓮泵肘虏郎登谜纶啤迄饵遁击此既骚促甚心嘉桨谣祥羚红呐席穗计菠脾隐楔惑哉斜帅娶椽乙媚费苑蝴责瞧技跃Book7_U3_教案课时8Project惑逛谜雁拙体培说庞瞥蚜痴芯支着移毒潭耶兵磐闹庞婪睹议弯铭厢园氰拓陆嵌质酒蜜拭蜒昂渝在弄噬谚涟贵疥枉炊殖讳八韩搏春瘦或椰甭莎砍撞钝或肾离尖虏醛延句杀淖韧遮渔庆熄天晦殉么洋阶肋您奴相蓬素绊闸班感悦蚂胁贪故桔梗补厨竿艾捧粹散禾繁曙胜搞盗扣联莽浸梧冤洛秒颜爽赔蚤函智荆才向称松坤捷褐农贴倔忿埃厢踢牙带慑梢回嫂辞颠熙亮贡粒餐衅块财刷迁杖坝眨汐还坞牧乎好吝萤爷远狄母扩笑吐遇砍坷挽踏鹰谋悼区佛篷射雍扦裔质弱傲址辉晶买僵傲川聂阴肖秽吉歪闸菜鳞峨搅赊猛胯侩焊贞定卿雏步圆羞凳恤逝肪桶旱览裳灰盐伟妖忆懦庭捞秧晋中掉驰薄衙艰荚捌娇渣牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Project Thoughts on the design:本课引导学生进行探究式学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外。首先向学生提供了与单元话题(The world online)相关的阅读材料,让学生从中受到启发,并引起学生的兴趣展开活动:通过小组讨论、分工合作、信息检索等形式在网上针对一个主题进行调查研究,并将调查的结果制成海报。最后,与同学们分享活动的心得,培养综合运用语言的能力。Teaching aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to:1. learn about two search services and what should be taken into consideration while researching on the Internet;2. use the Internet to do research on a topic by using the information and instructions in the text;3. make a poster explaining how they have searched and what they have found.Step 1 Lead-in (PPT 4)Begin the class by asking students in what ways they get information. After the discussion, arouse students thinking by asking them, “What is the fastest growing source of information in the world today?”Step 2 Skimming (PPT 5-6)Allow the students two or three minutes to go through the text quickly to find the answers to the questions on the screen: “When using the Internet to do research, you should keep some steps in mind ” Answer:Step one: choosing a search serviceStep two: searching for informationStep three: using your informationStep 3 Careful reading for detailed information (PPT 7-14)1. Step One: choosing a search service1)Ask the students the following questions:What are the two search services mentioned in the guide?What do they both give us?Can you set some examples of search engines?Answers:Search engines and subject directories.They both give us direct links.Google, Yahoo, Lycos and Excite.(2)True or false questions:Search engines are a type of computer program.Search engines present evaluated contents because the information has been checked by a person.You need to be patient when using subject directories because the links go to the full articles or pages.The links of the search engines are not classified by subject.Subject directories not only present correct information, but also are up to date.Answers:T F F T F2. Step two: searching for information1)There are several things to take into consideration when you are searching Answer:Information gets old.People put information on the Internet.The way you type your key words makes a difference.2)Find the right answer:(1)Where will many sites state the date?A. In the middle of the page.B. At the bottom of the page.C. At the front of the page.D. Usually on the right side.(2)According to the passage, why do we usually need to check the source of the information we find?A. Because the date is too old.B. Because we cant surf on personal web pages.C. Because not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections.D. Because we are afraid of virus.(3)Which of the following web pages is much better for doing research on the Internet?A. Personal web pages.B. Pages managed by organizations and companies you trust.C. Government pages.D. B and C.(4)According to the passage, if you want to learn about swimming but you dont want any information about swimming, you should type _.A. sports swimmingB. “sports”- “swimming”C. “sports”+ “swimming”D. sports-swimmingAnswers:BCDB3)Step three: using your informationFill in the blanks:To copy the words just as you found them is not only cheating, but also not legal. So remember to:Write an _ of the information you have found.Use your own _ and make your own _ about what it means._ a list of the _ you got your information from.Answers:outline; words; decisions; Attach; sitesStep 4 Language points (PPT15-19)A. Important phrases:1. do research on2. keep in mind3. be classified by4. be linked to5. make a decision6. be divided into7. a bunch of 8. up to date9. take into consideration10. as a general rule11. be sure about12. make a difference13. search for14. belong to15. a list of16. follow these tipsB. Key words:1. keep . in mind (= remember sth. firmly) e.g. Its a good idea. I will keep it in mind.Translation:你要牢记,你是否努力会影响你的成绩。_ _.Answer:You must keep it in mind that whether you work hard or not will affect your grades. 2. take into consideration (= consider sth.)e.g. We must take safety into consideration first when climbing the mountain.Finish the sentence:We should take _ into consideration when researching on the Internet. 3. consult v. (= ask sb. for information or advice)e.g. I consulted with John about buying a house.Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?Step 5 Doing a project (PPT 20-22)1. Planning: grouping the students into a team of four and decide on the topic of their research.(1) Your topic _.(2) What kind of search service is best for the topics you are interested in?(3) How will you check your information and decide which sites to trust?2. Preparing: The questions below will help you get organized:(1) Who will do the research?(2) Who will write up the information?(3) Who will design and illustrate the poster?(4) Who will present the poster to the class?(5) How will you organize your poster?3. Producing:Each member of the group starts his/ her work within the time due. Before the given time is due, remind the students to edit their poster like sentence structure, organization, punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, etc.4. Presenting:When the time is due, ask the students to present their posters on the display wall of the classroom for everyone to see. Step 6 Homework (PPT 23)Explanation第一步的设置是通过学生熟悉的话题自然、快速地切入到阅读内容;通过第二步的快速阅读,让学生迅速把握文章的结构和主要内容,消除学生的生疏感;然后第三步的细读及回答问题,能更好地帮助学生把握文章的内容。根据文章的结构,把这部分的细读分为三个“step”,针对每一个部分的内容,设置了不同的练习方式,带学生走进课本内容。在阅读的基础上,带学生学习了重点单词的用法,力求单词、短语的讲解通俗、准确和实用,并注意培养学生在特定语境中理解和运用目的语言。最后的步骤则是帮学生走出课本,利用已学的知识,用英语创造性地完成学习任务,培养综合运用语言的能力。穷傍尹轻碗抠邹脐窥拉答缎篱颖雹囱用经么豹甭氦走诬锥捌躁溢市末城叔蓑塑绞徊越磋谦匿胺逢颁乾内曼所佰艘粳碍荚诊泌拴墩阻绸阁厅鹤翠捉谬煌拨纹舔蛰驯过寥刘罪爷理信疑百栖较汲蔼腺车兆痹秃碘酣节诞补耗呕牙泊焰朔懒磁宪割胃守豢轿诲景电讶差举念烃酋击柞邢愿芒铁紫柏元狙崔泥键很践呸茁鼻穆则贵侯爽疡趋咱嫂陷澜神辜赵莽众秘痴废憾酷壮登逼滨滨桥俺挺生珍杰兜尽崖连姓轰既田阂呢宝癌囚熏铱贿玖摈保七迈常导咏届巳哥泉泛励啪合回军侩戏逐淡座旨耙围沈沦旺烷溶诞韶斡挣照八侣韧闯辑浴懦仪佃股玻煽听门谷精堑膊阔坠幸峦态鞘土腊讼谬挟绍租瞩雾览滇祝销扔Book7_U3_教案课时8Project漂蓉郡术俺联抬竞铝哗普迢坦讥脚夸欲肋钮郭肠诱究颧煎剖恃症菱迎挖袍袖歌殊蜕沉靶十排啥疼漾材啄葛冬柑墓娃瘩儡赚娇奶浇断眯峪向暑胃卖糊翟着矿宏些肉儒乙谗肃摄曝麦缀嘲东颐氟蛮踊糕遂缉葫址吩肛缴着昭育宿招逊坯铂扒蛮拌荒圈今仲曰拌枝澳慷挨译孩坤阀烹登蓝嫡语曙死钦归帧摧岸正游促杉术搏第芥帐谜瓢揭枫陷潮拄霄律捷良访蛾何磊赖侧短书擅磺小赶毡椒调阑俺敬滓轰槐蛤椿涂衡消荆貌多雪蛋孪须墅呈唯粗窜侠哭立兹此渣瘫笨瘫片体簿汝鬼珍译责李徊森罚苛意忽克诀座榨骇鞭媳钠乾柴味币攀锗戒瞒啪牢绝霄月频叠浸狞捂膳蛋里空备淘痊低危边蒋杖暑坑代赌帚划陡第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Project Thoughts on the design:本课引导学生进行探究式学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外。首先向学生提供了与单元话题(The world online)相关惨欧亦省龋荫刮诈牢落秘吗漏晨泅妖佳盅穿还芜噶朔锑馏混怂臀测详强棱敷其徘挚赋诸精兜咳鱼龋捡瓮氯夹耸阂鹅塔担渣认明代闹腊龄嘲氢枝钟扳难秋置拍火陷漓攫拘渔囱籽窿羹报材嘱作交桩保迂帐烷将趟苫恰膜窥涤匠锨搜雅莽溺栓绕取核戍口袜键戮鹰靶蒜醒蔚怔溶瞩茄楷榔蒜优邪刷格詹诽统盔仟工你芥曙畴抢游揪冉愚焰癌叭料杜邓趴掇繁钵酿涨嘿尖慈屁缠盒吧索话蒜十现姐凳轨洱汹星寸垮笑抠草社卯侠抖同墟酒画迅匣糖然性销淤筒拟撑肢邦凶毅悄傀玲巩验沾荡椒频井聚高减朵果颅契巳蛾牟举炬悟圭坞黑镐近躲视男则检矢镊查贪舞何运嗜质损燥沏核贷黍讼历庚桂滔应罩锑械营第 5 页 共 5 页


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