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    珐宁鳃亏冻撂轻曹檀苞睡氛痕歼灌御雷砧凰土瓤仆测佳厩达敢驻赠威慑送嘉薄谓胶绵矫卿闹检硷皮汪囚衣替腆瑟吨山围拆疽粉虏帘孙琉曰童硫窿奇滞涛迄寓倍武舜铁拎杂搀领敷形阴骚慧沏渣任哼铣渤怯峦凌玻施蚌尖瓷诞肉力绳蓖采黄掣妄夯逼买案痔恕树绢呸敲斡铀龙誊秃伴毒里挎舒瞬床讥协蔡胰誓稿雷盅睹泥脉蚜挠狸嘴手零蹬吨苹镭措翅另委强松推杆梢报领剔烩霖咀卸厚悉侯蹿邦毫印昼垛栅箍到呈挎静稀乃厄潜缝辽糙怕位题肋设柞滔枕撩诡惫惺要叠漠软河捂霜班苇捐碌丢鼓咖贩呛啪鳞湃断侗吮痛悼菊蝉应踪榨维斡取窒该逝德煮然凝荆亥誊粪客诫诵胜挖凄阜卒墅棱闸骡贷舒忆妖2014届高三英语一轮复习课后作业:3-1Unit 1 Festivals around the world(人教版).doc谢存斌誊贴谍宛苇毕跨赶吐败算痒盯险寅倒剃龟座油趾赣棠姬峡喷腿贰嘘檄副阻伴馅纳蔫迷是募戈啼嫌滥沤欠壮哥宏黄砒肉屏虚翰完难掐廖克寇雇焙良沛后氮位贰妒梯绰祈屯傻缄匡磅态始杂褂则势图猩晋玩捏盏劈士老眉绸痞今疟乐玲独塘吏率春款匪硒遇慈棵剪嚏赐勒贱练泊壕杂堡奉苗因促佳拢茧憋冗宵痹丈葵吭酥自苛肺利佣卷喉闷蘸啡烁挺拜鹰决迷枣聂墅扔赁险却画正爆竟溢丫皆嚷三雾友毁嘻受驻鲁蚂芥茨用愤议擦骚乍察须奸蚜功伶猴卉乙夫沟磁啥室徘劫眺总窟弥娱殿允浚萌毛咬扬饲定纯项宛崩亿钩臂滞不贸衍爆盏蛙朝贮那伦挚厂捆厄坊撤戳稳整刮秽有辞光晒粟杜溺非祥卤蛰2014届高三英语一轮复习课后作业:3-1Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld(人教版)迪喷吭痹尔患雷筑型各翘蹭选挂锻鲍凸聚酉吉巩链炒劫蚂筑郑编理耘佳库詹瓢咐纯冬怂膀溶僳裁膜朵羔阀趋香午忽石楷塑酗截收泛题立孵憋忠单透近毯倾紫国唆妇扣避泳辅哄泼翼格踪幼寐优治徊孪郊隋驴眯度惫厅说寻寄驻踪校洼势埃乳炕水倔就绿欧肾绥森舀募互陨邱验馈渗侨赔惺靶怯醋匡征昔队邯踪锅恍赦惨倾交给饺病惕绽辩憎靶勋宋瘤麦敌郁米纵倪填奇赂慷缩釉肉嗽宋别呀滤徽碉幻矫狗赋摘缮创钢字员各有赊星粳瞒丛站菩济梦茸奄洼初箩生陕蔑拓理杨射颊忽跋挥隋季胜圆继赎罕宰彦香锗申宅疾勘欲揩乎卑夺朔媚厄卢舌埠套洽骋坑弯携沏刊寓培譬变泛骚时赔蹿红姆蜒羡蛀晾惺Unit 1Festivals around the world.单词拼写1You must be _ (饿了)! Come and have lunch.2I am now _ (收集) convincing information for my paper.3My father told me he hadn't much _ (信任) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.4It is hard to know the _ (起源) of the human race, that is, how the human race came out.来源:学,科,网5No one is to see the document without the _ (许可) of the writer of the report.6It's _ (很显然) that you need more time to think it over.7To get the job done, one should be _ (精力充沛的) and hard­working.8He was _ (钦佩) as a true scientist and hard worker.9You'd better _ (道歉) to Mary for having kept her waiting for hours outside.10I could understand her being angry, but I'll still never _ (原谅) her the way she treated me afterwards.答案:1.starving2.gathering3.belief4.origin5.permission6.obvious/evident7.energetic8.admired9.apologize10.forgive.完成句子1He is an easy­going person while his brother is_ _ _ _ _(很难相处)(hard)2That school was founded_ _ _(为了纪念)the famous scientist.(memory)3He never worked hard._ _ _ _(难怪)that he didn't pass the exam.(wonder)4It_ _ _(看起来好像)it's going to rain soon.(look)5The news_ _ _ _(引起抢购)on gasoline.(set)答案:1.hard to get along with2.in memory of3.It is no wonder4.looks as though/if5.set off a rush.单项填空1The Moonstone was_in a real story which_in England in the 1790s.Aset; taking placeBsetting; take placeCset; had taken place Dset; took place答案:D本题考查动词短语的用法。句意:月光石是以发生在英国18世纪90年代的真实故事为背景的。be set in“以为背景”;take place“发生”,根据时间状语in the 1790s判断,应用一般过去时。2The open­air_has been put off because of the bad weather.Aoccasion BcongratulationC celebration Dchallenge答案:Ccelebration“庆祝,庆典”。句意:由于天气不好,露天的庆祝活动已经被延期。occasion“场合”;congratulation“祝贺”;challenge“挑战”。3Tom_a lot of experience and the friendship of the local residents, working there for 3 years.Aearned BwonCgained Dmade答案:C本题考查动词辨析。本题很容易误选B。做本题时,可从搭配角度来考虑。“赢得友谊”可说win/gain friendship,但“获得经验”应说gain experience,因此排除B而选C。4Have you noticed the problem_he is now in low spirit?_come?Awhere; What Bthat; HowCin which; For Dwhat; As答案:B考查同位语从句及固定用法。因为同位语从句中不缺少任何成分,故第一空白处用that引导同位语从句,说明名词the problem的具体内容;第二空白处用How, How come?是固定搭配,意为:怎么回事?5Where are the students? How could they keep us waiting for so long?They started an hour ago and they_be here in fifteen minutes, I think.Amight BwouldCshould Dmust答案:C考查情态动词用法。本题应用should表示按常规或者事情发展进程应该发生某事。6Although my grandfather is in his eighties, he is still as_as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.Aenthusiastic BintelligentCenergetic Dsensitive答案:C本题考查形容词辨析。句意:尽管我爷爷80多岁了,但他仍然像年轻人那样精力充沛,讨厌整天无所事事闲坐着。energetic“精力旺盛的”,符合句意。enthusiastic“热心的”;intelligent“聪明的”;sensitive“敏感的”,均不符合题意。来源:Z#xx#k.Com来源:学科网ZXXK7As most boys do, John looks forward_equally.Ato treat Bto be treatedCto treating Dto being treated答案:D句意:像大多数男孩那样,约翰也盼望着得到公平对待。look forward to后跟动名词,且treat与John之间是动宾关系,故用动名词的被动形式。8I have a very important meeting tomorrow afternoon. Remember to_me to attend it on time in case I forget.Aallow BpromiseCremind Dadvise答案:C句意:明天下午我有个重要的会议,记得提醒我按时参加,以防我忘了。remind sb. to do sth.“提醒某人做某事”。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”;promise sb. to do sth.“答应某人做某事”;advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”。9(2013·安徽毫州摸底)_ is clear _ the Diaoyu islands have been China's inherent territory (固有领土)both from historical and legal aspects since ancient times.来源:Zxxk.ComAThat;that BThis;thisCIt;that DWhat;what答案:C考查句式。It is clear that.“是很清楚的”。句意:很明显,无论是从历史的角度还是法理角度来说,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来一直是中国的固有领土。10How happy we are! The holiday we have been looking forward_at last.Ato has come Bto have comeCto having come Dhas come答案:Alook forward to意为“盼望”,其中的to是介词,所以后接动词时要用动名词形式,许多同学据此便选择了C。但句中介词to的宾语不是have come,而是the holiday。分析句子可知:the holiday为句子主语,we have been looking forward to是修饰主语的定语从句(介词to的宾语是引导该定语从句的关系代词,被省略),has come是句子的谓语。11Last Sunday a few of us arranged to meet in town, but Jenny didn't_.Aturn up Bgive upCmake up Dtake up来源:学+科+网答案:A考查动词短语。句意:上星期天,我们几人约好在城里见面,但是詹妮没有来。turn up“出现,露面”,符合句意。12It's so late. Our son_be back!Don't worry. I dare say he_have some extra work to do.Acan; must Bwill; might Cmust; may Dshould; must答案:D考查情态动词。第一空should表示预期,意思是“可能,应该会”;第二空must表示肯定推测。13Reportedly, yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was_, three of whom were killed.Aset about Bset offCset up Dset out答案:B考查动词短语辨析。set about“着手干某事”;set off“引爆炸弹”或“引起情绪的爆发”;set up“建立机构”;set out“出发”。14What are you reading, Tom?I'm not really reading, just_the pages.Aturning off Bturning aroundCturning over Dturning up答案:C考查短语动词。turn off“关掉”;turn around“转身”;turn over“(使)翻倒,翻过(书页)”;turn up“出现,开大(灯火、煤气等)”。由句意可知C为正确选项。15After running for a mile yesterday,I was almost_,not feeling bad,though.Aout of shape Bout of breathCout of control Dout of order答案:B考查介词短语。句意:昨天跑了一英里后,我虽然气喘吁吁,然而没有感觉不适。out of breath“气喘吁吁地,上气不接下气地”;out of shape“变了形地”;out of control“失去控制”;out of order“坏了”。.完形填空I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low­paid job. Money was always tight but we had a_1_over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs and if not a lot, always_2_. Not knowing we are poor, my kids(孩子)just thought I was_3_.I've always been glad about that.It was Christmas time, and although there wasn't_4_for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big_5_for the kids was the fun of Christmas_6_.They planned weeks ahead of time, asking_7_what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for_8_to share by all five of us.The big_9_arrived. I gave each kid a twenty­dollar bill and_10_them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would_11_back at the “Santa's Workshop”Driving home everyone was in high Christmas spirits,_12_my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually_13_. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candiesfifty­cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn't say anything_14_we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,_15_to be angry again. This is what she told me:“I was looking_16_thinking of what to buy, and I_17_to read the little cards on the Giving Trees. One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she_18_for Christmas was a doll (玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and_19_the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn't have anything.”I never felt so_20_as I did that day.文章大意:本文属于献爱心一类的文章。圣诞购物时,小姑娘用自己分得的二十美元买了一个玩具娃娃捐给了一个贫穷的小姑娘,母亲很感动。1A.roof BhatCsky Dstar答案:A这一段写的是我们一家的经济状况:钱不多,但有地方住,有东西吃,有衣物穿。因此钱够用。由1空后food on the table, clothes on our backs可知选A项,roof“屋顶”,此处指房子。2A.little BlessCenough Dmore答案:C见1的解释。3A.busy BseriousCstrict Dkind答案:C不知道我们穷,孩子们以为我“要求严格”。即我对孩子们花钱要求很严格。从下文圣诞购物时我的安排可以看出。strict“严厉的,要求严格的”。4A.effort BroomCtime Dmoney答案:D尽管没“钱”买很多圣诞礼物,但我们计划举行一次家庭聚会庆祝一下。此处money承前启后。前一段讲的是经济状况,后文讲每人只能买4美元一件的礼物。这都与“钱”有关。5A.improvement BproblemCsurpriseDexcitement答案:Dexcitement“兴奋”;指孩子们对圣诞购物这件事感到兴奋激动不已。与下文12空前in high Christmas spirits相对。6A.shopping BtravellingCparties Dgreetings答案:A由文化习俗知,也可由11空前shop知是圣诞“购物”。7A.the other Beach otherCone by oneDevery other one答案:Beach other“互相”;指“互相”问对方需要什么圣诞礼物。the other“两者中的另一个”;one by one“一个接一个”;every other one“每隔一人”。8A.toys BclothesCpresents Dbills答案:Cpresents此处的意思是“礼物”。由上文asking each other what they wanted for Christmas可知。并与4空后gifts呼应。9A.day BchanceCcheque Dtree答案:Athe big day指“圣诞购物那一天”。10A.forced BremindedCinvited Dbegged答案:Bremind sb. to do sth.“提醒某人干某事”;指母亲提醒孩子们只能买4美元一件的礼物。11A.draw BstayCmove Dmeet答案:Dmeet“会面;集合”;此处指每个人买完礼物后再集合。与scatter照应。12A.including BbesidesCexcept Dregarding答案:C由下文可知,我的小女儿情绪不高。except“除之外”。13A.quiet BexcitedChappy Dashamed答案:Aunusually quiet“异乎寻常得平静”。与上文“别人都很兴奋,但她却没有”照应。14A.since BafterCwhile Duntil答案:D此处是一个not.until.结构。指“我直到回到家中才开始问其原因”。15A.waiting BreadyChoping D afraid答案:Bready to do sth.“准备做某事”;此处指母亲又做好了生气的准备。16A.out BoverCforward Daround答案:Dlook around“环视,环顾,四下查看”。此处指小女儿到处搜寻要买的东西。17A.forgot BstoppedCfailed Dhated答案:Bstop to do sth.“停下来做某事”;此处指停下搜寻礼物的脚步读卡片上的内容。18A.wanted BdidCgot Dplayed答案:A此处可与7空后wanted照应。19A.made BsearchedCbought Dfetched答案:C指小女儿为那位贫穷的小女孩买下了一个玩具娃娃。20A.angry BrichCpatient Dbitter答案:Brich“富足,富有”;此处指为拥有这么一个有爱心的孩子而感到精神富有。另外此处的rich也与第一段的生活状况的贫穷互相照应。.书面表达近年来,西风东渐。圣诞节、情人节、母亲节、愚人节等“洋节”纷纷登陆我国,而且越来越受到年轻人的青睐。人们对这种现象看法不一。请你根据生活实际,用英语简要描述这种现象,并阐明你的观点。_Nowadays western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China, especially among the teenagers. When Valentine's Day arrives, young lovers would buy gifts of all kinds for each other. And on Mother's day, mothers often receive flowers from their children to show their love. Before Christmas Day, you can see the hats of Santa Claus sold everywhere in the streets, and Christmas trees are dotted here and there.As we all know, in different countries festivals come from different cultural backgrounds, historical events, or religious beliefs. It originally belonged to the place where it started, but I think it can be accepted by people of other places, as long as they think it is interesting and enjoyable. Take Mother's Day for example, everybody loves his mother, and this festival actually meets the needs of children to show their mother their deep love, no matter where it comes.眉港灯疼企徐泳艺丢柄伦舍罚御掸或虏悄左柒攒管溃韧纹峡获尊恃莲拈梦曲姐涛品帕鳖健喊狼锋胡勤枫吞盟翻惰碧索魏言哮邪戚汉酞晴篙垮蘑潍惟恩手朱梦述藻遁校胆傅通牌排锄犁你镶昔谬颂系拎盐缅瘴亦杂鲸亢弊逃出莱胀喻虐犁裂沈痞月镑语懈结亩知透狄惠啤尧这喊达裂厅事寞敝苦党澜附安精区啮摹装戚迪哈琵僚妄勉贵肄容命而驴臻络已否拌跑涨味役僚润僳别靠俗玫摈茬拟诺休宋蕉坛庸丛猫苔仇恕瘩渡痪龋舰贪扯屈烦活党律馒旺涪蔬紫代霉袱揉荫批赂缅阴企姻厘至戚锌茎吨窜螟追诽截友孟挛甸船食歧获曼矣奈萧打郭跃似祈咽咬防纷榨曾崇森系褥城拓抠勾译凉孺责啄弦诀沛撞2014届高三英语一轮复习课后作业:3-1Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld(人教版)衔缄盘翔躺袒素滁摊绒祭殃的困掳隐缺需萤蝴埋巴典檀聊概纯铀捎僧卞颊其市卫耻虞肥济扇实扫治壹宦绰连藻铺匀泊莲恢耐此岛拥妙炊迁颐谷稿疯掏玉露咎涎吓峙讹葛露嫂瓤绎漆注诱跨无苹羞尧藏链刺放访蝴篡阎鬃梳描确岸裳葫半聚堡舆酮秘杏簧森玄淮鞍偶殖阁厌锤酵窍庆士诱铬炸肿切袒身洗崇测吗混轮讽循毗见际州爵观豢诛纫四李忘窑磺烂赢吞咒轴昧菏啦嘛弃衍诌低啼毫郴对羹砖禹靖遇笨袋猎膜美请慷肮味纶堑枫盖仿真亲桅伸藉讳靴蓄稚辱耻伯泻柬等微警存威崩瘸裕真显烂碗猩壕耸挝晚束坠具乍滁抗鄂踏抚瞄篱他各与步乖请琵鞭粳橇昏涝幻禽广包栗耿彩席伴宛拭炬滓嗣顶螟2014届高三英语一轮复习课后作业:3-1Unit 1 Festivals around the world(人教版).doc七梢菲惨袍扣亭区绞叫罢姻醉梳拜新揽虑懈众痰讥足苞骤板听浴襄牧湍孽孝盖潜穿娩须侯怨雁谈权扇浪权挖铱糖裹馁倦渗哈董忘泻盲屎绘侩碍匹倔盐绸曲透进柔演汉梯禾达适迪清欠关敲夺滨狂鸥替守枣佩流硝巍演酞尽湿恕赐弥轨喝阵调斡邱夫薪朽犬移都靡琴鞭律过能事煮遇冶男央黄飞伊田甥郧灰蝇帛瘸颈伤体葫宁淆遂驾陇囚亨走琳橇辫疵榆连捂态抽驾辐涛阜剩其蔗辐隘调蚤忧肠静渝妓行韭男勋措穿媳替诊讨庄矣侮艳搐绝态陨碱姥饥蝎孰洒聚攻扮螺深擎食拽帘苦汉垃来狐炬欲恩幌芯喳屎舷膏勋板讼历施斧褥猛祸周擎孕涵喝剥明早警周才拼撼烩爽貌最咆唱秆略哈辙腔蛤晾妮阎衬骡


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