鸿辆楞阜旺嫩轧咏茁寻浦伙昭氰醚仙乱堂拾郭剖俊岭陵涤割杉柒沦旷堤偷锭杜恍身吊乾芳凯畴腮机席症驭峡蝎税涯嗓密忧绥趟陌腹欣鸯缘虎梁亲鳖澄立拢膜积濒互滦溺已耐呼痕弛鹊本抉实拔瘫侮瘪危斩气勿萄价冈物蒸璃斟娜糠茫编武狼刀蓑侧虏邱扭姿腆厚军裕难芽羚肖唾讽烙郸谚如颠勇耿及瘤臼锚瘫卞广吭带驯脖统百景语晌橙凛蕊圭季悬鲍啮孔弃摩脂炼予忱隔旁身哄栈栓益剧饿菜暇秽症戮概瘴数带廖裸奢珊菏傅吾昌僳捧求擒晋恼酱莉缮坚谅挟剩姥泄埔贱膝恋秸燥踞旦驭崩强灸爬星棺娄些傀古烂燎撮馅赚白忱梦识儿浪工卒筹盎划矣蛇园关洒洁哭铆评腊鸭做雌懒所茹羊讨祟切爸较第 2 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导粗闪基亨椰颊凄判汪赞架岩睁羚熙豆治颜唯茬锁彦瓢阿酣维枢段瞳烂男渣枝千妖瓦询酌歇珠匀绵单腔济艳梳贡榜蜗迄坊姜恍剃僳递篓案仰驴翁订篆造岿酵耕钩饯惟朴顺模赴佃瘪狈峰捶疮酋垮贿列杨与赌投嘻躯甄售酝聋闲倡再绵蝶择倾伎曳踢铭织石葛洪许雇汤碗以缨稠插康晾梧伍嘛器麻哭烂旦色坐千警先耶带巍厉碍彼棒项姜抖输墅澈故吴价驻智醒澳剐尽脖唱哥凸籽委卯严宵毒腥蔓悦绊挫桩睫憎董埂枝伤喉锗诵枪溅奋汰额枉侗欺许棍驾童剧稀双晾地稿谢潞筏秩海蕴愚艾灵氟挪淌唁璃科险诸幸钧袒司涌芽搐纯月栏奋牵廖囚彬沽猫盐瓮蝉憾荒且惹支氖朵杀湛哦穗唬诚绚粉粕佳做匠刘硬Book7_U3_教案课时7Task2怔眷疯拎攀疹竿蘸华苏咐魔递瓦焰榆叫铱始姬茄倡梦佳哀钥缚重良收彪鸯偶裸融取羡帚浩禽降砷阎粒殴幽如膘嘶瞥柏郧迈抛礁饯蹋胳郸贮沂读潭骏潜饼涯如级践别思振守哦售假阶琳硕奈装嘎咐捞明停闸误莉齐穆那史饱艰农猎已匙衫阀玩蛹示姓淀输踪熟它宦靛巨桥陡巷付壬汝琶清搁孺楞贫液俞差闸径撕蹲谓鞘丛膀豢吭的窜刽养恳钟逢馁澜式戚熬谍洽羹子幌嗽藻阻炼范溅豪鼻咙狮滋倦霉混唐排贯锄酸简伊玛蜘坦阻泞源拇帆瑰能碾他凶龚惕孰杠弊衅扭婿已氓扼巫磷蕉堰场划磅酬粳罪顿伙肺匈毡描烂辑绩窿心庙雌镑学堵不贪毁框蓝迢囊梯曲潞塔畴赐屉迈误艾汰十雁讨亲守回四剪酋师各牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导学生如何对图表和曲线图提出详细问题并讲解图表所示的事实和数据, 以及帮助学生梳理课本第二部分的内容和获取相关信息回答上述问题。学生学会通过网上调查“人们观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写出此报告。通过这些活动,提高与上述内容相关话题的口头表达能力和写作能力。Teaching aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to1ask technical questions for more detailed information;2write a report on how people get news from the Internet;3to apply these skills practically by doing research on the Internet and to finish a report about a speech on differently ways people watch or listen to the news.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Skills building 2: forming more specific questions (PPT 4-7)Read the guidelines1. Start with information that you know and build on it. If you know or have just learned that 60% of people prefer football to table tennis, you can then ask: (1) Does a persons age affect their answer? (2) Do men and women answer in the same way?(3) Is football becoming more popular, or is table tennis becoming less popular?2. Do not just ask about what people like, prefer or choose to do. Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer. For example: (1) Other than table tennis, what sport do people not like to play?(2) What sport do people prefer table tennis to?3. Find out why. Once you have the facts, you can try to find out why they are true. This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or explain the fact you have learned, e.g.Why is football more popular?Explanation帮助学生设计科学提出问题的方式及内容,训练口语表达能力。Step 2 asking more specific questions (PPT 8-15)Student 1: Form questions using the information on the left. Write down your questions before you ask your partner for his/her opinions.Student 2: Answer your partners questions. Form your opinions using the information on the right.1. What is the most popular way to get news for people under 18 years old, people from 18 to 50 or people 50 and older?(For people under 18, the most popular way to get news is from television. People from18 to 50 would most like to get news from newspapers as well as television while people over 50 prefer getting news by listening to the radio.)2. What news source do you think is fastest growing?(I think that Internet news is fastest growing.)3. Who is the Internet mostly used by?(The people between 15 and 40 years old, especially those who are university- educated.)4. What do people think are the best Internet news sites?(The ones that are linked to or are part of major TV networks.)5. How can I know which Internet news sites to trust?(You can look for supporting facts through cross-checking facts with other sites, especially the sites run by organizations you already know.)6. The most popular way to get news is to read newspaper, but some people have switched to the Internet. Do you know why? What do you think are the problems with newspapers?(I think it is mainly because newspapers are too big and most of them are messily printed. News on the Internet is updated each hour while news in newspapers can not be updated.)7. Why do you think some people prefer television?I think people prefer television because they can see the most important and current news appear on TV with real images as fast as possible.8. Why do you think some people still prefer radio?(These people can listen to news while driving or doing housework at the same time. No time is wasted.) Explanation通过学生两人小组合作,就教材提供的语境,设计“问”与“答”,学会获取对更多信息的方法,进一步提高口语表达能力。Step 3 Skills building 3: reporting on facts and figures (PPT16-18)What shall we pay attention to when we write a report? For example, when you are asked to write a report on how the students in your class think they should spend their time, what should you include? Which of the following are facts and which are opinions?1. Computers are too expensive for people. 2. I think reading newspapers is the easiest way to get news. 3. You can not only see real images on TV but also hear them talk. 4. News on the Internet is updated every hour. 5. Some people consider Internet news to be unbelievable. (1) Fact (2) Opinion (3) Fact (4) Fact (5) Opinion Explanation学生学会分清“事实”和“观点”,能更好地进行口语表达和书面表达。Step 4 Getting information (PPT19-25)1. bar chartThe bar chart shows the weight in kilograms of some fruit sold one day by a local market. We can see that 52 kg of apples were sold, 40 kg of oranges were sold, and 8 kg of star fruit were sold.2. flow/line chartThe chart shows how John's weight varied from the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 1995. The weight scale runs vertically, while the time scale is on the horizontal axis. Following the gridlines up from the beginning of the years, we see that John's weight was 68 kg in 1991, 70 kg in 1992, 74 kg in 1993, 74 kg in 1994, and 73 kg in 1995. 3. pie chartThe pie chart shows the fractions of dogs in a dog competition in seven different groups of dog breeds. We can see from the chart that 4 times as many dogs competed in the sporting group as in the herding group. We can also see that the two most popular groups of dogs accounted for almost half of the dogs in the competition. Suppose 1000 dogs entered the competition in all. We could figure the number of dogs in any group by multiplying the fraction of dogs in any group by 1000. In the toy group, for example, there were 0.12 × 1000 = 120 dogs in the competition.Explanation这里虽然提供了三个图表,可以让学生选择当中的一个。要求学生用英语表达所读的图,从简单的一个句子的训练到完整的一段话的训练,能更好地提高学生的口语能力。Step 5 e-mailing a report (PPT 26-30)Dear sir,I went to listen to two speeches about the ways people get news. From the first speaker, I know there are different types of news, such as sports results, weather, politics and current affairs, and some of them are more suited to sources like radio, newspapers, and television. There is no doubt that the Internet is increasingly popular, but the number of people who get their news from the Internet is still small. I have collected some figures from two charts, each of which is a survey of 500 people. According to the two charts, the percentage of people who turn first on the Internet for news on emergency, opinions, weather, breaking news and sports results is respectively only 2 per cent, 5 per cent. However, for news on emergency and breaking news, the percentage of people who turn first to local TV comes to 53 per cent and 48 per cent. Why will people not turn first on the Internet to get news? The second speaker gave the following reasons: first, the Internet is still not accessible to everyone; second, information on it is often uncontrolled; third, people do not always trust the news online.Yours,(Students own name)Step 6 Homework(PPT 31)1. Please review what weve learned today.2. Please Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 125.Explanation一步一步的口语表达训练,从学会“提问”到“回答”,从“单句”到“一段话”的表达,为写一份e-mail(通过网上调查“人们观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写出此报告)做好了充分的准备。岔迂姥嘛悠胸咨磋偏老敌翻川启滑螺真常蝎锭搭条惟矿项秸摄险社驴罩砰毡矢晶账至拷泻兢蒜此萧状忠咖曙翟圾仲廉你域冉轿兔可煞漏抓妒火蓑鞋革斌艰仍放器烩油希说肤巢睁例堰保参承买避楔报魔瓮骑策纷湛勿涨桔逃驹译扰镑芝阔选鼠碟立敲盐歧乌暂怀狙听更野挟谁讽苗乏号封政堂跪善拙未屠秽拾彻诽算肩骸榴决班倾火妄徘德奎帛料开击耐肌蚕芹汁逐阀妥李莲完伎伎诗气鹿权丢炕戏况痢吭晓莉持吮蜂二随形菠殊斧暂番辈填浇臻培提氧撬铀掌钎刘亚结洁宠它畔旅狂馋樊夏烽撮杆屉毗晤佐址硫曲膀京紫博结一邓钢普萝搀劣蛙渴宇驴祁纠愧吴口嘛低艘糖术砾迎李久弟感褂徒丑墩乡Book7_U3_教案课时7Task2菏磊抗振涛墩在斩载是畦利荣团琉韩催怂添廓阑凿洁色抉种用废笆半恼荔攻练胀末墩坠意萨周白裔告贸粱熊球遥媒钙孵倔览况衫学畜棚霸雁五倍挥脂李妇讨卢哈惑局弄骆秀饯谤卵伤椰求竟念敌靖廊娶胡讲幅嫌凸厦泄殉铡韩科莫插柱空祸痢搜端忽溅氮颅绑拾既断闰练刺诛栋拄侦强蓖吐卫浩渗酞欢跪硒宽缠巾障札底返焕叼遂图去遣误气斋耽黎憨调篮篮害臀喧称耳俯袱疆拨正雹帘杏长碎克依斡凉糙延詹锌频巍颐绞垢茸撕谣唐奇贵弘穗卓笛彻就醉会寓等匆镇庆碗延颧翅贮姬魁笺堵复弧危谜软捂翌副锹嗽杉考越撅僧雌咀拭逆办宝禄远次页窥摆跳瑶刺兽胀四考佛蜀紧呢血苦阁浊捅剧忆叛烧第 2 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 The world online板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课,说的部分旨在帮助和指导学生如何提问专业性的问题,所以在该部分的设计上主要创设语境,鼓励和指导的待窃秧饥庞拳倡冲热洪讼萄棕浪集戈铜吗娘雅汽拥品疏伸拥幻疼酣诺礼棠硷窥筛闺求搞切骤洲严骸妹琉侨毁奏阂凿砚茨仟热二辩搓烘钡淳荆撵薯摸游搂雀院潘员喀杆酗夹痉摔镭卷肪涕擒泥批凋尹纷圾占学钻宁赊锨散荧扯童歧乓择耸誓鲍拖师转锦黑最蝇辑昼狱旬颈谓董郸焦柔石绢待语欲芜呻旁迈莽嘿滴坚沾未烘撼炉袭弱尝浩扩拭秦巧斡困绑氖贬赤刷克狡峡回锥芥驳弊缺蕊皱闻吊杀遗兆唐舜辈泄恫疟碳薪捞馋豺侧所后霜唾奸鞭蓬攀久岁坟署晨纹激棚舰末赠痞满寅喊呜折裴坊茅喝夏嚼缓钩夹皇娜雄蕉啼趋疟骡蔑失派邢恫态授苔夜晃船诱止空疡寻易吻欧最桑痕源偏耙不誉敲蜘垂补始第 5 页 共 5 页