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    2015新题型套餐练65 第I部分 7 选5专练65 【2016吉林实验中学高三第3次模拟题】Pearls of wisdom in ProverbsOut of sight, out of mind. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont put all your eggs in one basket. 36 . Each of the phrases mentioned above teaches a common truth. But what exactly is a proverb? Its a short statement that contains a general truth. It is popularly known and often repeated. Every culture has proverbs. 37 .For example, many cultures value old people for their wisdom and experience. This idea can be found in proverbs. A Chinese proverb says, “An old horse will never get lost.” And a Portuguese proverb states, “An old pan is the one that makes good food.” 38 . The English say, “Good and quickly seldom meet.” The Chinese say, “Think three times before you act.” A Russian proverb exclaims, “Take your thoughts to bed with you, for the morning is wiser.” There is a saying: To truly know a people, learn their proverbs. Proverbs contain a cultures values and morals. 39 . People in Saudi Arabia value books and learning. One of their proverbs says, “A book is a garden carried in the pocket.” The French say, “There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.” So that culture thinks that being honest is important. Egyptians know the value of friendship. One of their proverbs say, “Friendship doubles joy and halves grief.”In Africa, many proverbs also use images familiar to Africans. For example, “The best way to eat an elephant in your path is cut him up into little pieces.” 40 . Or “A roaring lion kills no game.” This means that one cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it. One must get out and strive for it.Learning proverbs in another language is fun. You can make a good impression with your language ability. But remember, proverbs are usually used in spoken language. They are rarely used in writing. If you use a lot of proverbs when you write, people will think you dont have original thoughts.A. What is your favorite proverb?B. Have your heard any of these proverbs before?C. Many cultures also agree that acting in a hurry is not a good idea. D. And while some are special for one culture, there are common themes.E. In other words, the best way to solve a problem is to work on it bit by bit.1DIC时血液凝固功能异常表现为F. There are also proverbs such as “get your ducks in a row.”G. So you can learn what is valued in different cultures through their proverbs.第II部分 语法填空专练65 【2016九江市高三第一次联考试题】【论坛从新做人版主回复】:关于这题,看到论坛众说纷纭,详情请点击查看大家的讨论 2011年注会会计多选题第2小题讨论Year and month are natural 61._ (phenomenon)while week is 62._(complete) man-made. The seven-day week 63. _(spread) to other parts of the world since it was invented by Babylons 4000 years ago . 答题要点 许多病原微生物如细菌、病毒、真菌、螺旋体、立克次体以及内毒素等,在一定的条件下,均可损伤血管内皮细胞。内皮细胞损伤,一方面,使带负电荷的胶原暴露,与血液中因子接触,激活因子,启动内源性凝血系统,还同时或相继激活纤溶、激肽和补体系统,进一步促进DIC发展。另一方面,内皮细胞损伤,暴露组织因子或表达组织因子,也同时启动外源性凝血系统,导致DIC。 In 19th century, English factory owners gave the workers a half-day rest on Saturday in order 64._ the attendance on Monday could 65._(guarantee). It has been decades 66._ Saturday changed from a half-day to a full day rest. In 1908, a New England factory became the first 67._ (practice) the five-day week. It did so because Jewish workers dont work on Saturday 68._ account of religious reasons. Later the Great Depression, 69._ lasted from 1929 to 1939 also contributed to 70._(strength) the two-day weekend. Finally the five-day workweek has become a fundamental concept in workers mind.答案 B第III部分 短文改错专练65 【2016山西太原外国语学校高三9月题】C经营活动现金流入320万元I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the early twenties, and with interests similarly to mine. In my mind, she is someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside, it will be good for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time. With such pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in common. I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.D190万元2015新题型套餐练65讨论题:第I部分 7 选5专练65 【2016吉林实验中学高三第3次模拟题】 36 .B; 37.D; 38.C; 39.G; 40.E;【答案】:B第II部分 语法填空专练65 【2016九江市高三第一次联考试题】以前年度损益调整营业外支出 30061.Phenomena 62. completely 63. has spread 64. that 65. be guaranteed 66. before 67. to practice 68. on 69. which 70. strengthening 【解析】:第III部分 短文改错专练65 【2016山西太原外国语学校高三9月题】I am writing to ask for (去掉for) whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the (her) early twenties, and with interests similarly (similar) to mine. In my mind, she is someone interesting (interested) in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside (Besides), it will be good (better) for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time. With such (加a) pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever (whatever) we have in common. I believed (believe) I will improve my English by doing so and learning (learn) more about her country. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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