初中英语校本阅读教学探究教学设计 首师大二附中 刘靓一、教学内容分析(一)文本选取背景分析中学生英语阅读新视野(第三版)丛书是上海教育出版社于2012年出版的一套课外阅读教材,共4册,为老师和学生提供大量的不同题材、原汁原味的阅读篇章和一些配套的强化练习,我校为初二年级实验班选取第二册作为校本阅读教材。其中第四单元咖啡文化是学生很感兴趣的一个话题,并且学生们对这个话题有一定的背景知识储备。(二)文本体裁分析文章标题为咖啡文化,全文共五段,分别介绍了星巴克的总体情况、开始、转变、成长和问题,结构清晰,对于问题的阐述和分析层次分明,语言地道,适合给学生作为校本补充阅读材料。(三)文本情感态度价值观分析首先,了解咖啡文化是了解英语国家文化乃至世界文化的一个重要方面;其次,在文章中阐述的问题适合给学生去总结分析,寻求解决问题的方法。二、学生分析初二2班是本年级的实验班,共38人。大多数学生思维活跃,能够积极参与课堂活动。在课堂活动中,学生们通过个人、对子、小组和全体讨论等活动对文章进行阅读、分析和评鉴,并乐于对需要深度思考的问题进行讨论。三、教学目标在本节阅读课后,学生们能够1、通过阅读找出五段话的段落大意,并获取关于星巴克发展的细节信息。(知识与技能)2、通过整体阅读和细节阅读相结合的方法,把握文章整体结构和细节信息。(过程与方法)3、了解咖啡文化,分析星巴克成功的原因与出现问题的根源,思考和讨论解决问题的方法。(情感态度价值观)四、设计思路 (一)教材内容调整 1、 补充背景知识关于咖啡和咖啡文化,学生们是有所了解的,适当补充一些与咖啡文化相关的词汇和背景知识为阅读做好准备是完成本课阅读教与学的前提。 2、调整教材提供的学习活动教材提供的读前活动是三个问题和目标词汇的释义匹配,读中活动为回答五个阅读问题,读后活动为词汇知识的强化训练。我做了如下的调整:读前活动为猜谜游戏和小组讨论为阅读铺垫词汇,读中活动为段落大意匹配、细节信息回答问题及填空、和文章思维导图,读后活动为深层问题的讨论。 3、增加深层阅读和讨论环节学习英语的价值在于“交流并不是语言的全部功能,教外语不仅仅是让学生掌握一种工具,而是让他们改变他们的生活和心智”(龚亚夫,2014)。所以,通过阅读教学,培养学生对文章的深层理解和对问题的深层思考是最为重要的。通过这篇阅读,“星巴克公司能够抓住机会,从一个小店发展成全球连锁企业的成功的原因是什么?公司遭遇瓶颈期所存在的问题又是什么?你能够想到的解决办法有什么?”这些都是值得学生们去思考和讨论的。当然,作为中学生,我并没有期待他们能多么高深的去分析问题,解决问题,而是在潜移默化中培养他们发现问题和解决问题的能力,这也是英语学科教学中“人文性”必不可少的一部分。激活背景知识铺垫词汇 (二)课堂教学流程猜谜游戏导入小组讨论读前进一步铺垫 词汇关注段落大意段落大意搭配关注细节细节问题 回答填空读中关注全文思维导图读后分析问题 解决问题深层问题讨论作业运用所学 融入生活设计校园 咖啡屋海报五、教学过程第一步 猜谜游戏,导入话题 下面的句子老师一句一句给出,学生阅读,猜测答案。Guessing Game:1. It is a kind of drink.2. Its famous for its unique flavor.3. Its made of a kind of beans.4. People drink it with or without sugar or milk.5. People drink it at home or in the café.6. The most famous is the Starbucks. 设计意图:这些句子是对于咖啡的语言描述,当中用到一些和咖啡相关的词汇,不仅引入了话题,还给学生铺垫了一些词汇。第二步 读前活动:小组讨论,进一步铺垫词汇提出问题供学生小组讨论:1 Do you like drinking coffee?2 When and where do you like to drink it? Do you know how to make it at home and how to choose a café?3 Which is your favorite kind of coffee?铺垫词汇:instant coffee, canned coffee, roasted coffee, atmosphere, location, espresso, latte, mocha, cappuccino, breve, 设计意图:进一步铺垫词汇。第三步 读中活动1. 给出五个段落的大意,学生快速阅读进行匹配。Paragraph 1 A great change of StarbucksParagraph 2 IntroductionParagraph 3The problems of Starbucks Paragraph 4 The beginning of StarbucksParagraph 5 The growth of Starbucks设计意图:学生第一遍阅读,问题设计不应过难,所以这个环节我设计为阅读并快速找出每段匹配的段落大意。活动之前引导学生找出大意中的关键词。2第二遍阅读,引导学生关注细节信息。Paragraph 1 1) Do people everywhere have the same coffee culture?2) When did the coffee culture change in the USA?Paragraph 21) When and where did the first Starbucks coffee shop open?2)How many Starbucks stores were there in Seattle by 1981? Paragraph 3&4: 1) He worked in New York for a company that made _.2) He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special _, and he was _.3) He went to _to see what Starbucks did.4) In 1982, the original owners hired him as_. 5) In 1983, he traveled to _. Back in USA, he created a _ and _atmosphere for Starbucks. Paragraph 4How many Starbucks are there worldwide now? Paragraph 5 Why have many Starbucks closed? Underline the answer设计意图:文章共五段,为了降低难度,在细节阅读部分需要分段落进行,并对不同的段落采取合适的形式,我选取了回答问题和填空两种形式。最后一段的问题答案较长,为节约时间,要求学生在原文划出即可。3第三遍阅读,阅读全文,完成思维导图Beginning In 1971, the first Starbucks opened in_. In 1981, _ the three men who ran Starbucks. A great change In 1982, the original Starbucks owners _ Schultz as the _.Starbucks In, 1983, Schultz traveled to _. Growth Back in the USA, Schultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks that was _ and _. Now, there are more than _ Starbucks worldwide. Problems Many Starbucks locations have _ because there were _ coffee shops competing for business in _ and the coffee culture did not _ with the “feel the same everywhere” atmosphere offered by Starbucks.设计意图:这是第三遍阅读,用思维导图的形式引导学生关注全文,有助于学生把握语篇整体。第四步 读后活动:深层次问题的讨论引导学生分析总结星巴克成功的原因,并讨论现存问题的解决方法。1. What is the secret of Starbucks success?2. How to give the company a second great change? 设计意图:在读中环节,学生们通过阅读了解了星巴克的一次伟大变革的原因,在这里进行分析总结讨论,并用自己的话表达出来是对于阅读理解的提升和应用。对于现存问题的分析和解决方法的探讨是把语言学习与生活实际相结合的途径之一,这也是培养学生学习英语这门语言的同时“潜移默化的感染和熏陶”人文性的需要。15下列哪一项不是直接引起DIC出血的原因?(0.461,0.388,03临床)第五步 作业:设计校园咖啡屋学生设计校园咖啡屋海报。6内皮细胞受损,启动内源性凝血途径是通过活化词汇提示:location, opening time, what to be served, features, a slogan/ an advertisement A凝血因子和血小板的激活 D纤溶亢进设计意图:我们的校园里正好缺少一个咖啡屋,让学生们设计海报、菜单、广告语是把所学应用于生活。六、教学反思1.2. C增加溶酶体膜稳定性选取的文章能够引起学生兴趣,整体设计完整流畅,读前铺垫到位,读中活动层次清楚,读后深层问题讨论和作业的设计是个亮点。3.4. (5)甲公司20 X 4年度合并利润表中包括的其他综合收益涉及事项如下:在课堂教学中学生的兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,讨论热烈,阅读活动开展顺利,在分析问题和解决问题时尤其出色。5.6. 3患者,女性,因妊娠39+周,伴下腹痛待产3小时入院。于妊娠8个月做产前检查时,诊断“轻度妊娠高血压综合征”。体格检查:体温36.8、呼吸20次分、脉搏88次分、血压150/100mmHg、皮肤无出血点,心肺无异常。分娩经过:进入第二产程不久,孕妇在用力分娩时有气促,随后不久分娩出一正常男婴,并觉气促加重。呼吸28次分,心悸明显,心率130次分,产道发生大出血,约1200ml以上,且流出血不凝固。血压下降至90/60mnHg。实验室检查:红细胞(RBC)L 50X1012L,血红蛋(Hb)50gL,白细胞(WBC)110X109L,血小板(PLT)45X109/L。尿蛋白(+)、RBC(+)、WBC(+)颗粒管型(+)。凝血酶原时间(PT)25s(正常对照约14s)凝血酶时间(TT)21s(正常对照约12s),纤维蛋白原定量(Fg)098gL血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验阳性(+)、外周血红细胞碎片>6、D二聚体(乳胶法)阳性(+)。产后观察见注射部位有血肿、瘀斑。抽血检验及病理活体检查报告称血中有羊水成分及胎盘组织细胞。课堂容量大,搭好台阶、做好铺垫是顺利完成教与学的关键。七、附录教材内容【答案】:BCoffee Culture (2)1. Although people everywhere seem to enjoy drinking coffee, they do not all have the same coffee culture. In Europe for example, coffee shops are common places for people to meet friends and to talk while they drink coffee. On the other hand, locations like this were not as common in North America in the past. Instead, people in North America tended to drink coffee in their homes with their friends. The coffee culture in the USA changed when Starbucks coffee shops spread across the country.2. The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the USA. It was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beans. The coffee shops business did well, and by 1981, there were three more Starbucks stores in Seattle. 3. Things really began to change for the company in 1981. That year, Howard Schultz (see the photo) met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers, and he was curious. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did. In 1982, the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the companys head of marketing. 4.D-二聚体(D-dimer)4. In 1983, Schultz traveled to Italy. The unique atmosphere of the espresso bars there caught his eye. Back in the USA, Schultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable and casual, and the customers everywhere seemed to like it. Starbucks began opening more locations across the USA. Then the company opened coffee shops in other counties as well. Today, there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops worldwide. D在DIC早期应使用抗纤溶药物预防纤溶发生5. However, that does not mean Starbucks has not had problems. As a matter of fact, many Starbucks locations have closed over the past few years. In some cases, this is because there were too many coffee shops competing for business in one small area. In other cases, locations in some countries closed because the coffee culture there did not match with the “feel the same everywhere” atmosphere offered by Starbucks.