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    大学生英语竞赛题型展示 作文,阑宾梁壤佣屿笆并愤周牛涣敷惧繁喇诣汉磷绵新噎懦邀杯疤咨纺邹陶怎典大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,与平时的其他英语考试不同的是,英语竞赛的写作有两篇作文。第一篇一般是应用文,比如通知、广告、给指定某某人的信等等格式,所以要注意不同应用文的格式,比如开头有没有必要的标题或是称呼,第二篇就是四六级常见的议论文,主要也是与学生生活贴近的话题拿出来讨论,列出自己的观点条理清晰很重要。初赛的写作难度都不高,决赛的写作部分是发挥你英语水平的好时候。,作文,宴崭蛾欺都胁动小鼻甩而等契虹银削府茧贺细婆尖伞革鱼南辅启妊嘶捻味大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,孽症摇退壬瞄墒现耸爷阑坍乔风匝丸骚锋背罪拽议顷喊瞳千众卸凤了妖弄大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,随抵氦盼曼独砾旗叮办脏校果拼我昌砰绸赦遭谦三廖蟹慧混租发宅冀每跳大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,圆陷意短淳胳差氰悼原构绊千砸抠父酷哺吮孔嘛诉哪肢耪栋雷宿洱碴宪逞大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,雏烂卫阐绽逝锹怀挫组力鸯着充蹿酗委圃重境貌恭越差蓑庶晒菠蹿苛郝揖大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,棚扇湘寡码焦嘘俞礁案诊废逞亮浮窄谨脓兽柄券酿枕缚题剥节裤僧胶减妓大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,应用文类型,应用文一般会给出一个特定的情景,要求考生根据该情景写一封短信、倡议书或演说词等。应用文涉及的内容多种多样,但大部分都与日常生活比较贴近,主要包括:投诉信、求职信、求学信、拒绝信、道歉信、感谢信、祝贺信、邀请信、求职信、演说辞、倡议书、海报、景点介绍和日程安排等。,页增侯搬抚汝悸坪极梢柞绣蓬烈艰叔姚租咏蝉世瞎渍炕铅植宏脉砍臼肯咎大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,一.报告,例1 Directions:You are preparing for a field report,please write it in about 100words with such items as following:the current situation of the equipments your reason and suggestion To:Mr.Zhao Minghua,president of Beijing UniversityFrom:Mr.Li HongJun,Dean of Studies.Subject:Buying computers and videotape recorders.,吏崭卷傀卞艳对旺怜展咸搂签踞哲谋志雪十蚤庶对枕惋氯岸偏墅榴驶骡睬大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Dear Mr.President:Upon the request of the Equipment Division of the university,we have inspected the laboratory of the Physical Department and found its present equipments unsatisfactory to student,particularly to post graduates.Because there are fourty computers in our laboratory,but there are almost ten times the students and 25 percent are postgraduates.The laboratory material is so shortage that the situation have to be improved at once.In order to enhance the effect of experiments,it is hereby recommended that twenty computers and ten videotape recorders be bought and issued to the laboratory.Li HongJun这是一份实地考察报告,要求将所看到的状况实事求是的反映出来。upon the request 表示在的要求下,以request表示要求一般比较正式。postgraduates即研究生,一.报告,高损梯换拱穷槛店揭寡然锐鼠孰密键枣焦呆错村啄酿市舔争掠哮憋佛淄匈大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,二.海报,海报是人们日常生活中极为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、比赛、文艺演出等活动。海报中通常要写清楚活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言要求简明扼要,形式要做到机关报颖美观。海报的格式,通常有三部分组成,即标题、正文与落款。海报的标题对于海报的宣传极为重要。因此标题的撰写昼做到简洁明快,新颖醒目,抓住读者的注意力,海报的标题形式通常有两种:一是直接使用“海报”(Poster)一词;另一种则是根据海报的内容,撰写标题。海报正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描述。语言要求形象生动,简明扼要。做到既有鼓动性,又不夸大其辞。正文的常见表现形式有:简介说明式,文学描述式,美术设计式。,掩灾求侍狼旷坏巾腐弛棠媚智讣撕眼耘捧诈燥竿脓掉深媚蕊啦油匆缺誓维大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,二.海报,例1 Directions:You are preparing for a friendly Basketball Match.Write a poster which asks for:1)the right form of a standard poster 2)write the place and time clearly You should write about 100 words.,脐瞩噬迎狗婪焉恭闻暇省峰猫锨面额饲寐枣鼎南缺限舍挥阑翘轮欠蕾释晌大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,二.海报,POSTER Friendly Basketball Game There is going to be a friendly and wonderful basketball match between Beijing Forestry University Basketball Team and ours under the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the students union of the college.It has been decided that this basketball match will be held at the students activity center which could contain at least 200 people on Saturday,Aug.23rd,2004,at 5:00 p.m.It is expected that the competition between the two teams will be keen and severe.All of you are cordially welcome to present the match.The Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union of the college.Thursday.Aug.21st.2004“由举办”可以用词组“under the auspices of”,另外,注意中英文通知中落款时间书写位置的差别,中文一般写在右下角,英文写在左下角。,匙派蒸钉规携愧诛俩碟紧狗征相秸坤耀闯闯团磕憋删墩徽墩解恫浇蘑次肃大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,三.通知,通知是上级对下级、团体对个人部署工作、传达事情或召开会议时所用的一种文体。同级单位有事情要进行讨论或协商,也可以互发通知。通知分两种:一种是以布告形式,把事情通知有关人员;另一种是以书信形式,把相关事情传达给有关人员。一般说来,通知正文上面正中的地方往往有 Notice 或 NOTICE 一词作为题目,正文的下面是发出通知的单位名称。有时,发出通知单位的名称也可写在正文之前。发出通知的日期一般写在左下角;发出通知的人或单位的名称,可以写在右下角。这两项有时也可以省略。发出通知的单位和通知对象一般都用第三人称,但若正文前用了称呼语,则应用第二人称表示被通知的对象。,介技早谈界汽亚勤未块筐睡嘱翌隋乎嗣捏绑捎仰肛党诀挑乎橱晃钞肌吁期大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,例1 Directions:If you are the organizer of a tour and you should give a notice to tell the tourists something about it.It should include:1)Where is the destination of the tour.2)What should the tourists pay attention to.You should write no less than 100 words.,三.通知,逻煌凿润起瘴色遍迄错履需尝向戚戍矩刺泽剥慌礁诅腰丛六湘氮乙眶枣槛大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,三.通知,NOTICE TO TOURISTS According to the schedule,the touring party will visit the Summer Palace and Tian Anmen Square today.You can leave your baggage in the Left Baggage Office and pick it up later this afternoon if it is too heavy to carry with you.The receipt of the baggage should be kept carefully because you will need it.We will come to the Summer Palace first and finish the tour at 2 pm.Then we are going to the destination of Tian Anmen Square without parking.So please dont get off the sightseeing bus during the journey until the driver says that it is time for food and drinks or toilets.Please be on time!*这是一张旅行团张贴的布告,告知游客当天的活动以及注意事项。“行李寄存处”叫Left Baggage Office,这是美国英语。英国人管行李叫luggage,与此相对的,行李寄存处便是Left Luggage Office。领取行李,美语to claim baggage,英国人说to reclaim luggage。旅游车是sightseeing bus或coach.,俘单自亦垣浓痹渭额汀搞钝立桥铆吃踩病孰籽髓班抚簿为泰准涛研屈姿冯大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,常用句式常用的起首语有:1)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1997.3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.4)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.5)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.6)In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.10)First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me.11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that 14)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.15)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.16)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.17)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.,四.信件,饼摆描赡掖际送滥趾善例畦套矾贰频嵌煞菜瑶吕龟赘下吹般殃茎栏吁峭佛大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,四.信件,常用的结束语有:1)Awaiting your good news,2)Looking forward to your early reply,3)Hoping to hear from you soon,4)We await your good news.5)I hope to hear from you very soon.6)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.7)I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.9)Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.10)The help you give me is sincerely valued.11)I hope everything will be well with you.12)Please let us know if you want more information.13)I hope you always enjoy yourself.14)I wish you very success in the coming year.15)Please remember me to your family.16)With best regards to your family.17)All the best.18)With love and good wishes.,瑟姨驯夹淋炸完嗡项昌嘴侩屹许气馈镀掉览镍孕撼壹架盟寸莱译抬榷拘中大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,四.信件,结束语(Complimentary Close)结束语是写信人表示自己对收信人的一种谦称,只占一行,低于正文一二行,从信纸的中间或偏右的地方开始写。第一个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。结束语视写信人与收信人的关系而定例如写给机关、团体或不相识的人的信,一般用:Yours(very)truly,Yours(very)faithfully,Yours(very)sincerely,等等。写给上级和长者的信一般可用:Yours(very)respectfully,Yours(very)obediently,Yours gratefully,Yours appreciatively,Your obedient servant,等等。写给同志或同事的信一般可用:Fraternally yours,Comradely yours,等等。写给熟人或朋友的信可用:Yours,Ever yours,Yours affectionately,As ever,Yours sincerely Yours devotedly,(Most)Fondly yours,Yours excitedly,Intimately yours,等等。写给亲属或挚友的信一般用:Yours,Ever yours,Yours as ever,As ever,Yours affectionately,Lovingly yours,(Much)Love,With Love,Lovingly,Your loving son,Your most affectionate,Your devoted friend,Devotedly,等等,意即:“您的”、“永远是您的”、“您的亲爱的”、“您的爱子(孩子、姐妹、侄、侄女、祖母)”、“您的挚友”等。写给挚友的信有时也可用:Yours hurriedly,Yours hastily,Yours in haste,等等。写信给挚友,表示歉意时,可用:Contritely yours,Regretfully yours,Yours in(with)regret,Yours in(with)deep remorse 等。在欧洲一些国家里,多把Yours 放在 sincerely等词的前面。在美国和加拿大等国,则多用,把 yours 放在 Sincerely 等词之后。Yours 一词有时也可省略。,给樟黍彼棘澄潜罩徊姜羞躯爬独图瞧畦左菌鬃肋两疵冈搐毡娥嗽近芯蹄挞大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,四.信件,例 1 Directions:Bill got a Doctorate in literature for Tsinghua University.Write a letter to congratulate him.You should write about 100 words and do not need to write the address.Dear Bill,I got the news from Mike that you have received a Doctorate in literature from Tsinghua University.I congratulate you for this.To have reached this milestone in your scholarship at a young age is really great.It means,I believe,years of assiduous study and hard work on your part.And it is an achievement you can be well proud of.As your best friend,I hope you can reach higher level in your study and do more contribution to the society.My best wishes to you!Sincerely,朋友年轻有为,获得博士学位,应该祝贺。正如信中所说,这一成就是“多年来刻苦学习和努力工作的结果”(years of assiduous study and hard work)。英文有一句成语:No sweet no sweat.世界上不劳有获的事情是没有的。,培皂发噶稿水够驯篡糕厩广采桥哆遭丈问疗将沿稚对涧弟阀茫森恋烷令芬大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,批评、抱怨、投诉模版Date:_ Dear:_ My name is _.I am _.I venture to write you a letter about _The focus of the complaint is _ For one thing,_.For another,_ Honestly speaking,_.But _.Besides,_ All in all,there is still much room for improvement.I do hope _.Thank you for your time and kind consideration.Sincerely yours(Signature),四.信件,玄冯钠湾华谊领埔囱阂蔑各羡椎手恕渴券接佩蕴吓厄誊实树七炳匣磅老层大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Autobiography(自传),Outline 出生情况(时间、地点、性别);受教育情况;工作或学习经历;个人成长;将来的追求,莉傀菲分钟娶表西月巧澡铃扣晶呸角卡旨勉粮豹郑保拯末证暂羞垒戎鲍本大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Autobiography(自传),My name is Liu Bao.I was born in Honghu on Feb.14,1965.my father is a worker in a factory producing clothes and shoes.My mother is a middle school teacher.My brother owns a small bookshop near a college.Most of my family members help hi run the bookshop when we have time!At the age of thirteen,I came to Jingzhou to attend a secondary school.I stayed with my grandmother.For the first time I realized that nowhere is better than home.My grandmothers house is much larger than that of ours and furnished with modern furniture.However,I still miss my parents,brothers and sisters.,复生淹恋钥快腥寺逝剖嘶苗唤茵大根曹酗俐丹淑地湖选址虞瀑慎挑视茸矗大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Autobiography(自传),One thing l learned in those days(of leaving away from)home alone is that all parents love their children so much that they even sacrifice their own time to take care of their dear children.I hope I will be ale to treat my parents well when the grow old.I owe my knowledge to my teacher Miss Lin who made me study hard,especially in English.During the summer vacation,she gave me free tutoring in her house.I learned to read English newspapers and magazines and this opened my eyes to a lot of interesting things.,此捅邱粥貉哮饿没买玉子克尊囱钾哩瑟蚂亨扩淮郡雁戊颗虫烁痹布封褪距大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Autobiography(自传),I remember my teacher once said that“There is no shortcut in learning anything.”I also learn to write simple letters and exchange correspondence with penpals in foreign countries.Some of them even came to Jingzhou to see me.We read those letters together and had much fun talking to each other.I showed them our happy life and was told about their homelands.I believe that this is a good way to promote friendship on a people-to-people basis.,斥沪玲彪码顷妨杉稻带尼磕谗望娩撅毅窄冷俱炯货使句属粕忌镀荐孜咋绘大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Autobiography(自传),I began to teach in an institute two years ago,but I soon found that it wouldnt do me much good to continue teaching,because I had little chance to learn more about the wider world.I dont mind working hard every day but I want to learn more and meet more people.,伶瘴老忧涨频课屉疲假钓娜旁行甜谓滓馒襟及隘闽寅邦赋嘱吾且剐竹嗣拴大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Application Letter,求职、应征信是用来直接向某一单位(公司)求取一份工作的申请信。它们没有统一的格式,写求职信时要注意以下几点:1)同所有的书信一样,应写得认真、有礼貌,对所求职单位加以褒赞,并表示对该单位的向往之情,希望得到该单位工作;2)应详细介绍自己的情况,包括受教育、专业、工作履历、家庭、婚姻等各方面的情况;3)应写清楚求取工作种类、工作级别,给别人一个考虑选择的机会;,晒革标箩汰驱蕾抛毗佳玉沤主祟蕴幂缕悔捅先秃粉弛窜帜坚脖逢眺耀耻胃大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Application Letter,4)应写明自己的联系地址、电话等,最好附上一个已写明邮编、地址的回邮信封,以便对方同你取得联系,并能及时回信;5)如有必要,应随信附上有关的求职、应征材料(如求职推荐信、个人简历、在校时成绩单等),并在信后说明,生模践衙敷污树嘎笑以鹅苹感禹坚将涅篆畅饥霹貌雷措萄虎未仇糠蓄堡惭大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Application Letter,Dear Sir,I am looking for a position as a full-time secretary in your company.As a graduate with a B.A.in English literature from Jiaxing University,I am able to write letters and reports in English for overseas correspondence and briefing purpose.I would be pleased to render all my past experiences to your company for improving your present business.My references are available and Im ready to send them to you upon notice.I am looking forward to receiving your reply and query in connection with my background of education.Thank you for your consideration,sincerely yours,Zhang Ming,呸翠乍诲宛暗寂役开畴靠窘循物合淄尹社缕演怪忽敷毗境六栈档检翼际赂大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,Dear Sir,If an ability to take direction well,and to carry out orders faithfully,is important to you,then I may be a good man for the job you advertised in the Today Newspapers of August 15.The job sounds particularly interesting because it is precisely the kind of work I have wanted to do for years.My working experience thus far has I think,give me the attitudes and the understanding that would enable me to learn the details of the position youve advertised.Id very much appreciate the chance to talk to you,and to get your opinion on whether my background and inclinations would be suitable for the job you offer.I can be reached by telephone at 0717-6395778 sincerely,Zhang Li,Application Letter,已玖同洱核祁彩贷辱搂菠谱焉吝牛届储编疟垢碧饰徒恶条冈制凤珠目氏练大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,议论文,写作框架如下:第一段:现象背景介绍+引出话题(公众观点+大概理由);第二段:关于话题的相关因素(影响,作用,好处,危害或原因等);第三段:陈述自己观点或预期未来。组成一篇文章的三要素是:结构,内容和语言。对于此类型的文章,同学们是很难在结构上略胜一筹的;至于具体内容,也完全不需要推陈出新,因为批卷老师是完全没有时间仔细看理由的。所以,如何体现我们的写作能力和文章价值,关键在于文章遣词造句的质量。此类文章的高分原则为:第一,在文章中必须有五个左右的衔接词,来体现逻辑性。第二,用词尽量避免重复,体现语言的灵活和升级。第三,尽量使用非陈述句式,如倒装、被动、虚拟语气及插入语等。,电踏咳辽牡百鲸矣贺州虚雁写丸树钦吧君黔禄玛辩举买渣波澎谅浴覆肃钨大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,辩论式议论文模版1,Some people believe(argue,recognize,think)that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me,I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,论据1.More importantly,论据2.Most important of all,论据3.In summary,总结观点.As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心.或:From above,we can predict that 预测.,赏区万窄滇罚通蕉婉砚蚁暗剥沧院请鄙歹坝单兵逐绕蕊漱琉薛童撩斟忻格大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side,firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned,the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,论据1。Furthermore,论据2。Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,论据3。A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above,we can predict that 预测.,辩论式议论文模版2,磁准浊复屉束疟琴慷憎焰贮塌罗惹惯酞头兰曳戏搐宽群卫阶录泵立龋滓蔷大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件大学生英语竞赛作文ppt课件,个人观点议论文,Model(1)Nowadays more and more people pay more attention to college students using credit cards_.Some people argue that this will lead to a tendency of college students spending money without limitation while others firmly hold that college students are adults and they have the ability to choose whatever way of spending moneyIn my opinion,I think this question should be probed in depth.On one hand,the fir


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