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    译林版必修一 Unit 3 looking goodfeeling good language points(共24张PPT).ppt

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    译林版必修一 Unit 3 looking goodfeeling good language points(共24张PPT).ppt

    Language points of Module 1 Unit 3,.词性转换1 failure nvt _2recover vt.恢复;重新获得 vi 复原n _3embarrassed adj.尴尬的;难为情的n _ adj_4 achievement n成就 v _5.equipment n器材;设备vt _6 comfort n安慰;舒适 adj _7 ashamed adj.惭愧的;羞愧的 n _8 contain vt.包含;容纳 n _9energeticadj.工作努力的;辛勤的 n,fail,recovery,embarrassment,embarrassing,achieve,equip,comfortable,shame,container,energy,10prefer vt.更喜欢 n _11including prep.包括 v _12operation n手术;操作 vt _13regular adj.定期的,有规律的antonym _14relaxed adj 放松的,轻松的vi、vt _15 consider vt 考虑 adj _16recognize vt.认出,认可 n_17concentrate vi/vt.集中,全神贯注n _ 18advice v&n.建议,忠告vt _,preference,include,operate,irregular,relax,considerate/considerable,recognition,concentration,advise,.词汇拓展1ashamed adj.惭愧的;羞愧的n可耻的事(或人);羞耻,羞愧_adj.可耻的;不体面的_2effect n效果,作用;影响adj.有效的_adv.有效地_vt.影响_ n感情;喜爱;爱慕_,shame,shameful,effective,effectively,affect,affection,3count vi.算数;有效n折扣,打折_adj.数不清的,无数的_n柜台_ n会计,会计师_,discount,countless,counter,accountant,.短语落实1收到的来信2锻炼3遇到4从出来5逐步增强6独立地7而且8强身健体9尽量运用;充分利用10.从长远角度看,hear from,work out,come across,get out of.,build up,on ones own,whats more,get into shape,make the most of,in the long term,.短语落实11事实上12(头发等)脱落13节食14体重增加15健康饮食16 保持健康17极度渴望做18去健身房19保持苗条20.为。感到羞耻,In fact/in truth,fall out,go on a diet,put on weight,healthy diet,keep fit,be dying to do/for,go to the gym,stay/keep slim,be so ashamed of,.短语落实21吃减肥药22恢复23含有某种有害物质24引起肝脏衰竭25得到很好的治疗26听从医生的建议27乘地铁28以失败告终29保持体形30.充分利用,take weight-loss pills,recover from,contain a harmful chemical,cause my liver to fail,receive good medical treatment,follow my doctors advice,ride the underground,end in failure,stay in shape,make the most of,.短语落实31不吃饭32没有剩余时间33充分的睡眠34很快,skip meals,have no time left,a good amount of sleep,in no time,III.短语拓展,1.I used to go to the gym three times a week,but I dont work out any more.,do/take exercise,work out:,1)He works out regularly to keep fit.,2)It is too hard for a junior high student to work out such a difficult maths problem.,figure out,takes exercise,3)We should work out a plan as soon as possible.,4)We didnt plan it like this but it worked out very well.,make a plan,turned out,【课本原句】Diets are useless in the long term,yet approximately 20%of teenagers say they have tried going on a diet and skipping meals to control their weight.(P58),in the long term 从长远看,2,从长远角度看,节食并不能奏效,然而,有将近20%的青少年声称,他们都曾尝试过节食或者到吃饭的时候干脆什么也不吃,借以控制自己的体重。,【联想拓展】in the long run 从长远看in the short term从短期来看in terms of就来说on good terms with与关系良好,_ achievements,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.(2012湖南津市一中月考)AIn terms of BIn case ofCAs a result DIn face of答案 A,Key sentences,1.我以前常去健身房,一周三次,可现在不再锻炼2.妈妈坚持送我去医院,在那我接受了好的医学治疗3.我们不该为自己的外表感到羞愧,不是吗?,I used to go to the gym three times a week,but I dont work out any more.(P42 L3),My mother insisted on sending me to the hospital,where I received good medical treatment.(L21),We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look,should we?(P43,L26),4.许多人,其中一些人根本不超重,一直在节食或吃减肥药,是很危险的。5.健康的饮食加上经常锻炼也许是变得健康的唯一途径。,Many people,some of whom are not overweight at all,are always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills,which are often dangerous.(L43),Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit.(P58,L4),6.然而,无论我做什么,我减肥的努力总是以失败告终,However,no matter what I do,my efforts to lose weight always end in failure.(P45),7.步行和骑车就算,校内体育活动也算。8.睡觉的时候,你的身体就帮你为下一天做好准备。,Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.(L17),When you sleep,your body prepares you for the day to come.(L25),9.如果你能遵循以上建议,不久你就会气色好得多,感觉棒得多!,If you follow the suggestions above,you will look and feel much better in no time at all!(L28),【课本原句】I think you look great as you are,and youre a wonderful person.(P43)我觉得你目前的这个样子看起来就很棒,而且我觉得你是一个非常优秀的人。as引导方式状语从句,意为“像”、“按照的方式”,as in the way that。,V 重点句式,1,Leave it as it is,让它照现在的样子放在那儿.,看看高考怎么考As it reported(正如报道的那样),it is 100 years since Qinghua University was founded.(2011四川卷单项填空6)I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.(2009天津卷单项填空14)Aas BwhichCwhen Dthough答案A,Wed better leave things _ they are until the police arrive.(2012邵东创新实验学校第一次月考)Aas if BasCwhen Dif 答案B,【课本原句】Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.(P58)步行和骑自行车都有用,学校里的体育活动也有用。句中含有“so be动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语”结构。该结构用在肯定句中,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合于另一个人或物。so作“也这样;也如此”解。,sobe动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语,2,【注意】so主语be动词/助动词/情态动词”表示赞同、证实,意思是“正是这样;的确如此”,“neither/norbe动词/助动词/情态动词另一主语”,表示“也不”。So it is with.或It is the same with表示“的情况也是如此”。当前面的句子中有几种不同的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型。,3)Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and _.(2012全国语法和词汇知识13)Aneither wont Tom BTom wont eitherCTom will to D.so will Tom答案B,4)-i like to surf the internet but i dont like to watch TV.-_,A.so it is with me B.so do i,答案A,(IV)Writing如今许多学生服用所谓的健康保健品以使自己保持健康或变得更聪明。请你分析这种现象并发表你自己的观点。,参考词汇:build up;whats more;have side effects in the short/long term;as a matter of fact;at a risk of;work out,So-called health products are popular with students nowadays.Some parents consider these products can help body function well,prevent diseases,build up strength and improve memory.Above all,they believe something contained in these products can contribute to intelligence and raise efficiency in childrens studies,leading to good marks at school.,Some students argue that while they can be effective in the short term,these products have side effects.As a matter of fact,these products dont work as advertised.Lacking necessary knowledge,some people take them at the risk of their health.Whats more,its an unnecessary expense for a family.In my pinion,we neednt take these products to keep fit.What really counts is a healthy diet along with regular exercise.We should develop cautious attitudes towards health products.,


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