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    初中英语新课标同步配套课件:Unit 6人教版 八年级下.ppt

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    初中英语新课标同步配套课件:Unit 6人教版 八年级下.ppt

    ,从栏中找出栏相应的答语()1.How long has Alison been skating?()2.How long did Sam skate?()3.Was this your first skating marathon?()4.Do you skate every day?()5.When did you get your first pair of skates?,A.Yes,I do.B.No,I skated in a marathon last year.C.She has been skating for five hours.D.On my tenth birthday.E.He skated for four hours.答案:15.CEBAD,选词配图skater skating marathon skate shell答案:1.shell 2.skating marathon,答案:3.skater 4.skate,Alison,how long have you been skating?艾利森,你已经滑冰多长时间了?Ive been skating for five hours.我已经滑了五个小时了。,(1)how long“多长时间”对一段时间提问,常用“for+一段时间”或“since+一段时间+ago/从句”回答。how long可以与各种时态连用,但谓语动词必须是延续性动词。how long还可意为“多长”,对物体的长度进行提问。,(2)have been skating是现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示某一动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,并且可能继续延续下去。其结构为:have/has been+doing.现在完成进行时常与“for+一段时间”或since+时间点或过去时态的从句连用。,I joined the army _ June,2008.What about you?Ive been a soldier _ four years.A.in;for B.on;in C.on;for D.in;since【点拨】选A。句意:我在2008年6月参的军。你呢?我当兵四年了。for和since引导的时间状语都有延续之意,但着眼点不同,用法也有所不同。二者区别如下:,pair n.一双;一对When did you get your first pair of skates?你什么时候有了你的第一双滑冰鞋?,10滨州中考Can I help you?Id like _ for my twin daughters.A.two pair of shoes B.two pairs of shoeC.two pair of shoe D.two pairs of shoes【点拨】选D。two pairs of shoes两双鞋。,(1)pair意为“一对;一双;一副”,后面一般接名词的复数形式。当pair与many,few,several等表示不定量的词或超过“一”的数词连用作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)当pair与this,that,each,every,another,first等连用或a pair of作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。,.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分)1.I have been _(collect)shells for two years.2.This was his first _(run)marathon.3.He has lived here since he _(come)here two years ago.答案:1.collecting 2.running 3.came,4.Has he _(be)skating since he was five?5.I got my first pair of _(skate)on my seventh birthday.答案:4.been 5.skates,.单项选择(2分钟,5分)()1.Sally has been playing the piano _ she was three years old.A.for B.at C.since D.when()2._ have you been dancing?I have been dancing for five years.A.How often B.How longC.How many D.How much,()3.The boy has been playing ping-pong _ seven years.A.for B.since C.at D.when()4.That was my _ first visit to Hong Kong.A.the B.a C.an D./,()5.The girl _ story books since five years ago.A.have been collecting B.was collectingC.has collected D.has been collecting,.句型转换(3分钟,5分)1.They have been talking for the whole three hours.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ _ for the whole three hours?2.We played basketball three hours ago.(改为现在完成进行时态)We _ _ _ basketball _ _ _.答案:1.Have;been talking2.have been playing;for three hours,3.He has been writing for forty minutes.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ he been writing?4.My mother has been teaching math here for twenty years.(用since改写)My mother has been teaching math here _ _ _ _.答案:3.How long has 4.since twenty years ago,.短语连一连1.为慈善募捐 A.three and a half years2.滑了五个小时 B.the whole five hours3.第一个开始的 C.several skaters4.几个溜冰者 D.the first one to start5.整整五个小时 E.raise money for charity6.三年半 F.has been skating for five hours,.句型展示1.孩子们正在为慈善团体筹募钱而滑冰。Children are skating to _ _ _ _.2.滑冰马拉松赛已经进行了五个小时了。The skating marathon _ _ going _ five hours.答案:1.raise money for charity 2.has been;for,3.萨姆滑冰已经滑了四个小时了。Sam _ _ _ for four hours.4.李晨一小时前才刚刚开始。Li Chen just _ an hour _.答案:3.has been skating 4.started;ago,1.raise v.筹集;筹募Here,students are skating to raise money for charity.这里,学生们正在通过滑冰为慈善机构募捐。,(1)raise是及物动词,意为“募捐,筹款”;raise money for“为筹款”。(2)raise还可意为“提高,增加,抬起,举起”,强调通过外力将人或物举到高处,还可用来表示提高价格、生活水平、声音等,raise prices提高价格。,(3)raise作动词,还可意为“饲养;种植”。,在聚会上,所有的歌手都为慈善募捐而歌唱。All the singers sang to _ _ _ charity at the party.【点拨】raise money for。raise money for为筹款。,2.Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.艾利森是第一个开始的,已经滑了整整五个小时。(1)the first one to do sth.“第一个做某事的”,the+序数词+to do sth.“第几个做的。”(2)the whole five hours=all the five hours“整整五个小时”。,The news rocked _ _ _.(整个国家)_ _ _(所有的学生)went to the park except me.【点拨】the whole country All the students,whole/allwhole和all都可表示“整个的”,但用法不同。定冠词the/指示代词/形容词性物主代词+whole+名词;all+定冠词the/指示代词/形容词性物主代词+名词。,.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分)1.How long have you been _(swim)?For one hour.2.They are selling old books _(raise)money for charity.答案:1.swimming 2.to raise,3.When _ you _(start)playing basketball?When I was ten years old.4.The reporter is _(talk)to us from Shenzhen Universiade Games(深圳大学生运动会).5.We just _(start)climbing the mountain twenty minutes ago.答案:3.did;start 4.talking 5.started,.完成句子(5分钟,10分)1.她总是第一个到校。She is always _ _ one _ _ to school.2.建那座桥花了工人们整整六个月的时间。It took the workers _ _ _ _ to build the bridge.答案:1.the first;to get 2.the whole six months,3.他们打算举办音乐会为慈善机构募捐。They are planning to have a concert _ _ _ _ charity.4.那个男孩七岁时开始游泳。The boy _ _ _ he was seven years old.答案:3.to raise money for 4.started swimming when,5.她下象棋已经两年半了。She has been _ _ for two and _ _ _.答案:playing chess;a half years,句型展示collects,What,Why,How long,sinceA:1 does Bob collect?B:He 2 kites.A:3 has he been collecting kites?B:Hes been collecting kites 4 he was ten years old.答案:1.What 2.collects 3.How long 4.since,A:5 does he collect kites?B:Because he thinks they are interesting.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._答案:5.Why,选词配词toy animals fly a kite collect coins theater and movie ticket答案:1.toy animals 2.theater and movie ticket,答案:3.collect coins 4.fly a kite,Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting.我想集邮,因为它们很有趣。(1)would like to do sth.“想要做某事”,相当于want to do sth.,比want更委婉。这也是提出邀请的句型。如果愿意则用Yes,Id love/like to,来回答。否则用Id love to,but.表示委婉的拒绝。(2)collect是动词,意为“收集;搜集”,其名词为collection,意为“收藏;收集”;collector意为“收藏者”。,1.11黑龙江中考Would you like _ a movie with us tonight?Sorry,I have to help my mother do some chores.A.see B.to see C.seeing【点拨】选B。would like to do sth.表示“喜欢/想要做某事”,是固定用法。句意:今晚你想和我们一起去看电影吗?对不起,我不得不帮妈妈做家务。,2.10十堰中考Id like to collect _(邮票)because they are interesting.【点拨】stamps。collect stamps集邮。,.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分)1.Mr.Zhang has been _(collect)coins for twenty years.2.Im thirsty.Id like _(drink)some tea.答案:1.collecting 2.to drink,3.Why do you like collecting tickets?Because they are very _(interest).4.Marcia _(have)about 35 stuffed animals now.5.I like collecting stamps.I think its an interesting _(collect).答案:3.interesting 4.has 5.collection,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)()1._ do you collect toys?Because theyre interesting.A.When B.What C.Where D.Why()2.Sam likes cars.He enjoys _ all kinds of model cars.A.collects B.collectingC.to collect D.collected,()3.The boy has been collecting theater and movie tickets _ one year.A.since B.for C.before D.after()4._ would you like to collect?Soccer balls.A.Why B.What C.When D.Where,()5._ CDs do you have?About two hundred.A.How many B.How muchC.How long D.How soon,句型展示flying,hobby,doing,Where,ForA:Whats your 1?B:I like 2 kites.A:How long have you been 3 that?答案:1.hobby 2.flying 3.doing,B:4 about two years.A:5 do you fly them?B:In the park.答案:4.For 5.Where,短语连一连1.雪球怪物 a.as a writer2.用完 b.be interested in3.顺便一提 c.collect coins4.收集硬币 d.run out of5.对感兴趣 e.by the way6.作为作家 f.the snow globe of the monster,1.by the way顺便说By the way,whats your hobby?顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?,用介词by,in,on填空,完成句子。I found a boy crying at the street corner _ my way to school yesterday._ the way,what kind of movies do you like best?A dog is standing _ the way.【点拨】on By in,2.be interested in 对感兴趣I am interested in the job as a writer.我对作家这份工作很感兴趣。,11凉山中考I have _ to tell you.Maybe you will be _ in it.A.interesting something;interestedB.something interesting;interestingC.something interesting;interested【点拨】选C。be interested in“对感兴趣”;interesting是形容词,常用来修饰说明事物的特征,修饰不定代词后置。,interest/interested/interesting,run out of 用完;用尽Weve run out of room to store them.我们没有地方存放它们了。,11十堰中考All the oil in the world will have _ some day.Yeah.What shall we use for power at that time?A.given away B.put awayC.run out D.set out【点拨】选C。句意:世界上的石油有一天会用完的。在那时,我们将用什么能源?run out用完,用尽。,【一言辨异】She has run out of money and her patience is also running out.她的钱已经用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)()1._ the way,can you go to the movies with us tonight?A.In B.For C.At D.By()2.I know nothing about it.Please ask _.A.someone else B.else someoneC.anyone else D.else anyone,()3.Peter,I think we need to buy a new car.Oh,no!We are _ out of money,you know?A.trying B.going C.getting D.running()4.Can you buy me some cakes _,Mom?A.of strawberries on themB.with strawberries of themC.with strawberries in themD.for strawberries in them,()5.I _ a job as a French teacher since last year.A.am looking forB.have been looking forC.looked forD.was looking for,.完成句子(5分钟,10分)1.萨姆对收集飞机模型很感兴趣。Sam is _ _ _ model planes.2.最不寻常的爱好是什么?Whats _ _ _ hobby?答案:1.interested in collecting 2.the most unusual,3.她从七岁开始就看英语电影。She _ _ _ English movies since she was seven.4.谢谢你给我如此多的帮助。Thanks _ _ me so much help.答案:3.has been watching 4.for giving,5.在我九岁生日时我收到了第一本集邮册。I got the first stamp album _ my _ _.答案:on;ninth birthday,.词形转换1.write(名词)_2.Europe(形容词)_3.Australia(形容词)_答案:1.writer 2.European 3.Australian,4.foreign(名词)_5.Russia(形容词)_6.be(过去分词)_答案:4.foreigner 5.Russian 6.been,.句型展示1.Leo在中国教学已经两年了。Leo _ _ _ in China for two years.2.自从来到中国,我一直在了解很多关于我的家族的历史。_ I _ _ China,Ive _ _ a lot about my family history.答案:1.has been teaching2.Since;came to;been learning,3.Leo对中国的历史了解越多,就越喜欢住在中国。_ _ Leo learns about Chinese history,_ _ he enjoys living in China.答案:The more;the more,1.thousand n.一千In fact,the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago.事实上,第一批犹太人可能是在一千多年前来开封的。,11重庆中考The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people.A.thousand B.thousandsC.thousand of D.thousands of【点拨】选D。当thousand前面有具体的数字时,后面不能加-s,也不能加of,反之其前面没有具体的数字时,后面要加-s,加of。故排除A、B、C三项,选D。,thousand num.一千(1)thousand前面有具体数字修饰时,其后不能加“s”,也不能跟of短语。前面没有具体数字修饰时,其后加“s”,且跟of短语。(2)与thousand有相同用法的还有:hundred,million,billion等。需特别注意的是:thousands of可以用many,several,some等修饰。,2.For a foreigner like me,the more I learn about Chinese history,the more I enjoy living in China.对于像我这样的外国人来说,对中国历史了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。(1)the+比较级,the+比较级,意为“越就越”。(2)比较级+and+比较级,意为“越来越”。(3)多音节词,用more and more+形容词/副词,表示“越来越”,10大理中考_ trees we plant,_ our Mother Earth will be.A.The little;the beautifulB.The many;the beautifulC.The less;the more beautifulD.The more;the more beautiful,【点拨】选D。句型“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越,越”,结合句意“我们植树越多,我们的地球母亲将会越美。”可知选D。,.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分)1.Lots of _(foreign)come to visit the old town every year.2.On National Day,_(thousand)of people go to Tiananmen Square and watch the national flag going up.答案:1.foreigners 2.thousands,3.The problem is very difficult for me _(work)out.4.The _(high)you stand,the farther you will see.5.Some of the old buildings in this city are in _(Europe)style.答案:3.to work 4.higher 5.European,.句型转换(5分钟,10分)1.The man is from Australia.(改为同义句)The man _ _ Australia.2.She has been living here for two years.(改为同义句)She has been living here _ two years _.答案:es from 2.since;ago,3.Bob started studying Chinese two years ago.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Bob _ studying Chinese?4.If you study harder,you will get better grades.(改为同义句)The _ you study,the _ grades you will get.答案:3.When did;start 4.harder;better,现在完成进行时.完成句子1.我收集贝壳已经五年了。I _ _ _ shells _ five years.2.从昨天下午开始,一直在下雨。It _ _ _ _ yesterday afternoon.答案:1.have been collecting;for2.has been raining since,3.自从他来到中国,他就住在这座城市。He _ _ _ in this city _ he came to China.答案:has been living;since,现在完成进行时的含义及结构含义:现在完成进行时表示某动作从过去开始,一直延续到现在,有可能持续下去,常和表示一段时间的状语连用。此时态包含现在进行时的含义,也包含现在完成时的含义。,结构:have/has been+v.-ing+.时间状语:1.+一段时间2.+过去的时间点3.since+答案:for since 一般过去式的句子,.句型转换1.He has been playing computer games since three oclock.(改为否定句)He _ _ _ computer games since three oclock.答案:hasnt been playing,2.Linda has been learning Chinese for two years.(改为一般疑问句)_ Linda _ _ Chinese for two years?3.They have been playing tennis for two hours.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ they been playing tennis?答案:2.Has;been learning 3.How long have,1.现在完成进行时变否定句时,在助动词have/has后直接加,可缩写为havent/hasnt。2.现在完成进行时变一般疑问句时,将助动词 提前至句首;其肯定回答为“Yes,主语+have/has.”;否定回答为“No,主语+havent/hasnt.”。3.询问“从事活动或者动作所持续的时间”要用how long。答案:not have/has,下表是对八年级(2)班45名同学的爱好调查结果统计。请根据下列图表中的调查数据,以“Hobbies”为题,用英语写一篇短文,简单介绍调查情况并发表个人看法。,注意:1.短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;2.词数80词左右,短文开头已给出;3.参考词汇:对做调查do survey about.Hobbies We did a survey about the students hobbies in Class Two Grade Eight.Here are the results._,此篇作文以“爱好”为主线,以谈论“八年级(2)班45名同学的爱好”调查结果为主要内容,在写作过程中始终渗透着本单元的话题爱好(Hobby),通过以上分析,在头脑中明确以下几点:(1)由此作文要谈及的主要内容决定我们在写作过程中要运用的主要时态为一般现在时。,(2)由此作文所涉及的话题决定我们在写作过程中会在许多地方用到谈论爱好的句式和表达方式。(3)单元万能句型:such as be interested in doing sth.,Hobbies We did a survey about the students hobbies in Class Two Grade Eight.Here are the results.There are five students who like reading.Twelve students like doing sports and fifteen students like collecting.I think hobbies are useful.If we have no hobbies,our life wont be as colorful as it should be.,I have many kinds of hobbies,such as reading,going mountain hiking.But Im interested in travelling.It takes up most of my free time.In my opinion,all of us should have a proper hobby.We should make good use of our time,we should also learn to relax,but I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time watching TV,chatting online or playing computer games.,.单词闯关1.收集;搜集(v.)_2.筹集(v.)_3.思念;想念(v.)_4.几个的;数个的(adj.)_答案:1.collect 2.raise 3.miss 4.several,5.确信无疑的(adj.)_ 6.相当;十分(adv.)_7.省会;首都(n.)_8.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人的(adj.)_答案:5.certain 6.quite 7.capital 8.Russian,9.Europe(n.)_(adj.n.)欧洲的;欧洲人的;欧洲人10.Australia(n.)_(adj.&n.)澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的;澳大利亚人11.foreign(adj.)_(n.)外国人答案:9.European 10.Australian 11.foreigner,.短语过关1.整整五个小时 the _ five hours2.三年半 three and _ _ _ 3.用完;用尽 run _ _4.顺便;附带说说 _ the way 答案:1.whole 2.a half years 3.out of 4.by,5.对感兴趣 be _ in 6.一千多年以前 _ _a thousand years ago7.在远处 _away答案:5.interested 6.more than 7.far,.句型攻关 1.艾利森,你滑冰多长时间了?Alison,_ _ have you been skating?我滑了五个小时了。从九点钟起我一直在滑。Ive _ _ _ five hours.Ive _ _ _ nine oclock.答案:how long;been skating for;been skating since,2.你什么时候得到的你的第一双溜冰鞋。_ _ you get your first _ _ _?3.我想集邮,因为它们非常有趣。_ _ _ collect stamps _ they are interesting.答案:2.When did;pair of skates3.Id like to;because,4.对于像我这样的外国人来说,对中国的历史了解得越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。For a foreigner like me,_ _ I learn about Chinese history,_ _ I enjoy living in China.答案:the more;the more,()1.11清远中考Echo _ for half a month.Shell come back in two months.A.left B.leaveC.has left D.has been away【解析】选D。由第二句“她将两个月内回来”可知第一句要用现在完成时态,并且leave是非延续性动词,故选D项。,()2.11大庆中考The _ you eat,the _ you will be.A.more healthily;more healthilyB.more healthily;healthierC.healthier;healthierD.healthier;more healthily,【解析】选B。考查the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越,越”,句意:“你吃得越健康,你就会越健康。”副词修饰动词,故答案选B。,()3.11铜仁中考The story is _ and all of us are _ in it.A.interest;interesting B.interesting;interestC.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested【解析】选D。句意:这个故事很有趣,我们都对它很感兴趣。interesting“有趣的”,常用来修饰说明事物的特征,be interested in“对感兴趣”。,()4.11南京中考 _ do you watch TV every week?Less than two hours.I often have much homework to do.A.How many B.How muchC.How long D.How often,【解析】选C。how many/how much都是用来提问数量的;how long用来提问时间段;how often提问频率。由答语“Less than two hours”可知是时间段,要用how long来提问。,()5.11广东中考After the Asian Games,_ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.A.thousand B.thousands ofC.five thousands D.five thousands of【解析】选B。表示具体的数字时,用“数字+thousand”;thousands of表示概数。句意:“亚运会之后,成千上万的人在假期时来广州旅游。”,Thank you!,


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