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    初中英语新课标同步配套课件:Unit 8人教版 八年级下.ppt

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    初中英语新课标同步配套课件:Unit 8人教版 八年级下.ppt

    ,句型展示1.妈妈过生日我该给她买什么呢?What _ I get my mom _ her birthday?2.买条围巾怎么样?_ _ a scarf?答案:1.should;for 2.What/How about,3.你为什么不给她买个相机呢?_ _ you get her a camera?4.那太贵了。_ _ expensive.答案:3.Why dont 4.Thats too,选词配图scarf soccer ball calendar flowers dictionary camera photo album CD答案:1.camera 2.scarf 3.soccer ball,答案:4.photo album 5.dictionary 6.calendar,答案:7.flowers 8.CD,enough adj.足够的;充分的Thats not special enough.那不够特别。(1)enough adj.“足够的;充分的”。作定语时,常放在名词之前。(2)enough adv.,意为“足够地;充分地”,用来修饰形容词、副词或动词时,放在这些词之后。,10晋江中考Dont worry.My mother will look after your baby _.Thanks a lot.A.careful enough B.enough carefulC.carefully enough【点拨】选C。enough修饰形容词或副词时置于其后,由句中的“look after”可知其后应用副词作状语。故选C。,Why dont you get her a scarf?你为什么不送她一条围巾呢?get sb.sth.=get sth.for sb.“给某人买某物”,Ill get my father a watch.(改为同义句)Ill _ a watch _ my father.【点拨】get;forget 意为“买;送”,相当于send或buy。常见短语有:buy/send sb.sth.给某人买/送某物get/buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物send sth.to sb.送某物给某人,.从方框中选词填空(5分钟,10分)what about,personal,special,expensive,why not1._ going to the movies tonight?2._ have a rest under the big tree?答案:1.What about 2.Why not,3.Today is Jims birthday.His mother is going to make a _ meal for him.4.I think a watch as a gift is too _.5.The car is too _.I cant afford it.答案:3.special 4.personal 5.expensive,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)1.I find this computer game Plants VS Zombies(植物大战僵尸)_ to play.A.enough easy B.easy enough C.enough easily D.easily enough,2.Lets go out to take a walk.Its _ to watch TV at home all day.A.creative B.interesting C.boring D.special3._ should I get my son for his birthday?A.What B.Why C.How D.When,4.Mike,you are late for class again.Why _ you get up early this morning?A.dont B.not C.not to D.to,5.Zhao Rui,its said that many famous singers will come to Yangzhou on April 18th.How about watching the evening show there?_!Lets ask Huang Tao to go with us.A.Best wishes B.Sounds great C.Good luck D.Thats OK,从栏中选出栏问句的适当答语1.Whats the best gift you have ever received?2.Who gave it to her?3.When did you get it?4.Is it for someone in your family?5.Have you ever received any gifts?,A.Yes,I have.B.On my tenth birthday.C.Her mother.D.A wallet.E.Yes,it is.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 答案:15.DCBEA,英汉互译1.the best gift _2.make a special meal _3.在我的第十个生日 _答案:1.最好的礼物 2.做一顿特殊的饭菜3.on my tenth birthday,receive v.收到;接受Whats the best gift Joe has ever received?乔曾收到的最好的礼物是什么?receive v.收到;接受。在意思上等同于get。如:receive/get a letter from sb.表示“收到某人的来信”,相当于“hear from sb.”。,选词填空My daughter is looking forward to _(receive/accept)letters from her friends.【点拨】receiving。receive收到,look forward to 意为“盼望”,to为介词,故填receiving。,receive/accept,【一言辨异】We received the present,but we did not accept it.我们收到了那份礼物,但没有接受它。,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)1._ beautiful day it is!Lets go and have a picnic in the park.Good idea!A.How B.How a C.What D.What a,2.My father told me a story last night.It is _ one Ive ever heard.A.the funniest B.funniest C.funnier D.the funnier3.My brother got a computer on his _ birthday.A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twentieth D.the twenty,4.How about a CD?No,thats not _.A.enough special B.special enoughC.too special D.special very5.What about going hiking this Saturday?_.A.Good idea B.Thank youC.Never mind D.Not at all,.句型转换(5分钟,10分)1.His best friend gave him this present.(对划线部分提问)_ _ him this present?2.The computer is very useful.(改为感叹句)_ _ the computer is!答案:1.Who gave 2.How useful,3.Why dont you get some flowers?(改为同义句)_ _ _ some flowers?4.How about reading an English story?(改为同义句)_ _ reading an English story?答案:3.Why not get 4.What about,句型展示1.猫可能是最受欢迎的宠物。Maybe cats _ _ _ _ pets.2.我认为对于一个六岁的孩子来说,狗是一个好宠物。I think a dog _ a good pet _ a _ child.答案:1.are the most popular 2.is;for;six-year-old,3.狗太难照料了。Dogs are _ difficult _ take care of.答案:too;to,选词配图A.parrot B.cat C.goldfish D.hamster E.mouse F.turtle G.dog H.spider答案:14.BAGC,答案:58.FEHD,Dogs are too difficult to take care of.狗太难照料了。too+adj./adv.+for sb.+to do sth.“对某人来说,太而不能做某事。”,11乌鲁木齐中考My son is too young to join the army.(改为同义句)My son isnt _ _ to join the army.【点拨】old enough。它可以与too.to.;so.that.相互转换。,(1)too.to.结构与.enough to.可以相互转换,但一般enough前的句子用否定形式。(2)too.to.结构可以与so.that相互转换,that后跟句子。,I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.我想对于一个六岁大的孩子来说,狗是比较合适的宠物。(1)6-year-old是一个复合形容词,由“数词+名词+形容词”构成,复合形容词只能作定语,中间的名词为单数形式;且词与词之间要用连字符连接。(2)child为名词意为“孩子”,其复数形式为children。,11连云港中考How amazing the noodle is!Yes,it is _,and breaks the Guinness World Record as the longest handmade noodle.A.1,704-meter-longB.1,704-meters-longC.1,704 meter longD.1,704 meters long,【点拨】选A。本题考查复合形容词的用法。复合形容词由“数词+名词”或“数词+名词+形容词”构成,其中名词要用单数形式,且词与词之间要加连字符。故选A。,.用所给词的适当形式填空(3分钟,5分)1.The math problems are difficult for me _(work)out.2.There are too many _(mouse)in the old church.Cats cant catch them.答案:1.to work 2.mice,3.Today,many _(child)dont like eating vegetables.Its bad for their health.4.The bird is very _(usual).Ive never seen it before.5.The local people are always _(friend)to visitors.答案:3.children 4.unusual 5.friendly,.单项选择(3分钟,5分)1.Table tennis is _ in China than in other countries.A.popular B.more popularC.much popular D.the most popular2.The little girl is _ frightened _ say a word.A.so;that B.enough;to C.too;to D.such;that,3.Joy,a _ girl,can look after her dog very well.A.seven-year-old B.seven years oldC.seven year old D.seven-years-old4.Miss Wang told us some _ stories.We were all _ in them.A.interesting;interesting B.interested;interestedC.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested,5.I think a pet dog is easy to _,so I want to get one.A.look B.take care C.take care of D.take an interest,.完成句子(4分钟,10分)1.我认为对一个六岁的孩子来说,金鱼是比较合适的宠物。I think a goldfish _ _ _ _ for a six-year-old child.2.我认为狗是最友好的宠物。I think dogs _ the _ pets.答案:1.is a good pet 2.are;friendliest,3.汤姆年龄太小还不能照顾好自己。Tom is _ young _ look after himself well.4.鹦鹉很容易照料。Parrots are easy _ _ _ _.答案:3.too;to 4.to take care of,5.有人认为猫不够友好。Some people think cats _ _ _.答案:arent friendly enough,句型展示1.现在她已太大不能睡在那栋房子里了。Now shes _ big _ sleep in the house.2.有时,我没有足够的时间陪她。Sometimes I dont have _ _ to _ with her.答案:1.too;to 2.enough time;spend,3.每个人都喜欢礼物。_ _ gifts.4.礼物的赠送在不同的国家是不同的。_ _ is different in different countries.答案:3.Everyone likes 4.Gift giving,短语连一连1.最受欢迎的宠物 a.give away2.在我十岁生日时 b.sleep all day3一只叫Connie的狗 c.an eighty-year-old grandmother4.一位八十岁的老奶奶 d.a dog called Connie5.整天睡觉 e.the most popular pet6.分发 f.on my tenth birthday,In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.在美国,一些人让他们的家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。,(1)rather than“而不是”,是一个连词词组,用来连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,意思是“是A而不是B/宁愿A而不愿B”。(2)rather than可以用于prefer to do.rather than do.“宁愿做而不愿做”和would rather.than.“宁愿而不愿”两种固定结构。,11达州中考When people want to relax themselves,they prefer _ TV or listen to music rather than _ newspapers.A.watching;read B.watching;to readC.to watch;read D.to watch;reading【点拨】选C。prefer to do.rather than do.“宁愿做而不愿做”,固定结构。故选C。,Instead,making a meal is enough.相反,做顿饭就足够了。instead副词,意为“相反,而是”可单独位于句首或句尾,位于句首时后面一般用逗号隔开。,10宿迁中考林先生今天早上乘公交车上班而不是步行。Mr.Lin went to work by bus _ walking this morning.【点拨】instead of。意为“代替,而不是”,是介词短语,后接名词、动名词、代词作宾语。其同义词组是rather than,但rather than后一般跟动词原形。,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)()1.What about playing football this afternoon,Tom?I would rather _ at home than _ football.Its too hot outside.Astay;playing B.stay;playC.to stay;to play D.to stay;playing,()2.The house is _ expensive for me _.A.too;to buy it B.enough;to buyC.so;buy it D.too;to buy()3.Angela,you are going to buy a flat here,arent you?Yes,but I cant _ an expensive one.A.spend B.cost C.pay D.afford,()4.He didnt do his homework._,he played computer games all day.A.Rather than B.Instead ofC.Instead D.Or()5.Many people _ a lot of money to the people after the earthquake.A.gave out B.gave away C.gave up D.put away,.完成句子(5分钟,10分)1.他有一只叫Tony的宠物狗。He has a pet dog _ Tony.2.她工作很忙,没有足够的时间和家人一起度过。She is very busy,so she doesnt have _ _ _ _ with her family.答案:1.named/called 2.enough time to spend,3.每个人都喜欢美食。Everyone _ delicious food.4.一件小小的礼物足以使妈妈感到高兴。A small present is enough _ _ mom happy.答案:3.likes 4.to make,5.今晚,他打算去看电影而不是呆在家里。He is going to the movie _ _ staying at home tonight.答案:instead of,句型展示1.为什么不学唱英语歌呢?_ _ you _ to sing English songs?答案:Why dont;learn,2.两位获胜者都很谦虚,并且说他们认为他们并不比其他歌手更出色。_ _ were very modest and said that they didnt think they _ _ than the other singers.3.她还说唱英文歌曲使她对学习英语更感兴趣了。She also said that _ English songs made her more _ _ learning English.答案:2.Both winners;were better3.singing;interested in,4.这种比赛鼓励中国人讲英语。This kind of contest _ people in China _ _ English.5.除了唱英文歌曲外,还有许多其他有趣的学英语的方法。_ _ English songs,there are many other fun ways _ _ _.答案:4.encourages;to speak5.Besides singing;to learn English,短语连一连1.in different ways A.全中国2.have fun B.对感兴趣3.on stageC.与某人交朋友4.be able toD.与一样好5.as well asE.能6.make progress F.听说7.hear of G.进步8.take an interest inH.在舞台上9.make friends with sb.I.以不同的方式10.all over China J.玩得愉快,Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks English program?你曾经听说过北京说英语节目吗?hear of听说,相当于hear about。,Did you say that Miss Green would come to see me?Its strange.Ive never _ her before.A.heard of B.listenedC.heard D.heard from【点拨】选A。句意:你说过格林女士将要来看我是吗?奇怪了,我以前从没听说过她。hear of听说。,listen/hear/hear of/hear from(1)listen强调“听”这一动作,其后跟宾语的时候加介词to。(2)hear“听见;听说”;作“听见”讲时,强调动作的结果;作“听说”讲时,后可跟从句。(3)hear of“听说;听到”,强调从别人那里间接得知,可以与hear about互换。后跟名词或代词。(4)hear from“收到某人的来信”,后常跟人作宾语,与get a letter from 或receive a letter from同义。,.单项选择(5分钟,10分)()1.I study English _ watching English movies.A.with B.in C.by D.on()2.He can speak English as _ as a native speaker.A.good B.well C.better D.best,()3._ running,there are many other ways to exercise.A.Except B.Beside C.Besides D.But()4.Nowadays,more and more foreigners take an interest in _ Chinese.A.learn B.learning C.speak D.study,()5.Making friends _ a native speaker is also a good way to improve English.A.with B.for C.at D.to,.句型转换(5分钟,10分)1.They sang a song clearly on stage.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ a song clearly on stage?2.She thought she could get good grades.(改为否定句)She _ _ she _ get good grades.答案:1.Did;sing 2.didnt think;could,3.My friend could play the piano when he was ten.(改为同义句)My friend _ _ _ play the piano _ _ _ of ten.4.Are you interested in singing English songs?(改为同义句)_ you _ _ _ _ singing English songs?答案:3.was able to;at the age 4.Do;take an interest in,5.He won the game.(改为同义句)He _ the _ of the game.答案:was;winner,表示建议的句型.完成句子1.为什么不穿上你的新鞋子呢?好主意。_ _ you _ on your new shoes?Good idea.答案:Why dont;put,2.骑自行车旅行怎么样?听起来很有趣。_ _ _ bike riding?That sounds fun.3.为什么不给她买些花呢?不,那不够新颖。_ _ _ her some flowers?No,thats not creative _.答案:2.How/What about going3.Why not get/buy;enough,4.让我们在图书馆前面等你吧!好的。_ _ for you in front of the library.OK.5.你介意关上灯吗?不,不介意。_ you _ _ off the light?No,not at all.答案:4.Lets wait 5.Would;mind turning,表示提出建议的句式及其答语(1)句式 Why dont you.?(后接)Why not.?(后接)How/What about.?(后接 形式)答案:动词原形 动词原形 名词、动名词或代词,Lets.(后接动词原形)Would you mind.?(后接动词-ing形式)Could you please.?(后接动词原形),(2)答语肯定回答(接受对话或建议):Good idea.好主意。That sounds great.听起来好极了。Right/Good/Fine.好的。Yes,please.是的,请。,否定回答(拒绝接受对话或建议):No,thats too.不,那太Im sorry,but.对不起,但是No,thanks.不,多谢。,.句型转换1.You should get up early.(改为否定句)You _ _ up early.2.You should get her a scarf.(对划线部分提问)_ _ I get her?答案:1.shouldnt get 2.What should,3.He should be there on time.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ there on time?答案:Should;be,should作 动词,表示义务、建议、责任、劝告,意为“”;也可以表示可能性、推测,意为“”。答案:情态 应该 可能,假如你是Linda.你的好友李文想学好英语,她向你请教如何才能学好,请你给李文写一封信,告诉她如何学好英语。_,(1)这是一篇提建议的作文。与本单元的语法一致。本篇作文是针对如何学好英语提出一些合理化的建议。(2)通过以上分析,可知提出如何学好英语的建议为本篇作文的主要内容;在写作过程中应该使用的时态为一般现在时。,Dear Li Wen,Thank you for your letter.Im glad to hear you like English very much.But you said you didnt know how to learn it well.Well,you can do many things to improve your English.You should try the ways below,and maybe they will help you.,1.You should remember as many English words as you can.2.You must listen to the teacher carefully in class.3.What about learning to sing English songs,reading English books or watching English movies?4.Why dont you make friends with a native speakers of English?,5.Dont fear to be laughed at.Try to speak English more.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.If you work hard,you will find a good way to learn English well.Yours,Linda,.单词闯关1.价值(若干);花(多少钱)(v.)_2.选择(v.)_3.代替;而不是(adv.)_4.参加;进入(v.)_5.鼓励(v.)_答案:1.cost 2.choose 3.instead 4.enter5.encourage,6.进步;进展(n.)_ 7.建议;提议(v.)_8.advantage(n.)_(n.)不利条件;缺点9.gift(n.)_(同义词)礼物10.win(v.)_(n.)胜利者答案:6.progress 7.suggest 8.disadvantage9.present 10.winner,.短语过关1.照料;照顾 take _ _ 2.用不同的方法 _ different ways3.听说 _ of答案:1.care of 2.in 3.hear,4.查出;了解 find _5.对感兴趣 take _ _ in6.与交朋友 _ friends with答案:4.out 5.an interest 6.make,.句型攻关1.为什么不给她买条围巾呢?_ _ you get her a scarf?2.妈妈过生日我应该给她买什么?What _ I get my mom _ her birthday?答案:1.Why dont 2.should;for,3.(买)一些网球怎么样?How _ some tennis balls?4.在美国,一些人要求家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity _ _ buy them gifts.答案:3.about 4.rather than,()1.11阜康中考We can go to Jinan Railway Station by bus.Why not _ there for a change?A.try walking B.trying to walkC.to try and walk D.to try walking【解析】选A。Why not do sth.?你为什么不做某事呢?try doing sth.“试图做某事”。,()2.11扬州中考Listen!Someone is playing the piano.Wow!_ beautiful music!I like it very much.A.What B.How a C.What a D.How【解析】选A。答语中的感叹句的中心词是名词,要用what 来引导,并且music是不可数名词。故选A项。,()3.11临沂中考Excuse me.Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?_.There is a bookstore on Yimeng Road.A.Sorry B.Sure C.Good idea D.Thank you【解析】选B。考查情景交际。Could you please.?是表示请求和建议的句型。可以用Sure作肯定回答。,()4.11资阳中考Tom has just finished writing a _ article.A.nine-hundred-words B.nine-hundreds-wordC.nine-hundred-word D.nine-hundreds-words【解析】选C。复合形容词由“数词+名词”或“数词+名词+形容词”构成,其中名词用单数形式,词与词之间要加连字符。故选C项。,()5.11天津中考I _ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay【解析】选A。spend.doing sth.花费时间或金钱做某事。,Thank you!,


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