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    初中7A第8单元第2课时襄阳市谷城县盛康镇中心学校阳金玲工作简历:1992年6月毕业于襄樊师范,1992年7月由县教育局分配到谷城县盛康镇第三中学任教。1994年7月1997年7月在襄阳师专英语系取得了专科文凭。1997年8月2004年12月自修武汉大学英语本科文凭。2002年秋,调入谷城县盛康镇中心学校任教至今。中学一级教师,县级骨干教师和县级农村中小学学科带头人,教育教学教研成绩突出,多次获得省、县、镇奖励。辅导的学生曾获过省市奖励。现教班级:七年级一班教学质量自评:优校办联系电话:0710-7811229个人联系电话:13197159987Lesson Planning of Unit 8When is your birthday ?(第2课时) 一、教材内容分析Parts 2a-2d of Section A will be covered in the second period.In the chart of 2a, Section A, the students will learn Ordinal Numbers, listen and repeat the new words. In the part 2b, the students will listen to a conversation about the class birthday calendar, listen and circle the numbers they hear in 2a. In the part 2c, the students will listen again, match the names, months and dates. In the part 2d, the students will have chances to use the target language to talk about dates.二、教学目标1. Knowledge goals Students will be able to identify Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers and use them fluently to talk about dates, and master when- question and the use of Ordinal Numbers. 2. Ability goals a) Students will be able to explain the useful structure, When is your birthday ? My birthday is September 18th. b) Students will be able to talk about their birthdays, classmates and family members birthdays.3. Emotion goals Its topic is talking about birthdays and dates. By asking and answering, students will understand each other very well and build friendship and learn to care for others. 三、教学过程Step 1: Lead-in and Presentation(10 minutes)Before starting Unit 8(Period 2), the teacher can check the students homework to review months, birthdays and dates and ask and answer about their favorite stars and the famous people in Self check 3 . 1. Ask several students about their birthdays and their favorite stars. Show some photos of famous people / stars on the screen. (Between the teacher and the individual student, Class Work) Yao Ming Zhang Baizhi Chen HuilinSeptember 12, 1980 May 24,1980 September 13,1973 March 10, 1984 Ronaldo July 13, 1982 September 22,1976月份的缩写:一般情况下,月份的名称可以用前三个字母来缩写,但May,June和July没有缩写形式。JanuaryJan. FebruaryFeb. MarchMar. AprilApr. AugustAugSeptember-SepOctober-0ctNovember-NovDecember-DecIt can be like this: Teacher: When is your birthday? ( Ss repeat. )Student 1: My birthday is (on) October 5th.( Ss repeat. )Teacher: Who do you like best ? ( Ss repeat. )Student 1: Yao Ming. ( Ss repeat. )Teacher: When is Yao Mings birthday? ( Ss repeat. )Student 1: His birthday is (on) September 12th . ( Ss repeat. )Ask and answer in the same way. 2. Pairwork. Ask and answer about their birthdays and their favorite stars. (Class Work) Then get several pairs to ask and answer. Help them if necessary. ( Pairwork)3. Write down the dates on the screen and discuss their meanings. Then tell the students to read and spell the Ordinal Numbers.(Class Work)September 12th May 24th September 13th March 10th July 13th February 11th September 25th October 26th December 25th February 14th 4. Ask the students to listen and repeat Ordinal Numbers in 2a, Section A. Show a chart about Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers. (Class Work)【 设计说明:师生之间自由谈论生日和名人的生日,带动全班一起,用名人效应迅速激发学生兴趣,激活了全班学生的生活经历与相关的背景知识,自然地引入本节课的话题。教师在自由交谈的过程中引入本课要学习的语言目标:询问生日,谈论日期。并学习序数词和日期的表达法。组织学生学习运用,为下面的听说活动扫清障碍。同时结合图表,引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆基数词和序数词。使单词记忆简单化,为学生记单词找到好方法。】 Step 2: Practice : Games (5 minutes)1. Hand out some cards about Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers prepared before class. Ask one student to say one word (Cardinal Number / Ordinal Number ) and the other student to say the other word (Ordinal Number / Cardinal Number) . Then wait in line in the right order according to the Cardinal Numbers or Ordinal Numbers. (Individual Work, Class Work)eg: S1:one . S3 : fifth . S2 : first . S4 : five . S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 one two three four five six ( or first second third fourth fifth sixth )2. Say the dates (Individual Work)Show some photos of famous people and stars and their dates of birth. See who says them quickly and correctly and make sure the students can use them fluently. eg: Edisons birthday is on February 11th . Lu Xuns birthday is on . Yao Ming Zhang Baizhi Chen HuilinBirthday-1980.9.12 Birthday -1980.5.24 Birthday-1973.9.13 Birthday-1984.3.10 Ronaldo Birthday: 1982.7.13 Birthday-1976.9.22【设计说明:本环节通过让学生做数词游戏,并快速说出他们熟悉的中外名人/星的生日,吸引学生主动参与课堂活动,并让学生从单个的词汇学习到组句,达到词不离句,通过运用去体会、内化本节课重点生词、句型,为下面的听说练习搭建较好的支架。】 Step 3: Listening practice (8 minutes)1. Listen and circle (Individual Work)Ask the students to listen to the conversation in 2b, Section A two times and circle the numbers they hear in 2a in the conversation. Then check the answers.2. Listen again. Match the names , months and dates. (Individual Work)Ask the students to listen again two times and match them in the chart in 2c. Then check the answers. 3. Ask and answer each other about their birthdays and the four childrens birthdays according to the chart in 2c. Then get several pairs to ask and answer. (Class Work, Pairwork)eg : A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is (on) December 15th. When is your birthday?A: My birthday is (on) November 2nd. When is Leilas birthday ?B: Her birthday is (on) September 5th. When is Nicks birthday ?A: His birthday is (on) July 4th. 4. Give a report about the childrens birthdays. (Individual Work, Pairwork, Class Work )Ask the students to say it to their partners in pairs . Then get several students to the front to report to the class.eg: Hi! Im Liu Yuan. My birthday is on December 15th. I have five friends. They are Fang Ming, Leila, Nick, Robert and Jane. Fang Mings birthday is on November 2nd. Leilas .【设计说明:本环节的听力训练旨在训练学生把握对话大意,善于捕捉关键信息,排除冗余信息的技能,培养学生听的能力。在活动3的互问互答中,学生通过问答来揣摩如何询问和应答自己的生日,谈论别人的生日,既灵活运用了语言目标,学以致用,又能提高听能水平,还促进对语言的整体感悟力,达到了听说的有机结合。在活动4中,再根据听力材料,经过整合成一篇短文,培养学生写的能力。体现英语教学的根本目标,真正达到听说领先,读写跟上,听说读写四种能力有机结合,培养和提高学生听说读写的能力。请学生上讲台做汇报,让其他学生欣赏并点评。通过对比同学的报告,学生之间彼此找出自己的不足;通过老师的点评,纠错示范及总结,让学生进一步融会贯通本节课语言知识,提高听说技能。同时在教师引导下,学生互相学习,集思广益,取长补短,激发了学习的兴趣,培养了合作学习的策略,体验到学习的快乐和成功,增强了学习的自信心。从一开始就贯穿、培养学生词不离句,句不离篇,整合材料的能力,我觉得对学生的听说读写各种能力的培养会起到非常大的作用,甚至对今后的学习有很大的帮助。】Step 4: Oral practice (10 minutes)1. Read the dialogue in 2d (Pairwork).Ask the students to read the dialogue fluently and correctly with the right pronunciation. Then have several pairs complete it . 2. Ask students to make their own conversations as the following. (Pairwork)eg: A: How many people are there in your family? B: There are four people in my family.A: Who are they ?B: They are my father, mother, brother and me.A: When is your birthday ?B: My birthday is .A: When is your mothers birthday ?B: Her birthday is .A: When is your fathers birthday ?B: His birthday is .A: When is your brothers birthday ?B: His birthday is .3. Give a report about their family members birthdays. (Individual Work, Pairwork, Class Work )Ask the students to say it to their partners in pairs . Then get several students to the front to report to the class.eg: Hi! Im Li Tan. There are four people in my family. My birthday is on December 12th . Im thirteen. My father is thirty-eight. His birthday is on November 2nd . My mothers birthday is .My friend is Ding Ling. In her family there are there people. Her birthday is on .Shes thirteen, too. Her fathers birthday is .Hes forty.拓展学习: 基数词 序数词序数词缩写 one first lst two second2nd three third 3rd five fifth5th eight eighth8th nine ninth9th twelve twelfth 12th twenty twentieth20th twenty-one Twenty-first 21st twenty-twotwenty-second22ndthirty thirtieth30thfortyfortieth40thfiftyfiftieth50th sixtysixtieth60th seventyseventieth70theightyeightieth80thninetyninetieth90thhundredhundredth100thone hundred and oneone hundred and first101st基数词变序数词规律口诀:基变序有规律,1,2,3(first, second, third)特殊记,加th从4起,8少t,9少 e,逢5或12,ve变f, 再加th,若是几十几,前基后序莫倒位。20到90(整十), y变ie,再加th。【设计说明:本环节的口语训练遵循了由易到难,由简到繁,循序渐进的过程。从机械训练开始,过渡到半机械训练,最后到较真实的情景中,达到自由交际。在这个过程中,教师需帮助学生把所学知识串联起来,扩展短文篇幅,达到融会贯通,学以致用。学生会遇到31以上的基数词,在此拓展一下40以上的序数词,并把基数词和序数词之间的区别和联系编成顺口溜教给学生,让他们学习记忆词汇简单化,为今后的英语学习做好铺垫。】 Step 5: Make a survey(5 minutes)Divide the class into six or eight groups. Let them discuss about their birthdays and make a class birthday calendar. Then report to the class. Both the teacher and students will give their comments for each group. See which group interviews the most students and use them fluently. At last the teacher will also give a summary for the whole lesson. (Group Work, Class Work) NamesBirthdaysLi Pengcheng April 5th 板书设计: A: When is your birthday ?B: My birthday is .A: When is Liu Pings birthday ?B: Her birthday is .A: When is Wang Pengs birthday ?B: His birthday is .【设计说明:引导学生进行Groupwork活动,通过这种活动,不但可以让学生很好地复习所学知识,做到灵活运用,提高口语表达能力,而且还可以增加彼此的了解和友谊。让学生互相学习,集思广益,取长补短,欣赏并点评。学生之间彼此找出自己的不足,共同进步。培养了合作学习的策略。】 Step 6: Homework ( 2 minutes)1. Use your own family members names, ages and dates of birth to make ID cards. (Individual Work) Name:Date of birth:Age:eg: 2.Make a plan about what you will do this week: eg: November21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27thplay basketballbasketball game/ 篮球比赛class meeting/班会Zhao Mings birthdayThen report to the class(Group Work).【设计说明:自制英文卡片,英文日历。每个家庭都有日历,但这些日历都是汉语写的,如果让学生制作一个英文日历,不仅可以让学生学会用英语表达日期,并总结、记忆从第一到第三十一的序数词的英文表达,学以致用。为了减少学生的工作量,可以让学生制作自己生日所在月份或家人所在月份的日历,并且要标出自己的生日及家人的生日或调查学生共同喜欢的日子:每个人都有自己所喜欢的日子和理由(可以用汉语写),但理由也许各不相同。将学生分成几个小组,以小组为单位,标出各个月份的名称,然后进行调查,标出本组成员喜欢的日子并简单谈论理由;接着以小组为单位向全班进行汇报;最后根据各小组汇报的情况,寻找出同学们共同喜欢的日子。此项活动可以让学生将所学的知识在实际交流中熟练运用。旨在让学生在”做中学”,巩固内化本节课的词汇及句型,同时练习写作,培养合作学习的策略,为下节课的语言学习起到了承上启下的过渡作用。】9


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