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    八年级英语(下)Unit 5 测试题(2014)一、单词默写201.成年人 _ 2.肩膀_ 3.菜单_4.毛皮_ 5.endangered_ 6.重(名词)_7.population_ 8.file_ 9.bamboo_10.organization_ 11.kilogram_ 12.behaviour_13.有-重;重(动词)_ 14.面对 _ 15.野生的 _ 16.残忍的_ 17.Asian_短语18.stop sb from doing sth_ 19.cut down_20.hear of_ 二、单项选择201.She is smart and she is _to take care of himself. A.enough old B.old enough C.older enough D.oldest enough2.It is important for us _the endangered animals. A.save B.to save C.saved D.saving3.Tim was hungry.He ate the whole cake on_own.A.he B.his C.him D.himself4.It is easy for giant pandas to climb trees _ they are heavy。 A. and B.although C.if D.but5.The boy isnt _the box.A.enough strong to carry B.strong enough carrying C.strong enough to carry D.enough strong carrying6.It is necessary(必要的)_us to learn English.A.of B.for C.to D.with7.An Asian elephant can live as _as 60 years. A.long B.longer C.the longest D.longest8.The tigher used to live in the zoo but now it lives in _wild.A. a B. an C. the D./9._is nice of you to help me with my homework.A: What B: This C: That D: It10. -Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Huang - _A,Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook wellB,Im glad you enjoyed itC.Its not necessary for you to say soD,It doesnt matter三、完形填空10Penguins(企鹅) are black and white birds.most of _1_live in the South Pole.Every day they only see snow around them.They spend most time _2_on the ice land. Penguins cant fly._3_they are good at swimming.Sadly,many Penguins may be in _4_.It is important for us to take action(采取措施)_5_these endabgered birds if we want to see them in the future.Penguins are facing many problems.The Earth is seriously _6_and is getting warmer and warmer._7_ocean(海洋) is becoming warmer and warmer, too.It cant _8_ penguins with enough food.Some penguins even die of hunger. Penguins have many enemies(敌人),such _9_wild dogs,sharks,and sea lions.Deep sea fishing makes penguins in danger.Something poisonous(有毒的)in the ocean is_10_dangerous to them.1. A.they B. their C. them D. themselves 2. A. live B. lived C. living D. to live3. ABut B. And C. So D.Because4. A. danger B.dangerous C. dangerously D. endangered 5. A. protect B. protected C. protecting D. to protect 6. A. pollute B. polluted C.polluting D. to pollute 7. A. a B. an C.the D. / 8. A. provide B. provides C. provided D. providing 9. A. for B. as C.from D. by10. A. too B.either C.neither D.also四、阅读理解 20 ASlothThey live in the rainforest of Central and South America.Their food is mostly shoots(芽) and leaves.So they are thought to be folivores.But some eat insects and birds.Because of human behaviour,a lot of ground sloths in South America and parts of North America disappeared.Polar BearThey live in the North Pole Circle.They are the worlds largest bears.An adult male(雄性的) weighs around 350-680kg and female(雌性的)is about half that size.Seals are most of their food.They are born on land,but they spend lots of their time at sea to look for seals.Because of climate(气候)change, the ice land is melting,and this will make polar nowhere to live and finally disappear.Flying FishThere are about 64 kinds of flying fish in the world.They live in all of the ocean,above all in warm waters.Usually,they are the food of some big fish and seabirds.1.Which of the following is NOT the food of sloth? A.Leaves B.Birds C.Fish D.shoots2.The underlined world “folivores”probably means _according to the chart. A.animals eating plants B.animals eating meat C.animals eating fish D.animals eating insects3.Why are polar bears disappearing? A.Because of climate change. B.Because of there are on more deals for polar bears to eat C.Because there is more and more ice land and no more sea. D.Because seabirds have eaten all fish.4.What can we learn about the flying fish? A.They eat big fish and seabirds B.They love warm water C.There are about 46 kinds of them on the Earth D.They can fly over the ocean.5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information? A.An adult femal polar bear is heavier than a male. B.We can find polar bears only in North Pole. C.Polar bears do not need to live on land. D.Sloth only eat insects and birds. BOne day,a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside(乡村)He wanted to show him how poor the villagers were and wished him to cherish(珍惜)what he hadThey spent two days in a poor family in the village. On their return from the trip,the father asked his son,“How was the trip?” “It was great,Dad” “Did you see how poor people could be?” the father asked “Oh,yeah,”said the son. “So what did you learn from the trip?” asked the fatherAfter thinking for a while,the son answered,“I saw that we have one dog,however,they have four .We have a pool in the gardenAnd they have a small river without an endAt night, we have small lights in the garden,but they have the stars in the skyWe buy our food,but they grow theirsWe have walls around to keep us safe but they have friends”You could imagine the look on the fathers face! Then the son went on, “ Thanks, DadNow I know how poor we are!” 6 .Why did Father take Son to the countryside?_ 7.How long did they spend in the poor family in the village? _ 8 Where was the pool of the rich family? _9.How many dogs were there in the poor family?_10.What did Father feel after hearing what his son said?(in you own words) _五、完成句子201.他出生时很瘦。He was very thin _ _2.汤姆很寂寞,因为他独自一人生活。Tom feels lonely because he lives_ _ _.3.这只兔子的重量接近2公斤。The weight of the rabbit is _ _2 kilograms.4.他真够聪明,能回答这么难的问题。He is _ _ to answer such difficult questions.5.对于我们来说,保持身体健康是很重要的。_is important for us to keep healthy.六、书面表达10姓名华南虎( Chinese Tiger)身体颜色黑白体重150千克食物野猪、山羊、鹿习惯独居强项游泳弱项爬树寿命约20年住址中国东南部森林现状濒危,越来越少困难人类毁坏我们的家园,为了虎皮而杀害我们。求助提出保护华南虎的一个建议_4


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