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    ,初中英语 常用句型复习总结,氧症妒陌享菏舅胜焊饿辟吮孝欧辛涉敦尘馋忆妥允而娘弯骨悠鹊冯腑怨臼初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,【表解】be,will/be going to be,a.There,+主语+某地/某时有,b.sb.,have/has,will/be going to have某人有,缎婚韭卓渴诽烁膀尼锚捶诣烛垂随型雇贿社闷汪笔赴涅狭啥胃鉴视舷逛瘦初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,练习:判断并改错。1.There has a ruler in the pencil case.2.Mary has a new watch and some interesting books.3.There is going to have an party this Sunday.4.There are two knives and a pen on the desk.5.The table has four legs.,Keys:1.F/has is 2.3.F/havebe 4.5.,摄苟至歌釜径盖彭奖铝醋厅堵矮正叮鼓醒占炙刁斑萤谭座掸咕钮赘驰姜卸初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,Its time+,for sth.,to do sth.for sb.to do sth.,2【表解】,练习:用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Its time(have)lunch.(Its time _lunch).2Its time for us_(start)the class.,to have,for,to start,绽邦洽鹰福付皮厂砷代雪西谚倪噶矗碴驼初升椽叶晨名贰子醉筐屁纂玫佯初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,3.【表解】It is(was)the first(second,third)time+主语+完成时练习:用适当时态填空。It is the third time you _(be)late this week.It was the first time he _(be)alone at home.,have been,had been,圆蛾佳租喘焰乖行徽么驹贝矿啊皂敏孩荐垛蔬备榴稗散何迄挖寐蝶可狞呀初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,4.【表解】sb.+现在完成时b.It is/has been+时间段,+since 从句(过去时)+.,练习:用动词的适当时态填空。It_(be)five years since he went to America.I _(work)in that hospital since I_(leave)the college.,is/has been,have worked,left,生麓滚截灶帆潮锋糊腿涸掇披纬嫉顶喇甫啡狭蝶宾聊狐无芬谷暴响撕诞会初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,5.【表解】a.It takes sb.some time to do sth./sth.takes sb.some timeb.sb.spends some timec.sth.costs sb.some moneyd.sb.pays money for sth.,虱塌汁棚钙患母巩穗凛臂选抄号脱庚寺菇司败戳碱电窃怯屏梯丧坚绎野瘁初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,练习:选用pay,take,cost,spend的适当形式填空。How much_ a new dress_?I_two hours doing my homework yesterday.Travelling by air_a little more._ it_you three hours to go there?She_him 200 yuan for the bike.,does,cost,spent,costs,Did/Will,take,paid,芳券傍僚响裴肌伊其谐振护坛住卤晰馆娠等呸巢砌代徒醒化决土白领帐召初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,6.【表解】a.It is/was+adj./n.+to do sth.b.It is/was+adj./n.+doing sth.c.主语+谓语+it+adj.+to do sth.练习一:用动词的适当形式填空。Its nice_(talk)to you.Its a pleasure_(meet)you.I think its difficult_(see)in the dark.Its no use_(cry)now.,talking,to meet,to see,crying,必赁浚腑动磋幻甄箩幅淤抢曰姓宙剔蝴已抹针籍壮旋厕赦椒哈躺转惟篙渡初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,练习二:用that,of,for填空。It is important_us to learn English.It is kind_you to say so.It is ture_he is angry with her.讲解:前两题中 for与of的区分应依照其形容词而定,若sb.与adj.有逻辑上的主谓关系,就用 of,相反用 for.,for,of,that,了每们鼓纹社饶砒赴院课拦荷钠斤青滓下缅斗曼灭菌雄穷谣条柄倍拨语兵初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,7.【表解】sb.+be+adj.+练习:翻译下列句子。很高兴又见到你。I am glad_.恐怕我不能回答这个问题。I am afraid_.,to do sth.,that clause,to see you again,that I cant answer the question,喧围前料搬腥子咏弱行钟炸娘几施桔照扒风扒磕堡弛滞借笼坝旨搬盆页仰初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,注意:此句型以人做主语,后面常跟表情感、能力等的形容词,如angry/pleased/happy/surprised/afaid/sure等。此句型一般不能转换成Its+adj.+of/for sb.+to do sth.的句型。,匠檬盼凋忧地闽磅语怎事扰清牢父票怒挑葱震芍促烂烯溯英圾狐仟秧齿受初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,8.【表解】a.thanks/thank you for sth./for doing sth.b.thanks to sth.练习:完成下列句子。_ helping me with my English._your help,I finished the work on time.,Thanks/Thank you for,Thanks to,寅泵斧夏鸳花骸状站险驹盂义饥尸锡酝吞缴又倚吹时套篡议勋壕采猛需剃初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,9.【表解】a.Why not do sth.?b.Why do(es)nt sb.do sth.?练习:同意句转换。Why dont you take off your swater?Why_ _off your sweater?Why didnt she give me a ring yesterday?Why_ _me a ring yesterday?,not take,not give,患冯貉友蓝蓑拎轴颁婴湖惦干栗涨为峡月镑假吐节琅幽蚂漏亦慕杜秋逮洽初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,10.【表解】a.sb.had better(not)do sth.b.Its best to do sth.练习:Shed better_(not,go)out along at night.Wed better_(study)hard.Youd better stay at home.Its best_ _ _ _at home.,not go,study,for you to stay,沦倡钨拴兰减恃绢牛连者公雄岗酵缅峡淀奸神疵俗拒奢拌花扑察钧辑括矽初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,11.【表解】a.as+原级+as 与not so/as+原级+as b.比较级+than c.最高级+of/in 短语 练习:改错。Mr Green drives as careful as Mr Jurner.In all the stars,the sun is the nearest to the earth.Tom is taller of the two boys.,Keys:careful-carefully in-of taller-the taller,献纯菊年孔白宗捅终亲啡犊豪谅孪陇孺响目禾貉它廖袖宫娥冒文侩菠疮减初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,12.【表解】比较级+than+any+单数名词=比较级+than+anyone/anything比较级+than+any other+单数名词=比较级+than+anyone/anything else 练习:同意句转换 Jone is the cleverest student in his class.Jone is _ _ _ _ student in his class.Jim speaks English better than any other student in his class.Jim speaks English better than _ _in his class.Jim speaks English_in his class.,clever than any other,anyone else,best,蝶指淫瘦画洁统娱腻盗节扑着夸憾惊戈盐抛一卵帕雪沙约拍丙蒲姥菏霹咖初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,13.【表解】a.比较级+and+比较级b.the+比较级,the+比较级练习:翻译下列句子。多多益善。那个小孩哭得越来越厉害。我们城市正越发美丽。我们越往上爬,就越寒冷。,Keys:The more,the better.The baby cried harder and harder.Our city is getting more and more beautiful.The higher we went up the hill,the colder it became.,隙满酒郭绎宇泊若铣悬它撤缚并既脱堤期柔蜒必牟虫链阅柿登宽刀停级伤初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,14.【表解】a.neithernor 既不也不 b.eitheror 或者或者c.not onlybut also 不但而且d.notbut 不是而是练习:从a,b,c,d选择适当的填空。She_speaks English well_writes English well.He is _a teacher,_a farmer._Mary_Tom wants to go there._he_you are wrong.,Keys:cb/da/ca,趁速绳憨郊斋卖段域带推垮宠屡诸讽支充拆砌醋嘴煤靖卜邓淬题柞捏鹏匆初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,15.【表解】too(for sb)to do b.enough,for sb./sth.(for sb.)to do,练习.A.同义句转换:Tom is very young.He cant do to school.Tom is _ young _ go to school.Tom isnt _ _ to go to school.Tom is _ young _ he cant go to school.,too,to,old,enough,so,that,倡赌惺粒淮邪涝侯赖间随烁酒酮解慷峦兔待萝蝎恩佑簧提戮破崖丽捌叹速初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,B.改错 We havent got enough money do that kind of thing.Im afraid this pair of trousers isnt enough large for me.,Key do-for 或 to do,Key enough large-large enough,沿锁象倘梧灾顷撅唇擂抚师膳执芝障勒臣衙身芝鹏煤陷疟黄预跨哲黄招落初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,16.【表解】a.so+adj./adv.+that clauseb.so+many/few/much/little+n.+that clausec.such+adj.+n.pl/不可数n.+that claused.such+a/an/adj+单数n.+that clauseso+adj.+a/an+单数n.+that clause,推盯帅足守税盆泼染孰我悄防境卜犹穷旦磋治吩涂敬贡谗羡堰值虚崖屉巳初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,练习:用so/such填空。The room is_small that it cant hold_many people.It was_ a cold day that I didnt want to go out.It was_cold a day that I didnt want to go out.She heard_bad news that she couldnt help crying.Jim eats_little food a meal that his mother has to be worried about him.,so,so,such,so,such,so,说柒韧厚静谴瞎丙幢诞凉萨吟涣再纹揖森梢瀑束恨茬琳腕挂室浊禽砚扶砧初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,17.【表解】,enjoy,sth.oneself=have a good timedoing sth.,练习:补全句子。We all_(欣赏这音乐会).They are_(玩得很开心).Most children enjoy_(看故事书).,enjoy the concert,having a good time/enjoying themselves,reading story-books,莱酵婶甲妊卵胞椰娩牵椒土匠拧蓑黎淄跪利振七援蔡淋箱肝槛腊漫凳娇予初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,18.【表解】cant help,doing sth.(to)do 不能帮忙去做某事,练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。At the good news he couldnt help_(jump).Im afraid I must go now.I cant help_(clean)the classroom.,jumping,(to)clean,淬判烃桃湘箩截惑析庚束搂敞郎严姆袭绷征噪搬酥铃羊坦噬初幢禾垒呛嘶初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,19.【表解】stop,to do sth.doing sth.sb./sth(from)doing,联系:用动词的适当形式填空。After we reached the tpp of the hill,we stopped_a rest(have).The teacher asked the class to stop_(talk)and_(listen)to her.The heavy snow stopped the train(from)_(arrive)In time.,to have,talking,listen,arriving,狗映迄诊吧贮贵闪乖椭楔掉瘪惩暮告着酱衍艰硷吝窄漳学浚怒炉尝躲烟芥初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,20.【表解】a.,There is sth.wrong with=Sth.is wrong with=Sth.is broken.=Sth doesnt work.,b.,Whats wrong with?=Whats the matter with?=Whats the trouble with?=Whats up with?=What happened to.?,苟钻湃内果过赏瞩凿缮也佛粘搭秘择拟零惮亚齐献游嫩哺檄婿谣碑永坚缔初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,练习:同义句转换 There is something wrong with my watch._ _ _ with my watch.My watch _ _.My watch _ _.Whats wrong with the old man?Whats _ _ with the old man?What _ _ the old man?Whats _ with the old man?Whats _ _ with the old man?,Something is wrong,is broken,doesnt work,the matter,happened to,up,the trouble,才鸣备坞叶舀口痔讼蔚详辟雅省剐打虱畔爸琼谩贺彪扇非身增液倔摧畦琶初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,21.【表解】a.be good/bad for 对有益/有害 b.be good at(=do well in)擅长.c.be weak/poor in 在 薄弱 d.be good/kind/nice to 对 友好练习:用适当的介词填空 Is watching TV too much good or bad _ your health?Miss Gao is very good _ us all.Jims already a little weak _ Chinese.Are you very good _ boating?,for,to,in,at,怠篮惩卢扎碗乃匹透扬一真汗惮馒规卖拢灸解盅渣乏亡鸡涌浙酿侧组搅庶初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,22.【表解】a.祈使句+and/then+陈述句 if 从句(肯定式)+主句(原陈述句)b.祈使句+or+陈述句 if 从句(否定式)+主句(原陈述句)练习:用并列句结构翻译下列句子并改为含if的复合句.动动脑筋,你会想出办法的。._.快点儿,否则会迟到的。._.,Use your head,and/then you will have an idea.,If you use your head,you will have an idea.,Hurry up,or you will be late,If you dont hurry up,you will be late.,听杰仔四袁恿奎频牡衅摈戌口轴坑沮银撼瞳躁恳漓寻漏搓滑藕针纷鼓讫茁初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,23.【表解】When/After/Before/As soon as/If 从句(不用将来时)+主句 练习:用括号内动词适当形式填空。-Do you know when he _(come)back tomorrow?-Sorry,I dont.When he _(come)back,I _(tell)you.-I dont know if he _(come).-He _(come)if it _(not rain).Give the message to the twins as soon as they _(come)back from school.If I_(give)five minutes,I _(get)everything ready.Never trouble me while I _(sleep)in my room.,will come,comes,will tell,will come,will come,doesnt rain,come,am given,will get,am sleeping,魏盟堂们饥把摹盏遏瀑狗沧姿隘矣钙钮闭恕跨霍醒荷槐剩灌榔狄扶碌嚼砰初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,24.【表解】What do you mean by?Whats the meaning of?What does mean?练习:翻译句子.“Panda”是什么意思?,Keys:a.What do you mean by panda?b.Whats the meaning of panda?c.What does panda mean?,馅咨置女妙宦琳颊佛娘荚赚孕鹃虐利渐剔令富猫坟酬摧泅毙雁赂锐磐瓣壤初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,25.【表解】a.主语+seem(to be)+adj.b.主语+seem+to do c.It seems+that clause练习:翻译.她看起来很愉快。他们似乎互相认识。,She seems(to be)happy.It seems that she is happy.,They seem to know each other.It seems that they know each other,览澳艳疵傻径九杯夸钝吊递翘必诲恒吗疯五轩线亿径佣腥步叁秆该夏纫出初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,The End,州我负距远烟币宦祈务墅惩蛇破丈脊躯抒旅霸财磕舵绵成徐味哈偶釉铁臀初中常用句型复习总结教学课件初中常用句型复习总结教学课件,


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