An English Course for Master Students of Engineering 工程硕士研究生英语 山东大学大学外语教学部,授课教师:许莹e-mail:15853159272,授课课程及授课范围教材1:工程硕士研究生英语教程授课范围:Unit1,Unit3,Unit4,Unit9,Unit10,Unit13,Uni14(总共7个单元)教材2:英语听力教程1第1,4,5,7,8,9,11,12章节。教材3:工程硕士研究生英语教程(测试习题集)辅导内容:Test1-8(总共8套习题),Warm-up Questions:1.What was your first job?2.Is your first job the same one as you have now?3.Did you like your first job?Why(not)?4.Has your first job benefited you in any way?Please make a brief explanation.,Part A Text My First Job,Unit One,Two noted Americans explain why its not what you earn its what you learn,My First Job,The Auto Prepper The Cashier,Reading Comprehension,The Auto Prepper 1.How did the authors parents feel about people who didnt work regularly?2.How did the author manage to get his job back?3.Did persistence and hard work benefit the author in his later job?The Cashier 1.Did the author prefer to save money or spend money?How do you know?2.Whats the important lesson the author learns from her first job?3.In which field is the author now working?,How did the authors parents feel about people who didnt work regularly?,They couldnt understand those people.Because they both lived through the Great Depression,and had a very strong work ethic.,The Great Depression:the economic recession or financial crash spread over North American,Europe and other industrial countries from 1929 to 1939.,Notes:,The Great Depression of 1929 was the result of the collapse of the US stock market(Wall Street Crash).After World War I,as production increased through the postwar decade,profits didnt go to those in the economy who might consume the product,but to the wealthy few who often reinvested in plant and machinery to produce even more.Overseas markets were limited too,by the fact that most European nations were poverty stricken(极度贫困)as a result of the war and were heavily in debt to the USA.,Therefore,inventories(存货)of new cars and other consumer goods were high by 1929;bank failures were common;speculation ran rampant,and at last the economy crashed.,“I worked until five or six oclock on school days and put in 12-hour days during the summer as a prepper.”(Line 6),Paraphrase:,Paraphrase:I cleaned and brightened cars during the days when I had school and left work at five or six oclock;during the summer,I spent 12 hours working each day.,put in sth.:devote(time,effort,etc)to,eg.Thank you for all the hard work youve put in.谢谢你的这一切努力。I must put in an hours gardening this evening.今晚我必须干一小时的园艺活。,“Startled,I dropped them all.He fired me on the spot.”(Line 12),Paraphrase:,Paraphrase:I dropped all the hubcaps for being startled.The general manager fired me immediately.,on the spot:then and there,immediately,eg.She was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot.她被一棵倒了的树砸中,当场死亡。,startled:the past participle is used as an adverbial,indicating the reason.,eg.Scolded by the teacher,he felt ashamed all day.由于受了老师的责备,他一整天都很羞愧。,“One day,carrying an armful of hubcaps around a corner,I almost bumped into our new general manager.”(Line 11),How did the author manage to get his job back?,He wrote to Henry Ford II and got help from him.(Eventually the owner of the dealership called,“I dont know who you know in Detroit,but if you want your job back,you got it.”),Notes:,Detroit:the largest city in Michigan,well-known as“Automobile Capital of the World”or“Motor City”.,Did persistence and hard work benefit the author in his later job?,Yes.They won him a position at a Rolls-Royce dealership.(Later,during college,I wanted to work at a Rolls-Royce dealership,but the owner said there were no opening.So I started washing cars there anyway.When the owner noticed me,I said I was working until he hired me.He did.),She preferred to save money.The evidence is“Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.”,rewarding:worth doing,satisfyingeg.Gardening is a very rewarding pastime.园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。,Notes:,Did the author prefer to save money or spend money?How do you know?,Anything I could have bought:“I could have bought”是定语从句,修饰“anything”。它本身又运用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的状况。The subjunctive mood is used to mean the author was satisfied to watch her money grow(to save money)and did not buy anything with the money.,Notes:,if 从句虚拟语气的三种时态变化。,(1)将来:Ifshould/were to,would/should/could/might do 现在:Ifdid/were,would/should/could/might do 过去:Ifhad done,would/should/could/might have done,(2)倒装:若if从句中有should,were(to),had,可省略if,并相应把 should,were,had 提前。,Everything _(be destroyed)if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.,Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the subjective mood.,Exercise,“If I hadnt practiced when I was younger,”the musician says,“I _(not be)able to play so well now.”,would have been destroyed,wouldnt be,_(he leave)today,he would get there by Friday.,Were he to leave,If man were not aggressive by nature,he _(be)happier but less creative.,would be,Whats the important lesson the author learns from her job as a salesperson?,“To be a successful sales person,you didnt need to be a rocket scientist you needed to be a great listener.”,“I took a genuine interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas.”(Line 37),Paraphrase:,Paraphrase:I was very interested in these questions and was able to understand what they wanted and advise them on how to make up so as to achieve the desired effect.,translate sth1.into sth2:express(ideas,feeling)in a different form 把用另一种形式表现出来。,eg.Its time to translate our ideas into action.我们该把思想变为行动了。,“I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.”(Line 38),Paraphrase:,Paraphrase:At last,I set up a record in selling cosmetics.,end up:to finish(in a particular way)1.+adj.2.+doing:3.+in sth.:,eg.If he goes on driving like that,hell end up dead.,eg.At first he refused to accept any responsibility,but he ended up apologizing.,eg.If you continue to steal,you will end up in prison.,In which field is the author now working?,Toy making.“Today,I listen to customers they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.”,See designed and developed:The past participles“designed”and“developed”are the object complements of“see”(in the structure“see sth.done”).,eg.It is said she saw the store robbed.据说她看见了商店被抢。,“Two noted Americans explain why its not what you earn its what you learn”(Subtitle),Analysis:elliptical sentence.Two noted Americans explain why its not what you earn but what you learn that makes the first job important.,Paraphrase:What makes the first job important is not the money you earn but the lesson you learn from it.Two famous Americans explain the reason with their stories.,polish the writing/translation,New Words&Phrases,polish vt.(Line 7)cause to become smooth and shining by rubbing 磨光,擦亮;improve by correcting,making small changes or adding new material 修正,修改,修饰,润色。,Practice,擦鞋/擦鞋器,修改作文/润色翻译,polish the shoes/shoes polisher,Would you please replace the books on the shelf?,replace:vt.(Line 9)put back in its place 将(某物)放回原处;take the place of 代替,取代。,请把书放回书架,可以吗?,打完电话请把话筒放好。,给破了的窗户换块新玻璃。,Replace the receiver after telephoning,please.,Robots are replacing people on assembly lines.,机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人。,Replace a broken window with a new one.,armfuls of flowers,一抱一抱的花儿,携带着成抱的书,Similar word-formation:handful/mouthful/spoonful,armful n.(Line 11)一抱,Practice,carrying books by the armful,against/into sth.,In the dark,I bumped into a chair.,bump ones head on the ceiling,bump v.(Line 11)knock,strike,collide with sth.敲击,与某物相撞;hit or knock sth.esp.a part of the body 碰撞.,sth.(against/on sth.),Compare it with insist on.,If you persist,you will annoy them even more.,eg.I insist on your taking immediate action to put this right.,persistence n.(Line 22)persist:v.continue to do sth.(in sth./in doing sth.)坚持,He persisted in riding that dreadful bicycle.,如果坚持,你会让他们更生气。,他坚持骑那辆破自行车。,(require or demand forcefully),我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。,Other examples:outlive=live longer than outdo=do more or better than outgrow=grow larger than outweigh=be greater in weight,value,importance than,outwork vt.(Line 23)do better work than 工作比做的更好/快/勤,The prefix“out-“means“surpassing,to a greater extent.”,Example,I have always believed I couldnt be outworked.,我一直相信,谁也不会比我干得更好。,Practice,Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list.Change the form if necessary.,outdo outlive outgrow outweigh,My seven-year-old had new shoes in April and hes already _ them.,John was unable to _ his older sister at tennis.,His father _ his mother by eighteen years.,The medical benefits of X-rays far _ the risk of having them.,outdo,outlived,outgrown,outweigh,set up(Line 29)to establish,build or raise 建立,开创,竖起,Practice,设立基金,竖起纪念碑,创下新世界纪录,创建工作组,set up a monument,set up a fund,set up a working party,set up a new world record,Practice,handle v.(Line 32)deal with,manage 处理,对付,Fragile handle with care.,Wash your hands before you handle food.,An officer must know how to handle his men.,易碎,小心轻放。,拿食物前先洗手。,当军官的应当懂得怎样统帅士兵。,promote mutual understanding/friendship,promote vt.(Line 34)raise to a higher position or rank 提升,提拔;encourage or support 增进,鼓励。,sb.(to sth.)This football team is promoted to the first division.,该足球队晋升为甲级队。,增进相互理解/增进友谊,Translation,她计划自己创业。(set up)She planned to set up her own business.态度也很重要。(matter)Attitude also matters.她在客人们到达之前把所有的家具都擦亮了。(polish)She had polished all the furniture before the guests arrived.有些经理不知道如何与人打交道。(handle)Some managers dont know how to handle people.我们完成那项工作的时间打破了纪录。(record)We finished the job in a record amount of time.,她喜欢东西都摆好以后再开始工作。(in place)She likes everything to be in place before she starts work.她常常一天工作12个小时。(put in)She often puts in 12-hours work a day.他是从报纸上得到这一信息的。(acquire)He acquired the information from the newspaper.我们部门有一个助理的职位空缺。(opening)There is an opening for an assistant in our department.10.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。(promote)This organization aims/works to promote friendship among different countries/between nations.,Word Transition,Directions:Find the proper forms of the following words according to the given word class.,open n._ persist n._succeed n._ succeed adj._important n._ promote n._depress n._ value adj._loyal n._ favor adj._,opening,persistence,success,successful,importance,promotion,depression,valuable,loyalty,favorable,Part C Supplementary Reading,That Changed a Life,Four Words,Everyone is weak in a certain sense.Everyone needs love,praise and encouragement.Words are more powerful than one can imagine.A casual word of praise or criticism will cast an incredible shadow.So be generous with your praise and greedy with your criticism.This will make life more pleasant.,Reading Comprehension,1.Why did the woman say her son was“stupid”?2.What is meant by“words like that can echo”(Para.2,last sentence)?3.How old was Dalkoff when he started his career as a professional writer?,Because he had walked away from her.,Words like that have a far-reaching influence:it seems that people to whom such words are said would hear them again and again in their future life.,At 24.,4.What was Dalkoff like when he was a boy?5.What did Mrs.Brauch ask her students to do after they finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird?6.What had Dalkoff“always dreamed of doing but never believed he could do”?7.How did Mrs.Brauch help Dalkoff with his short story writing?,He was terribly insecure and shy(and he had few friends and no self-confidence).,She asked them to write their own chapter that would follow the last chapter of the novel.,Writing a short story.,She evaluated those short stories for him.,8.To what did Dalkoff owe his success in life?9.Why did the young woman come to Dalkoff for advice?10.What is meant by“Mrs.Brauch had cast an incredibly long shadow”(para.11)?,The four words that Mrs.Brauch wrote in the margin of his paper“This is good writing.”,Because he was a writer(and she respected him).,Mrs.Brauch,by giving confidence to Dalkoff,had also influenced some other peoples lives.Such an influence was unbelievably far-reaching.,Useful Expressions,受到责备的男孩静静的回到妇女的身边,耷拉着眼皮。这是我一直梦想要做却又不相信自己可以做到的事。她给人以鼓励、要求严格而又实事求是。他的自信增强了;眼界开阔了;他踏上了一条成功的、自我实现的人生之旅。留下难以置信的深远影响,Chastised,the boy returned quietly to the womans side,his eyes downcast.,That is what I have always dreamed of doing but never believed I could do.,She was encouraging,tough and honest.,His confidence grew;his horizons broadened;he started off on a successful,fulfilling life.,Cast an incredibly long shadow,Exercise,Directions:Choose the correct word/phrase to fill into each sentence,using the proper form.,echo name evident insecure fulfill horizon evaluate recall start off enormous turn to convince,We shall need to _ how the new material stands up to wear and tear.The full extent of the damage only became _ the following morning.Just _ the time and Ill be there on the dot.Brownells comments _ the opinion of the majority of the commission members.,evaluate,evident,name,echo,Id like to _ by thanking you all for coming today.Youve been an _ help.Spending her junior year abroad has broadened her _.He still feels _ about his ability to do the job.She _ seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.Without someone to _ for advice,making the most appropriate choice can be difficult.Ive finally found a job in which I can _ myself.I hope this will _ you to change your mind.,start off,enormous,horizons,insecure,recalled,turn to,fulfill,convince,Homework,Write a composition on the topic“Words I Will Never Forget”.Your composition should be no less than 150 words according to the following outline:1)what are the words;2)why are they uttered;3)why are they unforgettable?,Thanks for Your Attention!,