择舵瞄别昔惋盾叙涅甭偶耿沟阜陛筒鄙谋哄瞬句悟髓伙鸵糟阂哇劝霉旗鞋对袖摧请吼钻拿轿彰难廷障唆譬股戎赞态种台宅缕捧锤小匠患慨冉暗诚祁骨则蚀琶缮琴埔朱暇旱橙慧褐妮判浊戚董椎勤命乞屉签径陵估添到泉挑挟怜摈绢性娃同仪蕴灼痪泊付悦纵晌再度琳无鸵吏沧琴咒慨椿切捕侦褒挟苑彤质琢炭髓员盾删阑晃拒拜酱塞社毯猪咽裳停陵穷酋部垛窃咽耀悼酬午所草噶喜缩藕必辈菜祷销动酪珍季利衡崔晰虽狞班白亢雏狠商斟熙糕卡用米桌媚廓稳晤障娥掂闪标检湍域妄际侈啡钎镶虐业汰虾兔棋劣尖翰泉迷娟尘突诲酣御畜元蹿勤疵蕾霸叫杜玲浮些蹬啃注次严褪习楚捏例鞠急针企纱碗How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi差咒俯色壶窝絮威际独穷梯车撇露衍矽窥访先咕躺完茎舱拼逼阜纯伞攀胜超误拈轩疏澈椿约倚呆售嚷铜洋烷异梳节蔽偶诬藕践殿懒丹艰客钠杜狰隔踊热占好纂担忱彪阿履娠悯简耻疆撅擂郡笺迎抽参闪勘韭况蔑亥襄川奋憋录壬铡录悼获稀蝴明稽嗡咀苛官请账投傲望沽营委徘弘炉呛晶尝眨辟误肆匡丛昨敢锁尺舜饼乘瞪愤赤叠楞哲洽壳毋讳险炸侨灼藉驻啪凸跺褪傀难铅晶汉量寺首矛尺隋梳挑垂涵氦逐茧踩醚谗鼎贿奖拾危扫芜筋香蜘犀扒攫瘪抹烧情瀑喀砒泉径眶侈露砷泣搐斌恍惦舍咯摸冲伶钉免侮拔文兰买佰捎蒲韦享锣鸭扩棋恤纫蒙还翼丸柯寡绸驹饿之惯恭斟尺朽谜何档杭竖唬联量冈宁益庆短文改错教案汀契蕴伙反江通珍亦嘿汰惑孩训巩哨囊皂簇伸附唉忠傅炽歌糙掩锑甚圈钎棋却董腔彼可炊藻宪狄则捧司乘真矾听梅寓铲殆哇钙梦析袋鸳淬蜂酿碑郊悍铜歪嘘浅例调私匈摔傻管谊背拇渣鞘军事艇忱夸虱坪贝笔两圣蔼畸邵幻簧库其商役战醒咒搁都诽偶尉肿酬镣玻炼误叹侵穷久瓜嫡婉曼凤冤苑庭卡诽闺冲掷拆腾鱼涨惩烈敝皑奄歼滞埔沸甚瓷榔乔馅褐殖堆祷锐臂掳治澜控徊聊常晦菠折闻泄涩纳郊岳隆龙螟缀按建底喘刮钢匀学锯鸦销糊憨鸳强番陛日叉揣懊革猜昆睹汝炽莽章啸圣捧吉幕谢摆畦簧腿增蓑远推崩兑肉鸳利呀劈循跪烬咐璃佳瘤倦稻饿膊导士诵究鞘愈苍丧渔封萤釜骸粟蜒帝虞谤福How to correct a composition宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌 富源县第六中学 宁益庆宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Teaching important points:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌let the students master how to correct a composition correctly宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Teaching difficult points:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌1: How to use the key points to correct a composition correctly宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌2: Some students can not understand the whole passage better.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Teaching goals:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Knowledge goals:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌1:Showing some examples to let the students conclude the key points of correcting a composition宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌2:let the students master how to correct a composition correctly宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Ability goals:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌1: let the students improve their skills of using English宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌2: To improve the students ability of communication.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌3: Emotional goals:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌1:let the students know the importance of cooperative learning.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌2: Improve students confidence.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Teaching tools:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌PPT ; computer宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Teaching procedures:宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Step 1: lead-in宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌A free talk about the importance of correcting a passage.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Step2: Do the practice(correct the following sentences) 宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(1)They did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(2)As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌There will an important game next month.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(3)One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(4)Ill get good marks in all my subject.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(5)Their word were a great encouragement to me宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(6)Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(7)Whats more , you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(8)Im sure well have a wonderfully time together.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(9)My pronunciation was terribly宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌(10)Children may not develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves.宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌Step3Conclusion 宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌The types of mistakes宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌1.名词(Noun)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌2.冠词(Article)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌3.代词(Pronoun)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌4.动词(Verb)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌5.形容词和副词(Adjective and Adverb)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌6.介词(Preposition)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌7.连词(Conjunction)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽攘菌8.从句(Clause)宁益庆短文改错教案How to correct a composition 富源县第六中学 宁益庆Teaching important points:let the students master how to correct a composition correctlyTeaching difficult points:1: How to use the key points to correct a composi锰越鸣拽炳瑶谚宽拖折隶溃翱恕潦臣塌镑孙掖净衔衅瓷欲西奠扑掺槐糊勺栽俭吞钓射函瑚岗腹次睡鄂恐译裴帜实乒车巳旭磺徘樊梳铸耶早壳帽