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    Unit 3 Section A(1a2c) Period 11、Teaching aims:A:New words and expressions;16yearolds pierce license silly earring instead of have parttime jobshave fulltime jobs get/have sth done get the drivers license serious enough / enough moneyat that age need to do The pair of earrings is be allowed to do / allow doingB:key sentences: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Theyre not serious enough to drive a car.2、Teaching steps.A:Ask Ss questions to lead in new expressions: teenagers 16yearold teenagers=16yearolds; should(not) be allowed to do.B:teach the new words and expressions.C:Free talk: should (not) be allowed to doD:Go through 1a 1b 1cE:Look at the picture in 2a and Finish 2a 2bF:Discuss what should do and what shouldnt do. list them3、Exercise:一、根据句意及首字母完成下列句子。1、Theyre 15-year-old teenagers. Theyre f .2、People shouldnt allowed to drive with out their drives l .3、Students shouldnt get their ears P .4、The man isnt calm e and of ten argues with others.5、I went to the park i of the 200 yesterday.6、This pair of e must be luujs. she wore them yesterday.7、She made so many s mistakes in the homework.8、He n time to do homework.9、Please c up the room because it doesnt look c .10、You can two ways to get there.(选择)二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、sixteen-year-old shouldnt be allowed (drive)2、Some movie stars even get their noses (pierce).3、His idea sounds too silly. I (agree) with him.4、You need (finish) the work before you leave.5、Jim seems (be) happy these days.6、Excuse me, sir we dont allow (smoke) here.7、We arent allowed (play) soccer here.8、Yesterday they had their pictures (take).9、The old people should (speak) to politely.10、Were tired lets stop lets stop (have) a rest.三、单项选择( )1、Tomorrow Ill get my hair Its too long. A、cut B、cuts C、cutting D、to cut( )2、Young trees should be . A、taken good care B、take good care of C、looking after well D、well looked after( )3、Do you think should work at aight? A、sixteen-years-old B、sixteen-year-olds C、sixteen-years-olds D、sixteen-year-old( )4、Look! Your coat isnt Its too small. A、enough big B、big enough C、new enough D、enough me( )5、The old man didnt allow us the car there. A、park B、parking C、parked D、to park( )6、They talk instead of homework. A、doing B、do C、to de D、to doing( )7、My sister is just a girl. A、twelve years old B、twelve-years-old C、twelve year D、twelve-year-old( )8、I allow Ann my computer. A、use B、using C、to use D、uses( )9、Your shoes arent . You need to buy some new. A、enough old B、enough C、new enough D、big enough( )10、Tom spend time with his parents. A、doesnt need to B、neednt to C、doesnt need D、needs( )11、Your bike is broken, Your bike needs . A、to repair(修理) B、repairing C、be repaired D、repairedThe second Lesson Section A (3a4)Till doing1、Teaching aims: 助系情助系情 New words: stay up till so 主 / so主be home by / before 11:00pm2、Teaching steps:A:le: what rules do you have in your family? Ask Ss to talk freely. And write down their answers on the Bb.B:Let Ss together talk about the rules using “Dont or You can”.C:Look at the picture and take about their rules is 3a. go through it and fill in the Blanks. Then check answers.D:Group work Do a survey about doing the different things and report it.3、Exercises:一、用给所给词的适当形式填空。1、What about (go) to the movie tonight?2、She likes wearing gold (ear).3、I think teenagers should be allowed (go) out with their friends.4、Moon cakes (make) by his mother every year. Your mother (make) by his mother every year?5、She (help) him with his homework tomorrow evening.二、根据句意及首字母填空。1、Our teacher teacher often s up until 12:00 pm.2、I think t should be allowed to go out with their friends.3、Hes very shy. He doesnt s to have many friends.4、What about s at a friends house?5、The children arent old and s enough to drive a car.三、按要求转换句子,每空一词。1、He isnt silly I think.(合并一句)I think he silly.2、He seems to have many friends= seems he mary friends.3、Eric has been to BJ. Mike has been to Bj, too.(同义句) Eric Mike been to BJ. Eric Mike been to BJ.4、My sister didnt go to the cinema. She didnt, either.(同义句) My sister she to the cinema. My sister didnt go to the cinema, she.5、My sister didnt go to the cinema. She watched TV at home.(同义句)My sister watched TV at home to the cinema.四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1、在周我们应该被允许看电视。 We watch TV weekends.2、他会踢足球。 He can play soccer, .3、他需要理发,他的头发太长了。 He his hair. His hair is too.4、你喜欢熬夜玩电脑吗? Do you like computer go5、在我家有很多规矩。 We have a lot of my house.6、在10点钟以前,我必须在家。 I have to 11:00 pm.7、我看见他和朋友一起出去了。 I saw him with his friends.8、在上学期间的晚上,我不允许在朋友家学习。 Im not at a friends house school .五、补对。A:I have a lot of at home.B: do I. For example. I have to get up before six every day even on Sundays.A:I usually do, too But Im to sleep until 8clock on Sundays.B:Do you think teenagers should be allowed to their clothes when they go shopping?A:I agree. And they shouldnt because theyre not serious that age.B:I think so.六、单选。( )1、Jim will go shopping, and . A、so will I B、so I will C、so do I D、so I do( )2、The food looks and sells . A、good, good B、well, well C、good, well D、well, good( )3、Dont too late, or youll feel tired in tomorrows class. A、stay up B、wake up C、get up D、give up( )4、A:Mary went to the park. B: and . A、So Lucy did, So did mary B、So did Lucy, So did Mary C、So she did so did LucyThe third lesson section B 1a2a1、Pretask Teach the Ss how t change a sentence into a passive voice.2、Teaching aims Words and phrases be late for classes=get to class late fail / pass a test take the test be strict with sb in sth3、Teaching steps: Look at the picture: Where are they? What happened to the boy? Do you often get to class late Go through 1a and ask one student to tell his / her answer.pair work 1b. Do you ever do?Listen and circle. 2a 2b check answers.Discuss and group work.Talk about 2c and then ask one student to report their groups answer and find out which group is the best.4、Homework:一、根据首字母提示完成下列各句。1、Theres no rice. Well have to eat noodles i .2、We must be s with ourselves.3、If you dont work hard, youll f the test.4、Peter should be allowed to t the test.5、There are always many r in public places.二、用所给单词适当形式填空。1、They failed (get) the good grades in the exam.2、You neednt (worry) about your son. Hes OK.3、We didnt finish (do) the homework yesterday.4、 (die) trees and leaves can be used to cook.5、What will happen if she (not come) tomorrow?6、The classroom must (keep) clean every day.三、根据汉语完成下列各句。1、I (上学迟到) yesterday.2、Mike went to the zoo, (我也去了).3、she (严格要求)her children.4、Im very glad You can (考试及格).5、I like (与我的奶奶聊天).6、He worries that shell (考试不及格).四、补全对话A:Whats the matter, Peter?B:I think .A:You are? why?B: .A:So?B:Im not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today.A: .B:Thats right. But I know I could pass that test.A:Well, the school has to have rules, You know.B:I know, . Its unfair.A: . Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school.B:Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, shell understand.A:I agree w B:But I should ed to take the later C:Im going to fai test D:And You werent a to take the teE:I missed the be I had to walk to五、把下列各句按要求变化1、We speak English as a second language.(变被动)2、Mr. Zhang always allows us to speak English.(变被动)3、Li Lei mended the bike yesterday.(变被动)4、We plant trees every year.(变被动)5、Teachers must take good care of the students.(变被动)6、We should speak to old people politely.(变被动) 7、They allow us to go the concert again.(同义句)We to go to the concert again.8、Ill ask someone to water my flowers, =I will my flowers 9、I think Bob should cut his hair.(变否定句) I think Bob cut his10、He should be allowed to choose his own clothes.(对画线提问)The fourth lesson (Section B 3a4)一、pretaskMake a survey about our school rules. write down their ideas.now n.v.书房学习二、Teaching aimsNew words. Phrase and expressions. v. design at presentfor n.to do n.concentrate. (on) study n.v.opportunity=chance have an opportunity locala member offamily memberleague membervolunteer u经验 c经历 v.体验,经历 member三、Teaching steps:step1: What rules do we have in our school? Do you think theyre good or bad for you?Step2: Presentation and leading Therere 3 students They all have rules in the school they have different opinions Whatre they? Go through 3a to find the answers quickly then look at the 5 questions belowread it again to answer them.Step3: Teach new words and phrases. The other day. Concentrate on feel comfortable design uniforms bothand get noisy learn form at present have an opportunity to do sth a good experinece Step4: read 3a more carefallyStep5: 3b pairwork Discuss the rules in 3b and tell the reasonStep6: writing 4 Make a list of rulesStep7: Homework一、根据句意及首字母补全单词.1、We must wear u on school days.2、At p , mone more people study English.3、I dont have an o to visit Beijing.4、Do you want to d your own clothes?5、I dont know which pair of shoes to c . They both look on go6、Jim is a m of our school soccer team. He likes it.7、Mr Wang is a teacher of much teaching e .8、As students, we should c on study at school.二、根据汉语提示,填写所缺词组。1、The students went to the mountain (前几周).2、You should (向他学习游泳).3、I must (专心于)my new job as a reporter.4、Last year I (有机会)to study in Japan.5、 (目前),he is on holiday.6、We would (感到舒服).7、Whatre they (谈论).8、That would be a good way to (让老师、学生感到满意的).9、He doesnt have (他自己的房间).10、He works at the (本地医院).三、句型转换1、It took him an hour to read the book.(改同义句) He an hour the book.2、Mike failed the math test again. =Mike the math test again.3、People plant many trees on either side of the street of the street each year.(改被动句) Many trees are on sides of the street each year.4、Did he do his homework(同义句) his homework by him?5、A few years ago, they moved to shiyan. , they moved to shiyan.四、单选( )1、 Sim Lin Tao study hard.A、Neither, nor B、Bothand C、Eitheror ( )2、Its too noisy I cant my work.A、concentrate B、concentrate on C、concentrate to ( )3、Did you have an opportunity at the local hospital?A、to volunteer B、volunteering C、volunteered ( )4、Sometimes we get when mother is not in.A、noise B、noisy C、noisily self check and reading 第五课时一、pre-taskwhat rules do we have un our school? what rules should be changed ? why?二、Teaching aimswords and expressions:mess un a mess old peoples home sleep sleepy reply v(to)sh n news / etter perform a play for sb write for sw/to sb haveoff at least look good on sb三、Teaching stepsstepl:revise sth that weve learnt in this unit especially the key :word phrases and senteuces.step2:ask is to Finish part1 in self check then check answers.step3:Reading Read part 2 and finish the tasks below. then explain the difficult?Points Finally . Let a top student to oral, the others write it down.step 4 Homework一、根据句意及首字母填词1、He is a m of our English club.2、You must clean up the room. Its a really m .3、The woman is very old. She is at l 60 years old.4、On national Day. We have 7 days o .5、The people in the old peoples h dont feel lonely.6、We should know the i of learning English.7、Its a difficult dream to a .8、My mother t me to swim last year.二、用所给的词适当形式填空1、Tom is serious about (make) the bed.2、After lunch, I was beginning to feel (sleep).3、You cant get in the way of me (watch) TV.4、Should I be allowed to make my own (decide)?5、He often teaches me how (ride) a bike.6、They (success) in finishing the work on time at last.7、The accident stopped me form (get) there. 8、Now everyone know the (important) of English.9、We need (practice) (speak) English.10、He is so (sleep) that he falls (sleep) very quickly.三、汉译英1、你能尽快地回复我吗?Are you me as quit as ?2、他们昨天去了敬老院并表演了节目。They went to the and plays yesterday.3、Jim的房间真的很乱,你愿意打扫一下吗? Jims room is . Would You please it up!4、青少年每天需要8小时至少的睡眠。 Teenagers need 8 every day.5、我们星期天被允许放一天假。 Were to one day on Sunday.6、这条牛仔裤穿在她身上很好看。 This pair of good .7、只有那时我才有机会实现我的梦想。 Only then I have an of my .8、他们经常自愿帮助小学的学生。 They often to help the school students.9、父母总认为我不知道学习的重要性,总反对我玩游戏


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