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    Unit 5 First aid,Warming up&reading,What is first aid?,First aid is an important form of_ given to someone who suddenly _ or gets _ before a doctor can be found.,help,falls ill,injured,Everything is unpredictable,peoples lives are full of happiness and sadness.,Accidents will always happen.,天有不测风云人有旦夕祸福,a snake bite,bleeding,a sprained ankle,choking,a broken arm,a nosebleed,Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents.What would you do in such situations?,Lay the victim(受害者)down and keep him/her still;Do not wash the venom(毒液)off;Do not try to suck(吸)out the venom;See a doctor as soon as possible.,Wrap a bandage on the wound;press the wound to reduce the bleeding.,Have the victim sit down;Put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling;Put a firm bandage around the foot and ankle.,If the person can cough/speak/breathe,dont do anything;If not,you can slap(用手掌拍)her on the back to unblock(疏通)the airway(气管).,Do not move the broken bone if possible;Do not move the victim;Get medical help immediately.,Get the person to sit down;Tilt(倾斜)his/her head forward slightly;Gently pinch(掐)the soft part of the nose.,Try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger.,Life is precious,We should care about others,and help people in an emergency.,Dont give first aid if you dont know how to do the correct rescue!,We should cherish life!,Tips,Turn to somebody for help and call 120!,The most important thing!,First Aid for,Burns,Reading,Pre-reading,What has happened?What kind of first aid would her mother perform?,Pre-reading,Lets find out the right ways to help the girl after learning the reading text!,The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself.And she got burned.,While-reading,Skimming,Match the main ideas of each paragraphs,_ the three types of burns_ The first aid treatment if someone gets burned_ the functions of the skin _ the characteristics of burns _ the causes of burns,3,1,4,2,5,Please pay attention to the subtitles(小标题)!,This passage mainly tells us the _ of the skin,the _ of the burns,_ degrees of burns,and what to do if we get _.,functions,causes,three,burned,What does this text talk about?,Scanning,losing water,sense of touch,warm,cool,diseases,poisons,the suns harmful rays,What can skin do for our body?,Para.1,The functions of the skin,The three layers of skin:,The third layer,The second layer,The top layer,H2SO4,hot liquids,steam,fire,The sun(radiation),chemicals,Para.2,The causes of burns,electricity,What can cause burns?,How many types of burns are there?What are they?,1.First degree burns 2.Second degree burns 3.Third degree burns,Para.3 and 4,The three types and the characteristics of burns,Types&characteristics of burns(based on para3&4)(导学案练习),layer,top,second,all three,swollen,Rough,tissue,Mildly,pressed,Blisters,charred,Littleno,Label these pictures with first degree burn,second degree burn and third degree burn.,A_,B_,C_,first degree burn,second degree burn,third degree burn,The first aid treatment if someone gets burned,1._ clothing and jewellery near the burns.2._ the burns with cool water.3._ cool,clean wet cloths on the burns.4._ the burned area gently.5._ the burned area with a dry clean bandage.6._ the burned area _ than the heart,if possible.7._ the victim _the doctor or hospital,if possible.,Take off,Cool,Place,Dry,Cover,Keep,higher,Get,to,Para.5,cool the burn with cool water,Why should we,but not icy water?,too icystimulating(刺激的)unbearable,Post-reading,What kind of first aid would the mother perform to help the girl?Make a list of your ideas.,Thinking,Take off the girls clothing and jewellery near burns.,take off,Place the burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.,cool,Place the burns under cool water to stop the pain and prevent or reduce swelling.,place,Dry the burned area gently.,dry,Cover the burned area with a dry clean bandage.,cover,Send her to the hospital,if it is very serious,send,What first aid can you offer?,Discussion,Drowning,Useful sentence structures,When I meet a_accident.First,I will _.Second,_.Third,_.Fourth,_.Last,_.,A.Four students a groupC.List your processD.Give 5mins to discussE.Use the knowledge according to your daily life,Turn to somebody for help and call 120!,The most important thing!,If you can swim,pull the person out of the water.If you cant swim,call somebody for help.,Ask the person to check whether he is conscious or not.,Keep calm,Make sure the persons airway is open.,Use mouth-to-mouth method.,Give CPR to him if necessary.,Water control,Keep warm,Drink some warm drink,Try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger.,Life is precious,We should care about others,and help people in an emergency.,Dont give first aid if you dont know how to do the correct rescue!,We should cherish life!,Tips,Homework,Get more about first aid from the newspaper,magazine or the Internet.Find out the important and difficult words and expressions to you and finish exercises on page 36.,See you!,


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