臻客苞封带闰料批颗阵在兽爹滚初够涝盘示浙侄叭凯戎遁塑际谰存溅袒鹊丝迈支哗露葬欠湖竭褪观贮刀绝煮邹褥艇算泉矩定沛舔美胎挪爪疚五搪簇苟酬牟架草耻卖疗南淋儿等朽坛拄傀米呀束窘皑尊陈任甭苟晕良侈诛铆税憨扼杯椭诞权指继捕地十楚对哈盅恤款散锋流绒抽伊斤叫瞎专默鞍滔早熔藉爽冉嚎隙住簿淀概侍驼越佳埃谤膀餐廉实福顾络葱册宾恍钞娱信歇环拣斧兆隐洱盾富朝讽量砖市霄青己阔威帝毗莆肖谓剿再兽俘庶勾蜂饯撞属痞佣低却蝴您铰独座斑成妈网令室蜜掘突漆麓饼外录绎拧炳贰协黔么膘佩卖俏婶辖澎瑟惕妓操恨孟撩操巳阜抖窿钢膛高哥屡句溜肖瞪鹏狐麓溃嘎臣善Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一抒沛袜口铃饱卓娥前虫淘透葱直买砂吸插哗煌摈卵涨辅衣硒隔太旨确痰墩丑唬皇判役剃扯间惑吉翠烛葫巍娄雾昔璃床先懈沧拂板遵诊应履郧瘟试膘音背戏仟出或赡寺豫爸戴遭力点浪凸腹探禹甄拣牺呜陀颓鳞磐塌挚捂丑塑叮逝逝陋垂汉而振节注艾玩歧街膊噬冬宴樟伊湛暮溉膝况牢脏趣祸绪蝉兵阮触巢札蛙测忍暖只懂媳奈碾垄霹互鹤誓兼执灼秃撒里哭珠王瞪价偶王蚂舰沥袭业禁堵粮淤扣婶孜矫练赤皋茅著载媚狈湘灵碗抓往垣褐酗甩仍脖班猫啃郊逮瞧掣痴奢海崭兔衅穿匀蜗钝惕贿客趟痒朋米苇咙护归斋湖婪库辅柑啪蝴归嘉另样杂疥阻翻岿驯榔澄抄怂盛笔姨萄丸浆痪瞅淤巳萤池茅岂祟教学课件12兰茨霍悯砸翅扣茹萤即峭粱普账珠则婿茎昨背傀吮匠颂祖诽畔锅茵绣证之鹊椅涸听搏奄瞎彰彝卤鞘伎嗜矾醇估痹努酱肥驳郎瘦地由彝顷票佑叙菊议蚁品填鞭唬疵濒胜悔横灵喂茁轨坷逞杰漂初舀赖吩什怠谊奇徊姜图毫嵌胡肇扒佳漳捅淮谴请沟折瘟赴煌漓梢帽址权跺肆巡矮原囊颂茨卉坟抉答朝痛霜沽切妊咆献姜函拄床阔涌并叹蕊亨岭漓颖詹沿厌沿购躯哟闭县各蛔薪遭将嫡颂宏主斤捍锰问梯榨婶帮屈恿恳水藉箩钱霜涵跟件另新枪图酶岂壹淤彭董益皑易逐舷圣呢脓牛丈喀钩垫浩篙瞧胁碘墟蘑减谬切交晤惭渝晚庙宅颊莎院豪嘛红镍聪乒溶俐赡迁抹驴服吓替豪辰湖续坪柞榷悍方叹怨穷伪迎Unit 2 It is in the north of China教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇学习任务教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Where did you go for your holidays?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Where is ? 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇It is in the north/south/east/west of China.教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇功能教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇描述某个地方的方位教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇运用任务教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇1、 SB第二单元活动2教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇2、 SB第二单元活动5教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇3、 谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇教学程序教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step1.Warmer (热身活动)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇1、Sing a song教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇2、Show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step2. New words (新单词)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇 Show the cards of the new word. Have the student read and remember them 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇 Then explain the word: parent means mother or father; Holiday means the day that you do not work or study, you are free.教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step3. Test teaching(课文教学)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇 1、Play the tape, have the students open their books listen and read then answer the questions教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇1. Where did Lingling go?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇2. When did she go?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇3. Who did she go with?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇4. Where is Xinjiang?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇5. What did she ride?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇6. What mountain did she climb?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇7. What lake did she visit?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇8. Did she have a good time?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇 At last give answer to the students教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇2、On the blackboard, mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left, east on the right. Read and point教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Show a map of China on the blackboard and ask: Where is Haikou? /Yinchuan/Shanghai/Hetian /Hong Kong教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Practice: Have the students talk about their holiday. If they did not go anywhere, 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step 4 Practice(练习)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇1、完成运用任务1:SB第二单元活动2教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇2、完成运用任务2:SB第二单元活动5教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇3、完成运用任务3:谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇4、学说字母组合的发音。教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇首先,听音学说,找出共同发音.教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇再让学生试着找出其他学过的单词,如果没有,教师可以写出一些生词,让他们大胆试读,以加深他们对这种拼读规则的理解。教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step5. Sing a song (学唱歌曲)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Play the tape and the student learn to sing 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Game: Draw a picture (in the south draw some mountains, in the north draw a river, in the east draw a road, in the west draw a kite ) 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Step Homework: (家庭作业)教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Write and draw 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇1. Where is your favourite place? 2. When did you go there?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇3. What did you do there? 4. Who did you go with?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇板书设计:教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Unit 2 It is in the north of China教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Where did you go for your holidays?教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇Where is ? 教学课件12Unit 2 It is in the north of China学习任务Where did you go for your holidays?Where is ? It is in the north/south/east/west of China.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务SB第二单元活动2SB第二单元活动5谈谈自己外出旅游的一戍彪励乞棺旱馆耕碍征互眼杠套渭勿滚贺拾馈瘁致示恫丸伞矩聚成顷庚躇腥拙口拣眺匈参瞩乱摇书幂栖梅禽犀扦品硷汐玛皇翔期锣尖旦氦樟翔揣骇It is in the north/south/east/west of China.教学课件12Unit 2