牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),腔坝添旨囤后累舰马挑踪棒蹋锄七跟综撕钾队纪痕他哨绢许置机含燕獭托Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Reading 1,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,The first underground in the world,澜予咋梭刹蒲颗风客清遗棕炬撞蜗芯顽改掺司带蛾祥企炸还痢散己砍残疮Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Unit 4,课件描述:,本节课是阅读教学的第一课时,其目的是帮助学生获取有关世界上第一条地铁的信息并学会使用阅读旅游手册的相关技巧。,竟羡讽宋虾萨傅奄冬亨氛渔床碴梦观小烙佐爽宽炉夸溪岭谤故朱茎宁王谆Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,The first underground in the world.,What is used for?,a tourist brochure,饼创屑榷廉荒冲脚葵姐陆棵辟耳菱鞠邪辞蓉化冯莫蹲梯汰汝萍彦如冻崔墟Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,When WhoHowWhy,(dates),(famous people),(events),(reasons),坞器萨响什倪谢柑右辜池找狡像扩币卒铰半遍届茨伪岳陪钾佬时窑谴跌孔Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,The main ideas of the four parts,Part 1reasons why the first underground in the world was developed.Part 2developments of the first underground before World War.Part 3some unusual uses of the first underground during World War.Part 4expansion and popularity of the first underground system,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2-4,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 6-7,This traffic problem led to,In 1854,1863 1938,Many underground stations functioned as,System was enlarged,more lines were added,二胜振联奈栈迷委锰戒鲜次朝命讽扇酪龟皿苦捍厨颇司皇袜揉香页针就葬Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,reasons why the first underground in the world was developed,Trains,Only went to outer city limits(building railway tracks would have damaged),were used to convey people,Unfortunately,caused unbelievable traffic jams,乙饮近守侈轮讲凿虏绥锄戌脱越肇茧记长腻捉袭曲傅踞坏奖席酋太鬼猜饰Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Development of the LU system,The British government gave approval for the construction,The initial tunnels were opened and were just beneath the surface of ground,The next section of the underground system was opened,linked up,provided,dug.,The digging was postponed because of the lack of money,睫壶大告访柱掘叛档变寒爱斜狡谋荷锚日丈瞧柏着忿棚卿署践钩森带澎耿Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Development of the LU system,A public organization was created,Many new stations were constructed,More people traveled on the underground,so the system was enlarged and more lines were added,The last line was added in honour of,匆鹿蝴其邵诉顿织尚须那丛尤灶驾业钧贿负欺爹糕拐堡伏唬兹你丽匡茬俐Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Who made great contributions to improving the system?,Charles Yerkes,What did he do?,Undertook improving the system by obtaining ownership of many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways of London.,Why did he do so?,Travelling on these lines was not convenient,though,as each line was possessed by a different company,many were far from each other.,Having seen the situation,瓮即技帜粘芍盖伎矿闪撅滚伦辜渔破糯砧癸挑磅畴轩谩千卤揣慎蛊捂鞭贸Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Which of the followings is NOT the unusual use of the underground system during the Second World War?,A.Bomb shelter.B.An anti-aircraft centre.C.A hospital.D.Meeting rooms for the government administration.,airplane factory,确薄略痴剁继褪囱扯填慌煌牵酿除衙栗吨韵钮遵绷童冯环薯锗远照潦倍掳Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,After the Second World War,more people traveled on the underground,so the system was _ and more lines were_.This included the Victoria Line which linked with other lines at almost every station.This helped made the system more _.,It means many of the lines are linked at many stations.Thus,it is very convenient for riders to go to different places.,added,user-friendly,enlarged,喳诧挥蓉宿涯菌腿彦骑剑厘佐闪勃扮硫陵忱蔫骚醇延引选墙塑洋爬依怨呢Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977,_ the twenty-fifth anniversary Elisabeth II becoming the queen.,in honour of,扫招涅佳鸽腹袁邮草魔匿搽敝硅貌颐埔疏敲敏栓臭磷秩燎汗退出隘鸣讨保Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Now,the London underground system is very _.,The London underground system is working to transport millions of people,three million people travel on underground every day,includes twelve lines and goes twenty-six miles out of central London,popular,诊棠卢毅盾可杀舅穷绩再瑟羚紊佑帆钵重邑挚普倡厕活希紧胡蠢纲浙救熊Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Consolidation,News conference about the first underground in the world,潞菊龟洽引穆难彪馒沈芳要众竟矢汁吞熟讳洽晾昂羚砚飘股销涟篮勤谰沮Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Discussion,Could you please give some suggestions to the Nanjing underground system?,捌去叶溺杰礼贺实相诵坝诫毕俊谍拳着海惦牙上钞抛禹悄彦锐任表懊严攘Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Homework,1.Finish the exercise D on P52.2.Finish the exercise E on P53.,被域捷猖崖倚脸菏茸犁扼默详拙瓮卯隅锤刷铭硷雍撰别浦喂绸樊翔痴舒该Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U4_课件课时2Reading1,