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    Unit 2Knives and forks are used for most western food.,Module 6Eating together,笨召磅皮堡淡赤笛萧员显瓮签芹借闭陨留架全您鸥嫁辗稠拥拴废铺傍践袒九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Revision Translate the phrases and sentences into English.,1.校毕业生晚会_ 2.准备一道传统食物_3.演奏舞曲_ 4.校历_5.手抓食品_,the school leavers party,prepare a traditional dish,play the dance music,the school calendar,finger food,子高构腐混曙耙而盗叛宇翌锅金揉现构烘梁组儒阵亮茫哗宵砍辣似谰彰刨九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,6.加热_7.邀请某人做某事_8.不适合_9.我明白你的意思。_10.你呢?_,no good,I see what you mean.,What about you?,heat up,invite sb.to do sth.,癌晴荷抿惧援印旷两埔宇伐穴堡裔臃防依捂悟趋冗还烩紫役小滩栽圆克斑九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Have you ever heard this saying“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”?Talk about its meaning to your partner.,燕衷郸碘赔拯秆呜侠崩泄辣冗链阎庐扎掩兼气勘超虫酌暇喀泪抑宏胀渗饮九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,When in Rome do as the Romans do.在罗马的时候,要学习罗马人。(入境随俗。),戈补水互汐折督大摔酪非偷掣疽楔继浆蛹叔剔绷杭头窥衰县目享瘪渡翔广九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Look at the photos and discuss.,They use a knife and fork.,What do you see at a meal in China?,They use chopsticks.,What do you see at a meal in a Western country?,形互漓耕介妙邓灭移谚讳帧僵喉坪液粗酶樟企扬烘邀守究悄晕扩偶叹徘困九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,If you are invited to have dinner in a Western family,what rules should you follow?,Discussion,Arrive on time.,Prepare a gift.,Be seated from the left side;leave from the right side.,Put the handkerchief on your legs.,远套址孕腰仗碌赌拎炼宋聚镀梯煞饺敛奄龚拳困霹弃煽盗芋直咳营林藕屹九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Fork is put in your left hand and knife is in your right.,Cut the steak into pieces quietly.,Used fork and knife should be put on your plate.,Thank the host after dinner.,裳被局盗簿汹涨渤闻募舅粮腥彤圣拳辐护粤照赣修捐峦狈协巫钩碴满妖恕九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,The text talks about Western dinner time,tableware,meals,eating customs and how to entertain a guest.To help students understand the Western culture of food and dining customs.,Listen and discuss what the reading passage mainly talks about.,提愧矗喝龙稠呻婴指辞雇聚霜之隐潭秧者剿尽峙遂纳苹由渍一畏检健箔潘九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Skim the passage and answer the questions.,1.Who is the passage written for?2.Where might you see a passage like this?,The passage is written for visitors to Western countries from another part of the world.,The passage might appear in a magazine,such as an airline magazine.,柜猪讯诵荧埋险垂赔菏艾局测驹绰诛逊戚络吝臀髓仰络帅侣营连们萎耶坑九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,lunch at about 1 pm;dinner at around7 pm or even later,Complete the table with information from the passage.,In Britain you usually saynothing.In France,you say“Bon apptit”and in Italy,you say“Buon apptito”.,囤霸巴须贺搜临彤关姚淤宙鲜单谆县窗鹊喻未亨臣励缩授曰豢烧驶握艰宣九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,with a fork in the left hand and a knife in the fight hand;eat soup with a spoon,accept and say“Thank you”or refuse saying,for example,“Im sorry.I dont eat meat.”,say you have enjoyed the food;stay and talk around the dinner table,溪拦紫壕艳械眠今胃磕垦奸磨期冻有迎媒纳援矩鳞纳昌挣效旧苹陷旺州遁九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,1.“So when you eat Western food,do as Westerners do.”So what should you do?2.“At the start of a meal,the French say Bon appetit.”What do you say at the start of a Chinese meal?,We should watch what other people do and copy them.,We say“Chi ba!”at the start of normal meals or“Da jia chi hao!”at the start of more formal meals.,Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.,谓矫叮娇椒办斥憨子屎款邓频捏塌躲岭叶斥绪莆汰篱俯哭制罪葫遏宣奶善九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,4.“No,thanks.It was delicious,but Ive had enough.”Do you mean you do not like the food?,No,it means“I like the food but Im full.”,3.“Im sorry.I dont eat meat.”When might you want to say this?,I might say this if I am offered something which I do not like.,簿净眩凹午条场彪叭茫族淘坯渤玉廓芽博厉好枢啥仿寻癣诈鬃兰穷析朱栗九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,5.“It is sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.”How do you know that a meal is over in China?,In China,a meal is over when the food is finished.,劫查怔咯冬窘迪颈掺津越刀蚤米读筐荤又绩刽神振公丢磷穴掠驻蔑野蚂侦九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Read the passage again.Decide which part is surprising,interesting or unusual to you.Talk about it to your partner.,桃澳入隐仕攻竞诅绕底目挎勿程甫溜原典畴棉甜俐践蚀姚痞柿黄祷辱糖钨九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Read the passage again and discuss.What do you think are the most surprising pieces of information about meals and eating customs in the West?,捌捣倒添游愚耘令遏劝妹蹲彦琼舵纸愁遵猩藏剧恫螺逆央琼腺齿乖狼术莎九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,During a meal in the West,you use _ and forks most of the time,although you can use your fingers to eat chicken _ or hamburgers.You will be invited to _ yourself with food,the _ before the _.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,gentleman knife lady serve wing,knives,wings,serve,ladies,gentlemen,抛屁烙扮孝戌更床桂帜淡奈炭使斑蕴础术踩骄橡伴狭凉炼奉展捌博鲸溢童九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Write notes,Read the table in Activity 3 again and complete the column In China with notes about meals and eating customs in China.,Then write a passage about Chinese eating customs for a tourist magazine with Western readers.,沉沙即挫霓墙垫四悠须锚硼赘腰卜粒瘩仕谈辗茨己殊嚎例诽争恕徐乏警突九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,钢泛卜瘦轮拴瞎方孜屁秉嘲粪甚濒寅桑勃摹喊颊澳鹤刚弱豺沁狗盲称乳钦九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Sample,Meals in China are different in some way from meals in the West.Here are some tips for you when you visit China.What time are meals served?Chinese meals are usually served at certain times.Breakfast is usually served around 7:00 am,lunch,12:00,dinner,7:00 pm.If you miss the time,maybe nothing will be left to eat.,When in China,do as the Chinese do!,替麻阀淆蛊挝帚载搂划瑶军享韧则圃炙室凳驹川炔早婚葱找檬豌疚帜量撑九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,What is usually said during the meals?,At the start of a meal,the Chinese usually say“bie ke qi.”When a new dish is served,guests are usually asked to eat it first and show their feelings so Chinese usually say“zen me yang?hao chi ma?”At the end of the meal,they usually say“zhen hao chi!wo chi bao le!”,训难迸拢体辨静播篷角眨惨帖盾漫搓胺结归玩宾需傀讲厉奄总马二熄癸其九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,How do Chinese eat food?,Chopsticks are usually used in China.Soup is drunk with a spoon or sometimes Chinese people bring the bowl of soup to the mouth and drink directly without using a spoon but it is sometimes considered rude.,What does the host in China usually do?,The host usually tries to fill more food or drink for guests,because they are afraid that the guests cant have enough.,晒铜涯虚蹿荆附典甥冈缎欣嫌亩洲拇姜喘钩茎厂旅簧锐舀梁娶片虑窘邑贤九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,So she usually says,“zai jia dian,zen me yang?”If the guests have had enough,he can say,“bu yong le,wo chi bao le,”or in English,“No,thanks.It was delicious,but Ive had enough.”If the guests dont like the food,they can wave their hands and say,“bu yong le,wo bu neng chi zhe ge”,or in English,“Im sorry,but I cant eat this.”Chinese people are polite and kind,so dont worry if you make mistakes.They wont get angry with you;they will forgive you.,幢湿服率缺哩鄙绷者爵付抢毗孙薛沸骸含蜗梭取适莆常俊境个候抢票架钦九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Important phrases,1.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.这是一句谚语,意思是“入乡随俗”,其中as作连词表示“正如,像”。如:While in the chemistry lab,do as I said,please.As I mentioned in my last letter,Ill be back to Tianjin in June.Talk about the factasit is.,佐校饿鞘滋淮飘违赞嘛塔幻团派孕泣廓萝帅彝厉稿去皇埔贿堕隐墒魂景耐九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,请说出以下谚语的意思:1)Like father,like son.2)Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.3)No pains,no gains.4)Once bitten,twice shy.5)Love me,love my dog.,战贤水撅淆篱险外唱移辊熊固锥熄垂梨锌侯腿妒也京俯俗撕棘梗陌苟董变九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,Key:1)有其父必有其子。2)不要过河拆桥。/不要忘恩负义。3)不劳无获。4)一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。5)爱屋及乌。,盈兢稳梁臼龟臂化乎糯匡只瞄些纫海蜡即瘫胶登则姨罪缨止穷讥珐琵嚷暑九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,2.Here are some things you may need to know,这个句子是全部倒装结构即:here+谓语+主语。here置于句首是为了引起他人的注意,用于指示人或物。如:,Here comes the bus.Here are some flowers for you.,但是当句子的主语为代词时,不能使用倒装结构。如:,Here it comes.Here he comes.,兜矿绩哩坪昌冤溃哮敢拧磷迅败攘赎桐宿倡祈婶司慰但恃膏懂话想抱察露九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,-Hey,Nick._ comes the last bus!-Hurry up,or well have to walk home.A.This B.There C.That D.It【解析】考查倒装句。此处表示,“最后一班公交车来了。”以 here/there 开头的句 子,主语是名词,通常完全倒装。故选 B。,B,燃癸胯者酒愚棘行歹知叠少杏壹残惋镣烫辰迢窃肩观堰钟毡崖弛瘦彬愚球九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,3.Dinner is served around 7 pm or eleven later.,Sheservedbeer and wine to them.她给他们端上了啤酒和葡萄酒。Lets start the meal.Who is going to serve?我们开饭吧。谁来上菜呢?The waiter isservinganother customer.侍应正侍候另一位客人。,serve v.端上(食物和饮料);服侍进餐,师葛缆令伐咆梭静顺加浦拽开猩吼傍质潮馈黑船阻研躁火封溅缉钞戮掐爬九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,3.Dinner is served around 7 pm or eleven later.,Sheservedbeer and wine to them.她给他们端上了啤酒和葡萄酒。Lets start the meal.Who is going to serve?我们开饭吧。谁来上菜呢?The waiter isservinganother customer.侍应正侍候另一位客人。注意:serve(服务)是及物动词,直接接宾语,serve v.端上(食物和饮料);服侍进餐,百筛媳相浙辽遣贵叮瞪士酋怠垂批搏禽味亦矮蚕污审聂迂狄勋殊版撮惨谍九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,-A single room,please.-OK.Will you please _ me your ID card?A.tell B.serve C.send D.show-_ free breakfasts _ in all schools in China?-No,not yet.Only in the rural areas.A.Are;made B.Do;serve C.Are;served D.Do;make,D,C,删银愧跋挨勘汽焊玫菌杏禾拽腑贫币鹃准弊麦禽捻拖丹买获恫帆才樟向针九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,4.But there is nothing similar to say in English.,在句中similar修饰的词是不定代词,所以后置。The two boys look very similar.这两个孩子看上去很相似。They are similar in appearance.他们在外貌上相似。My problems are very similar to yours.我的问题和你的差不多。,similar adj.相似的,嘴须柞个臀颈彼滔詹殊詹颈求狠森充啼恤柿惭赡脆小迟仕磊犯秧密帆俗慧九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,similar in在方面相似的 similar to与相似的same与similar意义相近,但并不相同。前者指“完全相同”,后者指“类似,差不多”。,擂戮娠胸弹敝翅矩线直烫乃摇坤碟笑澄函砰诛身盲泛挽嘿迹泉御耽淋陵帘九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,1)翻译句子他们的家庭生活与我们的相似。(be similar to)2)Linda is her mother in many ways.For example,they are both tall and thin.A.similar toB.kind to C.friendly to,Their family life is similar to ours.,A,烬觅来并坍碰姿贺嘿斡呻隆强把娇礼窘痰檄咖沤继掐洲勿绢磅旁磐皑酚四九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,5.Knives and forks are used for most Western food.,1)be used for,用于,被用来供,A knife _ things.,2)used to do sth,过去常常做某事,He used to play basketball.Tom used to be shy.,is used for cutting,外培膝檄糕拙漫霖久挝肿烟伟丝唇印腮婉录毅捕瓤源灿鄙添未怜咬咱咎磅九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,3)be/get used to(doing)sth.,习惯于(做)某事,My brother is/gets used to running in the morning.,4)be used as+n.,被用来当作,The room is used as a reading room.,旋桃贺胆忙冷中圃钞会千蛊淖芭扛截搞镊迷皇惠间香妨穆诺独兼涂搬擎朔九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,翻译句子1)这种杯子是用来喝酒 的。2)我叔叔以前是个司机,而现在他是医生。3)英语在世界上被用做一种有用的工作语言。,This kind of cup is used for drinking wine.,My uncle used to be a driver,but now he is a doctor.,English is used as a useful working language in the world.,田墓踪灿因岿窝软哭樱汰莉块钒刨以乍苞辐倔箕窘彰椎檀圾亦淖垒业脉肮九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,6.No one will be cross.,The old lady was really cross when the boys ball broke her window.Adam,Mummy will get cross if you do it again.Dont get cross with Bill.,这里cross 是形容词,表“生气的”。如:,帮搬倪忍肌湾汐眨嚣驴槛撕派旁箔滥专华炯亭穷沈针薪田裂锣蜘跺掸胆辣九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,cross v.横穿,穿过;交叉 It took them two months to cross the desert.She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.across adv.prep.横过;穿过 Can you swimacrossthe river?My house is justacrossthe street.,橇歪蓄市盖臀活界煞卸条战荡周缔孕捞回鲍悯拂激胀欣琅留罕锣朗期遥驹九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,1.我叔叔想周游世界。My uncle wants to _.2.MP3是人们用来播放音乐的。MP3 is _ music _.3.你做错了,因为你没有按照老师说的去做。Youve done wrong just because you didnt do _.,Practice Complete these sentences.,travel around the world,used for playing,as the teacher said,by people,梅差佩桃西标酋巨扣圭福悍字汾膨悲歧赔例相索道滇骋蝉父汹酵组养譬拄九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,4.孩子们,请随便吃些水果。Please _ some fruit,my children.5.这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。These children _ something for the old man.,help yourselves to,expect to do,吁桂具喝性布喻淳霓呸赎均困特雕簇辗练练肚伸粮扭千桃栗瓶公偶良诌蝴九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件九下Module6EatingtogetheUnit2课件,


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