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    小学五年级英语上学期填空题专项课后牛津班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图完成下列句子。1Look! The pandas are _bamboo.2Please talk _in the library.3The robot is _a picture.4Can you teach me to_ Chinese kung fu?5Keep your desk _2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Here _ (be) some bread for them.2His _ (brother) are eating grapes in the kitchen.3There is some _ (fish) in the fridge.4Dont play the violin. Your father _ (sleep) in the bedroom.3. 选择适当的动词填空。move can send speak draw go play1Please_me an email.2He cant_cartoons.3We_into a new house.4I often_sports in the afternoon.5He wants to_boating.6They can_English.7What_you do?4. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1Whats wrong with _(she)?2Why does he _(have)a toothache?3We should brush our _(tooth)before bedtime.4Let _(I)check.5She _(feel)tired , she should have a rest.5. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1My father _ (watch)TV now.2Look. The boy _ (run).3What _ your mother _ (do)now?4My brother _ ( swim )now.5What _ you _ ( listen ) to?6Look, Mr. Chen _ ( play ) football.7Tom and his sister _ ( wait ) for you over there.8The children _ ( sing )in the room.9What _ Jenny and Danny _ (do)now?10Lucy _ ( draw )a picture with her sister now.6. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The bus will _ (arrive) at ten oclock in the morning.2My mother _ (call) me last night.3This story _ (sound) fun.4The football match _ (begin) at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon.5Sam doesnt _ (like) the hot weather.6_ Jim _ homework every day? (do)7. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Can you _(draw)a tree for me?2Lin Ling _(try)on her new shoes.3Let _(he)take the bus to the zoo.4Nancy likes _(read)books in the evening.5Helen _(go)to school every day.8. 按要求写单词。1first(基数词) 2four(序数词)3third(基数词) 4fifth(缩写形式)5second (缩写形式) 6twelfth(基数词)7thirty (序数词) 8twenty-first (缩写)9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Helen _(have) dinner at six in the evening.2There_(be)any water in the glass.3I like_(fly ) kites in the park. I can_(fly)kites well.4Su Yang _(go) to the park at weekends.5_ (one), they buy a Christmas tree.10. 词性大变脸。1late(反义词)_ 2she(宾格)_3old(反义词)_ 4do(否定形式)_5would like(同义词)_ 6glass(复数)_7buy(同音词)_ 8left(对应词)_9help(形容词)_ 10knife(复数)_11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1People eat with _(chopstick) in China.2Helen is washing the _(dish) in the kitchen.3Is there _(some) orange juice in the fridge?4Look! Liu Tao _(sweep) the floor.12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you often take a _(dance) class in the evening?Yes, I do.2I am reading a book. What about you?I _(eat) breakfast.3In the morning, there are three classes. The _(three) class is English.4This book is his. _(I) is on the desk.5Please keep _(you) desk clean in the room.13. 根据句子意思, 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1There _ (be) a pen in the box, but there _ (be not) any books.2How many _ ( library) are there in your school? There _ (be) two.3_ (do) the parrot _ (have) a long tail?4The rabbit _ (have)a short tail. _(it)ears are long.5My brother  _ (like)  _ ( listen ) to music.6Can Kate _( dance)? Yes. She likes _(dance) very much.7Can you show _ (we) around _ (you) new house?8We _ (have) black eyes, but Tom _ (have) big blue eyes.9There are _ (three) floors in my house. My bedroom is on the_(three) floor.10I _ (be) thirsty. But there _ (be not) any water in the glass.14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Does she_ (like) dogs?2Where_ (do) your teacher live?3Mike and his father _ (read) books every Saturday.4What does it_ (have)?5_ (be) there any soup on the table?15. 选择正确的单词填空。to   on   and   at about1This is my grandfather _ this is my grandmother.2Im in Class Three. How _ you?3Look _ this picture.4Nice _ see you again.5Look! Wang Lin is _ TV.16. 按要求完成句子。1 When is the school trip?  Its _.2My birthday is _.3 _ is the maths test? Its _.4We will have a party _ Childrens Day.5The _ month of a year is April.17. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1Can I _(read) books here?2I am _(listen) to music now.3What are they _(do) now?4_ (talk) quietly in the library, please.5I often _(go) for a walk on the weekend.18. 按要求填空。1dumpling(复数)_ 2like(单三)_3take(单三)_ 4Im(完整形式)_5want(单三)_ 6there(对应词)_7have(现在分词)_ 8we(宾格)_9I(宾格)_ 10do(否定句)_19. 根据中文提示补全句子。1I usually play outdoors with my friends _ _ (在周日).2I _ _ (等不及看) to see this film.3Mother''s birthday is on _ _ (3月2日).4They are going to go _ _ (爬山) tomorrow.5My family will _ _ (乘飞机回来) after the holiday.20. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示补全句子,每空一词。1I like a _ best, because I can p_ a_ . 2New Years Day is on J_ 1st. 3Its 7:20 a.m. I eat b_ at home. 4Look! They are d_ m_ e_.5We should t_ q_ in the library. 


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