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    安徽工程科技学院 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 课 题 类 型: 学 生 姓 名: 专 业 班 级: 指 导 教 师: 开 题 时 间: 年 月 日 一、毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义(价值)1.设计的内容:二、毕业设计(论文)研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述)1.研究现状:2.我国汽车仪表产品现状:3.发展趋势:三、毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划1、设计思路操作面板告警信号输出单片机A/D转换 模 块90模拟量和数据量采集显示模块2. 系统组成及工作原理 软件设计因为C语言编写的软件易于实现模块化,生成的机器代码质量高、可读性强、移植好,所以本系统的软件采用C语言编写,在Keil Vision3 Demo版本的集成开发环境下进行编译连接,在Protues环境中进行仿真。 仿真调试代写#论$文&QQ:234952635在仿真调试阶段,将protues和keil软件联合,采用“自底向上,逐步集成”的策略,逐模块进行仿真测试,在此基础上逐步集成。譬如可先仿真显示模块、测速子模块、测温子模块等,然后将仿真成功的模块逐个加入主程序进行仿真,在仿真过程中出现错误,采用“分块压缩策略”,快速找到并改正错误;注意在集成工程中出现问题,大多是由于模块间资源使用冲突引起的。当软件模块仿真成功后,可与硬件一起进行在线仿真,此时在调试中的问题大多是由于连接线路错误、虚焊、布线不合理等原因造成的。3.重点和难点1.对于车速、温度、油压、油量的采集,对于各种传感器的选择是很重要的。汽汽车传感器作为汽车电子控制系统的信息源,是汽车电子控制系统的关键部件,也是汽车电子技术领域研究的核心内容之一,汽车传感器对温度、压力、位置、转速、加速度和振动等各种信息进行实时、准确的测量和控制。衡量现代高级轿车控制系统水平的关键就在于其传感器的数量和水平。当前,一辆国内普通家用轿车上大约安装了近百个传感器,而豪华轿车上的传感数量多达200只。   2.对于A/D转换模块的程序设计是很复杂的,由于采用多个传感器,所以把模拟量转换数字量过程是设计程序的核心。程序设计模块是控制整个设计功能是否实现的关键,故是难点。3.由于本设计中可能用到步进电机驱动指针式仪表,所以单片机控制步进电机也是本设计的一难点。 4.工作计划学生姓名专业起止日期(日/月)周次内 容 进 程备 注3.01-3.071熟悉设计的课题,查阅、整理参考文献和资料3.08-3.142理清思路,撰写开题报告3.15-3.213对开题报告进行修改3.22-3.284学习protel、keil和 protues软件3.29-4.045开题答辩,对设计课题的方案作初步论证4.05-4.116方案论证,方案改进,方案定稿4.12-4.187熟悉毕业论文格式、撰写论文初稿4.19-4.258撰写论文初稿4.26-5.029撰写论文初稿5.03-5.0910设计硬件原理图5.10-5.1611实现软件设计5.17-5.2312在protel中设计原理图,并用protues仿真5.24-5.3013根据原理图做电路板5.31-6.0614调试程序6.07-6.1315整理毕业设计,完善设计内容1楼然苗主编.51系列单片机设计实例第二版.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社.2006.22宋浩主编.单片机原理与应用.北京:清华大学出版社 北京交通大学出版社.2005.13赵家贵 付小美 董平主编.新编传感器电路设计手册.北京:中国计量出版社.2002.94卿太全 郭晓琼编著.最新传感器选用手册.北京:中国电力出版社.2009.75贾伯年 俞朴等编著.最新传感器技术.南京:东南大学出版社.2006.126吴飞青 丁晓 李林功等编著.单片机原理与应用实践指导.北京:机械工业出版社.2009.27王安敏 刘国建 基于单片机的车用仪表的设计与实现J汽车电子.2007.269-271.8Y.Greets,A.M.Marques,M.S.J.Steyaert and W.Sansen,”A 3.3v,15-bit,Delta-Sigma ADSL Application,”IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits,vol.34,No.7,pp.927-936,July 1999.9Sung-MoKang.Yusuf Leblebici:CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits-Analysis and Desin.McGraw-Hill.Inc.1996.外文文献DS18B20FEATURESl Unique 1-Wire® Interface Requires Only One Port Pin for Communicationl Each Device has a Unique 64-Bit Serial Code Stored in an On-Board ROMl Multidrop Capability Simplifies Distributed Temperature-Sensing Applicationsl Requires No External Components l Can Be Powered from Data Line; Power Supply Range is 3.0V to 5.5Vl Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F)l ±0.5°C Accuracy from -10°C to +85°Cl Thermometer Resolution is User Selectable from 9 to 12 Bitsl Converts Temperature to 12-Bit Digital Word in 750ms (Max)l User-Definable Nonvolatile (NV) Alarm Settingsl Alarm Search Command Identifies and Addresses Devices Whose Temperature isl Outside Programmed Limits (Temperature Alarm Condition)l Available in 8-Pin SO (150 mils), 8-Pin SOP,and 3-Pin TO-92 Packagesl Software Compatible with the DS1822l Applications Include Thermostatic Controls,Industrial Systems, Consumer Products,l Thermometers, or Any Thermally Sensitive SystemDESCRIPTIONThe DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with a central microprocessor. It has an operating temperature range of -55°C to +125°C and is accurate to ±0.5°C over the range of -10°C to +85°C. In addition, the DS18B20 can derive powerdirectly from the data line (“parasite power”), eliminating the need for an external power supply.Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls,temperature monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems.The 64-bit ROM stores the devices unique serial code. The scratchpad memory contains the 2-byte temperature register that stores the digital output from the temperature sensor. In addition, the scratchpad provides access to the 1-byte upper and lower alarm trigger registers (TH and TL) and the 1-byte configuration register. The configuration register allows the user to set the resolution of the temperature to digital conversion to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits. The TH, TL, and configuration registers are nonvolatile(EEPROM), so they will retain data when the device is powered down.The DS18B20 uses Maxims exclusive 1-Wire bus protocol that implements bus communication using one control signal. The control line requires a weak pull up resistor since all devices are linked to the bus via a 3-state or open-drain port (the DQ pin in the case of the DS18B20). In this bus system, the microprocessor (the master device) identifies and addresses devices on the bus using each devices unique 64-bit code. Because each device has a unique code, the number of devices that can be addressed on one bus is virtually unlimited. The 1-Wire bus protocol, including detailed explanations of the commands and “time slots,” is covered in the 1-Wire Bus System section.Another feature of the DS18B20 is the ability to operate without an external power supply. Power is instead supplied through the 1-Wire pullup resistor via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The high bus signal also charges an internal capacitor (CPP), which then supplies power to the device when the bus is low. This method of deriving power from the 1-Wire bus is referred to as “parasite power.” As an alternative, the DS18B20 may also be powered by an external supply on VDD.The search process is as follow:1. The bus master being the initialization seqrence by issuing a reset.The slave devices respond by issuing simultaneous presence pulse.2. The bus master will then issue the Search ROM command on the 1-Wire bus.3. The bus master reads a bit from the 1-Wire bus.Each device will respond by placing the value of the first bit of their respective ROM data onto the 1-Wire bus.ROM1 and ROM4 will place a0 onto the line to stay high.The result is the logical AND of all devices on the line,therefore the bus master sees a0.The bus master reads another bit.Since the search ROM data command is being executed,all of the devices on the 1-Wire bus respond to this second read by placing the comlement of the first bit of their respective ROM data onto the 1-Wire,allowing the line to stay high.ROM2 and ROM3 will place a0 onto the 1-Wire,thus it will be pulled low.The bus master again observes ao0 for the complement of the first ROM data bit.The bus master has determined that there are some devices on the 1-Wire bus that have a0 in the first position and others have a1.The data obtained from the two read of the three-step routine have the following interpretation:00 There are still devices attached which have conflicting bits in this position. 01 All devices still coupled have a0-bit in this bit position.10 All devices still coupled have a1-bit in this bit position.11 There are no devices attached to the 1-Wire bus.4. The bus master wires a0. This deselects ROM2 and ROM3 for the remainder of this search pass,leaving only ROM1 and ROM4 connected to the 1-Wire bus.5. The bus master performs two more reads and receives a0-bit followed by a1-bit.This indicates that all devices still coupled to the bus have 0s as their second ROM data bit.6. The bus master then writes a0 to keep both ROM1 and ROM4 coupled.7. The bus master two reads and receives two reads and receives two 0-bit.This indicates that both 1-bits and 0-bits exist as the 3rd bit of the ROM data of the attached devices.8. The bus master writes a 0-bit.This deselects ROM1,leaving ROM4 as the only devices still connected.9. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM4 and continues to access the part if desired.This completes the first pass and uniquely identifies one part on the 1-Wire bus.10. The bus master start a new ROM search sequence by repeating steps 1through 7.11. The bus master writes a 1-bit.This decoples ROM4,leaving only ROM1 still coupled.12. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM1 and communicates to the underlying logic if desired.This completes the second ROM search pass,in which another of the ROMs was found.13. The bus master starts a new ROM search by repeating step 1though 3.14. The bus master executes two Read time slots and receives two 0s.15. The bus master executes two Read time slots and receives two 0s.16. The bus master writes a 0-bit.This decouples ROM3 leaving only ROM2.17. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM2 and communicates to the underlying logic if desired.This completes the third ROM search pass,in which another of the ROMs was found.18. The bus master starts a new ROM search by repeating steps 13 through 15.19. The bus master writes a 1-bit.This decouples ROM2,leaving only ROM3.20. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM3 and communicates to the underlying logic if desired.This completes the fourth ROM search pass,in which another of the ROMs was found.中文翻译特性l 独特的单线接口,只需1个接口引脚即可通信l 每个设备都有一个独特的64位串行代码存放在ROMl 多点(multidrop)能力使分布式温度检测应用得以简化l 不需要外部元件l 可用数据线供电;电源供电范围是3.0V到5.5Vl 测量范围从-55至+125,增量值为0.5。等效的华氏温度范围式-67至257,增量值为0.9l 准确度±0.5°C从10°C + 85°Cl 用户选择温度计的分辨率可以从9位到12位l 12-Bit温度转换数字的话750ms(最大)l 用户可定义的,非易失性的温度告警设置l 告警搜索命令识别和寻址温度在编定的极限之外的器件(温度告警情况l 可与DS1822软件兼容l 应用范围包括恒温控制,工业系统,消费类产品,温度计或任何热敏系统综述DS18B20这个数字温度计,提供9-bit 到 12-bit摄氏度的温度测量、有一个告警功能与非易失性用户可编程的上部和下部触发点。DS18B20是通过一根总线进行交流,在定义只需要一个数据线(和地面)中央处理器沟通。它有一个操作温度范围- 55°C + 125°C和准确±0.5°C的范围在10°C + 85°C。此外,DS18B20可直接从数据线获得直接电源,不需要外部电源。每个DS18B20具有独特的64位的序列编码,它允许多个DS18B20s运行在相同的一线总线。因此,它是简单地用一个微处理器控制许多分布范围很大的DS18B20s。应用程序可以受益于这个功能包括:HVAC环境控制,温度监测系统内建筑物、设备、或机械、过程监控和控制系统。这个64位ROM存储设备是唯一的序列号。这个暂时存储器包含2个字节的温度寄存器是存储从温度传感器输出的数据。此外,暂时存储器提供存取的1个字节上部和下部报警触发寄存器(TH和TL)和1个字节的配置寄存器。配置寄存器允许用户设定的温度分辨率的数字转换成9,10,11,或12位。 TH, TL,和配置寄存器是非一时性的(电可擦可编程存储器),所以当设备掉电时它们仍保存数据。使用准则的专属的DS18B20一线总线协议执行总线通讯用一个控制信号。控制线要求一个弱的上拉电阻直到所有设备被连接到总线通过3-state或开放的端口(在DS18B20中是DQ引脚)。在这个总线系统中,微处理器(主设备)识别和地址总线设备使用每台设备的独特的64位代码。因为每个设备都有一个独特的代码,大量的设备,可以在一个总线上被标的地址几乎是无限的。在一线总线协议,包括详细的解释,”时段,命令”是在一线总线系统的部分。另一个特征是能够运作DS18B20无外接电源。电力供应而不是1总线的上拉电阻通过DQ引脚当总线是高电平时。高电平的总线信号也控制内部电容(cpp),当总线是低电平时从供应电源到设备。这种从1线总线获得电源被称为“寄生电源”。作为另一种方法,DS18B20也可以通过外部共给VDD来供电。搜索过程如下:1.总线主机通过发出复试脉冲开始初始化寻列,从属器件通过发出同时的存在脉冲发出响应。2.然后总线主机在单总线上发出搜索ROM命令。3.总线主机从单线过程中读一位。每一器件通过把它们各自ROM数据的第一位的值放到单线总线上来作出响应。ROM1和ROM4将把一个0放在单线总线上,即,把它拉至低电平。ROM2和3通过使总线停留在高电平而1放在单线总线上。结果是线上所有器件的逻辑“与”,因此总线主机接收到一个0。总线主机读另一位。因为搜索ROM数据命令正在执行,所以单线总线上所有器件通过把它各自ROM数据第一位的补码放到单线总线上来对这第二个读作出响应。ROM1和ROM4把1放在单总线上,使之处于高电平。ROM2和ROM3把0放在单线上,因此它将拉至低电平。对于第一个ROM数据位的补码总线主机观察到的仍是一个0。总线主机便可决定在单线总线上有一些第一位位0的器件和一些第一位为1的器件。从三步过程的两次读中可获得的数据具有以下解释:有器件连接着,在此数据位上它们的值发生冲突。有器件连接着,在此数据位上它们的值均为0.有器件连接着,在此数据上它们的值均为1没有器件与单线总线连接。4.总线主机写一个0.在这次搜索工程的其余部分,将不选择ROM2和ROM3,仅留下连接到单线总线的ROM1和ROM4.。5.总线主机再执行两次读,并在一个1位之后接收到一个0位,这表示所有还连接在总线上的器件的第二个ROM数据位为0。6.总线主机接着写一个0,使ROM1和ROM4两者继续保持连接。7.总线主机执行两次读,并接收到两次0数据位。这表示连接着的器件的ROM数据的第三位都是1数据位和0数据位。8.总线主机写一个0数据位,这将不选择ROM1而把ROM4作为唯一仍连接着的器件加以保留。9 .总线主机读ROM4和ROM数据位的剩余部分,而且访问需要的部件。这就完成了第一个过程并且唯一地识别出单线总线上的部件。10.总线主机通过重复步骤1至7开始一个新的ROM搜索序列。11.总线主机写一个1.浙江不与ROM4发生联系,而唯一地与ROM1仍保持着联系。12.总线主机对于ROM1读出ROM位的剩余部分,如果需要的话,与内部逻辑通信。这就完成了第二个ROM搜索过程,在其中ROM 中的另一个被找到。13. 总线主机通过重复步骤1至3开始一次新的ROM搜索。14.总线主机写一个1数据位。这使得在这一搜索工程的其余部分不选择ROM1和ROM4,15.总线主机执行两个读时间并接收到两个零。16.总线主机写一个零数据位。这去掉ROM3,仅留下ROM2。17.总线主机对于ROM2 读出ROM 数据位的剩余部分,而且若有需要便与内部逻辑通信。这完成了第三个ROM搜索工程,在此过程中找到另一个ROM.。18 总线主机通过重复步骤13至15开始一次新的ROM搜索。19 总线主机写一个1数据位。这去掉ROM2,仅留下ROM3。20 总线主机读出ROM3 数据位的剩余部分,而且若有需要就与内部逻辑通信。这样便完成了第4个ROM搜索工程,在这过程中找到了另一个ROM。


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