[水产渔业]A Study on Sustainable Operation and Development of Theme Restaurants主题餐厅可持续经营与发展探析.doc
Undergraduate Thesis A Study on Sustainable Operation andDevelopment of Theme RestaurantsXie Dejiao Supervisor:Liu LiuMajor:Business EnglishStudent Number:20095007School of Foreign Languages and CulturesSouthwest University of Science and TechnologyJune, 2013本科生毕业论文 主题餐厅可持续经营与发展探析谢德娇指导教师:刘柳专业名称:商务英语学 号:20095007 西南科技大学外国语学院2013年6月AbstractAs soon as first appeared, theme restaurant was embraced broadly, and this new type of restaurant fast marched into markets and conquered catering industry in various countries. Numerous entrepreneurs and investors are attracted by this new shining “star” and get ready for a fight. As the 2nd biggest economic system, China is no exception. Since the first domestic theme restaurant Rainforest Theme Restaurant located in Beijing in 1990s, one after another theme restaurant spring up like bamboo shooting after a spring rain. It seems that a bright future was just coming around. However, after enjoying a short term of popularity at the initial stage, most of them had to close down. Only a few of them withstood test of market, developed their own customer groups and grow rapidly.Based on the previous studies, this thesis attempts to carve out a way of stable operation and sustainable development for theme restaurants from the perspectives of experience economy, customer value and corporate life cycle through comparison, illustration and analysis.This thesis includes five chapters. Starting from a general introduction to the background, objectives and significance of this research in chapter one; then chapter two makes a brief review on previous studies as well as indicates research limitations; chapter three sums up the present situation in domestic industry and discuss the merits and defects of theme restaurants; chapter four comes up with executable tactics for sustainable development and reveals the necessity to carry out scientific guidelines; chapter five draws a conclusion for the research and points out its limitations. It is expected that this thesis has some practical values. It can serve as a direction for theme restaurant owners when they examine existing problems and find resolutions, and as a reference when draw up their managing scheme and future planning.Key Words: theme restaurant, sustainable development, experience economy, corporate life cycle摘 要作为餐饮市场的一颗新星,主题餐厅自出现之时便受到世界各地消费者的大力追捧,吸引了大量的创业者和投资人。中国是世界第二大经济体,自然也不例外。自国内首家主题餐厅热带雨林主题餐厅于上世纪90年代落户北京以来,一个个主题餐厅如雨后春笋般拔地而起,一时呈现出百花齐放,争奇斗艳之势,希望仿若就在眼前。然而大多数的主题餐厅粉墨登场后,却没能将风光持续太久,消费者最初的新鲜感褪去后,鲜有再次光临,大批主题餐厅纷纷倒闭。仅少数经住了市场的考验并迅速崛起。本篇论文在前人的研究基础之上,旨在从体验经济、顾客价值、企业生命周期等视角,对优化主题餐厅经营模式,走可持续经营与发展之路做探讨。本文内容共分为五章,首先第一章简要介绍了研究背景、目的和意义;第二章对前人的研究成果做了概述,并指出不足之处;第三章总结了国内主题餐饮市场的现状,讨论其优劣势所在;第四章提出了实现可持续发展的具体措施,指明了执行科学方针的必要性;第五章对前面章节进行了概括总结,同时指出了文章的不足。希望此研究具有一定的实用价值。能为主题餐厅经营者发现问题、寻找对策指明方向,为其制定经营方案和远期规划提供参考。关键词:主题餐厅;可持续发展;体验经济;企业生命周期Table of ContentsAbstractI. Introduction11.1 Study Background11.2 Study Purpose and Meaning21.3 Study Methodology31.3.1 Literature Research Method31.3.2 Case Analysis Method31.3.3 Interview Survey Method3. Literature Review42.1 Theme Restaurant42.1.1 Concept42.1.2 Classification42.1.3 Charateristics of Theme Restaurants52.1.4 Origin of Theme Restaurants72.2 Experience Economy82.2.1 The Progression of Ecomonic Value82.2.2 Experience-Design Principle92.2.3 Categories of Experience102.2.4 Characteristics of Meaningful Experience102.3 Corporate Life-Cycle and Ecologic Economy112.3.1 Stages of Corporate Life112.3.2 “PAEI” Theory122.3.3 Ecologic Economics12. Analysis on the Present Situation of Theme Restaurants143.1 Basic Situation143.2 Advantages and Disadvantages in Development143.3 Achievements and Obstacles153.3.1 Achievements153.3.2 Obstacles15. Suggestions on Sustainable Operation and Development of Theme Restaurants174.1 Construction and Management174.1.1 Comprehensive Initial Research174.1.2 Differentiated Operation184.1.3 Scientific Management194.1.4 Dynamic Development204.2 Sustainable Development214.2.1 Renew Theme214.2.2 Infuse Strong Culture224.2.3 Create Brand Value234.2.4 Establish Reasonable Running Philosophy234.2.5 Keep Innovation244.2.6 Control Cost Properly244.2.7 Promote in a Flexible Way254.2.8 Achieve Communication and Customer Value254.2.9 Invest in Talent Training264.2.10 Advocate Green Diet and Environment Awareness26V. Conclusion285.1 Results285.2 Innovative Points285.3 Limitations28AcknowledgementsBibliographyList of FigureFigure 1 Relation between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Economic Patterns2Figure 2 The Progression of Economic Value9Figure 3 The Four Realms of an Experience.9Figure 4 Stages of Corporate Life11Figure 5 Knowledge Structure of Staff19Figure 6 Experience Hierarchy22Figure 7 Procedure of Cost Control25Figure 8 Customer Receiving Value26List of TableTable 1 Categories of Theme Restaurants5Table 2 Economic Distinctions10Table 3 “PAEI” Theory12Table 4 Traditional Reataurant VS Theme Restaurant14Table 5 Advantages and Disadvatages of Theme Restaurant15Table 6 Samples of Customer Demands 17Table 7 Common Motivations of Dining Consumption17Table 8 Contents of Competitor Analysis 18Table 9 Methods of Product Differentiation18Table 10 Customer Demand Management20Table 11 Samlpes of Operating Concepts24 Undergraduate Thesis . IntroductionI. Introduction1.1 Study BackgroundCatering is one of the most ancient industries all around the world. The history of dining out can be traced back to thousands of years ago,during which the actual place to attend to eat has varied from a tavern to an inn to a restaurant. As the old saying goes: “Hunger breeds discontentment.” Eating stands for the most essential demand of people as beings. Just like other animals, without food, no one can survive. No matter how fast society develops, how advanced science and technology are, human always ask for food to maintain life. Therefore, if only one industry will never be out of date, it should be catering industry. However, it never means that nothing needs to be worried by catering businessmen. In fact, competition is now fiercer than in any time, just the fittest can be survived. During Centuries, on one hand,eating itself has gone through little change as a physiological behavior. On the other hand, however, the meaning hiding behind it has presented a radical change. We can understand it well from the famous Maslow Need Hierarchy: At the very start, our ancients chew wild fruits and raw meat in primitive society. Activities are all related to basic survival needs, eating only stays at the lowest level. When agricultural time comes, dining provides some sensual satisfaction as well, the emphasis of Chinese traditional cuisine on color, scent, flavor, and shape acts as a powerful proof. Later, it conducts some other functions like relaxation and social intercourse. Chinese business interaction often involves banquet and dinner party. In conclusion, the impact of natural environment on diet weakens gradually, while that of social environment and economic environment strengthens day by day. It is natural to image that the more economy develops, the harder “gourmets” may be pleased. With higher GDP and faster step of urbanization, the average living standard of public has risen up, as well as the educational level and spiritual pursuit. Customer requirement goes from unification to diversification, simplification to complication, popularization to individuation. Today, restaurant operators can no longer attract customers depend only on delicious food. A dish itself is far from enough to win loyalty for what consumer nowadays want is an unparalleled dining experience offering both physical and psychological entertainment. Conventional managing pattern cannot well satisfy their demands any more. Among the general public, “experience consumption” has turned out to be a tendency. Customers wish a unique and distinctive experience under a certain atmosphere that they cannot be provided in reality. Such kind of wish maybe buried so deep inside ones heart that even himself might ignore it. Facing new challenges, what entrepreneurs want is an effective strategy to grasp opportunity and stimulate consumers internal desire. When “experience economy” encounter restaurant,theme restaurant is born.Looking back to the long history of catering industry, although it really did write some shining chapters, the speed of its reform seems fail to catch up with subtle changing customers demand. Compared with others, homogeneity is very serious in dining business. Time calls for innovative and effective breakthrough. And theme restaurant which makes customer active participator instead of passive recipient comes with the tide of fashion. Respect needSelf-esteem needSocialization needSurvival needSafety needExperience economyService economyProduct economyHigh-degree jointLow-degree jointMiddle-degree jointFigure 1 -Relation between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Economic Patterns (Li Fan, 2006)1.2 Study Purpose and Meaning How the arising theme restaurant can make a difference in catering industry? Playing as a direction sign on the industrial developing course or an epiphyllous withering immediately? From authors own view, a positive attitude is held towards it as theme restaurant meets current consuming trend. When compared with traditional restaurant, it owns a lot of advantages though shortcoming exists either. Therefore, how to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, how to open up a subdivided market, how to stably operate and develop should be at the top list of plan. Theme restaurant is a result of catering reform, a symbol of economy developing into a certain advanced stage, a dark horse with unexpected power. Via decades of development, theme restaurant markets in major western countries basically enter the maturity stage. In contrast, theme restaurant hadnt appeared in domestic market until late 20th century. Apart from “few amount, small scale, and limited types”, kinds of stubborn defects and unceasing problems are also annoying. Lots of theme restaurant have to close down within a year, part of them survive, and only a few of them make a hit. What makes all the differences?Economics tell us every product and corporate has its life cycle in market. Ron Paul concludes that the life cycle of theme restaurant is even shorter than expected. Does it mean theme restaurant has too high risk to be well operated? Of course not, every industry has its risk, just at different levels. Business enjoying low risk cannot be guaranteed safe and profitable all the time. Conversely, business facing high risk also can succeed only if equipped with scientific management and adaptive strategies. The truth is that it is impossible to allow life cycle of one theme restaurant extend infinitely. But it is achievable to make full use of resources, to optimize structure, rationalize operation, and keep vitality to the maximum.This thesis concentrates on executable strategies to optimize theme restaurants management and maintenance. Aiming at expanding related theories, providing constructive recommendations to management, calling on domestic restaurateurs to absorb nutrient from successful and failed examples, and of course, improving my individual academic skills.1.3 Study Methodology1.3.1 Literature Research MethodBy collecting and reading pertinent literature, data and material to develop a comprehensive understanding about related theories and empirical studies including theme restaurants definition, characteristics, defects, history, status quo, future prospects and so on. To summarize its strengths and weaknesses, achievements and challenges. To clear the relationship between theme restaurant and experience economy, culture, and consumer psychology.1.3.2 Case Analysis MethodBy analyzing and interpreting typical successful cases and fail lessons in recent years to find out influencing factors on operating state of theme restaurants in domestic catering market. To extract efficacious and practical suggestions or cautions. To come up with strategies assisting restaurateurs achieve sustainable development and extending life cycle.1.3.3 Interview Survey MethodInvestigating several representative theme restaurants in Chengdu and Mianyang to get first-hand data. To provide supplementary information, exam reliability and feasibility of proposed recommendations.3 Undergraduate Thesis . Literature Review. Literature Review2.1 Theme RestaurantWhat is a theme restaurant? It can be simply defined as a dining place marked with one (usually) or more themes based on which all the structure, decoration, design, product, service etc. are created to produce a particular cultural atmosphere that can be recognized and felt by customers. 2.1.1 ConceptWith regard to the concept of theme restaurant, on one side, western academe hasnt given a certain definition. Instead, they always confirm this operating type of restaurant through various evidences. Domestic scholars, on the other side, come up with three main ideas about theme restaurant. First, the “carrier” ideal, this view consider theme as a “carrier” of operation which is mainly used to attract customers. What plays the leading role is still its food. The core part should be its general function. Second, the “core” ideal, the function of theme is enhanced by supporters holding this viewpoint. They affirm the primary status of theme based on which all the other elements in restaurant will be defined, such as dish, menu, space design, decoration, color, music, service, marketing strategy and so on. Third, the “experience” ideal, the most distinguishing feature of this opinion is its standpoint differing from two formers. It emphasizes the unique and memorable emotional experience and psychological experience customers can get from different theme environments, service and cooked food. Researchers turn their sights from suppliers to receivers, from restaurateurs to consumers.The author agrees with the last one. For customer is also a very important component in restaurant management. The aim of every shopkeeper is to discover customer needs, to gain customer attendance, to achieve customer value, to earn customer loyalty. As it says, “All for customers.”2.1.2 ClassificationThe unlimited nature of available theme