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    Canpoint English Class,Unit 1,How often do you exercise?,Key words,Exercises,Eating habits,Improve English,Revision,Listening,Oral practice,Talk about weekend activities,do homework,exercise,Ask your partners:what do you usually do on weekends?,Pairwork,go to the movies,play football,what do you usually do on weekends?,do some reading,watch TV,what do you usually do on weekends?,go shopping,go swimming,what do you usually do on weekends?,*always*usually*often*sometimes*hardly ever*never,Revision:,Learning:,*every day*once a week*twice a week*three times a month,Talk about the pictures like this:What is he/she doing?He/She is,Listen and write the letters from the picture.,always 100%usually oftensometimes hardly ever never 0%,2a,Listen.How often does Cheng do different activities?,Activities How oftena.go to the movies every dayb.watch TV once a weekc.shop twice a weekd.exercise once a monthe.read once a month twice a month,How often do you do these activities?Make conversations with your partner.,do homework,everyday,A:How often do you do your homework?B:Everyday.,Oral practice,exercise,three times a week,A:How often do you exercise?B:Three times a week.,eat junk food,once a month,A:How often do you eat junk food?B:Once a month.,surf the Internet,once a week,A:How often do you surf the Internet?B:Once a week.,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the information in the“Activity Survey”and“Vocabulary Key”.,Vocabulary KeyAll students=100%Most students=51%-99%Some students=1%-50%No students=0%,What Do Students Do at Hilltop High School?Here are the results of the student activity at Hilltop high school._ students exercise three or four times a week.Some students exercise once or twice a week._ students exercise every day.As for homework,_ students do homework every day._students do homework three or four times a week._ students do homework once or twice a week.The results for“watch TV”are interesting._ students watch TV once or twice a week,some students watch TV _ _ _ a week,but most students watch _.,Most,Some,most,Some,No,Some,three or four times,every day,Group work:,Whos the best English student?,Discuss:How can you do to improve your English?,speak English with others,recite English words,write in English,milk,junk food,vegetables,fruits,2a,2b,Listen.Circle your answer to each question.,Listen again.Fill in the blanks in the survey.,Discuss,If you want to keep healthy,how often do you?,How to keep healthy eating habits?,Discuss,1.Eat rice for meals usually.2.Try to eat vegetables every meal.3.Eat fruit very often.4.Eat some meat Sometimes.5.Never eat the food with too much oil.6.Drink some milk everyday.,How to keep healthy eating habits?,Discuss,names,How often,items,SURVEY:,Ask your friend some questions,and write down their answers in the table below.And then talk about your survey.,What often do you eat?,Jim keeps a healthy lifestyle.His eating habits are pretty good.He usually eats rice for meals.He tries to eat vegetables every meal,and eats fruit very often,too.Sometimes he also eats some meat,but he never eats the food with too much oil.He drinks milk everyday.Of course,He loves junk food,too.But he tries to eat it only once a week.,Jims Healthy Eating Habits,key words,key words,Exercises,一.Vocabulary,二.Choose the right answers.,Exercises,二.Choose the right answers.,Exercises,三.Form sentences.,Exercises,四.Fill in the blanks with these words.,Exercises,Good Bye,


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